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Abstract)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 20848 MT (Since March of 1989 we have had running at CMU a computing environment in which the functions of a)SH 7200 22274 MT (traditional Unix system are cleanly divided into two parts: facilities which manage) 24 W( the hardware resources)25 W 7200 23700 MT (of a computer system \050such as CPU, I/O and memory\051 and support for higher-level resource abstractions)30 W 7200 25126 MT (used in the building of application programs, e.g. files and) 347 W( sockets. This paper describes the)348 W 7200 26552 MT (implementation of Unix as a multithreaded application program running on the Mach kernel.) 294 W( The)865 W 7200 27978 MT (rationale, design, implementation history and performance of the system is presented.)SH 12 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 31733 MT (2. Introduction)SH 8 /Helvetica AF 28765 32808 MT (1)SH 10 SS 8312 33159 MT (It is) 36 W( both possible and rational to think of Unix)37 W 29210 XM (not as an operating system kernel but as an application)37 W 7200 34585 MT (program -- a server or set of servers that can provide client programs with specific) 297 W( programming)296 W 7200 36011 MT (abstractions. For) 310 W( the last twelve months we have) 16 W( had running at CMU a computing environment in which)17 W 7200 37437 MT (the functions of a traditional Unix system are) 98 W( cleanly divided into two parts: facilities which manage the)97 W 7200 38863 MT (hardware resources of a computer system \050such as CPU, I/O and memory\051 and) 78 W( support for higher-level)79 W 7200 40289 MT (resource abstractions used in the building) 32 W( of application programs, e.g. files and sockets. The hardware)31 W 7200 41715 MT (management duties of Unix -- virtual) 70 W( memory, scheduling and device management -- are provided in an)71 W 7200 43141 MT (operating system environment independent way by the Mach kernel) 197 W( [1].) SH( The) 672 W( key, recognizable Unix)196 W 7200 44567 MT (facilities -- such as Berkeley files, sockets and ttys -- are literally provided by an) 167 W( application program)168 W 7200 45993 MT (running on top of Mach. Even) 112 W( to the sophisticated Unix systems programmer the result is a seamless)111 W 7200 47419 MT (environment in which Berkeley 4.3BSD, Ultrix or SunOS 3.x binaries \050depending on the machine) 147 W( type)148 W 7200 48845 MT (used\051 continue to run. Performance is comparable in a number of respects to that of) 216 W( earlier Mach)215 W 7200 50271 MT (releases and commercial Unix implementations.)SH 8312 52838 MT (The notion that Unix can be implemented by an application program) 101 W( acting as a server is the logical)102 W 7200 54264 MT (culmination of a longstanding trend) 243 W( in OS design. Over the last decade system programmers have)242 W 7200 55690 MT (increasingly relied upon the client/server implementation model as they have expanded the) 88 W( functionality)89 W 7200 57116 MT (of computer environments. Network file services, name services) 39 W( and database services are just a few of)38 W 7200 58542 MT (the server-provided facilities which have been) 63 W( added to traditional operating systems. Fueling this trend)64 W 7200 59968 MT (has been the) 8 W( recognition of the considerable advantages to be gained by the client/server approach, such)7 W 7200 61394 MT (as modularity and network transparency.)SH 8312 63961 MT (Beyond the obvious advantages common to all client/server systems, treating Unix as an application)107 W 7200 65387 MT (program has a number of interesting implications:)SH /Symbol SF 9242 66859 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 9980 XM (tailorability)SH /Helvetica SF 14981 XM (--)SH 10800 50 7200 70292 UL 6 SS 8090 71687 MT (1)SH 8 SS 8424 72000 MT (Unix is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories)SH ES %%Page: 1 2 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30322 4329 MT (1)SH /Helvetica SF 9980 7929 MT (Versions of Unix such as 4.3BSD, Posix and System V.4 can be treated) 78 W( simply as different)77 W 9980 9072 MT (applications which) 95 W( can be purchased separately and potentially run simultaneously or even)96 W 9980 10215 MT (side by side with other OS environments.)SH /Symbol SF 9242 12030 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 9980 XM (portability)SH /Helvetica SF 14537 XM (--)SH 9980 13845 MT (Nearly all of the) 104 W( code which constitutes Unix is independent of a machine's instruction set,)103 W 9980 14988 MT (architecture and configuration.)SH /Symbol SF 9242 16803 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 9980 XM (network accessibility)SH /Helvetica SF 19371 XM (--)SH 9980 18618 MT (A Unix Server need not reside on the same machine as a Unix client.)SH /Symbol SF 9242 20433 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 9980 XM (extensibility)SH /Helvetica SF 15426 XM (--)SH 9980 22248 MT (New versions of Unix can potentially be implemented or tested alongside existing versions.)SH /Symbol SF 9242 24063 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 9980 XM (real-time)SH /Helvetica SF 14147 XM (--)SH 9980 25878 MT (Traditional barriers to real-time support in Unix can be) 175 W( removed both because the kernel)176 W 9980 27021 MT (itself does not have to hold interrupt locks for long periods of time to accommodate Unix)163 W 9980 28164 MT (system services and because the Unix services themselves are preemptable.)SH 8312 30731 MT (Our work does not represent the first time) 396 W( that Unix or another operating system has been)397 W 7200 32157 MT (implemented as an application program. Other such implementations have, however, frequently) 79 W( started)78 W 7200 33583 MT (from a rather) 251 W( different notion of the relationship between the system kernel and the supported OS)252 W 7200 35009 MT (environment. The) 574 W( approach we have) 148 W( taken with Mach was not to implement a virtual machine \050as in)147 W 7200 36435 MT (IBM's CP/67) 52 W( [4]\051) SH( or) 52 W( to layer the kernel on a simple message engine \050as in AT&T's MERT) 53 W( [6]\051) SH( or to use a)53 W 7200 37861 MT (global shared communication area \050as) 219 W( in Taos) 218 W( [8]\051) SH( or to load operating system environment specific)218 W 7200 39287 MT (emulation-assist code into the kernel \050as in Chorus) 13 W( [2]\051.) SH( Rather,) 304 W( we have taken advantage of the fact that)13 W 7200 40713 MT (Mach provides for the manipulation of system) 176 W( resources through a small set of machine-independent)175 W 7200 42139 MT (abstractions and for the integration of memory management and communication) 426 W( functions. All)427 W 7200 43565 MT (functionality pertaining to the implementation of Unix services is performed by a multithreaded Mach task)36 W 7200 44991 MT (which takes advantage) 181 W( of the Mach IPC, scheduling and virtual memory services. Unix facilities are)182 W 7200 46417 MT (provided by an application program) 12 W( running on top of Mach and no Unix-specific functionality exists within)11 W 7200 47843 MT (the kernel.)SH 8312 50410 MT (This paper describes our implementation of 4.3BSD as an application program. In particular,) 278 W( it)279 W 7200 51836 MT (examines the Unix) 60 W( Server, the key features of Mach on which our implementation depends and some of)59 W 7200 53262 MT (the challenges we) 62 W( encountered in the development of the system. The functionality and performance of)63 W 7200 54688 MT (the resulting system is also presented.)SH 12 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 58443 MT (3. The Organization of Unix as an application program)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 59869 MT (The implementation) 68 W( of Unix binary compatibility on Mach divides cleanly into two parts: a)67 W /Helvetica-Oblique SF 48710 XM (Unix Server)67 W /Helvetica SF 7200 61295 MT (which provides the system services and resources commonly) 419 W( associated with a 4.3 BSD Unix)420 W 7200 62721 MT (environment and a)69 W /Helvetica-Oblique SF 15967 XM (Transparent System Call Emulation Library)69 W /Helvetica SF 35651 XM (which operates) 69 W( within the address space)68 W 7200 64147 MT (of a Unix application. The Mach) 176 W( kernel provides the key support facilities upon which both the Unix)177 W 7200 65573 MT (Server and the Transparent Emulation Library depend.) 223 W( In) 723 W( particular Mach provides for interprocess)222 W 7200 66999 MT (communication, memory object creation and data management, scheduling and trap redirection.)SH ES %%Page: 2 3 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30322 4329 MT (2)SH 11 SS 7200 8002 MT (3.1. Key Mach Features)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 9428 MT (It is difficult to describe the Unix Server and Emulation Library without briefly describing the) 204 W( most)205 W 7200 10854 MT (important details of the Mach kernel on which they both) 122 W( depend. A more detailed description on Mach)121 W 7200 12280 MT (and its abstractions can be found in) 23 W( [1].) SH( The) 324 W( key features of Mach) 23 W( used in the emulation of Unix services)24 W 7200 13706 MT (are:)SH /Symbol SF 9242 15178 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica SF 9980 XM (interprocess communication,)SH /Symbol SF 9242 16993 