__credits__ = ["Andrea PIERRÉ"] import math from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional import numpy as np import gym from gym import error, spaces from gym.error import DependencyNotInstalled from gym.utils import EzPickle try: import Box2D from Box2D.b2 import ( circleShape, contactListener, edgeShape, fixtureDef, polygonShape, revoluteJointDef, ) except ImportError: raise DependencyNotInstalled("box2D is not installed, run `pip install gym[box2d]`") if TYPE_CHECKING: import pygame FPS = 50 SCALE = 30.0 # affects how fast-paced the game is, forces should be adjusted as well MOTORS_TORQUE = 80 SPEED_HIP = 4 SPEED_KNEE = 6 LIDAR_RANGE = 160 / SCALE INITIAL_RANDOM = 5 HULL_POLY = [(-30, +9), (+6, +9), (+34, +1), (+34, -8), (-30, -8)] LEG_DOWN = -8 / SCALE LEG_W, LEG_H = 8 / SCALE, 34 / SCALE VIEWPORT_W = 600 VIEWPORT_H = 400 TERRAIN_STEP = 14 / SCALE TERRAIN_LENGTH = 200 # in steps TERRAIN_HEIGHT = VIEWPORT_H / SCALE / 4 TERRAIN_GRASS = 10 # low long are grass spots, in steps TERRAIN_STARTPAD = 20 # in steps FRICTION = 2.5 HULL_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(x / SCALE, y / SCALE) for x, y in HULL_POLY]), density=5.0, friction=0.1, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, # collide only with ground restitution=0.0, ) # 0.99 bouncy LEG_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(LEG_W / 2, LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, ) LOWER_FD = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(box=(0.8 * LEG_W / 2, LEG_H / 2)), density=1.0, restitution=0.0, categoryBits=0x0020, maskBits=0x001, ) class ContactDetector(contactListener): def __init__(self, env): contactListener.__init__(self) self.env = env def BeginContact(self, contact): if ( self.env.hull == contact.fixtureA.body or self.env.hull == contact.fixtureB.body ): self.env.game_over = True for leg in [self.env.legs[1], self.env.legs[3]]: if leg in [contact.fixtureA.body, contact.fixtureB.body]: leg.ground_contact = True def EndContact(self, contact): for leg in [self.env.legs[1], self.env.legs[3]]: if leg in [contact.fixtureA.body, contact.fixtureB.body]: leg.ground_contact = False class BipedalWalker(gym.Env, EzPickle): """ ### Description This is a simple 4-joint walker robot environment. There are two versions: - Normal, with slightly uneven terrain. - Hardcore, with ladders, stumps, pitfalls. To solve the normal version, you need to get 300 points in 1600 time steps. To solve the hardcore version, you need 300 points in 2000 time steps. A heuristic is provided for testing. It's also useful to get demonstrations to learn from. To run the heuristic: ``` python gym/envs/box2d/bipedal_walker.py ``` ### Action Space Actions are motor speed values in the [-1, 1] range for each of the 4 joints at both hips and knees. ### Observation Space State consists of hull angle speed, angular velocity, horizontal speed, vertical speed, position of joints and joints angular speed, legs contact with ground, and 10 lidar rangefinder measurements. There are no coordinates in the state vector. ### Rewards Reward is given for moving forward, totaling 300+ points up to the far end. If the robot falls, it gets -100. Applying motor torque costs a small amount of points. A more optimal agent will get a better