/* * Copyright 2018 The AppAuth for Android Authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.openid.appauth; import static net.openid.appauth.AdditionalParamsProcessor.builtInParams; import android.net.Uri; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Base64; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import net.openid.appauth.AuthorizationException.GeneralErrors; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * An OpenID Connect ID Token. Contains claims about the authentication of an End-User by an * Authorization Server. Supports parsing ID Tokens from JWT Compact Serializations and validation * according to the OpenID Connect specification. * * @see "OpenID Connect Core ID Token, Section 2 * " * @see "OpenID Connect Core ID Token Validation, Section * " */ public class IdToken { private static final String KEY_ISSUER = "iss"; private static final String KEY_SUBJECT = "sub"; private static final String KEY_AUDIENCE = "aud"; private static final String KEY_EXPIRATION = "exp"; private static final String KEY_ISSUED_AT = "iat"; private static final String KEY_NONCE = "nonce"; private static final String KEY_AUTHORIZED_PARTY = "azp"; private static final Long MILLIS_PER_SECOND = 1000L; private static final Long TEN_MINUTES_IN_SECONDS = 600L; private static final Set BUILT_IN_CLAIMS = builtInParams( KEY_ISSUER, KEY_SUBJECT, KEY_AUDIENCE, KEY_EXPIRATION, KEY_ISSUED_AT, KEY_NONCE, KEY_AUTHORIZED_PARTY); /** * Issuer Identifier for the Issuer of the response. */ @NonNull public final String issuer; /** * Subject Identifier. A locally unique and never reassigned identifier within the Issuer * for the End-User. */ @NonNull public final String subject; /** * Audience(s) that this ID Token is intended for. */ @NonNull public final List audience; /** * Expiration time on or after which the ID Token MUST NOT be accepted for processing. */ @NonNull public final Long expiration; /** * Time at which the JWT was issued. */ @NonNull public final Long issuedAt; /** * String value used to associate a Client session with an ID Token, * and to mitigate replay attacks. */ @Nullable public final String nonce; /** * Authorized party - the party to which the ID Token was issued. * If present, it MUST contain the OAuth 2.0 Client ID of this party. */ @Nullable public final String authorizedParty; /** * Additional claims present in this ID Token. */ @NonNull public final Map additionalClaims; @VisibleForTesting IdToken(@NonNull String issuer, @NonNull String subject, @NonNull List audience, @NonNull Long expiration, @NonNull Long issuedAt) { this(issuer, subject, audience, expiration, issuedAt, null, null, Collections.emptyMap()); } @VisibleForTesting IdToken(@NonNull String issuer, @NonNull String subject, @NonNull List audience, @NonNull Long expiration, @NonNull Long issuedAt, @Nullable String nonce, @Nullable String authorizedParty) { this(issuer, subject, audience, expiration, issuedAt, nonce, authorizedParty, Collections.emptyMap()); } IdToken(@NonNull String issuer, @NonNull String subject, @NonNull List audience, @NonNull Long expiration, @NonNull Long issuedAt, @Nullable String nonce, @Nullable String authorizedParty, @NonNull Map additionalClaims) { this.issuer = issuer; this.subject = subject; this.audience = audience; this.expiration = expiration; this.issuedAt = issuedAt; this.nonce = nonce; this.authorizedParty = authorizedParty; this.additionalClaims = additionalClaims; } private static JSONObject parseJwtSection(String section) throws JSONException { byte[] decodedSection = Base64.decode(section, Base64.URL_SAFE); String jsonString = new String(decodedSection); return new JSONObject(jsonString); } static IdToken from(String token) throws JSONException, IdTokenException { String[] sections = token.split("\\."); if (sections.length <= 1) { throw new IdTokenException("ID token must have both header and claims section"); } // We ignore header contents, but parse it to check that it is structurally valid JSON parseJwtSection(sections[0]); JSONObject claims = parseJwtSection(sections[1]); final String issuer = JsonUtil.getString(claims, KEY_ISSUER); final String subject = JsonUtil.getString(claims, KEY_SUBJECT); List audience; try { audience = JsonUtil.getStringList(claims, KEY_AUDIENCE); } catch (JSONException jsonEx) { audience = new ArrayList<>(); audience.add(JsonUtil.getString(claims, KEY_AUDIENCE)); } final Long expiration = claims.getLong(KEY_EXPIRATION); final Long issuedAt = claims.getLong(KEY_ISSUED_AT); final String nonce = JsonUtil.getStringIfDefined(claims, KEY_NONCE); final String authorizedParty = JsonUtil.getStringIfDefined(claims, KEY_AUTHORIZED_PARTY); for (String key: BUILT_IN_CLAIMS) { claims.remove(key); } Map additionalClaims = JsonUtil.toMap(claims); return new IdToken( issuer, subject, audience, expiration, issuedAt, nonce, authorizedParty, additionalClaims ); } @VisibleForTesting void validate(@NonNull TokenRequest tokenRequest, Clock clock) throws AuthorizationException { validate(tokenRequest, clock, false); } void validate(@NonNull TokenRequest tokenRequest, Clock clock, boolean skipIssuerHttpsCheck) throws AuthorizationException { // OpenID Connect Core Section rule #1 // Not enforced: AppAuth does not support JWT encryption. // OpenID Connect Core Section rule #2 // Validates that the issuer in the ID Token matches that of the discovery document. AuthorizationServiceDiscovery discoveryDoc = tokenRequest.configuration.discoveryDoc; if (discoveryDoc != null) { String expectedIssuer = discoveryDoc.getIssuer(); if (!this.issuer.equals(expectedIssuer)) { throw AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.ID_TOKEN_VALIDATION_ERROR, new IdTokenException("Issuer mismatch")); } // OpenID Connect Core Section 2. // The iss value is a case sensitive URL using the https scheme that contains scheme, // host, and optionally, port number and path components and no query or fragment // components. Uri issuerUri = Uri.parse(this.issuer); if (!skipIssuerHttpsCheck && !issuerUri.getScheme().equals("https")) { throw AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.ID_TOKEN_VALIDATION_ERROR, new IdTokenException("Issuer must be an https URL")); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(issuerUri.getHost())) { throw AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.ID_TOKEN_VALIDATION_ERROR, new IdTokenException("Issuer host can not be empty")); } if (issuerUri.getFragment() != null || issuerUri.getQueryParameterNames().size() > 0) { throw AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.ID_TOKEN_VALIDATION_ERROR, new IdTokenException( "Issuer URL should not containt query parameters or fragment components")); } } // OpenID Connect Core Section rule #3 & Section 2 azp Claim // Validates that the aud (audience) Claim contains the client ID, or that the azp // (authorized party) Claim matches the client ID. String clientId = tokenRequest.clientId; if (!this.audience.contains(clientId) && !clientId.equals(this.authorizedParty)) { throw AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.ID_TOKEN_VALIDATION_ERROR, new IdTokenException("Audience mismatch")); } // OpenID Connect Core Section rules #4 & #5 // Not enforced. // OpenID Connect Core Section rule #6 // As noted above, AppAuth only supports the code flow which results in direct // communication of the ID Token from the Token Endpoint to the Client, and we are // exercising the option to use TLS server validation instead of checking the token // signature. Users may additionally check the token signature should they wish. // OpenID Connect Core Section rules #7 & #8 // Not enforced. See rule #6. // OpenID Connect Core Section rule #9 // Validates that the current time is before the expiry time. Long nowInSeconds = clock.getCurrentTimeMillis() / MILLIS_PER_SECOND; if (nowInSeconds > this.expiration) { throw AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.ID_TOKEN_VALIDATION_ERROR, new IdTokenException("ID Token expired")); } // OpenID Connect Core Section rule #10 // Validates that the issued at time is not more than +/- 10 minutes on the current // time. if (Math.abs(nowInSeconds - this.issuedAt) > TEN_MINUTES_IN_SECONDS) { throw AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.ID_TOKEN_VALIDATION_ERROR, new IdTokenException("Issued at time is more than 10 minutes " + "before or after the current time")); } // Only relevant for the authorization_code response type if (GrantTypeValues.AUTHORIZATION_CODE.equals(tokenRequest.grantType)) { // OpenID Connect Core Section rule #11 // Validates the nonce. String expectedNonce = tokenRequest.nonce; if (!TextUtils.equals(this.nonce, expectedNonce)) { throw AuthorizationException.fromTemplate(GeneralErrors.ID_TOKEN_VALIDATION_ERROR, new IdTokenException("Nonce mismatch")); } } // OpenID Connect Core Section rules #12 // ACR is not directly supported by AppAuth. // OpenID Connect Core Section rules #13 // max_age is not directly supported by AppAuth. } static class IdTokenException extends Exception { IdTokenException(String message) { super(message); } } }