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica SF 9980 XM (memory object management,)SH /Symbol SF 9242 18808 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica SF 9980 XM (scheduling,)SH /Symbol SF 9242 20623 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica SF 9980 XM (system call redirection,)SH /Symbol SF 9242 22438 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica SF 9980 XM (device support, and)SH /Symbol SF 9242 24253 MT (\267)SH /Helvetica SF 9980 XM (multiprocessing support.)SH /Helvetica-Bold SF 7200 27142 MT (3.1.1. Interprocess communication)SH /Helvetica SF 8312 28568 MT (Mach defines an address space and protection domain to be a)50 W /Helvetica-Oblique SF 36766 XM (task)SH /Helvetica SF 38928 XM (and a CPU flow of control to) 50 W( be a)49 W /Helvetica-Oblique SF 7200 29994 MT (thread)SH /Helvetica SF (. Mach) 652 W( provides interprocess communication between threads through constructs) 187 W( called)188 W /Helvetica-Oblique SF 51499 XM (ports)SH /Helvetica SF (.)SH 7200 31420 MT (Ports are protected with a capability mechanism) 112 W( and only Mach tasks with appropriate send or receive)111 W 7200 32846 MT (capabilities can access a) 55 W( port. All services, resources and facilities within the Mach kernel and between)56 W 7200 34272 MT (Mach tasks) 154 W( are represented as ports. Mach tasks, threads and memory objects are, for example, all)153 W 7200 35698 MT (manipulated by sending messages to) 32 W( ports which represent them. As such, the Mach port facility can be)33 W 7200 37124 MT (thought of as an object reference mechanism.)SH /Helvetica-Bold SF 7200 40013 MT (3.1.2. Memory object management)SH /Helvetica SF 8312 41439 MT (The address space of a) 27 W( Mach task is represented as a collection of mappings from linear addresses to)26 W 7200 42865 MT (offsets within Mach)56 W /Helvetica-Oblique SF 16149 XM (memory objects)56 W /Helvetica SF (. The) 390 W( primary role of the kernel in virtual memory management is to)56 W 7200 44291 MT (manage physical memory as a cache of) 39 W( the contents of memory objects. The kernel's representation for)38 W 7200 45717 MT (the backing storage of) 132 W( a memory object is a Mach port to which messages can be sent requesting or)133 W 7200 47143 MT (transmitting memory object data. Memory object backing) 104 W( store can thus be implemented by user-state)103 W 7200 48569 MT (programs such as the Unix Server. The Unix Server makes use) 7 W( of this facility to act as an "external inode)8 W 7200 49995 MT (pager".)SH /Helvetica-Bold SF 7200 52884 MT (3.1.3. Scheduling)SH /Helvetica SF 8312 54310 MT (Unix application processes are implemented by the Unix Server as Mach tasks with a) 56 W( single thread of)55 W 7200 55736 MT (control. These) 410 W( threads are) 66 W( scheduled by the Mach kernel using a multi-level feedback queue scheduler)67 W 7200 57162 MT (with 32 priority levels. Because all Unix application tasks are created by the) 16 W( Unix Server, the Unix Server)15 W 7200 58588 MT (has direct access to their task) 160 W( and thread ports. This allows it to directly manipulate the priority and)161 W 7200 60014 MT (schedulability of these tasks to approximate traditional Unix scheduling and priority management.)SH /Helvetica-Bold SF 7200 62903 MT (3.1.4. System call redirection)SH /Helvetica SF 8312 64329 MT (The Mach kernel allows a designated set of system calls or traps to be handled by code running in) 3 W( user)2 W 7200 65755 MT (mode within the) 202 W( calling task. The set of emulated system calls needs to be set up only once; it is)203 W 7200 67181 MT (inherited by child tasks on fork operations.)SH ES %%Page: 3 4 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30322 4329 MT (3)SH 7200 7929 MT (3.1.5. Device Support)SH /Helvetica SF 8312 9355 MT (The Mach kernel provides all low-level device support. Each device is represented as) 56 W( a port to which)55 W 7200 10781 MT (messages can be sent) 64 W( to transfer data or control the device. Data is transferred through read and write)65 W 7200 12207 MT (operations; the request and reply messages are exported separately, allowing both) 190 W( synchronous and)189 W 7200 13633 MT (asynchronous styles of I/O.) 68 W( The) 416 W( external memory object protocol allows a user to map the frame buffer)69 W 7200 15059 MT (for a graphics device directly into its address space.)SH /Helvetica-Bold SF 7200 17948 MT (3.1.6. User Multiprocessing)SH /Helvetica SF 8312 19374 MT (A user-level multithreading package, the C Thread library) 68 W( [3],) SH( eases the) 68 W( use of multiple threads within)67 W 7200 20800 MT (an address space. It exports mutual exclusion)107 W /Helvetica-Oblique SF 28899 XM (mutex)SH /Helvetica SF 32007 XM (locks and condition variables for synchronization)108 W 7200 22226 MT (via)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 8756 XM (condition_wait)SH /Helvetica SF 15370 XM (and)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 17316 XM (condition_signal)SH /Helvetica SF 24764 XM (operations.)SH 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 25908 MT (3.2. Unix Server)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 27334 MT (The bulk of Unix services are provided by the Unix Server.) 