#!/usr/bin/env bash # #Script is designed to interactively install opencog dependencies on a clean Debian Jessie environment. #Last Edit 5/28/2016 by Noah Bliss. Major edit. Script is now part of a pair. #Removed cogutil/atomspace build/install. They are now handled by opencog-installer.sh # If I break. Fix me on github! #Prompt for root since we are installing stuff. [ "$UID" -eq 0 ] || exec sudo bash "$0" "$@" # DEFINE PACKAGES TO INSTALL: # General System Utilities PACKAGES_TOOLS=" git \ python-pip \ wget \ sudo \ " # Packages for building opencog PACKAGES_BUILD=" build-essential \ cmake \ cxxtest \ rlwrap \ guile-2.0-dev \ libiberty-dev \ libicu-dev \ libbz2-dev \ cython \ python-dev \ python-zmq \ python-simplejson \ libboost-date-time-dev \ libboost-filesystem-dev \ libboost-math-dev \ libboost-program-options-dev \ libboost-regex-dev \ libboost-serialization-dev \ libboost-thread-dev \ libboost-system-dev \ libzmq3-dev \ libtbb-dev \ binutils-dev \ unixodbc-dev \ uuid-dev \ libprotoc-dev \ protobuf-compiler \ libsdl-gfx1.2-dev \ libssl-dev \ tcl-dev \ tcsh \ libfreetype6-dev \ libatlas-base-dev \ gfortran \ " # Packages required for integrating opencog with other services PACKAGES_RUNTIME=" unixodbc \ odbc-postgresql \ postgresql-client \ " #Install the Deps. apt-get update if ! (apt-get install -y $PACKAGES_TOOLS $PACKAGES_BUILD $PACKAGES_RUNTIME) then echo "Installing packages from the Debian repo failed. It's probably your internet, apt sources.list, or we devs need to update a package name." exit 1 fi #Install the Python Deps. cd /tmp rm requirements.txt #Fix for sslv3 Debian error sudo easy_install --upgrade pip wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opencog/opencog/master/opencog/python/requirements.txt sudo pip install -U -r /tmp/requirements.txt rm requirements.txt printf '\n \n' echo "Prerequisite software installed. We should have everything we need to build OpenCog."