from bisect import insort from datetime import datetime from os import access, fsync, makedirs, remove, rename, statvfs, W_OK from os.path import exists, isdir, realpath, ismount from sys import maxsize from threading import Thread, Timer as ThreadTimer from time import ctime, localtime, strftime, time from enigma import eEPGCache, getBestPlayableServiceReference, eStreamServer, eServiceEventEnums, eServiceReference, iRecordableService, quitMainloop, eActionMap, setPreferredTuner, eServiceCenter, pNavigation import NavigationInstance from timer import Timer, TimerEntry from Components.config import config from Components.Harddisk import findMountPoint import Components.RecordingConfig Components.RecordingConfig.InitRecordingConfig() from Components.SystemInfo import getBoxDisplayName from Components.TimerSanityCheck import TimerSanityCheck from Components.UsageConfig import defaultMoviePath, calcFrontendPriorityIntval from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox import Screens.Standby from ServiceReference import ServiceReference from Tools.ASCIItranslit import legacyEncode from Tools.Directories import SCOPE_CONFIG, fileReadXML, getRecordingFilename, resolveFilename from Tools.Notifications import AddNotification, AddNotificationWithCallback, AddPopup from Tools.ServiceReference import service_types_tv_ref, service_types_radio_ref from Tools import Trashcan from Tools.XMLTools import stringToXML # try: # Import later (no error message on system start)! # from Screens.InfoBar import InfoBar # except Exception as err: # print("[RecordTimer] Error: Import of 'InfoBar' from 'Screens.InfoBar' failed! (%s)" % str(err)) # InfoBar = False InfoBar = False MODULE_NAME = __name__.split(".")[-1] SERVICE_TYPES_TV = service_types_tv_ref.toString() SERVICE_TYPES_RADIO = service_types_radio_ref.toString() DEBUG = config.crash.debugTimers.value TIMER_XML_FILE = resolveFilename(SCOPE_CONFIG, "timers.xml") TIMER_FLAG_FILE = "/tmp/was_rectimer_wakeup" wasRecTimerWakeup = False class AFTEREVENT: NONE = 0 STANDBY = 1 DEEPSTANDBY = 2 AUTO = 3 DEFAULT = int(config.recording.default_afterevent.value) def __init__(self): pass class TIMERTYPE: RECORD = 0 ZAP = 1 ZAP_RECORD = 2 JUSTPLAY = config.recording.default_timertype.value == "zap" ALWAYS_ZAP = config.recording.default_timertype.value == "zap+record" def __init__(self): pass # Parses an event, and gives out a basic event data tuple. The tuple provided # depends on the newTimerData flag. By default the legacy tuple will be returned. # The begin and end will be corrected to include the recording margin padding. # def parseEvent(event, description=True, newTimerData=False, isZapTimer=False): # Make this timerType and use appropriate margin set between Zap and Record timers. if description: name = event.getEventName() description = event.getShortDescription() if not description: description = event.getExtendedDescription() else: name = "" description = "" # Replace linebreak's with spaces to avoid display issues in the text edit screens. # Enigma2 does not have a multiline InputBox or VirtualKeyBoard. description = description.replace("\n", " ") eventBegin = event.getBeginTime() eventEnd = eventBegin + event.getDuration() eit = event.getEventId() if newTimerData: cridSeries = event.getCridData(eServiceEventEnums.SERIES_MATCH) cridSeries = cridSeries and cridSeries[0][2] cridEpisode = event.getCridData(eServiceEventEnums.EPISODE_MATCH) cridEpisode = cridEpisode and cridEpisode[0][2] cridRecommendation = event.getCridData(eServiceEventEnums.RECOMMENDATION_MATCH) cridRecommendation = cridRecommendation and cridRecommendation[0][2] # DEBUG: (Type, Location, "Value") marginBefore = (getattr(config.recording, "zap_margin_before" if isZapTimer else "margin_before").value * 60) marginAfter = (getattr(config.recording, "zap_margin_after" if isZapTimer else "margin_after").value * 60) # print("[RecordTimer] DEBUG: series='%s', episode='%s', recommendation='%s', before=%d, after=%d." % (cridSeries, cridEpisode, cridRecommendation, marginBefore, marginAfter)) begin = eventBegin - marginBefore end = eventEnd + marginAfter if newTimerData: return (name, description, marginBefore, eventBegin, eventEnd, marginAfter, eit, cridSeries, cridEpisode, cridRecommendation) return (begin, end, name, description, eit) class RecordTimer(Timer): def __init__(self): Timer.__init__(self) self.onTimerAdded = [] self.onTimerRemoved = [] self.onTimerChanged = [] self.loadTimers() def loadTimers(self): if exists(TIMER_XML_FILE): timerDom = fileReadXML(TIMER_XML_FILE, source=MODULE_NAME) if timerDom is None: AddPopup(_("The timer file '%s' is corrupt and could not be loaded.") % TIMER_XML_FILE, type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=0, id="TimerLoadFailed") try: rename(TIMER_XML_FILE, "%s_bad" % TIMER_XML_FILE) except OSError as err: print("[RecordTimer] Error %d: Unable to rename corrupt timer file out of the way! (%s)" % (err.errno, err.strerror)) return else: print("[RecordTimer] Note: The timer file '%s' was not found!" % TIMER_XML_FILE) return check = True # Display a message when at least one timer overlaps another one. for timer in timerDom.findall("timer"): newTimer = self.createTimer(timer) if (self.record(newTimer, True, dosave=False) is not None) and (check == True): AddPopup(_("Timer overlap in '%s' detected! Please check all the timers.") % TIMER_XML_FILE, type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=0, id="TimerLoadFailed") check = False # At the moment it is enough if the message is only displayed once. def saveTimers(self): timerList = ["", "", ""] for timer in self.timer_list + self.processed_timers: if timer.dontSave: continue timerEntry = ["\t%s" % (logCode, logTime, stringToXML(logMsg))) if timerLog: timerList.append("%s>" % " ".join(timerEntry)) timerList += timerLog timerList.append("\t") else: timerList.append("%s />" % " ".join(timerEntry)) timerList.append("") timerList.append("") try: with open("%s.writing" % TIMER_XML_FILE, "w") as fd: fd.write("\n".join(timerList)) fd.flush() fsync(fd.fileno()) rename("%s.writing" % TIMER_XML_FILE, TIMER_XML_FILE) except OSError as err: print("[RecordTimer] Error %d: Unable to save timer entries to '%s'! (%s)" % (err.errno, TIMER_XML_FILE, err.strerror)) def saveTimer(self): # Deprecated method name only used by some plug ins. return self.saveTimers() def createTimer(self, timerDom): begin = int(timerDom.get("begin")) end = int(timerDom.get("end")) justplay = int(timerDom.get("justplay") or "0") marginBefore = int(timerDom.get("marginBefore") or "-1") eventBegin = int(timerDom.get("eventBegin") or "0") eventEnd = int(timerDom.get("eventEnd") or "0") marginAfter = int(timerDom.get("marginAfter") or "-1") if marginBefore == -1: marginBefore = (getattr(config.recording, "zap_margin_before" if justplay else "margin_before").value * 60) if marginAfter == -1: marginAfter = (getattr(config.recording, "zap_margin_after" if justplay else "margin_after").value * 60) if eventBegin == 0: eventBegin = begin + marginBefore if eventEnd == 0: eventEnd = end - marginAfter hasEndTime = timerDom.get("hasEndTime", "true").lower() in ("1", "true", "yes") serviceRef = ServiceReference(timerDom.get("serviceref")) eit = timerDom.get("eit") or "None" eit = int(eit) if eit != "None" else None cridSeries = timerDom.get("cridSeries") cridEpisode = timerDom.get("cridEpisode") cridRecommendation = timerDom.get("cridRecommendation") description = timerDom.get("description") repeated = timerDom.get("repeated") renameRepeat = timerDom.get("rename_repeat", "0").lower() in ("1", "true", "yes") disabled = int(timerDom.get("disabled") or "0") alwaysZap = int(timerDom.get("always_zap") or "0") afterevent = str(timerDom.get("afterevent") or "nothing") afterevent = { "nothing": AFTEREVENT.NONE, "standby": AFTEREVENT.STANDBY, "deepstandby": AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY, "auto": AFTEREVENT.AUTO }[afterevent] location = timerDom.get("location") or "None" if location == "None": location = None tags = timerDom.get("tags") or "None" tags = tags.split(" ") if tags != "None" else None descramble = int(timerDom.get("descramble") or "1") recordEcm = int(timerDom.get("record_ecm") or "0") isAutoTimer = int(timerDom.get("isAutoTimer") or "0") # isAutoTimer = timerDom.get("isAutoTimer", "false").lower() in ("1", "true", "yes") iceTimerId = timerDom.get("ice_timer_id") vpsOverwrite = timerDom.get("vps_overwrite") vpsEnabled = timerDom.get("vps_enabled") vpsTime = timerDom.get("vps_time") name = timerDom.get("name") # filename = timerDom.get("filename").encode("utf-8") timer = RecordTimerEntry( serviceRef, begin, end, name, description, eit, disabled, justplay, afterevent, dirname=location, tags=tags, descramble=descramble, record_ecm=recordEcm, isAutoTimer=isAutoTimer, ice_timer_id=iceTimerId, always_zap=alwaysZap, rename_repeat=renameRepeat ) timer.marginBefore = marginBefore timer.eventBegin = eventBegin timer.eventEnd = eventEnd timer.marginAfter = marginAfter timer.hasEndTime = hasEndTime timer.cridSeries = cridSeries timer.cridEpisode = cridEpisode timer.cridRecommendation = cridRecommendation timer.repeated = int(repeated) timer.vpsplugin_overwrite = (vpsOverwrite and vpsOverwrite == "1") timer.vpsplugin_enabled = (vpsEnabled and vpsEnabled == "1") if vpsTime and vpsTime != "None": timer.vpsplugin_time = int(vpsTime) for log in timerDom.findall("log"): timer.log_entries.append((int(log.get("time")), int(log.get("code")), log.text.strip())) return timer def timeChanged(self, timer): Timer.timeChanged(self, timer) for callback in self.onTimerChanged: callback(timer) # When activating a timer which has already passed, simply # abort the timer. Don't run trough all the stages. # def doActivate(self, timer): if timer.shouldSkip(): timer.state = RecordTimerEntry.StateEnded else: # When active returns True this means "accepted", otherwise, the current # state is kept. The timer entry itself will fix up the delay. if timer.activate(): timer.state += 1 try: self.timer_list.remove(timer) except ValueError: print("[RecordTimer] Remove timer from timer list failed!") if timer.state < RecordTimerEntry.StateEnded: # Did this timer reach the last state? insort(self.timer_list, timer) # No, sort it into active list. else: # Yes, process repeated, and re-add. if timer.repeated: timer.processRepeated() timer.state = RecordTimerEntry.StateWaiting timer.first_try_prepare = 0 # Changed from a Boolean to a counter, not renamed for compatibility with OpenWebif. timer.messageBoxAnswerPending = False timer.justTriedFreeingTuner = False timer.messageString = "" # Incremental MessageBox string. timer.messageStringShow = False self.addTimerEntry(timer) else: self.cleanupDisabled() # Check for disabled timers, if time has passed set to completed. self.cleanupDaily(config.recording.keep_timers.value) # Remove old timers as set in config. insort(self.processed_timers, timer) self.stateChanged(timer) def cleanup(self): for timer in self.processed_timers[:]: if not timer.disabled: self.processed_timers.remove(timer) for callback in self.onTimerRemoved: callback(timer) self.saveTimers() def shutdown(self): self.saveTimers() def getNextRecordingTimeOld(self, getNextStbPowerOn=False): now = int(time()) if getNextStbPowerOn: saveAct = (-1, 0) for timer in self.timer_list: nextAct = timer.getNextActivation(getNextStbPowerOn) if timer.justplay or nextAct + 3 < now: continue if DEBUG: print("[RecordTimer] Next STB power up %s." % strftime("%a, %Y/%m/%d %H:%M", localtime(nextAct))) if saveAct[0] == -1: saveAct = (nextAct, int(not timer.always_zap)) else: if nextAct < saveAct[0]: saveAct = (nextAct, int(not timer.always_zap)) return saveAct else: for timer in self.timer_list: nextAct = timer.getNextActivation() if timer.justplay or nextAct + 3 < now or timer.end == nextAct: continue return nextAct return -1 # If getNextStbPowerOn is True returns tuple -> (timer.begin, set standby). # def getNextRecordingTime(self, getNextStbPowerOn=False): nextRecTime = self.getNextRecordingTimeOld(getNextStbPowerOn) fakeTime = int(time()) + 300 if getNextStbPowerOn: if config.timeshift.isRecording.value: if 0 < nextRecTime[0] < fakeTime: return nextRecTime else: return fakeTime, 0 else: return nextRecTime else: if config.timeshift.isRecording.value: if 0 < nextRecTime < fakeTime: return nextRecTime else: return fakeTime else: return nextRecTime def isNextRecordAfterEventActionAuto(self): for timer in self.timer_list: return True # All types needed True for ident in # NOTE: None of the following code is *EVER* run!!! if timer.justplay: continue if timer.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO or timer.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY: return True return False # DEBUG: Rename "ignoreTSC" to be "ignoreConflict" to be more clear. This is used by def record(self, timer, ignoreTSC=False, dosave=True): # This is called by loadTimers with dosave=False. timer.check_justplay() timerSanityCheck = TimerSanityCheck(self.timer_list, timer) if not timerSanityCheck.check(): if not ignoreTSC: print("[RecordTimer] Timer conflict detected!") return timerSanityCheck.getSimulTimerList() else: print("[RecordTimer] Ignore timer conflict!") elif timerSanityCheck.doubleCheck(): print("[RecordTimer] Ignore duplicated timer.") return None timer.timeChanged() print("[RecordTimer] Timer '%s'." % str(timer)) timer.Timer = self if not timer.log_entries: timer.log(0, "Timer created") self.addTimerEntry(timer) for callback in self.onTimerAdded: # Trigger onTimerAdded callbacks. callback(timer) if dosave: self.saveTimers() return None def removeEntry(self, timer): print("[RecordTimer] Remove timer '%s'." % str(timer)) timer.repeated = False # Avoid re-queuing. timer.autoincrease = False timer.abort() # Abort timer. This sets the end time to current time, so timer will be stopped. if timer.state != timer.StateEnded: self.timeChanged(timer) # print("[RecordTimer] State: '%s'." % timer.state) # print("[RecordTimer] In processed: %s" % timer in self.processed_timers) # print("[RecordTimer] In running: %s" % timer in self.timer_list) if not timer.dontSave: # Auto increase instant timer if possible. for timerItem in self.timer_list: if timerItem.setAutoincreaseEnd(): self.timeChanged(timerItem) if timer in self.processed_timers: # Now the timer should be in the processed_timers list, remove it from there. self.processed_timers.remove(timer) for callback in self.onTimerRemoved: # Trigger onTimerRemoved callbacks. callback(timer) self.saveTimers() def getNextZapTime(self): now = int(time()) for timer in self.timer_list: if not timer.justplay or timer.begin < now: continue return timer.begin return -1 def isRecTimerWakeup(self): global wasRecTimerWakeup wasRecTimerWakeup = int(open(TIMER_FLAG_FILE, "r").read()) and True or False if exists(TIMER_FLAG_FILE) else False # DEBUG: Use fileReadLine() return wasRecTimerWakeup def isRecording(self): for timer in self.timer_list: if timer.isRunning() and not timer.justplay: return True return False def getStillRecording(self): now = int(time()) for