score. ### Starting State The walker starts standing at the left end of the terrain with the hull horizontal, and both legs in the same position with a slight knee angle. ### Episode Termination The episode will terminate if the hull gets in contact with the ground or if the walker exceeds the right end of the terrain length. ### Arguments To use to the _hardcore_ environment, you need to specify the `hardcore=True` argument like below: ```python import gym env = gym.make("BipedalWalker-v3", hardcore=True) ``` ### Version History - v3: returns closest lidar trace instead of furthest; faster video recording - v2: Count energy spent - v1: Legs now report contact with ground; motors have higher torque and speed; ground has higher friction; lidar rendered less nervously. - v0: Initial version ### Credits Created by Oleg Klimov """ metadata = { "render_modes": ["human", "rgb_array"], "render_fps": FPS, } def __init__(self, render_mode: Optional[str] = None, hardcore: bool = False): EzPickle.__init__(self, render_mode, hardcore) self.isopen = True self.world = Box2D.b2World() self.terrain: List[Box2D.b2Body] = [] self.hull: Optional[Box2D.b2Body] = None self.prev_shaping = None self.hardcore = hardcore self.fd_polygon = fixtureDef( shape=polygonShape(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, -1), (0, -1)]), friction=FRICTION, ) self.fd_edge = fixtureDef( shape=edgeShape(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 1)]), friction=FRICTION, categoryBits=0x0001, ) # we use 5.0 to represent the joints moving at maximum # 5 x the rated speed due to impulses from ground contact etc. low = np.array( [ -math.pi, -5.0, -5.0, -5.0, -math.pi, -5.0, -math.pi, -5.0, -0.0, -math.pi, -5.0, -math.pi, -5.0, -0.0, ] + [-1.0] * 10 ).astype(np.float32) high = np.array( [ math.pi, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, math.pi, 5.0, math.pi, 5.0, 5.0, math.pi, 5.0, math.pi, 5.0, 5.0, ] + [1.0] * 10 ).astype(np.float32) self.action_space = spaces.Box( np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1]).astype(np.float32), np.array([1, 1, 1, 1]).astype(np.float32), ) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low, high) # state = [ # self.hull.angle, # Normal angles up to 0.5 here, but sure more is possible. # 2.0 * self.hull.angularVelocity / FPS, # 0.3 * vel.x * (VIEWPORT_W / SCALE) / FPS, # Normalized to get -1..1 range # 0.3 * vel.y * (VIEWPORT_H / SCALE) / FPS, # self.joints[ # 0 # ].angle, # This will give 1.1 on high up, but it's still OK (and there should be spikes on hiting the ground, that's normal too) # self.joints[0].speed / SPEED_HIP, # self.joints[1].angle + 1.0, # self.joints[1].speed / SPEED_KNEE, # 1.0 if self.legs[1].ground_contact else 0.0, # self.joints[2].angle, # self.joints[2].speed / SPEED_HIP, # self.joints[3].angle + 1.0, # self.joints[3].speed / SPEED_KNEE, # 1.0 if self.legs[3].ground_contact else 0.0, # ] # state += [l.fraction for l in self.lidar] self.render_mode = render_mode self.screen: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None self.clock = None def _destroy(self): if not self.terrain: return self.world.contactListener = None for t in self.terrain: self.world.DestroyBody(t) self.terrain = [] self.world.DestroyBody(self.hull) self.hull = None for