#!/usr/bin/env Rscript # Author: Jianfeng Li # Email: lee_jianfeng@sjtu.edu.cn # Year: 2018 # Homepage: https://github.com/ngsjs/ngsjs # License: MIT # Copyrights 2018 Jianfeng All Rights Reserved. suppressMessages(if(!require('pacman')) install.packages('pacman')) pkgs <- c("ngstk") suppressMessages(pacman::p_load(pkgs, character.only = TRUE)) option_list <- list( make_option(c("-v", "--verbose"), action = "store_true", default = FALSE, help = "Print extra output [default FALSE]"), make_option(c("-f", "--func"), help = "Index or name of used function [e.g. shiny::runApp (1).", default = "shiny::runApp"), make_option(c("-a", "--app_dir"), help = "Bioshiny application dir.", default = system.file('extdata', 'shiny', package = 'bioshiny')), make_option(c("-p", "--port"), help = "Port to start a shiny application.", default = "3333"), make_option(c("--host"), help = "Host to listen.", default = ""), make_option(c("-r", "--rfunc"), help = "R function (input param 'x') to process the returned colors or length [e.g. function(x){return(x[[2]])} or x[[2]]].", default = NULL), make_option(c("-e", "--extra"), help = "Extra parameters [...].", default = ""), make_option(c("-d", "--doc"), action = "store_true", default = FALSE, help = "Print functions document") ) description <- paste( "\trstart_shiny is a R-based tool to start an R bioshiny application.", sep = "\n\t" ) usage <- paste("", "%prog [options] [params]", "%prog", "%prog -p 3434", sep = "\n\t") opt_parser_obj <- opt_parser(option_list = option_list, usage = usage, description = description) opt <- parse_args(opt_parser_obj, positional_arguments = TRUE, print_help_and_exit = FALSE) opt_args <- opt$args opt <- opt$option if (opt[["port"]] == "" && length(opt_args) > 0) opt[["port"]] <- opt_args[1] if (opt[["app_dir"]] == "" && length(opt_args) > 1) opt[["app_dir"]] <- opt_args[1] if (!is.null(opt[["rfunc"]]) && length(opt_args) > 2) opt[["rfunc"]] <- opt_args[2] if ((opt[["port"]] == "" && opt[["app_dir"]] == "" && !opt[["doc"]] ) || opt$help) { print_help(opt_parser_obj) } else { port <- as.numeric(opt[["port"]]) host <- opt[["host"]] app_dir <- opt[["app_dir"]] if (opt[["extra"]] != "") { cmd_text <- sprintf("params <- list(appDir = app_dir, port = port, host = host, %s)", opt[["extra"]]) } else { cmd_text <- sprintf("params <- list(appDir = app_dir, port = port, host = host)") } eval(parse(text = cmd_text)) predefined_funcs <- list("1"="shiny::runApp") if (opt[["func"]] %in% names(predefined_funcs)) { predefined_func <- predefined_funcs[[ opt[["func"]] ]] if (length(grep("::|:::", opt[["func"]])) > 0) { dep_pkg <- strsplit(predefined_func, "::|:::")[[1]][1] suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(pacman::p_load(dep_pkg, character.only = TRUE))) } opt[["func"]] <- predefined_func } if (opt[["doc"]]) { eval(parse(text = sprintf("?%s", opt[["func"]]))) } else { eval(parse(text = sprintf("x <- do.call(%s, params)", opt[["func"]]))) is.function <- length(grep("function", opt[["rfunc"]])) > 0 if (is.character(opt[["rfunc"]]) && !is.function) { opt[["rfunc"]] <- sprintf("function(x) {%s}", opt[["rfunc"]]) } if (is.character(opt[["rfunc"]])) x <- do.call(eval(parse(text = opt$rfunc)), list(x=x)) if (is.character(x) || is.numeric(x)) cat(paste(x, collapse = "\n"), sep = "\n") else x } }