timer in self.timer_list: if timer.isStillRecording or (abs(timer.begin - now) <= 10 and abs(timer.end - now) > 10): return True return False def isInTimer(self, eventid, begin, duration, service, getTimer=False): returnValue = None type = 0 timeMatch = 0 isAutoTimer = 0 beginTime = None checkOffsetTimeRecord = not config.recording.margin_before.value and not config.recording.margin_after.value checkOffsetTimeZap = not config.recording.zap_margin_before.value and not config.recording.zap_margin_after.value end = begin + duration reference = ":".join(service.split(":")[:11]) for timer in self.timer_list: checkOffsetTime = checkOffsetTimeZap if timer.justplay else checkOffsetTimeRecord isAutoTimer = 0 if timer.isAutoTimer == 1: isAutoTimer |= 1 if timer.ice_timer_id: isAutoTimer |= 2 if ":".join(timer.service_ref.ref.toString().split(":")[:11]) == reference: timerEnd = timer.end timerBegin = timer.begin typeOffset = 0 if not timer.repeated and checkOffsetTime: if 0 < end - timerEnd <= 59: timerEnd = end elif 0 < timerBegin - begin <= 59: timerBegin = begin if timer.justplay: typeOffset = 5 if not timer.hasEndTime or (timerEnd - timer.begin) <= 1: if timerBegin < end and timerBegin >= begin: timerEnd = timerBegin + duration # Special case for zap timer without endtime if timer.always_zap: typeOffset = 10 if timer.repeated != 0: if beginTime is None: beginTime = localtime(begin) beginDay = beginTime.tm_wday begin2 = 1440 + beginTime.tm_hour * 60 + beginTime.tm_min end2 = begin2 + duration // 60 xBeginTime = localtime(timer.begin) xEndTime = localtime(timerEnd) offsetDay = False checking_time = timer.begin < begin or begin <= timer.begin <= end if xBeginTime.tm_yday != xEndTime.tm_yday: oday = beginDay - 1 if oday == -1: oday = 6 offsetDay = timer.repeated & (1 << oday) xBegin = 1440 + xBeginTime.tm_hour * 60 + xBeginTime.tm_min xEnd = xBegin + ((timerEnd - timer.begin) // 60) if xEnd < xBegin: xEnd += 1440 if timer.repeated & (1 << beginDay) and checking_time: if begin2 < xBegin <= end2: if xEnd < end2: # Recording within event. timeMatch = (xEnd - xBegin) * 60 type = typeOffset + 3 else: # Recording last part of event. timeMatch = (end2 - xBegin) * 60 type = typeOffset + 1 elif xBegin <= begin2 <= xEnd: if xEnd < end2: # Recording first part of event. timeMatch = (xEnd - begin2) * 60 type = typeOffset + 4 else: # Recording whole event. timeMatch = (end2 - begin2) * 60 type = typeOffset + 2 elif offsetDay: xBegin -= 1440 xEnd -= 1440 if begin2 < xBegin <= end2: if xEnd < end2: # Recording within event. timeMatch = (xEnd - xBegin) * 60 type = typeOffset + 3 else: # Recording last part of event. timeMatch = (end2 - xBegin) * 60 type = typeOffset + 1 elif xBegin <= begin2 <= xEnd: if xEnd < end2: # Recording first part of event. timeMatch = (xEnd - begin2) * 60 type = typeOffset + 4 else: # Recording whole event. timeMatch = (end2 - begin2) * 60 type = typeOffset + 2 elif offsetDay and checking_time: xBegin -= 1440 xEnd -= 1440 if begin2 < xBegin <= end2: if xEnd < end2: # Recording within event. timeMatch = (xEnd - xBegin) * 60 type = typeOffset + 3 else: # Recording last part of event. timeMatch = (end2 - xBegin) * 60 type = typeOffset + 1 elif xBegin <= begin2 <= xEnd: if xEnd < end2: # Recording first part of event. timeMatch = (xEnd - begin2) * 60 type = typeOffset + 4 else: # Recording whole event. timeMatch = (end2 - begin2) * 60 type = typeOffset + 2 else: if begin < timerBegin <= end: if timerEnd < end: # Recording within event. timeMatch = timerEnd - timerBegin type = typeOffset + 3 else: # Recording last part of event. timeMatch = end - timerBegin type = typeOffset + 1 elif timerBegin <= begin <= timerEnd: if timerEnd < end: # Recording first part of event. timeMatch = timerEnd - begin type = typeOffset + 4 if timer.justplay and (not timer.hasEndTime or (timerEnd - timer.begin) <= 1): type = typeOffset + 2 # Special case for zap timer without end time else: # Recording whole event. timeMatch = end - begin type = typeOffset + 2 if timeMatch: returnValue = (timeMatch, type, isAutoTimer, timer) if getTimer else (timeMatch, type, isAutoTimer) if type in (2, 7, 12): # When full recording do not look further. break return returnValue def findSafeRecordPath(dirname): # Also called from InfoBarGenerics. if not dirname: return None dirname = realpath(dirname) mountPoint = findMountPoint(dirname) if not ismount(mountPoint): print("[RecordTimer] Media is not mounted for '%s'." % dirname) return None if not isdir(dirname): try: makedirs(dirname) except OSError as err: print("[RecordTimer] Error %d: Failed to create directory '%s'! (%s)" % (err.errno, dirname, err.strerror)) return None return dirname def getBqRootStr(reference): reference = reference.toString() if reference.startswith("1:0:2:") or reference.startswith("1:0:A:"): serviceTypes = SERVICE_TYPES_RADIO if config.usage.multibouquet.value: bqRootStr = "1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET \"\" ORDER BY bouquet" else: bqRootStr = "%s FROM BOUQUET \"\" ORDER BY bouquet" % serviceTypes else: serviceTypes = SERVICE_TYPES_TV if config.usage.multibouquet.value: bqRootStr = "1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET \"\" ORDER BY bouquet" else: bqRootStr = "%s FROM BOUQUET \"\" ORDER BY bouquet" % serviceTypes return bqRootStr def createRecordTimerEntry(timer): return RecordTimerEntry( timer.service_ref, timer.begin, timer.end,, timer.description, timer.eit, timer.disabled, timer.justplay, timer.afterEvent, dirname=timer.dirname, tags=timer.tags, descramble=timer.descramble, record_ecm=timer.record_ecm, always_zap=timer.always_zap, rename_repeat=timer.rename_repeat ) class RecordTimerEntry(TimerEntry, object): def __init__(self, serviceref, begin, end, name, description, eit, disabled=False, justplay=TIMERTYPE.JUSTPLAY, afterEvent=AFTEREVENT.DEFAULT, checkOldTimers=False, dirname=None, tags=None, descramble="notset", record_ecm="notset", rename_repeat=True, isAutoTimer=False, ice_timer_id=None, always_zap=TIMERTYPE.ALWAYS_ZAP, MountPath=None, fixDescription=False, cridSeries=None, cridEpisode=None, cridRecommendation=None): TimerEntry.__init__(self, int(begin), int(end)) # print("[RecordTimerEntry] DEBUG: Running init code.") self.marginBefore = (getattr(config.recording, "zap_margin_before" if justplay == TIMERTYPE.ZAP else "margin_before").value * 60) self.marginAfter = (getattr(config.recording, "zap_margin_after" if justplay == TIMERTYPE.ZAP else "margin_after").value * 60) self.eventBegin = begin + self.marginBefore self.eventEnd = end - self.marginAfter if checkOldTimers and self.begin < int(time()) - 1209600: self.begin = int(time()) if self.end < self.begin: self.end = self.begin self.hasEndTime = not justplay if not isinstance(serviceref, ServiceReference): # NOTE: Rename "serviceref" and "service_ref" to "serviceRef". raise AssertionError("[RecordTimerEntry] Error: Invalid service reference!") self.service_ref = serviceref if serviceref and serviceref.isRecordable() else ServiceReference(None) self.eit = None if not name or not description or not eit or not cridSeries or not cridEpisode or not cridRecommendation: event = self.getEventFromEPGId(eit) or self.getEventFromEPG() if event: if not name: name = event.getEventName() if not description: description = event.getShortDescription() if not description: description = event.getExtendedDescription() if description and fixDescription: # Replace line-breaks with spaces to avoid display issues in the text edit screens. # Enigma2 does not have a multi-line InputBox or VirtualKeyBoard. description = description.replace("\n", " ") if not eit: eit = event.getEventId() if not cridSeries: cridSeries = event.getCridData(eServiceEventEnums.SERIES_MATCH) cridSeries = cridSeries and cridSeries[0][2] if not cridEpisode: cridEpisode = event.getCridData(eServiceEventEnums.EPISODE_MATCH) cridEpisode = cridEpisode and cridEpisode[0][2] if not cridRecommendation: cridRecommendation = event.getCridData(eServiceEventEnums.RECOMMENDATION_MATCH) cridRecommendation = cridRecommendation and cridRecommendation[0][2] = name self.description = description self.eit = eit self.cridSeries = cridSeries self.cridEpisode = cridEpisode self.cridRecommendation = cridRecommendation self.dontSave = False self.disabled = disabled self.timer = None self.