144 W( It) 565 W( is implemented as a Mach task with)143 W 7200 28760 MT (multiple threads of control managed by the Mach) 202 W( C Threads package. Internal synchronization and)203 W 7200 30186 MT (process-switching within the Unix Server \050e.g., sleep, wakeup, spl\051 are implemented) 219 W( by using the C)218 W 7200 31612 MT (Threads package's mutex,) 65 W( condition_wait and condition_signal functions. A typical system configuration)66 W 7200 33038 MT (will have dozens of C Threads allocated) 76 W( within the Unix Server. Most threads belong to a common pool)75 W 7200 34464 MT (which handle incoming requests from user processes. Several threads are dedicated to routines that, in) SH( a)1 W 7200 35890 MT (BSD kernel, would be driven by hardware interrupts \050device IO completion, timeout, network code\051.) 93 W( All)463 W 7200 37316 MT (communication with hardware devices is done through Mach's IPC \050Interprocess Communication\051 facility.)31 W 7200 38742 MT (Figure 3-1 shows the organization of the Unix Server and its relationship to the Mach kernel.)SH 5 10 270 45000 68685 GB %%BeginDocument: SingleUnixServer.ps %!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Title: SingleUnixServer.draw %%Creator: Draw %%CreationDate: Mon Apr 16 12:21:45 1990 %%For: rfr %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%%Pages: (atend) 1 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%DocumentPaperSizes: Letter %%Orientation: Landscape %%EndComments %%BeginFile: /usr/lib/NextStep//printPackage1.0.ps %!PSNext-1.0 %%Title: Printing Package %%Copyright 1988, NeXT, Inc. %%CreationDate: 23Feb88 %%PackageName: printPackage0.8.37 %%PackageDescription: Routines to support printing %%EndComments %debugging aids %/clip {gsave 0.9 setgray 0.5 setlinewidth stroke grestore} def % simulations of DPS ops /__NXbdef {1 index where {pop pop pop} {bind def} ifelse} bind def /__NXUserObjectList 10 array __NXbdef /defineuserobject { exch dup 1 add dup __NXUserObjectList length gt { array dup 0 __NXUserObjectList putinterval /__NXUserObjectList exch def } { pop } ifelse __NXUserObjectList exch 3 -1 roll put } __NXbdef /execuserobject { __NXUserObjectList exch get exec } __NXbdef /__NXDoRectOp { 1 index type /arraytype eq { exch aload length dup 2 add -1 roll exch 4 idiv } { 1 } ifelse { 5 1 roll newpath 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto closepath dup cvx exec } repeat pop } __NXbdef /rectclip {/clip __NXDoRectOp newpath} __NXbdef /rectfill {gsave /fill __NXDoRectOp grestore} __NXbdef /rectstroke {gsave /stroke __NXDoRectOp grestore} __NXbdef /arct {arcto pop pop pop pop} __NXbdef /setbbox {pop pop pop pop} __NXbdef /ucache {} __NXbdef /ucachestatus {mark 0 0 0 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Most) 394 W( requests for service arrive in the form of Mach messages requesting that a Unix operation or)59 W 7200 10781 MT (service be performed. For each incoming) 10 W( message a C Thread is dispatched from the pool to handle that)9 W 7200 12207 MT (operation. That) 596 W( thread then determines which Unix process) 159 W( requires service, what operation is to be)160 W 7200 13633 MT (performed and finally parses the message) 66 W( to obtain the arguments for that operation. Many, but not all,)65 W 7200 15059 MT (messages to the Unix Server correspond directly to system calls normally present in 4.3BSD.)SH 8312 17626 MT (The main departure from this style of interaction between the Unix Server and a Unix application can)80 W 7200 19052 MT (be found in the handling of 4.3BSD file access. Access to Unix files can) 9 W( be provided either through a pure)8 W 7200 20478 MT (message passing interface or through the Mach memory object facility. The decision of which) 7 W( interface to)8 W 7200 21904 MT (use can be made either by the Emulation Library) 106 W( or the Unix Server. The primary reason to choose a)105 W 7200 23330 MT (pure message passing interface would be performance in a network environment) 218 W( where a message)219 W 7200 24756 MT (passing interface corresponds more) 12 W( precisely to the natural implementation technology of a network. In a)11 W 7200 26182 MT (tightly coupled multiprocessor or) 170 W( a uniprocessor a memory object interface is a more efficient way to)171 W 7200 27608 MT (transfer large amounts of data.)SH 5 10 270 45000 57551 GB %%BeginDocument: MachExternalIO.ps %!