services: swag-attachment: image: ipc: service:appsec-agent restart: unless-stopped container_name: swag-attachment cap_add: - NET_ADMIN environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Etc/UTC - URL=yourdomain.url # replace yourdomain.url with your own domain # make sure your domain's public IP resolves to # the docker host for Let's Encrypt cert generation to succeed - VALIDATION=http # see for # more cert generation/validation options - STAGING=true # switch to 'false' after successful testing volumes: - ./swag-config:/config ports: - 443:443 - 80:80 #optional appsec-agent: container_name: appsec-agent image: ipc: shareable restart: unless-stopped environment: - # adjust with your own email - registered_server='SWAG Server' # if autoPolicyLoad is set to true, open-appsec will apply # changes in local_policy.yaml automatically - autoPolicyLoad=true # To connect to open-appsec central management WebUI ## create your WebUI profile at, ## enforce policy, copy the profile token from WebUI and add it below - AGENT_TOKEN= volumes: - ./appsec-config:/etc/cp/conf - ./appsec-data:/etc/cp/data - ./appsec-logs:/var/log/nano_agent - ./appsec-localconfig:/ext/appsec command: /cp-nano-agent