__record_service = None self.start_prepare = 0 self.justplay = justplay self.always_zap = always_zap self.afterEvent = afterEvent self.dirname = dirname self.dirnameHadToFallback = False self.autoincrease = False self.autoincreasetime = 3600 * 24 # One day. self.tags = tags or [] self.mountPath = None self.messageString = "" self.messageStringShow = False self.messageBoxAnswerPending = False self.justTriedFreeingTuner = False self.mountPathRetryCounter = 0 self.mountPathErrorNumber = 0 self.lastend = 0 if descramble == "notset" and record_ecm == "notset": if config.recording.ecm_data.value == "descrambled+ecm": self.descramble = True self.record_ecm = True elif config.recording.ecm_data.value == "scrambled+ecm": self.descramble = False self.record_ecm = True elif config.recording.ecm_data.value == "normal": self.descramble = True self.record_ecm = False else: self.descramble = descramble self.record_ecm = record_ecm config.usage.frontend_priority_intval.setValue(calcFrontendPriorityIntval(config.usage.frontend_priority, config.usage.frontend_priority_multiselect, config.usage.frontend_priority_strictly)) config.usage.recording_frontend_priority_intval.setValue(calcFrontendPriorityIntval(config.usage.recording_frontend_priority, config.usage.recording_frontend_priority_multiselect, config.usage.recording_frontend_priority_strictly)) self.needChangePriorityFrontend = config.usage.recording_frontend_priority_intval.value != "-2" and config.usage.recording_frontend_priority_intval.value != config.usage.frontend_priority_intval.value self.change_frontend = False self.rename_repeat = rename_repeat self.isAutoTimer = isAutoTimer self.ice_timer_id = ice_timer_id self.wasInStandby = False self.vpsplugin_enabled = None # Support VPS plugin. self.vpsplugin_overwrite = None # Support VPS plugin. self.vpsplugin_time = None # Support VPS plugin. # Workaround for vmc crash - only a dummy entry!!! # File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/VMC/", line 3704, in TimerChange # "Filename") and not timer.justplay and not timer.justremind and timer.state == TimerEntry.StateEnded: # AttributeError: 'RecordTimerEntry' object has no attribute 'justremind' self.justremind = False self.log_entries = [] self.check_justplay() self.resetState() def __repr__(self): iceTV = ", ice_timer_id=%s" % self.ice_timer_id if self.ice_timer_id else "" disabled = ", Disabled" if self.disabled else "" return "RecordTimerEntry(name=%s, begin=%s, end=%s, serviceref=%s, justplay=%s, isAutoTimer=%s%s%s)" % (, ctime(self.begin), ctime(self.end), self.service_ref, self.justplay, self.isAutoTimer, iceTV, disabled) def activate(self): global InfoBar, wasRecTimerWakeup if not InfoBar: try: from Screens.InfoBar import InfoBar except Exception as err: print("[RecordTimer] Error: Import 'InfoBar' from 'Screens.InfoBar' failed! (%s)" % str(err)) if exists(TIMER_FLAG_FILE) and not wasRecTimerWakeup: wasRecTimerWakeup = int(open(TIMER_FLAG_FILE, "r").read()) and True or False nextState = self.state + 1 if DEBUG: self.log(5, "Activating state %d." % nextState) # print("[RecordTimer] Activate called", time(), nextState, self.first_try_prepare, " pending ", self.messageBoxAnswerPending, " justTried ", self.justTriedFreeingTuner, " show ", self.messageStringShow, self.messageString) # DEBUG: remove. if nextState == self.StatePrepared: if self.messageBoxAnswerPending: self.start_prepare = int(time()) + 1 # Call again in 1 second. return False if self.justTriedFreeingTuner: self.start_prepare = int(time()) + 5 # Is it really 5 seconds to tune a service. self.justTriedFreeingTuner = False return False if not self.justplay and not self.freespace(): if self.mountPathErrorNumber < 3 and self.mountPathRetryCounter < 3: self.mountPathRetryCounter += 1 self.start_prepare = int(time()) + 5 # tryPrepare in 5 seconds. self.log(0, "Next try in 5 seconds. (%d/3)" % self.mountPathRetryCounter) return False message = _("Write error at start of recording. %s\n%s") % ((_("Disk was not found!"), _("Disk is not writable!"), _("Disk full?"))[self.mountPathErrorNumber - 1], if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarMessage(message, MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=20) else: AddPopup(message, MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=20, id="DiskFullMessage") self.failed = True self.next_activation = int(time()) self.lastend = self.end self.end = int(time()) + 5 # DEBUG: Check that this is the bug for 0Byte recordings! self.backoff = 0 return True if self.always_zap: Screens.Standby.TVinStandby.skipHdmiCecNow("zapandrecordtimer") if Screens.Standby.inStandby: self.wasInStandby = True # eActionMap.getInstance().bindAction("", -sys.maxsize - 1, self.keypress) # Set service to zap after standby. Screens.Standby.inStandby.prev_running_service = self.service_ref.ref Screens.Standby.inStandby.paused_service = None # Wakeup standby. Screens.Standby.inStandby.Power() self.log(5, "Wakeup and zap to recording service.") else: currentZapReference = NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() if currentZapReference and not currentZapReference.getPath(): # We do not zap away if it is no live service. self.setRecordingPreferredTuner() self.failureCB(True) self.log(5, "Zap to recording service.") if self.tryPrepare(): if DEBUG: self.log(6, "Prepare okay, waiting for begin.") if self.messageStringShow: message = "%s%s" % (_("In order to record a timer, a tuner was freed successfully:\n\n"), self.messageString) if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarMessage(message, MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=20) else: AddNotification(MessageBox, message, MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=20) # Create the recording file to "reserve" the filename as another recording at the same time on another # service can try to record the same event (i.e. cable / satellite) then the second recording needs # its own extension. When we create the file here that calculateFilename is happy. if not self.justplay: open(self.Filename + self.record_service.getFilenameExtension(), "w").close() # Give the Trashcan a chance to clean up. Need try/except as Trashcan.instance may not exist # for a missed recording started at boot-time. try: Trashcan.instance.cleanIfIdle() except Exception as err: print("[RecordTimer] Error: Failed to call Trashcan.instance.cleanIfIdle! (%s)" % str(err)) # Fine, it worked, resources are allocated. self.next_activation = self.begin self.backoff = 0 return True self.log(7, "Prepare failed!") if eStreamServer.getInstance().getConnectedClients(): eStreamServer.getInstance().stopStream() return False if self.first_try_prepare == 0: # Try to make a tuner available by disabling PiP. self.first_try_prepare += 1 if not InfoBar: from Screens.InfoBar import InfoBar from Screens.InfoBarGenerics import InfoBarPiP from Components.ServiceEventTracker import InfoBarCount InfoBarInstance = InfoBarCount == 1 and InfoBar.instance if InfoBarInstance and InfoBarPiP.pipShown(InfoBarInstance) == True: if config.recording.ask_to_abort_pip.value == "ask": self.log(8, "Asking user to disable PiP.") self.messageBoxAnswerPending = True message = _("A timer failed to record!