leg in self.legs: self.world.DestroyBody(leg) self.legs = [] self.joints = [] def _generate_terrain(self, hardcore): GRASS, STUMP, STAIRS, PIT, _STATES_ = range(5) state = GRASS velocity = 0.0 y = TERRAIN_HEIGHT counter = TERRAIN_STARTPAD oneshot = False self.terrain = [] self.terrain_x = [] self.terrain_y = [] stair_steps, stair_width, stair_height = 0, 0, 0 original_y = 0 for i in range(TERRAIN_LENGTH): x = i * TERRAIN_STEP self.terrain_x.append(x) if state == GRASS and not oneshot: velocity = 0.8 * velocity + 0.01 * np.sign(TERRAIN_HEIGHT - y) if i > TERRAIN_STARTPAD: velocity += self.np_random.uniform(-1, 1) / SCALE # 1 y += velocity elif state == PIT and oneshot: counter = self.np_random.integers(3, 5) poly = [ (x, y), (x + TERRAIN_STEP, y), (x + TERRAIN_STEP, y - 4 * TERRAIN_STEP), (x, y - 4 * TERRAIN_STEP), ] self.fd_polygon.shape.vertices = poly t = self.world.CreateStaticBody(fixtures=self.fd_polygon) t.color1, t.color2 = (255, 255, 255), (153, 153, 153) self.terrain.append(t) self.fd_polygon.shape.vertices = [ (p[0] + TERRAIN_STEP * counter, p[1]) for p in poly ] t = self.world.CreateStaticBody(fixtures=self.fd_polygon) t.color1, t.color2 = (255, 255, 255), (153, 153, 153) self.terrain.append(t) counter += 2 original_y = y elif state == PIT and not oneshot: y = original_y if counter > 1: y -= 4 * TERRAIN_STEP elif state == STUMP and oneshot: counter = self.np_random.integers(1, 3) poly = [ (x, y), (x + counter * TERRAIN_STEP, y), (x + counter * TERRAIN_STEP, y + counter * TERRAIN_STEP), (x, y + counter * TERRAIN_STEP), ] self.fd_polygon.shape.vertices = poly t = self.world.CreateStaticBody(fixtures=self.fd_polygon) t.color1, t.color2 = (255, 255, 255), (153, 153, 153) self.terrain.append(t) elif state == STAIRS and oneshot: stair_height = +1 if self.np_random.random() > 0.5 else -1 stair_width = self.np_random.integers(4, 5) stair_steps = self.np_random.integers(3, 5) original_y = y for s in range(stair_steps): poly = [ ( x + (s * stair_width) * TERRAIN_STEP, y + (s * stair_height) * TERRAIN_STEP, ), ( x + ((1 + s) * stair_width) * TERRAIN_STEP, y + (s * stair_height) * TERRAIN_STEP, ), ( x + ((1 + s) * stair_width) * TERRAIN_STEP, y + (-1 + s * stair_height) * TERRAIN_STEP, ), ( x + (s * stair_width) * TERRAIN_STEP, y + (-1 + s * stair_height) * TERRAIN_STEP, ), ] self.fd_polygon.shape.vertices = poly t = self.world.CreateStaticBody(fixtures=self.fd_polygon) t.color1, t.color2 = (255, 255, 255), (153, 153, 153) self.terrain.append(t) counter = stair_steps * stair_width elif state == STAIRS and not oneshot: s = stair_steps * stair_width - counter - stair_height n = s / stair_width y = original_y + (n * stair_height) * TERRAIN_STEP oneshot = False self.terrain_y.append(y) counter -= 1 if counter == 0: counter = self.np_random.integers(TERRAIN_GRASS / 2, TERRAIN_GRASS) if state == GRASS and hardcore: state = self.np_random.integers(1, _STATES_) oneshot = True else: state = GRASS oneshot = True self.terrain_poly = [] for i in range(TERRAIN_LENGTH - 1): poly = [ (self.terrain_x[i], self.terrain_y[i]), (self.terrain_x[i + 1], self.terrain_y[i + 1]), ] self.fd_edge.shape.vertices = poly t = self.world.CreateStaticBody(fixtures=self.fd_edge) color = (76, 255 if i % 2 == 0 else 204, 76) t.color1 = color t.color2 = color