openDxlApi: '0.1' info: title: 'MISP DXL Service' version: 0.1.0 description: 'The OpenDXL MISP service exposes access to the MISP REST APIs via the Data Exchange Layer (DXL) fabric. The service also provides support for forwarding MISP ZeroMQ message notifications to the DXL fabric.' contact: name: OpenDXL url: '' solutions: 'MISP DXL Service': info: title: 'MISP DXL Service' version: 0.1.3 description: 'The MISP DXL Service.' externalDocs: description: 'MISP REST API Reference' url: '' services: - $ref: '#/services/MISP DXL Python Service' events: - $ref: '#/events/~1opendxl-misp~1event~1zeromq-notifications~1' services: 'MISP DXL Python Service': info: title: 'MISP DXL Python Service' version: 0.1.3 description: 'The OpenDXL MISP service exposes access to the MISP REST APIs via the Data Exchange Layer (DXL) fabric. The service also provides support for forwarding MISP ZeroMQ message notifications to the DXL fabric.' externalDocs: description: 'MISP DXL Python Service (GitHub)' url: '' requests: - $ref: '#/requests/~1opendxl-misp~1service~1misp-api~1' events: /opendxl-misp/event/zeromq-notifications/: description: 'The OpenDXL MISP service can be configured with a set of topics for use with forwarding MISP ZeroMQ messages as DXL Events to be sent to the DXL fabric.' externalDocs: description: 'MISP DXL Python Service SDK Documentation: Configuration' url: '' payload: description: 'Refer to the MISP ZeroMQ documentation for information on the event(s) to which you are subcribing.' example: Event: Attribute: [] Galaxy: [] Object: [] Org: id: '1' name: ORGNAME uuid: 5ad76731-5170-4bda-88fe-0179ac110002 Orgc: id: '1' name: ORGNAME uuid: 5ad76731-5170-4bda-88fe-0179ac110002 RelatedEvent: [] ShadowAttribute: [] analysis: '1' attribute_count: '0' date: '2018-09-27' disable_correlation: false distribution: '3' extends_uuid: "" id: '175' info: 'OpenDXL MISP event notification example' locked: false org_id: '1' orgc_id: '1' proposal_email_lock: false publish_timestamp: '1538008974' published: true sharing_group_id: '0' threat_level_id: '3' timestamp: '1538008973' uuid: 5bac278d-b910-4912-9b3f-03f7ac110005 requests: /opendxl-misp/service/misp-api/: description: 'The OpenDXL MISP service can be configured with a set of DXL service topics corresponding to MISP API methods. For more information please see the MISP DXL Python Service''s configuration file.' externalDocs: description: 'MISP DXL Python Service SDK Documentation: Service Methods' url: '' payload: description: 'Refer to the MISP API documentation for information on the service method(s) you are configuring the MISP DXL Service to forward to the MISP Automation API.

Also see the OpenDXL MISP Service SDK Documentation examples below for a detailed walkthrough of configuring a service method, sending a request, and receiving a response:

' example: distribution: 3 info: 'OpenDXL MISP new event example' analysis: 1 threat_level_id: 3 response: description: 'The contents of the DXL response payload are provided as a JSON string form of the response provided by the MISP API. Please see the MISP Automation API reference for further details.' payload: example: Event: Attribute: [] Galaxy: [] Object: [] Org: id: '1' name: ORGNAME uuid: 5ac3c55a-41a4-4294-adf3-00f8ac110003 Orgc: id: '1' name: ORGNAME uuid: 5ac3c55a-41a4-4294-adf3-00f8ac110003 RelatedEvent: [] ShadowAttribute: [] analysis: '1' attribute_count: '0' date: '2018-04-09' disable_correlation: false distribution: '3' event_creator_email: admin@admin.test id: '169' info: 'OpenDXL MISP new event example' locked: false org_id: '1' orgc_id: '1' proposal_email_lock: false publish_timestamp: '0' published: false sharing_group_id: '0' threat_level_id: '3' timestamp: '1523287869' uuid: 5acb873d-a914-4f9f-92b9-196cac110002 errorResponses: '0': payload: $ref: '#/definitions/Error Response Object' definitions: 'Error Response Object': example: 'Error handling request: An Internal Error has occurred.'