apiVersion: openebs.io/v1alpha1 kind: BlockDevice metadata: name: example-blockdevice labels: kubernetes.io/hostname: # like gke-openebs-user-default-pool-044afcb8-bmc0 ndm.io/managed: "false" # for manual blockdevice creation put false ndm.io/blockdevice-type: # like blockdevice openebs.io/block-device-tag: # optional label to tag a blockdevice for a particular use status: claimState: Unclaimed state: Active spec: capacity: storage: #like 53687091200 details: firmwareRevision: model: # like PersistentDisk serial: # like google-disk-2 compliance: #like "SPC-4" vendor: #like Google devlinks: - kind: by-id links: - # like /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0Google_PersistentDisk_disk-2 - # like /dev/disk/by-id/google-disk-2 - kind: by-path links: - # like /dev/disk/by-path/virtio-pci-0000:00:03.0-scsi-0:0:2:0 nodeAttributes: nodeName: # output of `kubectl get nodes` can be used path: # like /dev/sdb