from Screen import Screen from Components.ActionMap import ActionMap from Components.Button import Button from Components.config import config from Components.Sources.StaticText import StaticText from Components.Harddisk import Harddisk from Components.NimManager import nimmanager from Components.About import about from Components.ScrollLabel import ScrollLabel from Components.SystemInfo import SystemInfo from Components.Console import Console from enigma import eTimer, getEnigmaVersionString, getDesktop from boxbranding import getBoxType, getMachineBuild, getMachineBrand, getMachineName, getImageVersion, getImageBuild, getDriverDate, getOEVersion, getImageType, getBrandOEM from Components.Pixmap import MultiPixmap from Components.Network import iNetwork from Components.Label import Label from Components.ProgressBar import ProgressBar from Tools.StbHardware import getFPVersion from Tools.Directories import fileCheck import os import re from os import path, popen, system from re import search def find_rootfssubdir(file): startup_content = read_startup("/boot/" + file) rootsubdir = startup_content[startup_content.find("rootsubdir=")+11:].split()[0] if rootsubdir.startswith("linuxrootfs"): return rootsubdir return def read_startup(FILE): file = FILE try: with open(file, 'r') as myfile:'\n', '') myfile.close() except IOError: print "[ERROR] failed to open file %s" % file data = " " return data class About(Screen): def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) Screen.setTitle(self, _("Image Information")) self.skinName = "AboutOE" self.populate() self["key_green"] = Button(_("Translations")) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "ColorActions", "TimerEditActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "log": self.showAboutReleaseNotes, "blue": self.showMemoryInfo, "up": self["AboutScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["AboutScrollLabel"].pageDown, "green": self.showTranslationInfo, }) def populate(self): def netspeed(): netspeed="" for line in popen('ethtool eth0 |grep Speed','r'): line = line.strip().split(":") line =line[1].replace(' ','') netspeed += line return str(netspeed) def netspeed_eth1(): netspeed="" for line in popen('ethtool eth1 |grep Speed','r'): line = line.strip().split(":") line =line[1].replace(' ','') netspeed += line return str(netspeed) def netspeed_ra0(): netspeed="" for line in popen('iwconfig ra0 | grep Bit | cut -c 20-30','r'): line = line.strip() netspeed += line return str(netspeed) def netspeed_wlan0(): netspeed="" for line in popen('iwconfig wlan0 | grep Bit | cut -c 20-30','r'): line = line.strip() netspeed += line return str(netspeed) def netspeed_wlan1(): netspeed="" for line in popen('iwconfig wlan1 | grep Bit | cut -c 20-30','r'): line = line.strip() netspeed += line return str(netspeed) def freeflash(): freeflash="" for line in popen("df -mh / | grep -v '^Filesystem' | awk '{print $4}'",'r'): line = line.strip() freeflash += line return str(freeflash) self["lab1"] = StaticText(_("openHDF")) self["lab2"] = StaticText(_("Support at") + "") model = None AboutText = "" self["lab2"] = StaticText(_("Support @") + "") AboutText += _("Model:\t%s %s - OEM Model: %s\n") % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName(), getBrandOEM()) if path.exists('/proc/stb/info/chipset'): AboutText += _("Chipset:\t%s") % about.getChipSetString() + "\n" cmd = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu MHz" -m 1 | awk -F ": " ' + "'{print $2}'" cmd2 = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "BogoMIPS" -m 1 | awk -F ": " ' + "'{print $2}'" try: res = popen(cmd).read() res2 = popen(cmd2).read() except: res = "" res2 = "" cpuMHz = "" bootloader = "" if path.exists('/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/bolt/tag'): f = open('/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/bolt/tag', 