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%Title: MachExternalIO.draw %%Creator: Draw %%CreationDate: Mon Apr 16 12:25:12 1990 %%For: rfr %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%%Pages: (atend) 1 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%DocumentPaperSizes: Letter %%Orientation: Landscape %%EndComments %%BeginFile: /usr/lib/NextStep//printPackage1.0.ps %!PSNext-1.0 %%Title: Printing Package %%Copyright 1988, NeXT, Inc. %%CreationDate: 23Feb88 %%PackageName: printPackage0.8.37 %%PackageDescription: Routines to support printing %%EndComments %debugging aids %/clip {gsave 0.9 setgray 0.5 setlinewidth stroke grestore} def % simulations of DPS ops /__NXbdef {1 index where {pop pop pop} {bind def} ifelse} bind def /__NXUserObjectList 10 array __NXbdef /defineuserobject { exch dup 1 add dup 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length 6 eq { exch uappend concat } { uappend } ifelse stroke grestore } __NXbdef /__NXustrokepathMatrix dup where {pop pop} {matrix def} ifelse /ustrokepath { newpath dup length 6 eq { exch uappend __NXustrokepathMatrix currentmatrix exch concat strokepath setmatrix } { uappend strokepath } ifelse } __NXbdef /upath { [ exch {/ucache cvx} if pathbbox /setbbox cvx {/moveto cvx} {/lineto cvx} {/curveto cvx} {/closepath cvx} pathforall ] cvx } __NXbdef /setstrokeadjust {pop} __NXbdef /currentstrokeadjust {false} __NXbdef /selectfont { exch findfont exch dup type /arraytype eq { makefont } { scalefont } ifelse setfont } __NXbdef /_NXCombineArrays { counttomark dup 2 add index dup length 3 -1 roll { 2 index length sub dup 4 1 roll 1 index exch 4 -1 roll putinterval exch } repeat pop pop pop } __NXbdef % simulations of NeXT additions to DPS /flushgraphics {} def /hidecursor {} def /obscurecursor {} def /revealcursor {} def /setcursor {4 {pop} repeat} bind def /showcursor {} def %%EndFile 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execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 105 211 moveto (read\(\)) show grestore grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup 180 200 moveto 210 200 210 200 210 70 curveto stroke -90 210 70 arrow grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup 180 390 moveto 250 390 250 390 250 70 curveto stroke 180 180 390 arrow grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup 50 70 moveto 50 390 50 390 90 390 curveto stroke -90 50 70 arrow grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup 360 70 moveto 360 240 360 240 450 240 curveto stroke 0 450 240 arrow grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup 380 70 moveto 380 230 380 230 470 230 curveto stroke -90 380 70 arrow grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup gsave 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray [1 0 0 -1 0 614] concat 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 456 310 moveto (Unix Server) show grestore grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup gsave 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray [1 0 0 -1 0 274] concat 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 408 130 moveto (PagerDataRequest/) show 408 150 moveto (PagerDataProvided) show grestore grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup gsave 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray [1 0 0 -1 0 118] concat 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 51 62 moveto (Page) show grestore grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup gsave 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray [1 0 0 -1 0 88] concat 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 53 47 moveto (Fault) show grestore grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup gsave 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray [1 0 0 -1 0 122] concat 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 195 64 moveto (Syscall) show grestore grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup gsave 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray [1 0 0 -1 0 88] concat 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 188 47 moveto (Redirect) show grestore grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup gsave 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray [1 0 0 -1 0 910] concat 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 54 458 moveto (Transparent Library) show grestore grestore 0 0 3.13 0 setup gsave 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray [1 0 0 -1 0 200] concat 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 84 103 moveto (User Binary) show grestore grestore 0 0 3.13 0.798 setup gsave 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray [1 0 0 -1 0 118] concat 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 297 62 moveto (Page Fault Handler) show grestore grestore 0 0 3.13 0.798 setup gsave 46 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray [1 0 0 -1 0 996] concat 35 execuserobject setfont 0 setgray 113 506 moveto (Mach: External Unix I/O) show grestore grestore gsave 0 0 720 540 rectclip [1 0 0 -1 0 540] concat grestore grestore grestore showpage __NXsheetsavetoken restore %PageTrailer %%%PageFonts: Courier-BoldOblique %+ Courier-Bold %%Trailer %%DocumentFonts: Courier-BoldOblique %+ Courier-Bold %%%Pages: 1 1 %%BoundingBox:36.000000 36.000000 576.000000 756.000000 %%EndDocument GE /Helvetica-Bold SF 17290 57434 MT (Figure 3-2:)SH /Helvetica SF 22958 XM (Implementation of Unix files as memory objects)SH 8312 61144 MT (In the) 145 W( case of a memory object implementation of file access, the Unix Server acts as the memory)144 W 7200 62570 MT (object manager \050or "inode pager"\051 for 4.3BSD files. When a file is opened by a) 6 W( Unix application its data is)7 W 7200 63996 MT (mapped directly into the portion of) 215 W( the Unix application address space occupied by the Transparent)214 W 7200 65422 MT (Emulation Library.) 104 W( That) 488 W( library then directly provides read, write, lseek, etc. system call access to the)105 W 7200 66848 MT (file's data. In order to ensure) 46 W( Unix file sharing semantics, the Transparent Library must hand-shake with)45 W 7200 68274 MT (the Unix Server through messages whenever conflicts with other applications could arise. See figure 3-2.)SH ES %%Page: 5 6 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30322 4329 MT (5)SH 11 SS 7200 8002 MT (3.3. Transparent Emulator Library)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 9428 MT (The Transparent System Call Emulation Library) 207 W( is loaded into the address space of the first user)208 W 7200 10854 MT (process \050/etc/init\051. Mach allows memory to be) 64 W( inherited either read/write or copy-on-write from parent to)63 W 7200 12280 MT (child task. The Unix Server takes advantage of this) 199 W( function to allow the Transparent Library to be)200 W 7200 13706 MT (inherited by each child process from its parent on a fork operation. Execve and similar operations) 46 W( which)45 W 7200 15132 MT (reload an address space with) 55 W( a new application program are careful to preserve the Transparent Library)56 W 7200 16558 MT (portion of the address space. One advantage of this technique is that) 204 W( it allows multiple Transparent)203 W 7200 17984 MT (Libraries with) 166 W( perhaps different behavior \050such as the support of somewhat different Unix variants\051 to)167 W 7200 19410 MT (co-exist with the same Unix Server.)SH 8312 21977 MT (The Transparent Emulation Library contains the equivalent of the Unix system call) 4 W( handler and the glue)3 W 7200 23403 MT (routines necessary to transform system calls into remote) 48 W( procedure calls to the Unix Server. It intercepts)49 W 7200 24829 MT (system calls using the Mach system call redirection facility and) 112 W( transforms them into remote procedure)111 W 7200 26255 MT (calls to the server process. Most of the machine dependencies in the) 154 W( BSD code are handled by the)155 W 7200 27681 MT (Library. These) 278 W( include manipulating the application's stack for signal handling and forking a new process.)SH 8312 30248 MT (In some cases Unix requests can be handled exclusively by the) 70 W( Transparent Library. For example, a)69 W 7200 31674 MT (Unix file which has been mapped into the Transparent Library memory region as part of an open call) 34 W( can)35 W 7200 33100 MT (be directly read by the Transparent Library without requiring the) 18 W( intervention of the Unix Server. Likewise)17 W 7200 34526 MT (some Unix) 4 W( signal management \050e.g., sigvec\051, memory management \050e.g., obreak\051 and state management)5 W 7200 35952 MT (\050e.g., getpid\051 can be performed solely by the Emulation Library.)SH 8312 38519 MT (It is important to note that Transparent Emulation Library code is always executed with its own) 94 W( stack)93 W 7200 39945 MT (and does not use the stack of the application making the system call. This allows the Emulation Library) SH( to)1 W 7200 41371 MT (be compatible even with applications which may be doing their own stack management or providing) 41 W( their)40 W 7200 42797 MT (own lightweight process mechanisms.)SH 