title: Extent with Uniform Additional Dimensions Schema description: |- The extent module only addresses spatial and temporal extents. This module extends extent by specifying how intervals and crs properties can be used to specify additional geometries. allOf: - $ref: 'extent.yaml' - type: object additionalProperties: description: |- The domain intervals for any additional dimensions of the extent (envelope) beyond those described in temporal and spatial. type: object oneOf: - required: [ interval, definition ] - required: [ interval, trs ] - required: [ interval, vrs ] properties: interval: description: |- One or more intervals that describe the extent for this dimension of the dataset. The value `null` is supported and indicates an unbounded or half-bounded interval. The first interval describes the overall extent of the data for this dimension. All subsequent intervals describe more precise intervals, e.g., to identify clusters of data. Clients only interested in the overall extent will only need to access the first item (a pair of lower and upper bound values). type: array minItems: 1 items: description: |- Lower and upper bound values of the interval. The values are in the coordinate reference system specified in `crs`, `trs` or `vrs`. type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: oneOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number example: - '2011-11-11T12:22:11Z' - '2011-11-11T08:22:11-04:00' - 32.5 - null trs: type: string description: temporal coordinate reference system (e.g. as defined by Features for 'temporal') vrs: type: string description: vertical coordinate reference system (e.g. as defined in EDR for 'vertical') grid: type: object description: |- Provides information about the limited availability of data within the collection organized as a grid (regular or irregular) along the dimension. properties: coordinates: description: |- List of coordinates along the temporal dimension for which data organized as an irregular grid in the collection is available (e.g., 2, 10, 80, 100). type: array minItems: 1 items: oneOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number example: [2, 10, 80, 100] cellsCount: description: |- Number of samples available along the dimension for data organized as a regular grid. For values representing the whole area of contiguous cells spanning _resolution_ units along the dimension, this will be (_upperBound_ - _lowerBound_) / _resolution_. For values representing infinitely small point cells spaced by _resolution_ units along the dimension, this will be (_upperBound_ - _lowerBound_) / _resolution_ + 1. type: integer example: 50 resolution: description: |- Resolution of regularly gridded data along the dimension in the collection oneOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number example: - "PT1H" - 0.0006866455078 definition: type: string format: uri description: A URI to the definition of the measured or observed property corresponding to this dimension. unit: type: string description: The unit of measure in which the interval and/or grid values are expressed. unitLang: type: string default: UCUM description: The language (or vocabulary) in which the unit is expressed (defaults to "UCUM" if not specified).