'r') bootloader = f.readline().replace('\x00', '').replace('\n', '') f.close() BootLoaderVersion = 0 try: if bootloader: AboutText += _("Bootloader:\t%s\n") % (bootloader) BootLoaderVersion = int(bootloader[1:]) except: BootLoaderVersion = 0 if getMachineBuild() in ('vusolo4k','gbx34k'): cpuMHz = " (1,5 GHz)" elif getMachineBuild() in ('u41','u42'): cpuMHz = " (1,0 GHz)" elif getMachineBuild() in ('vuuno4k','dm900','gb7252','dags7252'): cpuMHz = " (1,7 GHz)" elif getMachineBuild() in ('formuler1tc','formuler1','triplex'): cpuMHz = " (1,3 GHz)" elif getMachineBuild() in ('u5','u51','u52','u53','u5pvr','h9','sf8008','sf8008s','sf8008t','hd60',"hd61",'i55plus'): cpuMHz = " (1,6 GHz)" elif getMachineBuild() in ('sf5008','et13000','et1x000','hd52','hd51','sf4008','vs1500','h7','osmio4k','osmio4kplus','osmini4k'): try: import binascii f = open('/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/cpus/cpu@0/clock-frequency', 'rb') clockfrequency = f.close() cpuMHz = "%s MHz" % str(round(int(binascii.hexlify(clockfrequency), 16)/1000000,1)) except: cpuMHz = "1,7 GHz" else: if path.exists('/proc/cpuinfo'): f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') temp = f.readlines() f.close() try: for lines in temp: lisp = lines.split(': ') if lisp[0].startswith('cpu MHz'): #cpuMHz = " (" + lisp[1].replace('\n', '') + " MHz)" cpuMHz = " (" + str(int(float(lisp[1].replace('\n', '')))) + " MHz)" break except: pass bogoMIPS = "" if res: cpuMHz = "" + res.replace("\n", "") + " MHz" if res2: bogoMIPS = "" + res2.replace("\n", "") if getMachineBuild() in ('vusolo4k','hd51','hd52','sf4008','dm900','h7','gb7252','8100s'): AboutText += _("CPU:\t%s") % about.getCPUString() + cpuMHz + "\n" else: AboutText += _("CPU:\t%s") % about.getCPUString() + " " + cpuMHz + "\n" dMIPS = 0 if getMachineBuild() in ('vusolo4k'): dMIPS = "10.500" elif getMachineBuild() in ('hd52','hd51','sf4008','dm900','h7','gb7252','8100s'): dMIPS = "12.000" if getMachineBuild() in ('vusolo4k','hd51','hd52','sf4008','dm900','h7','gb7252','8100s'): AboutText += _("DMIPS:\t") + dMIPS + "\n" else: AboutText += _("BogoMIPS:\t%s") % bogoMIPS + "\n" tempinfo = "" if path.exists('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value'): f = open('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value', 'r') tempinfo = f.close() elif path.exists('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor'): f = open('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor', 'r') tempinfo = f.close() elif path.exists('/proc/stb/sensors/temp/value'): f = open('/proc/stb/sensors/temp/value', 'r') tempinfo = f.close() elif path.exists('/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp'): try: f = open('/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp', 'r') tempinfo = tempinfo = tempinfo[:-4] f.close() except: tempinfo = "" if tempinfo and int(tempinfo.replace('\n', '')) > 0: mark = str('\xc2\xb0') AboutText += _("System Temp:\t%s") % tempinfo.replace('\n', '').replace(' ','') + mark + "C\n" tempinfo = "" if path.exists('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor_avs'): f = open('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor_avs', 'r') tempinfo = f.close() elif path.exists('/proc/stb/power/avs'): f = open('/proc/stb/power/avs', 'r') tempinfo = f.close() elif path.exists('/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp'): try: f = open('/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp', 'r') tempinfo = tempinfo = tempinfo[:-4] f.close() except: tempinfo = "" elif path.exists('/proc/hisi/msp/pm_cpu'): try: for line in open('/proc/hisi/msp/pm_cpu').readlines(): line = [x.strip() for x in line.strip().split(":")] if line[0] in ("Tsensor"): temp = line[1].split("=") temp = line[1].split(" ") tempinfo = temp[2] except: tempinfo = "" if tempinfo and int(tempinfo.replace('\n', '')) > 0: mark = str('\xc2\xb0') AboutText += _("CPU Temp:\t%s") % tempinfo.replace('\n', '').replace(' ','') + mark + "C\n" AboutText += _("Cores:\t%s") % about.getCpuCoresString() + "\n" AboutText += _("HDF Version:\tV%s") % getImageVersion() + " Build #" + getImageBuild() + " based on " + getOEVersion() + "\n" AboutText += _("Kernel (Box):\t%s") % about.getKernelVersionString() + " (" + getBoxType() + ")" + "\n" if path.isfile("/etc/issue"): version = open("/etc/issue").readlines()[-2].upper().strip()[:-6] if path.isfile("/etc/image-version"): build = self.searchString("/etc/image-version", "^build=") version = "%s #%s" % (version,build) AboutText += _("Image:\t%s") % version + "\n" imagestarted = "" bootname = '' if path.exists('/boot/bootname'): f = open('/boot/bootname', 'r') bootname = f.readline().split('=')[1] f.close() if SystemInfo["HasRootSubdir"]: image = find_rootfssubdir("STARTUP") AboutText += _("Selected Image:\t%s") % "STARTUP_" + image[-1:] + bootname + "\n" elif getMachineBuild() in ('gbmv200','cc1','sf8008','ustym4kpro','beyonwizv2',"viper4k"): if path.exists('/boot/STARTUP'): f = open('/boot/STARTUP', 'r') image = if image == "emmc": image = "1" elif image == "usb0": image = if image == "1": image = "2" elif image == "3": image = "3" elif image == "5": image = "4" elif image == "7": image = "5" f.close() if bootname: bootname = " (%s)" %bootname AboutText += _("Partition:\t%s") % "STARTUP_" + image + bootname + "\n" else: f = open('/boot/STARTUP', 'r') image = f.close() if bootname: bootname = " (%s)" %bootname AboutText += _("Partition:\t%s") % "STARTUP_" + image + bootname + "\n" if SystemInfo["HaveMultiBoot"]: MyFlashDate = about.getFlashDateString() if path.isfile("/etc/filesystems"): AboutText += _("Flashed:\t%s") % MyFlashDate + "\n" #AboutText += _("Flashed:\tMultiboot active\n") else: AboutText += _("Flashed:\t%s\n") % about.getFlashDateString() string = getDriverDate() year = string[0:4] month = string[4:6] day = string[6:8] driversdate = '-'.join((year, month, day)) gstcmd = 'opkg list-installed | grep "gstreamer1.0 -" | cut -c 16-32' gstcmd2 = os.system(gstcmd) #return (gstcmd2) AboutText += _("Drivers:\t%s") % driversdate + "\n" AboutText += _("GStreamer:\t%s") % about.getGStreamerVersionString() + "\n" AboutText += _("Python:\t%s\n") % about.getPythonVersionString() AboutText += _("Free Flash:\t%s\n") % freeflash() AboutText += _("Skin:\t%s (%s x %s)\n") % ('/')[0], getDesktop(0).size().width(), getDesktop(0).size().height()) AboutText += _("Last update:\t%s") % getEnigmaVersionString() + " to Build #" + getImageBuild() + "\n" AboutText += _("E2 (re)starts:\t%s\n") % config.misc.startCounter.value AboutText += _("Uptime") + ":\t" + about.getBoxUptime() + "\n" if SystemInfo["WakeOnLAN"]: if fileCheck("/proc/stb/power/wol"): WOLmode = open("/proc/stb/power/wol").read()[:-1] if fileCheck("/proc/stb/fp/wol"): WOLmode = open("/proc/stb/fp/wol").read()[:-1] AboutText += _("WakeOnLAN:\t%s\n") % WOLmode AboutText += _("Network:") eth0 = about.getIfConfig('eth0') eth1 = about.getIfConfig('eth1') ra0 = about.getIfConfig('ra0') wlan0 = about.getIfConfig('wlan0') wlan1 = about.getIfConfig('wlan1') if eth0.has_key('addr'): for x in about.GetIPsFromNetworkInterfaces(): AboutText += "\t" + x[0] + ": " + x[1] + " (" + netspeed() + ")\n" elif eth1.has_key('addr'): for x in about.GetIPsFromNetworkInterfaces(): AboutText += "\t" + x[0] + ": " + x[1] + " (" + netspeed_eth1() + ")\n" elif ra0.has_key('addr'): for x in about.GetIPsFromNetworkInterfaces(): AboutText += "\t" + x[0] + ": " + x[1] + " (~" + netspeed_ra0() + ")\n" elif wlan0.has_key('addr'): for x in about.GetIPsFromNetworkInterfaces(): AboutText += "\t" + x[0] + ": " + x[1] + " (~" + netspeed_wlan0() + ")\n" elif wlan1.has_key('addr'): for x in about.GetIPsFromNetworkInterfaces(): AboutText += "\t" + x[0] + ": " + x[1] + " (~" + netspeed_wlan1() + ")\n" else: for x in about.GetIPsFromNetworkInterfaces(): AboutText += "\t" + x[0] + ": " + x[1] + "\n" fp_version = getFPVersion() if fp_version is None: fp_version = "" elif fp_version != 0: fp_version = _("Frontprocessor:\tVersion %s") % fp_version AboutText += fp_version + "\n" AboutLcdText = AboutText.replace('\t', ' ') self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(AboutText) def searchString(self, file, search): f = open(file) for line in f: if re.match(search, line): return line.split("=")[1].replace('\n', '') f.close() def showTranslationInfo(self): def showMemoryInfo(self): def showAboutReleaseNotes(self): def createSummary(self): return AboutSummary class Devices(Screen): def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) Screen.setTitle(self, _("Device Information")) self["TunerHeader"] = StaticText(_("Detected NIMs:")) self["HDDHeader"] = StaticText(_("Detected Devices:")) self["MountsHeader"] = StaticText(_("Network Servers:")) self["nims"] = StaticText() self["hdd"] = StaticText() self["mounts"] = StaticText() self.list = [] self.activityTimer = eTimer() self.activityTimer.timeout.get().append(self.populate2) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "ColorActions", "TimerEditActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, }) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.populate) def populate(self): self.mountinfo = '' self["actions"].setEnabled(False) scanning = _("Wait please while scanning for devices...") self["nims"].setText(scanning) self["hdd"].setText(scanning) self['mounts'].setText(scanning) self.activityTimer.start(1) def populate2(self): self.activityTimer.stop() self.Console = Console() niminfo = "" nims = nimmanager.nimList() for count in range(len(nims)): if niminfo: niminfo += "\n" niminfo += nims[count] self["nims"].setText(niminfo) self.list = [] list2 = [] f = open('/proc/partitions', 'r') for line in f.readlines(): parts = line.strip().split() if not parts: continue device = parts[3] if not search('sd[a-z][1-9]', device): continue if device in list2: continue mount = '/dev/' + device f = open('/proc/mounts', 'r') for line in f.readlines(): if device in line: parts = line.strip().split() mount = str(parts[1]) break f.close() if not mount.startswith('/dev/'): size = Harddisk(device).diskSize() free = Harddisk(device).free() if ((float(size) / 1024) / 1024) >= 1: sizeline = _("Size: ") + str(round(((float(size) / 1024) / 1024), 2)) + " " + _("TB") elif (size / 1024) >= 1: sizeline = _("Size: ") + str(round((float(size) / 1024), 2)) + " " + _("GB") elif size >= 1: sizeline = _("Size: ") + str(size) + " " + _("MB") else: sizeline = _("Size: ") + _("unavailable") if ((float(free) / 1024) / 1024) >= 1: freeline = _("Free: ") + str(round(((float(free) / 1024) / 1024), 2)) + " " + _("TB") elif (free / 1024) >= 1: freeline = _("Free: ") + str(round((float(free) / 1024), 2)) + " " + _("GB") elif free >= 1: freeline = _("Free: ") + str(free) + " " + _("MB") else: freeline = _("Free: ") + _("full") self.list.append(mount + '\t' + sizeline + ' \t' + freeline) else: self.list.append(mount + '\t' + _('Not mounted')) list2.append(device) self.list = '\n'.join(self.list) self["hdd"].setText(self.list) self.Console.ePopen("df -mh | grep -v '^Filesystem'", self.Stage1Complete) def Stage1Complete(self, result, retval, extra_args=None): result = result.replace('\n ', ' ').split('\n') self.mountinfo = "" for line in result: = line.split() if line and[0] and ([0].startswith('192') or[0].startswith('//192')): line = line.split() try: ipaddress = line[0] except: ipaddress = "" try: mounttotal = line[1] except: mounttotal = "" try: mountfree = line[3] except: mountfree = "" if self.mountinfo: self.mountinfo += "\n" self.mountinfo += "%s (%sB, %sB %s)" % (ipaddress, mounttotal, mountfree, _("free")) if self.mountinfo: self["mounts"].setText(self.mountinfo) else: