# APIs Compatibility This documentation offers guidance on a workaround for utilizing mobile APIs with earlier versions of Open edX releases. In December 2023, the [FC-0031 project](https://github.com/openedx/edx-platform/issues/33304) introduced new APIs, and the Open edX mobile apps were transitioned to utilize them. If your platform version is older than December 2023, follow the instructions below: 1. Setup the [mobile-api-extensions](https://github.com/raccoongang/mobile-api-extensions) plugin to your platform. The Plugin contains extended Open edX APIs for mobile applications. 2. Roll back the modifications that brought in the new APIs [42f518a](https://github.com/openedx/openedx-app-android/commit/42f518a264d4300c8c2ca349072addd7d16ff91a).