@prefix cc: . @prefix void: . @prefix org: . @prefix odrs: . @prefix ssd: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix env-ui: . @prefix skos: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix version: . @prefix qb: . @prefix dgu: . @prefix ui: . @prefix dct: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix reg: . @prefix ldp: . @prefix time: . @prefix api: . @prefix vann: . @prefix vs: . @prefix prov: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix dc: . a reg:Register , ldp:Container ; rdfs:label "Net CDF" ; dct:description "Vocabulary of terms used in the netCDF User Guide." ; dct:modified "2020-05-04T14:15:24.798Z"^^xsd:dateTime ; reg:category ; owl:versionInfo 1 ; ldp:contains , , , , , , , , , , ; ldp:hasMemberRelation ldp:contains . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label "valid max" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "Largest valid value of a variable." ; dct:identifier "valid_max" ; dct:references . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label " FillValue" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "A value used to represent missing or undefined data. Allowed for auxiliary coordinate variables but not allowed for coordinate variables." ; dct:identifier "_FillValue" ; dct:references . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label "valid range" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "Smallest and largest valid values of a variable." ; dct:identifier "valid_range" ; dct:references . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label "title" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "Short description of the file contents." ; dct:identifier "title" ; dct:references . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label "units" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "Units of a variable's content." ; dct:identifier "units" ; dct:references . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label "add offset" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "If present for a variable, this number is to be added to the data after it is read by an application. If both **`scale_factor`** and **`add_offset`** attributes are present, the data are first scaled before the offset is added. In cases where there is a strong constraint on dataset size, it is allowed to pack the coordinate variables (using add_offset and/or scale_factor), but this is not recommended in general." ; dct:identifier "add_offset" ; dct:references . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label "long name" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "A descriptive name that indicates a variable's content. This name is not standardized." ; dct:identifier "long_name" ; dct:references . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label "valid min" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "Smallest valid value of a variable." ; dct:identifier "valid_min" ; dct:references . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label "scale factor" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "If present for a variable, the data are to be multiplied by this factor after the data are read by an application. See also the **`add_offset`** attribute. In cases where there is a strong constraint on dataset size, it is allowed to pack the coordinate variables (using add_offset and/or scale_factor), but this is not recommended in general." ; dct:identifier "scale_factor" ; dct:references . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label "history" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "List of the applications that have modified the original data." ; dct:identifier "history" ; dct:references . a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:label "Conventions" ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; dct:description "Name of the conventions followed by the dataset." ; dct:identifier "Conventions" ; dct:references .