8312 45364 MT (It is also worth noting that the Transparent Emulation Library is vulnerable to) 300 W( tampering by an)301 W 7200 46790 MT (application program. It resides in a portion) 118 W( of the user application's address space and it is within the)117 W 7200 48216 MT (capabilities of a user program to either) 20 W( read/write or remove that region of memory. As a result, care has)21 W 7200 49642 MT (been taken to ensure that the correct functioning of the Unix Server cannot) 95 W( be affected by malicious or)94 W 7200 51068 MT (unintentional tampering with the Emulation Library. It is) 70 W( also important that information managed by the)71 W 7200 52494 MT (Transparent Library not be more security) 112 W( sensitive than information otherwise available to the user. In)111 W 7200 53920 MT (this regard the Transparent Library must operate under restrictions similar) 211 W( to that of the standard C)212 W 7200 55346 MT (runtime library.)SH 12 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 59101 MT (4. Implementation History)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 60527 MT (We started the implementation of) 67 W( the Unix Server in January of 1989. The single-server Unix system)66 W 7200 61953 MT (ran multi-user by March. Much of the) 2 W( speed with which this was done can be attributed to the fact that we)3 W 7200 63379 MT (took as much advantage as possible of earlier Mach) 34 W( implementations. Although earlier versions of Mach)33 W 7200 64805 MT (-- in particular Mach Release) 78 W( 2.5 -- provided Unix compatibility in kernel state, they did so by redefining)79 W 7200 66231 MT (those operations in terms of Mach primitives. As a result, much) 47 W( of the code providing Unix services was)46 W 7200 67657 MT (already structured in a way which allowed its use outside of the Mach kernel.)SH 8312 70224 MT (The first versions of the Emulation Library and Unix Server) 184 W( converted every Unix system call to a)185 W 7200 71650 MT (message. The) 456 W( Mach memory object facility was) 89 W( only used to implement the text and data segments of)88 W ES %%Page: 6 7 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30322 4329 MT (6)SH /Helvetica SF 7200 7929 MT (application address spaces. The result was a system which performed better than we had anticipated but)7 W 7200 9355 MT (still needed to be tuned considerably.) 46 W( For) 369 W( example, a simple compilation test which would normally take)45 W 7200 10781 MT (28.5 seconds to execute under Mach Release 2.5 on an 8MB Sun 3/60 ran, instead, in about 38 seconds.)SH 8312 13348 MT (Some of the problems of the Unix Server were in evidence in specific tests of system call and)265 W 7200 14774 MT (read/write I/O performance. The cost of a getpid call was about 1.4 milliseconds on a Sun 3/60 and an)76 W 7200 16200 MT (8192 byte read operation was over 5 milliseconds. These compared with 118 microseconds) 135 W( for getpid)136 W 7200 17626 MT (and 2 milliseconds for a read on Mach 2.5.)SH 8312 20193 MT (We examined in detail the behavior of the system running a variety of benchmarks and determined four)7 W 7200 21619 MT (areas in which substantive improvements would have the greatest effect:)SH 9424 23020 MT (1.)SH 10536 XM (the Mach IPC facility,)SH 9424 24835 MT (2.)SH 10536 XM (the Mach C Thread library,)SH 9424 26650 MT (3.)SH 10536 XM (management of signals and other forms of shared Library/Server state,)SH 9424 28465 MT (4.)SH 10536 XM (management of Unix file data \050read/write/lseek in particular\051.)SH 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 32147 MT (4.1. Mach IPC performance enhancements)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 33573 MT (At the time we began our work,) 55 W( the performance of the Mach IPC facility was substantially better than)56 W 7200 34999 MT (other Unix communication facilities) 72 W( [1]) SH( but was not tuned to the kind of intense use required by the) 72 W( Unix)71 W 7200 36425 MT (Server. In) 512 W( March of 1989 the) 117 W( minimum round trip remote procedure call times \050RPC\051 for Mach on the)118 W 7200 37851 MT (MicroVAX III was measured as 800 microseconds. On the Sun 3/60 minimum) 143 W( RPC times were 1100)142 W 7200 39277 MT (microseconds. For) 577 W( a compilation test requiring approximately 25-30 seconds to compete and utilizing)150 W 7200 40703 MT (2600 system calls, this amounted to approximately 10% of elapsed time.)SH 8312 43270 MT (There were two ways to attack this problem and we chose to do both. We sped up the IPC facility) 53 W( by)52 W 7200 44696 MT (approximately 30%) 138 W( through the use of hand-off scheduling. By the summer of 1989 our MicroVAX III)139 