self.terrain.append(t) color = (102, 153, 76) poly += [(poly[1][0], 0), (poly[0][0], 0)] self.terrain_poly.append((poly, color)) self.terrain.reverse() def _generate_clouds(self): # Sorry for the clouds, couldn't resist self.cloud_poly = [] for i in range(TERRAIN_LENGTH // 20): x = self.np_random.uniform(0, TERRAIN_LENGTH) * TERRAIN_STEP y = VIEWPORT_H / SCALE * 3 / 4 poly = [ ( x + 15 * TERRAIN_STEP * math.sin(3.14 * 2 * a / 5) + self.np_random.uniform(0, 5 * TERRAIN_STEP), y + 5 * TERRAIN_STEP * math.cos(3.14 * 2 * a / 5) + self.np_random.uniform(0, 5 * TERRAIN_STEP), ) for a in range(5) ] x1 = min(p[0] for p in poly) x2 = max(p[0] for p in poly) self.cloud_poly.append((poly, x1, x2)) def reset( self, *, seed: Optional[int] = None, options: Optional[dict] = None, ): super().reset(seed=seed) self._destroy() self.world.contactListener_bug_workaround = ContactDetector(self) self.world.contactListener = self.world.contactListener_bug_workaround self.game_over = False self.prev_shaping = None self.scroll = 0.0 self.lidar_render = 0 self._generate_terrain(self.hardcore) self._generate_clouds() init_x = TERRAIN_STEP * TERRAIN_STARTPAD / 2 init_y = TERRAIN_HEIGHT + 2 * LEG_H self.hull = self.world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y), fixtures=HULL_FD ) self.hull.color1 = (127, 51, 229) self.hull.color2 = (76, 76, 127) self.hull.ApplyForceToCenter( (self.np_random.uniform(-INITIAL_RANDOM, INITIAL_RANDOM), 0), True ) self.legs: List[Box2D.b2Body] = [] self.joints: List[Box2D.b2RevoluteJoint] = [] for i in [-1, +1]: leg = self.world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y - LEG_H / 2 - LEG_DOWN), angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=LEG_FD, ) leg.color1 = (153 - i * 25, 76 - i * 25, 127 - i * 25) leg.color2 = (102 - i * 25, 51 - i * 25, 76 - i * 25) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=self.hull, bodyB=leg, localAnchorA=(0, LEG_DOWN), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H / 2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=i, lowerAngle=-0.8, upperAngle=1.1, ) self.legs.append(leg) self.joints.append(self.world.CreateJoint(rjd)) lower = self.world.CreateDynamicBody( position=(init_x, init_y - LEG_H * 3 / 2 - LEG_DOWN), angle=(i * 0.05), fixtures=LOWER_FD, ) lower.color1 = (153 - i * 25, 76 - i * 25, 127 - i * 25) lower.color2 = (102 - i * 25, 51 - i * 25, 76 - i * 25) rjd = revoluteJointDef( bodyA=leg, bodyB=lower, localAnchorA=(0, -LEG_H / 2), localAnchorB=(0, LEG_H / 2), enableMotor=True, enableLimit=True, maxMotorTorque=MOTORS_TORQUE, motorSpeed=1, lowerAngle=-1.6, upperAngle=-0.1, ) lower.ground_contact = False self.legs.append(lower) self.joints.append(self.world.CreateJoint(rjd)) self.drawlist = self.terrain + self.legs + [self.hull] class LidarCallback(Box2D.b2.rayCastCallback): def ReportFixture(self, fixture, point, normal, fraction): if (fixture.filterData.categoryBits & 1) == 0: return -1 self.p2 = point self.fraction = fraction return fraction self.lidar = [LidarCallback() for _ in range(10)] if self.render_mode == "human": self.render() return self.step(np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]))[0], {} def step(self, action: np.ndarray): assert self.hull is not None # self.hull.ApplyForceToCenter((0, 