self["mounts"].setText(_('none')) self["actions"].setEnabled(True) def createSummary(self): return AboutSummary class SystemMemoryInfo(Screen): def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) Screen.setTitle(self, _("Memory Information")) self.skinName = ["SystemMemoryInfo", "About"] self["lab1"] = StaticText(_("OpenHDF")) self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel() self["actions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "ColorActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "blue": self.showMemoryInfo, "up": self["AboutScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["AboutScrollLabel"].pageDown, }) out_lines = file("/proc/meminfo").readlines() self.AboutText = _("RAM") + '\n\n' RamTotal = "-" RamFree = "-" for lidx in range(len(out_lines) - 1): tstLine = out_lines[lidx].split() if "MemTotal:" in tstLine: MemTotal = out_lines[lidx].split() self.AboutText += _("Total Memory:") + "\t" + MemTotal[1] + "\n" if "MemFree:" in tstLine: MemFree = out_lines[lidx].split() self.AboutText += _("Free Memory:") + "\t" + MemFree[1] + "\n" if "Buffers:" in tstLine: Buffers = out_lines[lidx].split() self.AboutText += _("Buffers:") + "\t" + Buffers[1] + "\n" if "Cached:" in tstLine: Cached = out_lines[lidx].split() self.AboutText += _("Cached:") + "\t" + Cached[1] + "\n" if "SwapTotal:" in tstLine: SwapTotal = out_lines[lidx].split() self.AboutText += _("Total Swap:") + "\t" + SwapTotal[1] + "\n" if "SwapFree:" in tstLine: SwapFree = out_lines[lidx].split() self.AboutText += _("Free Swap:") + "\t" + SwapFree[1] + "\n\n" self["actions"].setEnabled(False) self.Console = Console() self.Console.ePopen("df -mh / | grep -v '^Filesystem'", self.Stage1Complete) def MySize(self, RamText): RamText_End = RamText[len(RamText)-1] RamText_End2 = RamText_End if RamText_End == "G": RamText_End = _("GB") elif RamText_End == "M": RamText_End = _("MB") elif RamText_End == "K": RamText_End = _("KB") if RamText_End != RamText_End2: RamText = RamText[0:len(RamText)-1] + " " + RamText_End return RamText def Stage1Complete(self, result, retval, extra_args=None): flash = str(result).replace('\n', '') flash = flash.split() RamTotal = self.MySize(flash[1]) RamFree = self.MySize(flash[3]) self.AboutText += _("FLASH") + '\n\n' self.AboutText += _("Total:") + "\t" + RamTotal + "\n" self.AboutText += _("Free:") + "\t" + RamFree + "\n\n" self["AboutScrollLabel"].setText(self.AboutText) self["actions"].setEnabled(True) def createSummary(self): return AboutSummary def showMemoryInfo(self): class SystemNetworkInfo(Screen): def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) Screen.setTitle(self, _("Network Information")) self.skinName = ["SystemNetworkInfo", "WlanStatus"] self["LabelBSSID"] = StaticText() self["LabelESSID"] = StaticText() self["LabelQuality"] = StaticText() self["LabelSignal"] = StaticText() self["LabelBitrate"] = StaticText() self["LabelEnc"] = StaticText() self["BSSID"] = StaticText() self["ESSID"] = StaticText() self["quality"] = StaticText() self["signal"] = StaticText() self["bitrate"] = StaticText() self["enc"] = StaticText() self["IFtext"] = StaticText() self["IF"] = StaticText() self["Statustext"] = StaticText() self["statuspic"] = MultiPixmap() self["statuspic"].setPixmapNum(1) self["statuspic"].show() self.iface = None self.createscreen() self.iStatus = None if iNetwork.isWirelessInterface(self.iface): try: from Plugins.SystemPlugins.WirelessLan.Wlan import iStatus self.iStatus = iStatus except: pass self.resetList() self.onClose.append(self.cleanup) self.updateStatusbar() self["key_red"] = StaticText(_("Close")) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "ColorActions", "DirectionActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, "up": self["AboutScrollLabel"].pageUp, "down": self["AboutScrollLabel"].pageDown }) def createscreen(self): def