$schema: https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema title: OGC Building Blocks examples schema $defs: examples: type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/example' example: type: object anyOf: - required: - content - required: - snippets properties: snippets: minItems: 1 properties: title: description: A title for this example type: string content: description: Markdown contents to describe the example. type: string base-uri: description: Base URI that will be used for semantic uplift (JSON -> JSON-LD -> Turtle). type: string base-output-filename: description: | Base filename that will be used for writing this example to its own file. Extension, if any, will be discarded. type: string prefixes: description: | Prefixes for this example. Will be merged with top-level `prefixes`, if any, with the example ones taking precedence. $ref: '#/$defs/prefixes' snippets: description: | Collection of snippets to illustrate this example. Preferably, only one snippet per language should be added here, as additional snippets in the same language can be created as different examples. type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/snippet' transforms: description: | List of transforms for this example type: array items: $ref: '#/$defs/transform' snippet: type: object required: - language properties: language: description: | The language for this snippet. Can be a file format (such as 'jsonld' or 'turtle'), a MIME type (e.g., 'text/html'), a programming language ('python'). 'plaintext' by default. type: string code: description: Code block for the snippet. Either this property or 'ref' have to be provided. type: string ref: description: | A reference to a filename (relative to the examples.yaml file) with the contents of this snippet, as an alternative to inlining them in the 'code' property. type: string format: uri-reference base-uri: description: | Base URI that will be used when semantically uplifting this snippet. Overrides that of the example, if any. type: string schema-ref: description: | A reference to a JSON schema or subschema that will be used to validate this snippet. A full URL or a filename (relative to the building block's 'schema.yaml'), with or without a fragment, can be provided. If only a fragment is provided, it will be looked up inside the default 'schema.yaml'. If none provided, the default schema for the building block will be employed. type: string format: uri-reference doc-uplift-formats: description: | Uplifted snippet format, or array thereof, that will be added to the output documentation. If omitted, both 'jsonld' and 'ttl' will be used; if empty array or null, no uplifted snippets will be included in the documentation. oneOf: - type: string enum: [ jsonld, ttl ] - type: array items: type: string enum: [ jsonld, ttl ] - type: 'null' shacl-closure: description: | List of Turtle documents (file names or URLs) that will be used as the SHACL closure graph. This list will be merged with the one defined inside `bblock.json`, if any. type: array items: type: string expand-level: description: Default expand level for Treedoc Viewer, where applicable (JSON, YAML) type: integer minimum: 1 oneOf: - required: - code - required: - ref transform: type: object required: - input-language - output-language - type oneOf: - required: - code - required: - ref properties: input-language: description: | Input language of the code snippet from this example that will be transformed. It can correspond to a manually-provided snippet, or to an uplifted one. type: string output-language: description: | Output language of the transformed snippet. type: string type: description: | The type of this transform. "jq" or "shacl" are examples of automatically processed ones. type: string description: description: Textual description of this transformation. Markdown is accepted. type: string code: description: Code contents of this transformation (e.g., jq script or SHACL rules file). type: string ref: description: | Location of a file with the code contents of this transformation (instead of providing them inline through the "code" property). type: string prefixes: type: object description: Map of prefix -> URI that will be used for Turtle resources additionalProperties: type: string examples: - dct: http://purl.org/dc/terms/ dcat: http://www.w3.org/ns/dcat# - skos: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# rdfs: http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema# schema: http://schema.org/ oneOf: - $ref: '#/$defs/examples' - type: object properties: prefixes: description: Default prefixes for all examples $ref: '#/$defs/prefixes' examples: $ref: '#/$defs/examples' required: - examples