20), True) -- Uncomment this to receive a bit of stability help control_speed = False # Should be easier as well if control_speed: self.joints[0].motorSpeed = float(SPEED_HIP * np.clip(action[0], -1, 1)) self.joints[1].motorSpeed = float(SPEED_KNEE * np.clip(action[1], -1, 1)) self.joints[2].motorSpeed = float(SPEED_HIP * np.clip(action[2], -1, 1)) self.joints[3].motorSpeed = float(SPEED_KNEE * np.clip(action[3], -1, 1)) else: self.joints[0].motorSpeed = float(SPEED_HIP * np.sign(action[0])) self.joints[0].maxMotorTorque = float( MOTORS_TORQUE * np.clip(np.abs(action[0]), 0, 1) ) self.joints[1].motorSpeed = float(SPEED_KNEE * np.sign(action[1])) self.joints[1].maxMotorTorque = float( MOTORS_TORQUE * np.clip(np.abs(action[1]), 0, 1) ) self.joints[2].motorSpeed = float(SPEED_HIP * np.sign(action[2])) self.joints[2].maxMotorTorque = float( MOTORS_TORQUE * np.clip(np.abs(action[2]), 0, 1) ) self.joints[3].motorSpeed = float(SPEED_KNEE * np.sign(action[3])) self.joints[3].maxMotorTorque = float( MOTORS_TORQUE * np.clip(np.abs(action[3]), 0, 1) ) self.world.Step(1.0 / FPS, 6 * 30, 2 * 30) pos = self.hull.position vel = self.hull.linearVelocity for i in range(10): self.lidar[i].fraction = 1.0 self.lidar[i].p1 = pos self.lidar[i].p2 = ( pos[0] + math.sin(1.5 * i / 10.0) * LIDAR_RANGE, pos[1] - math.cos(1.5 * i / 10.0) * LIDAR_RANGE, ) self.world.RayCast(self.lidar[i], self.lidar[i].p1, self.lidar[i].p2) state = [ self.hull.angle, # Normal angles up to 0.5 here, but sure more is possible. 2.0 * self.hull.angularVelocity / FPS, 0.3 * vel.x * (VIEWPORT_W / SCALE) / FPS, # Normalized to get -1..1 range 0.3 * vel.y * (VIEWPORT_H / SCALE) / FPS, self.joints[0].angle, # This will give 1.1 on high up, but it's still OK (and there should be spikes on hiting the ground, that's normal too) self.joints[0].speed / SPEED_HIP, self.joints[1].angle + 1.0, self.joints[1].speed / SPEED_KNEE, 1.0 if self.legs[1].ground_contact else 0.0, self.joints[2].angle, self.joints[2].speed / SPEED_HIP, self.joints[3].angle + 1.0, self.joints[3].speed / SPEED_KNEE, 1.0 if self.legs[3].ground_contact else 0.0, ] state += [l.fraction for l in self.lidar] assert len(state) == 24 self.scroll = pos.x - VIEWPORT_W / SCALE / 5 shaping = ( 130 * pos[0] / SCALE ) # moving forward is a way to receive reward (normalized to get 300 on completion) shaping -= 5.0 * abs( state[0] ) # keep head straight, other than that and falling, any behavior is unpunished reward = 0 if self.prev_shaping is not None: reward = shaping - self.prev_shaping self.prev_shaping = shaping for a in action: reward -= 0.00035 * MOTORS_TORQUE * np.clip(np.abs(a), 0, 1) # normalized to about -50.0 using heuristic, more optimal agent should spend less terminated = False if self.game_over or pos[0] < 0: reward = -100 terminated = True if pos[0] > (TERRAIN_LENGTH - TERRAIN_GRASS) * TERRAIN_STEP: terminated = True if self.render_mode == "human": self.render() return np.array(state, dtype=np.float32), reward, terminated, False, {} def render(self): if self.render_mode is None: gym.logger.warn( "You are calling render method without specifying any render mode. " "You can specify the render_mode at initialization, " f'e.g. gym("{self.spec.id}", render_mode="rgb_array")' ) return try: import pygame from pygame import gfxdraw except ImportError: raise DependencyNotInstalled( "pygame is not installed, run `pip install gym[box2d]`" ) if self.screen is None and self.render_mode == "human": pygame.init() pygame.display.