netspeed(): netspeed="" for line in popen('ethtool eth0 |grep Speed','r'): line = line.strip().split(":") line =line[1].replace(' ','') netspeed += line return str(netspeed) def netspeed_eth1(): netspeed="" for line in popen('ethtool eth1 |grep Speed','r'): line = line.strip().split(":") line =line[1].replace(' ','') netspeed += line return str(netspeed) self.AboutText = "" self.iface = "eth0" eth0 = about.getIfConfig('eth0') if eth0.has_key('addr'): self.AboutText += _("IP:") + "\t\t" + eth0['addr'] + "\n" if eth0.has_key('netmask'): self.AboutText += _("Netmask:") + "\t\t" + eth0['netmask'] + "\n" if eth0.has_key('hwaddr'): self.AboutText += _("MAC:") + "\t\t" + eth0['hwaddr'] + "\n" self.AboutText += _("Network Speed:") + "\t\t" + netspeed() + "\n" self.iface = 'eth0' eth1 = about.getIfConfig('eth1') if eth1.has_key('addr'): self.AboutText += _("IP:") + "\t\t" + eth1['addr'] + "\n" if eth1.has_key('netmask'): self.AboutText += _("Netmask:") + "\t\t" + eth1['netmask'] + "\n" if eth1.has_key('hwaddr'): self.AboutText += _("MAC:") + "\t\t" + eth1['hwaddr'] + "\n" self.AboutText += _("Network Speed:") + "\t\t" + netspeed_eth1() + "\n" self.iface = 'eth1' ra0 = about.getIfConfig('ra0') if ra0.has_key('addr'): self.AboutText += _("IP:") + "\t\t" + ra0['addr'] + "\n" if ra0.has_key('netmask'): self.AboutText += _("Netmask:") + "\t\t" + ra0['netmask'] + "\n" if ra0.has_key('hwaddr'): self.AboutText += _("MAC:") + "\t\t" + ra0['hwaddr'] + "\n" self.iface = 'ra0' wlan0 = about.getIfConfig('wlan0') if wlan0.has_key('addr'): self.AboutText += _("IP:") + "\t\t" + wlan0['addr'] + "\n" if wlan0.has_key('netmask'): self.AboutText += _("Netmask:") + "\t\t" + wlan0['netmask'] + "\n" if wlan0.has_key('hwaddr'): self.AboutText += _("MAC:") + "\t\t" + wlan0['hwaddr'] + "\n" self.iface = 'wlan0' wlan1 = about.getIfConfig('wlan1') if wlan1.has_key('addr'): self.AboutText += _("IP:") + "\t\t" + wlan1['addr'] + "\n" if wlan1.has_key('netmask'): self.AboutText += _("Netmask:") + "\t\t" + wlan1['netmask'] + "\n" if wlan1.has_key('hwaddr'): self.AboutText += _("MAC:") + "\t\t" + wlan1['hwaddr'] + "\n" self.iface = 'wlan1' rx_bytes, tx_bytes = about.getIfTransferredData(self.iface) self.AboutText += "\n" + _("Bytes received:") + "\t" + rx_bytes + "\n" self.AboutText += _("Bytes sent:") + "\t\t" + tx_bytes + "\n" hostname = file('/proc/sys/kernel/hostname').read() self.AboutText += "\n" + _("Hostname:") + "\t\t" + hostname + "\n" self["AboutScrollLabel"] = ScrollLabel(self.AboutText) def cleanup(self): if self.iStatus: self.iStatus.stopWlanConsole() def resetList(self): if self.iStatus: self.iStatus.getDataForInterface(self.iface, self.getInfoCB) def getInfoCB(self, data, status): self.LinkState = None if data is not None: if data is True: if status is not None: if self.iface == 'wlan0' or self.iface == 'wlan1' or self.iface == 'ra0': if status[self.iface]["essid"] == "off": essid = _("No Connection") else: essid = str(status[self.iface]["essid"]) if status[self.iface]["accesspoint"] == "Not-Associated": accesspoint = _("Not-Associated") essid = _("No Connection") else: accesspoint = str(status[self.iface]["accesspoint"]) if self.has_key("BSSID"): self.AboutText += _('Accesspoint:') + '\t\t' + accesspoint + '\n' if self.has_key("ESSID"): self.AboutText += _('SSID:') + '\t\t' + essid + '\n' quality = str(status[self.iface]["quality"]) if self.has_key("quality"): self.AboutText += _('Link Quality:') + '\t' + quality + '\n' if status[self.iface]["bitrate"] == '0': bitrate = _("Unsupported") else: bitrate = str(status[self.iface]["bitrate"]) + " Mb/s" if self.has_key("bitrate"): self.AboutText += _('Bitrate:') + '\t\t' + bitrate + '\n' signal = str(status[self.iface]["signal"]) if self.has_key("signal"): self.AboutText += _('Signal Strength:') + '\t\t' + signal + '\n' if status[self.iface]["encryption"] == "off": if