version: "3.3" services: ldap-service: image: odk/openldap deploy: replicas: 1 networks: - ldap-network volumes: - ldap-vol:/var/lib/ldap - ldap-slapd.d-vol:/etc/ldap/slapd.d env_file: - ldap.env phpldapadmin: image: odk/phpldapadmin deploy: replicas: 1 ports: - "${PHP_LDAPADMIN_PORT:-40000}:443" networks: - ldap-network env_file: - ldap.env db: image: postgres:9.6 deploy: replicas: 1 networks: - db-network volumes: - db-vol:/var/lib/postgresql/data env_file: - db.env db-bootstrap: image: odk/db-bootstrap deploy: replicas: 1 restart_policy: condition: none placement: constraints: - node.role == manager networks: - db-network - sync-network volumes: - type: bind source: /var/run/docker.sock target: /var/run/docker.sock env_file: - db.env - sync.env sync: image: odk/sync_endpoint networks: - ldap-network - db-network - sync-network env_file: - sync.env # uncomment these after uncommenting the ones below in the root level configs # configs: # - org.opendatakit.sync.ldapcert # - secrets: - - web-ui: image: odk/sync-web-ui networks: - sync-network hostname: web-ui configs: - nginx: image: nginx:1.13 networks: - sync-network ports: - "80:80" - "443:443" configs: - source: com.nginx.sync-endpoint.conf target: /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf - source: com.nginx.proxy_buffer.conf target: /etc/nginx/conf.d/proxy_buffer.conf # uncomment these after uncommenting the ones below in the root level # - com.nginx.ssl_certificate # secrets: # - com.nginx.ssl_certificate_key networks: ldap-network: driver: overlay driver_opts: encrypted: "" internal: true db-network: driver: overlay driver_opts: encrypted: "" internal: true sync-network: driver: overlay driver_opts: encrypted: "" internal: true volumes: db-vol: # preserve db # these 2 need to be removed together ldap-vol: # preserve ldap db ldap-slapd.d-vol: # preserve ldap settings configs: # uncomment this to import a CA certificate into the Sync service # org.opendatakit.sync.ldapcert: # external: true # uncomment this to override logging configuration # # file: ./ file: ./config/web-ui/ com.nginx.sync-endpoint.conf: file: ./config/nginx/sync-endpoint-http.conf com.nginx.proxy_buffer.conf: file: ./config/nginx/proxy_buffer.conf # com.nginx.ssl_certificate: # external: # name: NAME OF CONFIG secrets: file: ./config/sync-endpoint/ file: ./config/sync-endpoint/ # com.nginx.ssl_certificate_key: # external: # name: NAME OF SECRET