package lime.utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lime.text.Font; import lime.utils.AssetType; #if flash import flash.display.BitmapData; import; #end #if !lime_debug @:fileXml('tags="haxe,release"') @:noDebug #end class AssetLibrary { public var onChange = new EventVoid> (); private var assetsLoaded:Int; private var assetsTotal:Int; private var bytesLoaded:Int; private var bytesLoadedCache:Map; private var bytesTotal:Int; private var cachedAudioBuffers = new Map (); private var cachedBytes = new Map (); private var cachedFonts = new Map (); private var cachedImages = new Map (); private var cachedText = new Map (); private var classTypes = new Map> (); private var loaded:Bool; private var pathGroups = new Map> (); private var paths = new Map (); private var preload = new Map (); private var promise:Promise; private var sizes = new Map (); private var types = new Map (); public function new () { bytesLoaded = 0; bytesTotal = 0; } public function exists (id:String, type:String):Bool { var requestedType = type != null ? cast (type, AssetType) : null; var assetType = types.get (id); if (assetType != null) { if (assetType == requestedType || ((requestedType == SOUND || requestedType == MUSIC) && (assetType == MUSIC || assetType == SOUND))) { return true; } #if flash if (requestedType == BINARY && (assetType == BINARY || assetType == TEXT || assetType == IMAGE)) { return true; } else if (requestedType == TEXT && assetType == BINARY) { return true; } else if (requestedType == null || paths.exists (id)) { return true; } #else if (requestedType == BINARY || requestedType == null || (assetType == BINARY && requestedType == TEXT)) { return true; } #end } return false; } public static function fromBytes (bytes:Bytes, rootPath:String = null):AssetLibrary { return fromManifest (AssetManifest.fromBytes (bytes, rootPath)); } public static function fromFile (path:String, rootPath:String = null):AssetLibrary { return fromManifest (AssetManifest.fromFile (path, rootPath)); } public static function fromManifest (manifest:AssetManifest):AssetLibrary { if (manifest == null) return null; var library:AssetLibrary = null; if (manifest.libraryType == null) { library = new AssetLibrary (); } else { var libraryClass = Type.resolveClass (manifest.libraryType); if (libraryClass != null) { library = Type.createInstance (libraryClass, manifest.libraryArgs); } else { Log.warn ("Could not find library type: " + manifest.libraryType); return null; } } library.__fromManifest (manifest); return library; } public function getAsset (id:String, type:String):Dynamic { return switch (type) { case BINARY: getBytes (id); case FONT: getFont (id); case IMAGE: getImage (id); case MUSIC, SOUND: getAudioBuffer (id); case TEXT: getText (id); case TEMPLATE: throw "Not sure how to get template: " + id; default: throw "Unknown asset type: " + type; } } public function getAudioBuffer (id:String):AudioBuffer { if (cachedAudioBuffers.exists (id)) { return cachedAudioBuffers.get (id); } else if (classTypes.exists (id)) { #if flash var buffer = new AudioBuffer (); buffer.src = cast (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []), Sound); return buffer; #else return AudioBuffer.fromBytes (cast (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []), Bytes)); #end } else { return AudioBuffer.fromFile (paths.get (id)); } } public function getBytes (id:String):Bytes { if (cachedBytes.exists (id)) { return cachedBytes.get (id); } else if (cachedText.exists (id)) { var bytes = Bytes.ofString (cachedText.get (id)); cachedBytes.set (id, bytes); return bytes; } else if (classTypes.exists (id)) { #if flash var data = Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []); switch (types.get (id)) { case TEXT, BINARY: return Bytes.ofData (cast (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []), flash.utils.ByteArray)); case IMAGE: var bitmapData = cast (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []), BitmapData); return Bytes.ofData (bitmapData.getPixels (bitmapData.rect)); default: return null; } #else return cast (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []), Bytes); #end } else { return Bytes.fromFile (paths.get (id)); } } public function getFont (id:String):Font { if (cachedFonts.exists (id)) { return cachedFonts.get (id); } else if (classTypes.exists (id)) { #if flash var src = Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []); var font = new Font (src.fontName); font.src = src; return font; #else return cast (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []), Font); #end } else { return Font.fromFile (paths.get (id)); } } public function getImage (id:String):Image { if (cachedImages.exists (id)) { return cachedImages.get (id); } else if (classTypes.exists (id)) { #if flash return Image.fromBitmapData (cast (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []), BitmapData)); #else return cast (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []), Image); #end } else { return Image.fromFile (paths.get (id)); } } public function getPath (id:String):String { return paths.get (id); } public function getText (id:String):String { if (cachedText.exists (id)) { return cachedText.get (id); } else { var bytes = getBytes (id); if (bytes == null) { return null; } else { return bytes.getString (0, bytes.length); } } } public function isLocal (id:String, type:String):Bool { #if sys return true; #else if (classTypes.exists (id)) { return true; } var requestedType = type != null ? cast (type, AssetType) : null; return switch (requestedType) { case IMAGE: cachedImages.exists (id); case MUSIC, SOUND: cachedAudioBuffers.exists (id); default: cachedBytes.exists (id) || cachedText.exists (id); } #end } public function list (type:String):Array { var requestedType = type != null ? cast (type, AssetType) : null; var items = []; for (id in types.keys ()) { if (requestedType == null || exists (id, type)) { items.push (id); } } return items; } public function loadAsset (id:String, type:String):Future { return switch (type) { case BINARY: loadBytes (id); case FONT: loadFont (id); case IMAGE: loadImage (id); case MUSIC, SOUND: loadAudioBuffer (id); case TEXT: loadText (id); case TEMPLATE: throw "Not sure how to load template: " + id; default: throw "Unknown asset type: " + type; } } public function load ():Future { if (loaded) { return Future.withValue (this); } if (promise == null) { promise = new Promise (); bytesLoadedCache = new Map (); assetsLoaded = 0; assetsTotal = 1; for (id in preload.keys ()) { Log.verbose ("Preloading asset: " + id + " [" + types.get (id) + "]"); switch (types.get (id)) { case BINARY: assetsTotal++; var future = loadBytes (id); future.onProgress (load_onProgress.bind (id)); future.onError (load_onError.bind (id)); future.onComplete (loadBytes_onComplete.bind (id)); case FONT: assetsTotal++; var future = loadFont (id); future.onProgress (load_onProgress.bind (id)); future.onError (load_onError.bind (id)); future.onComplete (loadFont_onComplete.bind (id)); case IMAGE: assetsTotal++; var future = loadImage (id); future.onProgress (load_onProgress.bind (id)); future.onError (load_onError.bind (id)); future.onComplete (loadImage_onComplete.bind (id)); case MUSIC, SOUND: assetsTotal++; var future = loadAudioBuffer (id); future.onProgress (load_onProgress.bind (id)); future.onError (load_onError.bind (id)); future.onComplete (loadAudioBuffer_onComplete.bind (id)); case TEXT: assetsTotal++; var future = loadText (id); future.onProgress (load_onProgress.bind (id)); future.onError (load_onError.bind (id)); future.onComplete (loadText_onComplete.bind (id)); default: } } __assetLoaded (null); } return promise.future; } public function loadAudioBuffer (id:String):Future { if (cachedAudioBuffers.exists (id)) { return Future.withValue (cachedAudioBuffers.get (id)); } else if (classTypes.exists (id)) { return Future.withValue (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), [])); } else { if (pathGroups.exists (id)) { return AudioBuffer.loadFromFiles (pathGroups.get (id)); } else { return AudioBuffer.loadFromFile (paths.get (id)); } } } public function loadBytes (id:String):Future { if (cachedBytes.exists (id)) { return Future.withValue (cachedBytes.get (id)); } else if (classTypes.exists (id)) { #if flash return Future.withValue (Bytes.ofData (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []))); #else return Future.withValue (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), [])); #end } else { return Bytes.loadFromFile (paths.get (id)); } } public function loadFont (id:String):Future { if (cachedFonts.exists (id)) { return Future.withValue (cachedFonts.get (id)); } else if (classTypes.exists (id)) { var font:Font = Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), []); #if (js && html5) return Font.loadFromName (; #else return Future.withValue (font); #end } else { #if (js && html5) return Font.loadFromName (paths.get (id)); #else return Font.loadFromFile (paths.get (id)); #end } } public static function loadFromBytes (bytes:Bytes, rootPath:String = null):Future { return AssetManifest.loadFromBytes (bytes, rootPath).then (function (manifest) { return loadFromManifest (manifest); }); } public static function loadFromFile (path:String, rootPath:String = null):Future { return AssetManifest.loadFromFile (path, rootPath).then (function (manifest) { return loadFromManifest (manifest); }); } public static function loadFromManifest (manifest:AssetManifest):Future { var library = fromManifest (manifest); if (library != null) { return library.load (); } else { return cast Future.withError ("Could not load asset manifest"); } } public function loadImage (id:String):Future { if (cachedImages.exists (id)) { return Future.withValue (cachedImages.get (id)); } else if (classTypes.exists (id)) { return Future.withValue (Type.createInstance (classTypes.get (id), [])); } else { return Image.loadFromFile (paths.get (id)); } } public function loadText (id:String):Future { if (cachedText.exists (id)) { return Future.withValue (cachedText.get (id)); } else if (cachedBytes.exists (id) || classTypes.exists (id)) { var bytes = getBytes (id); if (bytes == null) { return cast Future.withValue (null); } else { var text = bytes.getString (0, bytes.length); cachedText.set (id, text); return Future.withValue (text); } } else { var request = new HTTPRequest (); return request.load (paths.get (id)); } } public function unload ():Void { } private function __assetLoaded (id:String):Void { assetsLoaded++; if (id != null) { Log.verbose ("Loaded asset: " + id + " [" + types.get (id) + "] (" + (assetsLoaded - 1) + "/" + (assetsTotal - 1) + ")"); } if (id != null) { var size = sizes.get (id); if (!bytesLoadedCache.exists (id)) { bytesLoaded += size; } else { var cache = bytesLoadedCache.get (id); if (cache < size) { bytesLoaded += (size - cache); } } bytesLoadedCache.set (id, size); } if (assetsLoaded < assetsTotal) { promise.progress (bytesLoaded, bytesTotal); } else { loaded = true; promise.progress (bytesTotal, bytesTotal); promise.complete (this); } } private function __fromManifest (manifest:AssetManifest):Void { var hasSize = (manifest.version >= 2); var size, id, pathGroup:Array; var basePath = manifest.rootPath; if (basePath == null) basePath = ""; if (basePath != "") basePath += "/"; for (asset in manifest.assets) { size = hasSize ? asset.size : 100; id =; if (Reflect.hasField (asset, "path")) { paths.set (id, basePath + Reflect.field (asset, "path")); } if (Reflect.hasField (asset, "pathGroup")) { pathGroup = Reflect.field (asset, "pathGroup"); for (i in 0...pathGroup.length) { pathGroup[i] = basePath + pathGroup[i]; } pathGroups.set (id, pathGroup); } sizes.set (id, size); types.set (id, asset.type); if (Reflect.hasField (asset, "preload")) { preload.set (id, Reflect.field (asset, "preload")); } if (Reflect.hasField (asset, "className")) { classTypes.set (id, Type.resolveClass (Reflect.field (asset, "className"))); } } bytesTotal = 0; for (asset in manifest.assets) { id =; if (preload.exists (id)) { bytesTotal += sizes.get (id); } } } // Event Handlers private function loadAudioBuffer_onComplete (id:String, audioBuffer:AudioBuffer):Void { cachedAudioBuffers.set (id, audioBuffer); if (pathGroups.exists (id)) { var pathGroup = pathGroups.get (id); for (otherID in pathGroups.keys ()) { if (otherID == id) continue; for (path in pathGroup) { if (pathGroups.get (otherID).indexOf (path) > -1) { cachedAudioBuffers.set (otherID, audioBuffer); break; } } } } __assetLoaded (id); } private function loadBytes_onComplete (id:String, bytes:Bytes):Void { cachedBytes.set (id, bytes); __assetLoaded (id); } private function loadFont_onComplete (id:String, font:Font):Void { cachedFonts.set (id, font); __assetLoaded (id); } private function loadImage_onComplete (id:String, image:Image):Void { cachedImages.set (id, image); __assetLoaded (id); } private function loadText_onComplete (id:String, text:String):Void { cachedText.set (id, text); __assetLoaded (id); } private function load_onError (id:String, message:Dynamic):Void { if (message != null && message != "") { promise.error ("Error loading asset \"" + id + "\": " + Std.string (message)); } else { promise.error ("Error loading asset \"" + id + "\""); } } private function load_onProgress (id:String, bytesLoaded:Int, bytesTotal:Int):Void { if (bytesLoaded > 0) { var size = sizes.get (id); var percent; if (bytesTotal > 0) { // Use a ratio in case the real bytesTotal is different than our precomputed total percent = (bytesLoaded / bytesTotal); if (percent > 1) percent = 1; bytesLoaded = Math.floor (percent * size); } else if (bytesLoaded > size) { bytesLoaded = size; } if (bytesLoadedCache.exists (id)) { var cache = bytesLoadedCache.get (id); if (bytesLoaded != cache) { this.bytesLoaded += (bytesLoaded - cache); } } else { this.bytesLoaded += bytesLoaded; } bytesLoadedCache.set (id, bytesLoaded); promise.progress (this.bytesLoaded, this.bytesTotal); } } }