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H)) if self.clock is None: self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.surf = pygame.Surface( (VIEWPORT_W + max(0.0, self.scroll) * SCALE, VIEWPORT_H) ) pygame.transform.scale(self.surf, (SCALE, SCALE)) pygame.draw.polygon( self.surf, color=(215, 215, 255), points=[ (self.scroll * SCALE, 0), (self.scroll * SCALE + VIEWPORT_W, 0), (self.scroll * SCALE + VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H), (self.scroll * SCALE, VIEWPORT_H), ], ) for poly, x1, x2 in self.cloud_poly: if x2 < self.scroll / 2: continue if x1 > self.scroll / 2 + VIEWPORT_W / SCALE: continue pygame.draw.polygon( self.surf, color=(255, 255, 255), points=[ (p[0] * SCALE + self.scroll * SCALE / 2, p[1] * SCALE) for p in poly ], ) gfxdraw.aapolygon( self.surf, [(p[0] * SCALE + self.scroll * SCALE / 2, p[1] * SCALE) for p in poly], (255, 255, 255), ) for poly, color in self.terrain_poly: if poly[1][0] < self.scroll: continue if poly[0][0] > self.scroll + VIEWPORT_W / SCALE: continue scaled_poly = [] for coord in poly: scaled_poly.append([coord[0] * SCALE, coord[1] * SCALE]) pygame.draw.polygon(self.surf, color=color, points=scaled_poly) gfxdraw.aapolygon(self.surf, scaled_poly, color) self.lidar_render = (self.lidar_render + 1) % 100 i = self.lidar_render if i < 2 * len(self.lidar): single_lidar = ( self.lidar[i] if i < len(self.lidar) else self.lidar[len(self.lidar) - i - 1] ) if hasattr(single_lidar, "p1") and hasattr(single_lidar, "p2"): pygame.draw.line( self.surf, color=(255, 0, 0), start_pos=(single_lidar.p1[0] * SCALE, single_lidar.p1[1] * SCALE), end_pos=(single_lidar.p2[0] * SCALE, single_lidar.p2[1] * SCALE), width=1, ) for obj in self.drawlist: for f in obj.fixtures: trans = f.body.transform if type(f.shape) is circleShape: pygame.draw.circle( self.surf, color=obj.color1, center=trans * f.shape.pos * SCALE, radius=f.shape.radius * SCALE, ) pygame.draw.circle( self.surf, color=obj.color2, center=trans * f.shape.pos * SCALE, radius=f.shape.radius * SCALE, ) else: path = [trans * v * SCALE for v in f.shape.vertices] if len(path) > 2: pygame.draw.polygon(self.surf, color=obj.color1, points=path) gfxdraw.aapolygon(self.surf, path, obj.color1) path.append(path[0]) pygame.draw.polygon( self.surf, color=obj.color2, points=path, width=1 ) gfxdraw.aapolygon(self.surf, path, obj.color2) else: pygame.draw.aaline( self.surf, start_pos=path[0], end_pos=path[1], color=obj.color1, ) flagy1 = TERRAIN_HEIGHT * SCALE flagy2 = flagy1 + 50 x = TERRAIN_STEP * 3 * SCALE pygame.draw.aaline( self.surf, color=(0, 0, 0), start_pos=(x, flagy1), end_pos=(x, flagy2) ) f = [ (x, flagy2), (x, flagy2 - 10), (x + 25, flagy2 - 5), ] pygame.draw.polygon(self.surf, color=(230, 51, 0), points=f) pygame.draw.lines( self.surf, color=(0, 0, 0), points=f + [f[0]], width=1, closed=False ) self.surf = pygame.transform.flip(self.surf, False, True) if self.render_mode == "human": assert self.screen is not None self.screen.blit(self.surf, (-self.scroll * SCALE, 0)) pygame.event.pump() self.clock.tick(self.metadata["render_fps"]) pygame.display.flip() elif self.render_mode == "rgb_array": return np.transpose( np.array(pygame.surfarray.pixels3d(self.surf)), axes=(1, 0, 2) )[:, -VIEWPORT_W:] def close(self): if self.screen is not None: import pygame pygame.display.quit() pygame.quit() self.isopen = False class BipedalWalkerHardcore: def __init__(self): raise error.Error( "Error initializing BipedalWalkerHardcore Environment.