\nDisable PiP and try again?\n") if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarMessageWithCallback(self.failureCB_pip, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=20, default=True) else: AddNotificationWithCallback(self.failureCB_pip, MessageBox, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=20, default=True) elif config.recording.ask_to_abort_pip.value in ("abort_no_msg", "abort_msg"): self.log(8, "Disable PiP without asking.") self.setRecordingPreferredTuner() self.failureCB_pip(True) return False else: self.log(8, "No PiP active so we don't need to stop it.") if self.first_try_prepare == 1: # Try to make a tuner available by aborting pseudo recordings. self.first_try_prepare += 1 self.backoff = 0 if len(NavigationInstance.instance.getRecordings(False, pNavigation.isPseudoRecording)) > 0: if config.recording.ask_to_abort_pseudo_rec.value == "ask": self.log(8, "Asking user to abort pseudo recordings.") self.messageBoxAnswerPending = True message = _("A timer failed to record!\nAbort pseudo recordings (e.g. EPG refresh) and try again?\n") if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarMessageWithCallback(self.failureCB_pseudo_rec, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=20, default=True) else: AddNotificationWithCallback(self.failureCB_pseudo_rec, MessageBox, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=20, default=True) elif config.recording.ask_to_abort_pseudo_rec.value in ("abort_no_msg", "abort_msg"): self.log(8, "Abort pseudo recordings without asking.") self.setRecordingPreferredTuner() self.failureCB_pseudo_rec(True) return False else: self.log(8, "No pseudo recordings active so we don't need to stop them.") if self.first_try_prepare == 2: # Try to make a tuner available by aborting streaming. self.first_try_prepare += 1 self.backoff = 0 if len(NavigationInstance.instance.getRecordings(False, pNavigation.isStreaming)) > 0: if config.recording.ask_to_abort_streaming.value == "ask": self.log(8, "Asking user to abort streaming.") self.messageBoxAnswerPending = True message = _("A timer failed to record!\nAbort streaming and try again?\n") if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarMessageWithCallback(self.failureCB_streaming, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=20, default=True) else: AddNotificationWithCallback(self.failureCB_streaming, MessageBox, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=20, default=True) elif config.recording.ask_to_abort_streaming.value in ("abort_no_msg", "abort_msg"): self.log(8, "Abort streaming without asking.") self.setRecordingPreferredTuner() self.failureCB_streaming(True) return False else: self.log(8, "No streaming active so we don't need to stop it.") if self.first_try_prepare == 3: # Try to make a tuner available by switching live TV to the recording service. self.first_try_prepare += 1 self.backoff = 0 currentReference = NavigationInstance.instance.getCurrentlyPlayingServiceReference() if currentReference and not currentReference.getPath(): if Screens.Standby.inStandby: self.setRecordingPreferredTuner() self.failureCB(True) elif not config.recording.asktozap.value: self.log(8, "Asking user to zap.") self.messageBoxAnswerPending = True message = _("A timer failed to record!\nDisable TV and try again?\n") if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarMessageWithCallback(self.failureCB, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=20, default=True) else: AddNotificationWithCallback(self.failureCB, MessageBox, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=20, default=True) else: # Zap without asking. self.log(9, "Zap without asking.") self.setRecordingPreferredTuner() self.failureCB(True) return False elif currentReference: self.log(8, "Running service is not a live service so stopping it makes no sense.") else: self.log(8, "No service running so we don't need to stop it.") if self.first_try_prepare == 4: # Freeing a tuner failed. self.first_try_prepare += 1 self.log(8, "Freeing a tuner failed!") if self.messageString: message = _("No tuner is available for recording a timer!\n\nThe following methods of freeing a tuner were tried without success:\n\n") + self.messageString else: message = _("No tuner is available for recording a timer!") if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarMessage(message, MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=20) else: AddNotification(MessageBox, message, MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=20) return False elif nextState == self.StateRunning: # If this timer has been canceled, just go to "end" state. if self.cancelled: return True if self.failed: return True if self.justplay: Screens.Standby.TVinStandby.skipHdmiCecNow("zaptimer") if Screens.Standby.inStandby: self.wasInStandby = True # eActionMap.getInstance().bindAction("", -maxsize - 1, self.keypress) self.log(11, "Wake up and zap.") # Set service to zap after standby. Screens.Standby.inStandby.prev_running_service = self.service_ref.ref Screens.Standby.inStandby.paused_service = None # Wakeup standby. Screens.Standby.inStandby.Power() else: self.log(11, "Zapping.") found = False notFound = False NavigationInstance.instance.isMovieplayerActive() from Screens.ChannelSelection import ChannelSelection ChannelSelectionInstance = ChannelSelection.instance if ChannelSelectionInstance: bqRootStr = getBqRootStr(self.service_ref.ref) serviceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() rootBouquet = eServiceReference(bqRootStr) bouquet = eServiceReference(bqRootStr) bouquetList = serviceHandler.list(bouquet) # We need a way out of the loop, if channel is not in bouquets. bouquetCount = 0 bouquets = [] if bouquetList is not None: while True: bouquet = bouquetList.getNext() # Can we make it easier, or find a way to make another way? if bouquets == []: bouquets.append(bouquet) else: for item in bouquets: if item != bouquet: bouquets.append(bouquet) else: bouquetCount += 1 if bouquetCount >= 5: notFound = True break if bouquet.