accesspoint == "Not-Associated": encryption = _("Disabled") else: encryption = _("Unsupported") else: encryption = _("Enabled") if self.has_key("enc"): self.AboutText += _('Encryption:') + '\t\t' + encryption + '\n' if status[self.iface]["essid"] == "off" or status[self.iface]["accesspoint"] == "Not-Associated" or status[self.iface]["accesspoint"] is False: self.LinkState = False self["statuspic"].setPixmapNum(1) self["statuspic"].show() else: self.LinkState = True iNetwork.checkNetworkState(self.checkNetworkCB) self["AboutScrollLabel"].setText(self.AboutText) def exit(self): self.close(True) def updateStatusbar(self): self["IFtext"].setText(_("Network:")) self["IF"].setText(iNetwork.getFriendlyAdapterName(self.iface)) self["Statustext"].setText(_("Link:")) if iNetwork.isWirelessInterface(self.iface): try: self.iStatus.getDataForInterface(self.iface, self.getInfoCB) except: self["statuspic"].setPixmapNum(1) self["statuspic"].show() else: iNetwork.getLinkState(self.iface, self.dataAvail) def dataAvail(self, data): self.LinkState = None for line in data.splitlines(): line = line.strip() if 'Link detected:' in line: if "yes" in line: self.LinkState = True else: self.LinkState = False if self.LinkState: iNetwork.checkNetworkState(self.checkNetworkCB) else: self["statuspic"].setPixmapNum(1) self["statuspic"].show() def checkNetworkCB(self, data): try: if iNetwork.getAdapterAttribute(self.iface, "up") is True: if self.LinkState is True: if data <= 2: self["statuspic"].setPixmapNum(0) else: self["statuspic"].setPixmapNum(1) self["statuspic"].show() else: self["statuspic"].setPixmapNum(1) self["statuspic"].show() else: self["statuspic"].setPixmapNum(1) self["statuspic"].show() except: pass def createSummary(self): return AboutSummary class AboutSummary(Screen): def __init__(self, session, parent): Screen.__init__(self, session, parent = parent) self["selected"] = StaticText("HDF:" + getImageVersion()) AboutText = _("Model: %s %s\n") % (getMachineBrand(), getMachineName()) if path.exists('/proc/stb/info/chipset'): chipset = open('/proc/stb/info/chipset', 'r').read() AboutText += _("Chipset: %s") % chipset.replace('\n','') + "\n" AboutText += _("Version: %s") % getImageVersion() + "\n" AboutText += _("Build: %s") % getImageVersion() + "\n" AboutText += _("Kernel: %s") % about.getKernelVersionString() + "\n" string = getDriverDate() year = string[0:4] month = string[4:6] day = string[6:8] driversdate = '-'.join((year, month, day)) AboutText += _("Drivers: %s") % driversdate + "\n" AboutText += _("Last update: %s") % getEnigmaVersionString() tempinfo = "" if path.exists('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value'): tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/sensors/temp0/value', 'r').read() elif path.exists('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor'): tempinfo = open('/proc/stb/fp/temp_sensor', 'r').read() if tempinfo and int(tempinfo.replace('\n', '')) > 0: mark = str('\xc2\xb0') AboutText += _("Temperature: %s") % tempinfo.replace('\n', '') + mark + "C" self["AboutText"] = StaticText(AboutText) class ViewGitLog(Screen): def __init__(self, session, args=None): Screen.__init__(self, session) self.skinName = "SoftwareUpdateChanges" self.setTitle(_("OpenHDF E2 Changes")) self.logtype = 'e2' self["text"] = ScrollLabel() self['title_summary'] = StaticText() self['text_summary'] = StaticText() self["key_red"] = Button(_("Close")) self["key_green"] = Button(_("OK")) self["key_yellow"] = Button(_("Last Image Updates")) self["myactions"] = ActionMap(['ColorActions', 'OkCancelActions', 'DirectionActions'], { 'cancel': self.closeRecursive, 'green': self.closeRecursive, "red": self.closeRecursive, "blue": self.showMemoryInfo, "yellow": self.changelogtype, "left": self.pageUp, "right": self.pageDown, "down": self.pageDown, "up": self.pageUp },-1) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.getlog) def changelogtype(self): if self.logtype == 'e2': self["key_yellow"].setText(_("Show OE-A Log")) self.setTitle(_("Last Image Updates")) self.logtype = 'last-upgrades' elif self.logtype == 'last-upgrades': self["key_yellow"].setText(_("Show OpenHDF Log")) self.setTitle(_("OE-A Changes")) self.logtype = 'oe' elif self.logtype == 'oe': self["key_yellow"].setText(_("Show Last Updates")) self.setTitle(_("OpenHDF E2 Changes")) self.logtype = 'e2' self.getlog() def pageUp(self): self["text"].pageUp() def pageDown(self): self["text"].pageDown() def getlog(self): try: fd = open('/etc/' + self.logtype + '-git.log', 'r') releasenotes = fd.close() releasenotes = releasenotes.replace('\nopenvix: build',"\n\n") self["text"].setText(releasenotes) summarytext = releasenotes except: print "there is a problem with reading log file" try: self['title_summary'].setText(summarytext[0] + ':') self['text_summary'].setText(summarytext[1]) except: self['title_summary'].setText("") self['text_summary'].setText("") def showMemoryInfo(self): def unattendedupdate(self): self.close((_("Unattended upgrade without GUI and reboot system"), "cold")) def closeRecursive(self): self.close((_("Cancel"), "")) class TranslationInfo(Screen): def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) Screen.setTitle(self, _("Translation Information")) # don't remove the string out of the _(), or it can't be "translated" anymore. # TRANSLATORS: Add here whatever should be shown in the "translator" about screen, up to 6 lines (use \n for newline) info = _("TRANSLATOR_INFO") if info == "TRANSLATOR_INFO": info = "" infolines = _("").split("\n") infomap = {} for x in infolines: l = x.split(': ') if len(l) != 2: continue (type, value) = l infomap[type] = value print infomap self["TranslationInfo"] = StaticText(info) translator_name = infomap.get("Language-Team", "none") if translator_name == "none": translator_name = infomap.get("Last-Translator", "") self["TranslatorName"] = StaticText(translator_name) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.close, }) class MemoryInfo(Screen): skin = """ """ def __init__(self, session): Screen.__init__(self, session) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["SetupActions", "ColorActions"], { "cancel": self.close, "ok": self.getMemoryInfo, "green": self.getMemoryInfo, "blue": self.clearMemory, }) self["key_red"] = Label(_("Cancel")) self["key_green"] = Label(_("Refresh")) self["key_blue"] = Label(_("Clear")) self['lmemtext'] = Label() self['lmemvalue'] = Label() self['rmemtext'] = Label() self['rmemvalue'] = Label() self['pfree'] = Label() self['pused'] = Label() self["slide"] = ProgressBar() self["slide"].setValue(100) self['info'] = Label(_("This info is for developers only.\nFor a normal users it is not important.")) self.setTitle(_("Memory Info")) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.getMemoryInfo) def getMemoryInfo(self): try: ltext = rtext = "" lvalue = rvalue = "" mem = 0 free = 0 i = 0 for line in open('/proc/meminfo','r'): ( name, size, units ) = line.strip().split() if name.find("MemTotal") != -1: mem = int(size) if name.find("MemFree") != -1: free = int(size) if i < 28: ltext += "".join((name,"\n")) lvalue += "".join((size," ",units,"\n")) else: rtext += "".join((name,"\n")) rvalue += "".join((size," ",units,"\n")) i += 1 self['lmemtext'].setText(ltext) self['lmemvalue'].setText(lvalue) self['rmemtext'].setText(rtext) self['rmemvalue'].setText(rvalue) self["slide"].setValue(int(100.0*(mem-free)/mem+0.25)) self['pfree'].setText("%.1f %s" % (100.*free/mem,'%')) self['pused'].setText("%.1f %s" % (100.*(mem-free)/mem,'%')) except Exception, e: print "[About] getMemoryInfo FAIL:", e def clearMemory(self): from os import system system("sync") system("echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches") self.getMemoryInfo()