\n" "Currently, we do not support initializing this mode of environment by calling the class directly.\n" "To use this environment, instead create it by specifying the hardcore keyword in gym.make, i.e.\n" 'gym.make("BipedalWalker-v3", hardcore=True)' ) if __name__ == "__main__": # Heurisic: suboptimal, have no notion of balance. env = BipedalWalker() env.reset() steps = 0 total_reward = 0 a = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) STAY_ON_ONE_LEG, PUT_OTHER_DOWN, PUSH_OFF = 1, 2, 3 SPEED = 0.29 # Will fall forward on higher speed state = STAY_ON_ONE_LEG moving_leg = 0 supporting_leg = 1 - moving_leg SUPPORT_KNEE_ANGLE = +0.1 supporting_knee_angle = SUPPORT_KNEE_ANGLE while True: s, r, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(a) total_reward += r if steps % 20 == 0 or terminated or truncated: print("\naction " + str([f"{x:+0.2f}" for x in a])) print(f"step {steps} total_reward {total_reward:+0.2f}") print("hull " + str([f"{x:+0.2f}" for x in s[0:4]])) print("leg0 " + str([f"{x:+0.2f}" for x in s[4:9]])) print("leg1 " + str([f"{x:+0.2f}" for x in s[9:14]])) steps += 1 contact0 = s[8] contact1 = s[13] moving_s_base = 4 + 5 * moving_leg supporting_s_base = 4 + 5 * supporting_leg hip_targ = [None, None] # -0.8 .. +1.1 knee_targ = [None, None] # -0.6 .. +0.9 hip_todo = [0.0, 0.0] knee_todo = [0.0, 0.0] if state == STAY_ON_ONE_LEG: hip_targ[moving_leg] = 1.1 knee_targ[moving_leg] = -0.6 supporting_knee_angle += 0.03 if s[2] > SPEED: supporting_knee_angle += 0.03 supporting_knee_angle = min(supporting_knee_angle, SUPPORT_KNEE_ANGLE) knee_targ[supporting_leg] = supporting_knee_angle if s[supporting_s_base + 0] < 0.10: # supporting leg is behind state = PUT_OTHER_DOWN if state == PUT_OTHER_DOWN: hip_targ[moving_leg] = +0.1 knee_targ[moving_leg] = SUPPORT_KNEE_ANGLE knee_targ[supporting_leg] = supporting_knee_angle if s[moving_s_base + 4]: state = PUSH_OFF supporting_knee_angle = min(s[moving_s_base + 2], SUPPORT_KNEE_ANGLE) if state == PUSH_OFF: knee_targ[moving_leg] = supporting_knee_angle knee_targ[supporting_leg] = +1.0 if s[supporting_s_base + 2] > 0.88 or s[2] > 1.2 * SPEED: state = STAY_ON_ONE_LEG moving_leg = 1 - moving_leg supporting_leg = 1 - moving_leg if hip_targ[0]: hip_todo[0] = 0.9 * (hip_targ[0] - s[4]) - 0.25 * s[5] if hip_targ[1]: hip_todo[1] = 0.9 * (hip_targ[1] - s[9]) - 0.25 * s[10] if knee_targ[0]: knee_todo[0] = 4.0 * (knee_targ[0] - s[6]) - 0.25 * s[7] if knee_targ[1]: knee_todo[1] = 4.0 * (knee_targ[1] - s[11]) - 0.25 * s[12] hip_todo[0] -= 0.9 * (0 - s[0]) - 1.5 * s[1] # PID to keep head strait hip_todo[1] -= 0.9 * (0 - s[0]) - 1.5 * s[1] knee_todo[0] -= 15.0 * s[3] # vertical speed, to damp oscillations knee_todo[1] -= 15.0 * s[3] a[0] = hip_todo[0] a[1] = knee_todo[0] a[2] = hip_todo[1] a[3] = knee_todo[1] a = np.clip(0.5 * a, -1.0, 1.0) if terminated or truncated: break