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory: ChannelSelectionInstance.clearPath() ChannelSelectionInstance.setRoot(bouquet) servicelist = serviceHandler.list(bouquet) if servicelist is not None: serviceIterator = servicelist.getNext() while serviceIterator.valid(): if self.service_ref.ref == serviceIterator: break serviceIterator = servicelist.getNext() if self.service_ref.ref == serviceIterator: break if found: ChannelSelectionInstance.enterPath(rootBouquet) ChannelSelectionInstance.enterPath(bouquet) ChannelSelectionInstance.saveRoot() ChannelSelectionInstance.saveChannel(self.service_ref.ref) if found: ChannelSelectionInstance.addToHistory(self.service_ref.ref) if notFound: # Can we get a result for that? See if you want to delete the running timer. self.switchToAll() else: NavigationInstance.instance.playService(self.service_ref.ref) return True else: self.log(11, "Start recording.") recordRes = self.record_service.start() self.setRecordingPreferredTuner(setdefault=True) if recordRes: self.log(13, "Start recording error %d!" % recordRes) self.do_backoff() # Retry. self.begin = int(time()) + self.backoff return False return True elif nextState == self.StateEnded or nextState == self.StateFailed: oldEnd = self.end if self.setAutoincreaseEnd(): self.log(12, "Auto increase recording length %d minute(s)." % int((self.end - oldEnd) / 60)) self.state -= 1 return True if self.justplay: self.log(12, "End zapping.") else: self.log(12, "Stop recording.") if not self.justplay: if self.record_service: NavigationInstance.instance.stopRecordService(self.record_service) self.record_service = None if self.lastend and self.failed: self.end = self.lastend NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.saveTimers() boxInStandby = Screens.Standby.inStandby tvNotActive = Screens.Standby.TVinStandby.getTVstate("notactive") isRecordTime = abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - int(time())) <= 900 or NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getStillRecording() if DEBUG: print("[RecordTimer] boxInStandby='%s', tvNotActive='%s', wasRecTimerWakeup='%s', self.wasInStandby='%s', self.afterEvent='%s', isRecordTime='%s'." % (boxInStandby, tvNotActive, wasRecTimerWakeup, self.wasInStandby, self.afterEvent, isRecordTime)) if self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.STANDBY or (self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO and self.wasInStandby and (not wasRecTimerWakeup or (wasRecTimerWakeup and isRecordTime))): if not boxInStandby and not tvNotActive: # Not already in standby. message = _("A finished record timer wants to set your\n%s %s to standby. Do that now?") % getBoxDisplayName() timeout = int(config.usage.shutdown_msgbox_timeout.value) if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarMessageWithCallback(self.sendStandbyNotification, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout, default=True) else: AddNotificationWithCallback(self.sendStandbyNotification, MessageBox, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=timeout, default=True) elif not boxInStandby: self.sendStandbyNotification(True) if isRecordTime or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - int(time())) <= 900: if self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY or (wasRecTimerWakeup and self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO and self.wasInStandby) or (self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO and wasRecTimerWakeup): print("[RecordTimer] Recording is running or due to start within 15 minutes so not returning to deepstandby.") self.wasInStandby = False return True elif abs(NavigationInstance.instance.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() - int(time())) <= 900 or NavigationInstance.instance.PowerTimer.isProcessing(exceptTimer=0) or not NavigationInstance.instance.PowerTimer.isAutoDeepstandbyEnabled(): if self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY or (wasRecTimerWakeup and self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO and self.wasInStandby) or (self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO and wasRecTimerWakeup): print("[RecordTimer] PowerTimer due within next 15 minutes or is currently active so not returning to deepstandby.") self.wasInStandby = False self.resetTimerWakeup() return True if self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.DEEPSTANDBY or (wasRecTimerWakeup and self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO and self.wasInStandby): if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # No shutdown as message box is open. if not boxInStandby and not tvNotActive: # Not already in standby. message = _("A finished record timer wants to shut down\nyour %s %s. Shutdown now?") % getBoxDisplayName() timeout = int(config.usage.shutdown_msgbox_timeout.value) if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarMessageWithCallback(self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=timeout, default=True) else: AddNotificationWithCallback(self.sendTryQuitMainloopNotification, MessageBox, message, MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, timeout=timeout, default=True) else: print("[RecordTimer] quitMainloop #1.") quitMainloop(1) elif self.afterEvent == AFTEREVENT.AUTO and wasRecTimerWakeup: if not Screens.Standby.inTryQuitMainloop: # No shutdown message box is open. if Screens.Standby.inStandby: # In standby. print("[RecordTimer] quitMainloop #2.") quitMainloop(1) self.wasInStandby = False self.resetTimerWakeup() return True def resetTimerWakeup(self): # Reset wakeup state after ending timer. global wasRecTimerWakeup if exists(TIMER_FLAG_FILE): remove(TIMER_FLAG_FILE) if DEBUG: print("[RecordTimer] Reset wakeup state.") wasRecTimerWakeup = False def getNextActivation(self, getNextStbPowerOn=False): self.isStillRecording = False nextState = self.state + 1 if getNextStbPowerOn: if nextState == 3: self.isStillRecording = True nextDay = 0 countDay = 0 weekdayTimer = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.begin).isoweekday() * -1 weekdayRepeated = bin(128 + int(self.repeated)) for day in range(weekdayTimer - 1, -8, -1): countDay += 1 if int(weekdayRepeated[day]): nextDay = day break if nextDay == 0: for day in range(-1, weekdayTimer - 1, -1): countDay += 1 if int(weekdayRepeated[day]): break return self.start_prepare + 86400 * countDay elif nextState == 2: return self.begin elif nextState == 1: return self.start_prepare else: return -1 if self.state == self.StateEnded or self.state == self.StateFailed: if self.end > int(time()): self.isStillRecording = True return self.end if nextState == self.StateEnded or nextState == self.StateFailed: if self.end > int(time()): self.isStillRecording = True return { self.StatePrepared: self.start_prepare, self.StateRunning: self.begin, self.StateEnded: self.end }[nextState] def timeChanged(self): oldPrepare = self.start_prepare self.start_prepare = int(self.begin) - config.recording.prepare_time.value # self.prepare_time self.backoff = 0 if oldPrepare > 60 and oldPrepare != self.start_prepare: self.log(15, "Record time changed, start prepare is now %s." % ctime(self.start_prepare)) def do_backoff(self): if self.backoff == 0: self.backoff = 5 else: self.backoff *= 2 if self.backoff > 100: self.backoff = 100 self.log(10, "Backoff, retry in %d seconds." % self.backoff) def log(self, code, msg): self.log_entries.append((int(time()), code, msg)) print("[RecordTimer] Log: '%s'." % msg) def setAutoincreaseEnd(self, entry=None): if not self.autoincrease: return False newEnd = int(time()) + self.autoincreasetime if entry is None else entry.begin - 30 dummyTimer = RecordTimerEntry( self.service_ref, self.begin, newEnd,, self.description, self.eit, disabled=True, justplay=self.justplay, afterEvent=self.afterEvent, dirname=self.dirname, tags=self.tags ) dummyTimer.disabled = self.disabled timerSanityCheck = TimerSanityCheck(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.timer_list, dummyTimer) if not timerSanityCheck.check(): simulTimerList = timerSanityCheck.getSimulTimerList() if simulTimerList is not None and len(simulTimerList) > 1: newEnd = simulTimerList[1].begin newEnd -= 30 # Allow 30 seconds for prepare. if newEnd <= int(time()): return False self.end = newEnd return True def sendStandbyNotification(self, answer): if answer: session = Screens.Standby.Standby if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarSession(session, None) else: AddNotification(session) def sendTryQuitMainloopNotification(self, answer): if answer: session = Screens.Standby.TryQuitMainloop if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance: InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarSession(session, 1) else: AddNotification(session, 1) def mountTest(self, dirname, cmd): if cmd == "writeable": if not access(dirname, W_OK): self.stopMountText(None, cmd) elif cmd == "freespace": try: s = statvfs(dirname) if (s.f_bavail * s.f_bsize) // 1000000 < 1024: self.stopMountText(None, cmd) except FileNotFoundError: self.stopMountText(None, "writeable") def stopMountText(self, thread, cmd): if thread and thread.is_alive(): print("[RecordTimer] Timeout thread: '%s'." % cmd) thread.join(timeout=1) if cmd == "writeable": self.mountPathErrorNumber = 2 elif cmd == "freespace": self.mountPathErrorNumber = 3 def freespace(self, WRITEERROR=False): if WRITEERROR: dirname = self.mountPath if findSafeRecordPath(dirname) is None: return ("mount '%s' is not available." % dirname, 1) else: self.mountPath = None if not self.dirname: dirname = findSafeRecordPath(defaultMoviePath()) else: dirname = findSafeRecordPath(self.dirname) if dirname is None: dirname = findSafeRecordPath(defaultMoviePath()) self.dirnameHadToFallback = True if not dirname: dirname = self.dirname if not dirname: dirname = defaultMoviePath() or "-" self.log(0, "Mount '%s' is not available." % dirname) self.mountPathErrorNumber = 1 return False self.mountPathErrorNumber = 0 for cmd in ("writeable", "freespace"): print("[RecordTimer] Starting thread: '%s'." % cmd) processThread = Thread(target=self.mountTest, args=(dirname, cmd)) timerThread = ThreadTimer(5, self.stopMountText, args=(processThread, cmd)) timerThread.start() processThread.start() processThread.join() timerThread.cancel() if self.mountPathErrorNumber: print("[RecordTimer] Break: Error number %d." % self.mountPathErrorNumber) break print("[RecordTimer] Finished thread: '%s'." % cmd) if WRITEERROR: if self.mountPathErrorNumber == 2: return ("mount '%s' is not writable." % dirname, 2) elif self.mountPathErrorNumber == 3: return ("mount '%s' has not enough free space to record." % dirname, 3) else: return ("unknown error.", 0) if self.mountPathErrorNumber == 2: self.log(0, "Mount '%s' is not writable." % dirname) return False elif self.mountPathErrorNumber == 3: self.log(0, "Mount '%s' has insufficient free space to record." % dirname) return False else: if DEBUG: self.log(0, "Found enough free space to record.") self.mountPathRetryCounter = 0 self.mountPathErrorNumber = 0 self.mountPath = dirname return True def calculateFilename(self, name=None): beginDate = strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", localtime(self.begin)) name = name or filename = "%s - %s" % (beginDate, self.service_ref.getServiceName()) if name: if config.recording.filename_composition.value == "veryveryshort": filename = name elif config.recording.filename_composition.value == "veryshort": filename = "%s - %s" % (name, beginDate) elif config.recording.filename_composition.value == "short": filename = "%s - %s" % (strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime(self.begin)), name) elif config.recording.filename_composition.value == "shortwithtime": filename = "%s - %s" % (strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", localtime(self.begin)), name) elif config.recording.filename_composition.value == "long": filename = "%s - %s - %s" % (filename, name, self.description) else: filename = "%s - %s" % (filename, name) # Standard. if config.recording.ascii_filenames.value: filename = legacyEncode(filename) self.Filename = getRecordingFilename(filename, self.mountPath) if DEBUG: self.log(0, "Filename calculated as '%s'." % self.Filename) return self.Filename def getEventFromEPGId(self, id=None): id = id or self.eit epgCache = eEPGCache.getInstance() reference = self.service_ref and self.service_ref.ref return id and epgCache.lookupEventId(reference, id) or None def getEventFromEPG(self): epgCache = eEPGCache.getInstance() queryTime = self.begin + (self.end - self.begin) // 2 reference = self.service_ref and self.service_ref.ref return epgCache.lookupEventTime(reference, queryTime) def tryPrepare(self): if self.justplay: return True else: if not self.calculateFilename(): self.do_backoff() self.start_prepare = int(time()) + self.backoff return False recordingReference = self.service_ref and self.service_ref.ref if recordingReference and recordingReference.flags & eServiceReference.isGroup: recordingReference = getBestPlayableServiceReference(recordingReference, eServiceReference()) if not recordingReference: self.log(1, "The 'get best playable service for group... record' call failed!") return False self.setRecordingPreferredTuner() self.record_service = recordingReference and NavigationInstance.instance.recordService(recordingReference, False, pNavigation.isRealRecording) if not self.record_service: self.log(1, "The 'record service' call failed!") self.setRecordingPreferredTuner(setdefault=True) return False name = description = self.description if self.repeated: epgCache = eEPGCache.getInstance() queryTime = self.begin + (self.end - self.begin) // 2 event = epgCache.lookupEventTime(recordingReference, queryTime) if event: if self.rename_repeat: eventDescription = event.getShortDescription() if not eventDescription: eventDescription = event.getExtendedDescription() if eventDescription and eventDescription != description: description = eventDescription eventName = event.getEventName() if eventName and eventName != name: name = eventName if not self.calculateFilename(eventName): self.do_backoff() self.start_prepare = int(time()) + self.backoff return False eventId = event.getEventId() else: eventId = -1 else: eventId = self.eit if eventId is None: eventId = -1 prepareResult = self.record_service.prepare("%s%s" % (self.Filename, self.record_service.getFilenameExtension()), self.begin, self.end, eventId, name.replace("\n", " "), description.replace("\n", " "), " ".join(self.tags), bool(self.descramble), bool(self.record_ecm)) if prepareResult: if prepareResult == -255: self.log(4, "Failed to write meta information!") else: self.log(2, "The 'prepare' call failed with error %d!" % prepareResult) # We must calculate only start time before stopRecordService call because in Screens/ TryQuitMainloop # tries to get the next start time in evEnd event handler. self.do_backoff() self.start_prepare = int(time()) + self.backoff NavigationInstance.instance.stopRecordService(self.record_service) self.record_service = None self.setRecordingPreferredTuner(setdefault=True) return False return True def keypress(self, key=None, flag=1): if flag and self.wasInStandby: self.wasInStandby = False eActionMap.getInstance().unbindAction("", self.keypress) def setRecordingPreferredTuner(self, setdefault=False): if self.needChangePriorityFrontend: tuner = None if not self.change_frontend and not setdefault: tuner = config.usage.recording_frontend_priority_intval.value self.change_frontend = True elif self.change_frontend and setdefault: tuner = config.usage.frontend_priority_intval.value self.change_frontend = False if tuner is not None: setPreferredTuner(int(tuner)) def failureCB_pip(self, answer): if answer: self.log(13, "Okay, disable PiP.") global InfoBar if not InfoBar: from Screens.InfoBar import InfoBar from Screens.InfoBarGenerics import InfoBarPiP from Components.ServiceEventTracker import InfoBarCount InfoBarInstance = InfoBarCount == 1 and InfoBar.instance if InfoBarInstance: InfoBarPiP.showPiP(InfoBarInstance) self.messageString += _("Disabled PiP.\n") else: self.log(14, "Tried to disable PiP, suddenly found no InfoBar.instance!") self.messageString += _("Tried to disable PiP, but found no InfoBar instance!\n") if config.recording.ask_to_abort_pip.value in ("ask", "abort_msg"): self.messageStringShow = True self.justTriedFreeingTuner = True else: self.log(14, "User didn't want to disable PiP, try other methods of freeing a tuner.") self.messageBoxAnswerPending = False def failureCB_pseudo_rec(self, answer): if answer: self.log(13, "Okay, abort pseudo recordings.") for rec in NavigationInstance.instance.getRecordings(False, pNavigation.isPseudoRecording): NavigationInstance.instance.stopRecordService(rec) self.messageString += _("Aborted a pseudo recording.\n") if config.recording.ask_to_abort_pseudo_rec.value in ("ask", "abort_msg"): self.messageStringShow = True self.justTriedFreeingTuner = True else: self.log(14, "User didn't want to abort pseudo recordings, try other methods of freeing a tuner.") self.messageBoxAnswerPending = False def failureCB_streaming(self, answer): if answer: self.log(13, "Okay, abort streaming.") for rec in NavigationInstance.instance.getRecordings(False, pNavigation.isStreaming): NavigationInstance.instance.stopRecordService(rec) self.messageString += _("Aborted a streaming service.\n") if config.recording.ask_to_abort_streaming.value in ("ask", "abort_msg"): self.messageStringShow = True self.justTriedFreeingTuner = True else: self.log(14, "User didn't want to abort streaming, try other methods of freeing a tuner.") self.messageBoxAnswerPending = False def failureCB(self, answer): if answer: self.log(13, "Okay, zapped away.") self.messageString += _("The TV was switched to the recording service!\n") self.messageStringShow = True found = False notFound = False # NavigationInstance.instance.stopUserServices() from Screens.ChannelSelection import ChannelSelection ChannelSelectionInstance = ChannelSelection.instance if ChannelSelectionInstance: bqRootStr = getBqRootStr(self.service_ref.ref) serviceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() rootBouquet = eServiceReference(bqRootStr) bouquet = eServiceReference(bqRootStr) bouquetList = serviceHandler.list(bouquet) # We need a way out of the loop, if channel is not in bouquets. bouquetCount = 0 bouquets = [] if bouquetList is not None: while True: bouquet = bouquetList.getNext() # Can we make it easier, or find a way to make another way? if bouquets == []: bouquets.append(bouquet) else: for item in bouquets: if item != bouquet: bouquets.append(bouquet) else: bouquetCount += 1 if bouquetCount >= 5: notFound = True break if bouquet.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory: ChannelSelectionInstance.clearPath() ChannelSelectionInstance.setRoot(bouquet) servicelist = serviceHandler.list(bouquet) if servicelist is not None: serviceIterator = servicelist.getNext() while serviceIterator.valid(): if self.service_ref.ref == serviceIterator: found = True break serviceIterator = servicelist.getNext() if self.service_ref.ref == serviceIterator: found = True break if found: ChannelSelectionInstance.enterPath(rootBouquet) ChannelSelectionInstance.enterPath(bouquet) ChannelSelectionInstance.saveRoot() ChannelSelectionInstance.saveChannel(self.service_ref.ref) if found: ChannelSelectionInstance.addToHistory(self.service_ref.ref) if notFound: # Can we get a result for that? See if you want to delete the running timer. self.switchToAll() else: NavigationInstance.instance.playService(self.service_ref.ref) self.justTriedFreeingTuner = True else: self.log(14, "User didn't want to zap away, recording will probably fail!") self.messageBoxAnswerPending = False def switchToAll(self): refStr = self.service_ref.ref.toString() global InfoBar if not InfoBar: from Screens.InfoBar import InfoBar if refStr.startswith("1:0:2:") or refStr.startswith("1:0:A:"): if InfoBar.instance.servicelist.mode != 1: InfoBar.instance.servicelist.setModeRadio() InfoBar.instance.servicelist.radioTV = 1 InfoBar.instance.servicelist.clearPath() rootBouquet = eServiceReference("1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET \"\" ORDER BY bouquet") bouquet = eServiceReference("%s ORDER BY name" % SERVICE_TYPES_RADIO) else: if InfoBar.instance.servicelist.mode != 0: InfoBar.instance.servicelist.setModeTv() InfoBar.instance.servicelist.radioTV = 0 InfoBar.instance.servicelist.clearPath() rootBouquet = eServiceReference("1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET \"\" ORDER BY bouquet") bouquet = eServiceReference("%s ORDER BY name" % SERVICE_TYPES_TV) if InfoBar.instance.servicelist.bouquet_root != rootBouquet: InfoBar.instance.servicelist.bouquet_root = rootBouquet InfoBar.instance.servicelist.enterPath(bouquet) InfoBar.instance.servicelist.setCurrentSelection(self.service_ref.ref) InfoBar.instance.servicelist.zap(enable_pipzap=True) InfoBar.instance.servicelist.correctChannelNumber() InfoBar.instance.servicelist.startRoot = bouquet InfoBar.instance.servicelist.addToHistory(self.service_ref.ref) def check_justplay(self): if self.justplay: self.always_zap = False def gotRecordEvent(self, record, event): # DEBUG: This is not working (never true), please fix. (Comparing two swig wrapped ePtrs.) if self.__record_service.__deref__() != record.__deref__(): return # self.log(16, "Record event %d." % event) if event == iRecordableService.evRecordWriteError: if self.record_service: NavigationInstance.instance.stopRecordService(self.record_service) self.record_service = None self.failed = True self.lastend = self.end self.end = int(time()) + 5 self.backoff = 0 msg, err = self.freespace(True) self.log(16, "Write error while recording, %s" % msg) print("[RecordTimer] Write error while recording, %s" % msg) # Show notification. The 'id' will make sure that it will be displayed only once, even if # more timers are failing at the same time which is very likely in case of disk full. AddPopup(text=_("Write error while recording. %s") % (_("An unknown error occurred!"), _("Disk was not found!"), _("Disk is not writable!"), _("Disk full?"))[err], type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=0, id="DiskFullMessage") # Okay, the recording has been stopped. We need to properly note that in our # state, with also keeping the possibility to re-try. # DEBUG: This has to be done! elif event == iRecordableService.evStart: text = _("A recording has been started:\n%s") % notify = config.usage.show_message_when_recording_starts.value and not Screens.Standby.inStandby if self.dirnameHadToFallback: text = "\n".join((text, _("Please note that the previously selected media could not be accessed and therefore the default directory is being used instead."))) notify = True if notify: AddPopup(text=text, type=MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=3) elif event == iRecordableService.evRecordAborted: NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.removeEntry(self) elif event == iRecordableService.evGstRecordEnded: if self.repeated: self.processRepeated(findRunningEvent=False) NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.doActivate(self) def setRecordService(self, service): # We have record_service as property to automatically subscribe to record service events. if self.__record_service is not None: # print("[RecordTimer] Remove callback.") NavigationInstance.instance.record_event.remove(self.gotRecordEvent) self.__record_service = service if self.__record_service is not None: # print("[RecordTimer] Add callback.") NavigationInstance.instance.record_event.append(self.gotRecordEvent) record_service = property(lambda self: self.__record_service, setRecordService)