W 7200 46122 MT (minimum RPC costs were 450 microseconds and our Sun 3/60 costs were 800 microseconds. In)256 W 7200 47548 MT (addition, we reduced the total number) 194 W( of messages to somewhat less half of all system calls \050using)195 W 7200 48974 MT (techniques described below\051. The result of these enhancements was a) 4 W( considerable reduction in the total)3 W 7200 50400 MT (time devoted to minimum-path IPC costs.)SH 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 54082 MT (4.2. C Thread library enhancements)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 55508 MT (We found two problems with the Unix Server's use of the C) 22 W( Thread library. First, the total number of C)23 W 7200 56934 MT (threads needed by) 50 W( the Unix Server was potentially much larger than the number of kernel threads it was)49 W 7200 58360 MT (reasonable to dedicate to it. Secondly, the cost of synchronization) 55 W( using the then existing version of the)56 W 7200 59786 MT (C thread mutex package was too high.) 16 W( Both) 309 W( problems were caused by a one-to-one binding of C threads)15 W 7200 61212 MT (to Mach kernel threads in that version of the C thread package.)SH 8312 63779 MT (We addressed these concerns by modifying the C thread) 81 W( package to detach the implementation of C)82 W 7200 65205 MT (threads from kernel threads. The package was changed to allow a specified pool of kernel threads) 121 W( to)120 W 7200 66631 MT (animate a much larger pool of C threads.) 44 W( Mutex,) 368 W( condition_wait and condition_signal operations were in)45 W 7200 68057 MT (turn modified to hand) 10 W( off execution from one C thread to another directly rather than attempt to use kernel)9 W 7200 69483 MT (scheduling facilities. The number of kernel threads used by the Unix Server) 114 W( could be set to allow any)115 W 7200 70909 MT (specified level of kernel managed multiprocessing. In addition, specific C) 145 W( threads were allowed to be)144 W ES %%Page: 7 8 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30322 4329 MT (7)SH /Helvetica SF 7200 7929 MT (bound to kernel threads where necessary, for example to act as device management threads.)SH 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 11611 MT (4.3. Management of signals and shared state)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 13037 MT (Another problem area which became evident immediately upon) 51 W( instrumentation of the system was the)52 W 7200 14463 MT (frequent calls by Unix applications \050especially the Unix shells\051 which are) 91 W( intended merely to set or read)90 W 7200 15889 MT (state information shared with the operating system.) 210 W( These) 700 W( calls include operations to modify signal)211 W 7200 17315 MT (handling state, verify the identity of the current process and) 282 W( modify the current address space by)281 W 7200 18741 MT (allocating new memory.)SH 8312 21308 MT (After some experimentation we determined that these) 63 W( operations could either be cached in a memory)64 W 7200 22734 MT (area accessible to both the Emulation Library and) 53 W( to the Unix Server or they could be performed directly)52 W 7200 24160 MT (by the Emulation Library using the underlying Mach) 24 W( kernel mechanisms. Thus, along with each Unix fork)25 W 7200 25586 MT (operation, the Unix Server allocates two memory objects which it maps into the newly created) 93 W( process.)92 W 7200 27012 MT (The first of these is a read-only object which) 65 W( contains information about the process which the Server is)66 W 7200 28438 MT (willing to communicate to it. The second is a read-write object accessible to both the Library) 133 W( and the)132 W 7200 29864 MT (Server. This) 716 W( object is used to allow the Emulation Library to update state information) 219 W( which is not)220 W 7200 31290 MT (immediately needed by the Server.)SH 8312 33857 MT (Although attractive on a tightly coupled multiprocessor or) 11 W( a uniprocessor, this use of shared state is not)10 W 7200 35283 MT (necessary appropriate to other architectures.) 41 W( We) 362 W( therefore made it optional with the version of the client)42 W 7200 36709 MT (Emulation Library. A full message passing interface to the server was preserved.)SH 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 40391 MT (4.4. Management of Unix file data)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 41817 MT (One of the major costs in any Unix system is the cost) 255 W( of data movement to and from the disk)254 W 7200 43243 MT (subsystem. For) 330 W( example, we found that over 75% of all operations in) 26 W( a measured compilation suite were)27 W 7200 44669 MT (either open, close, read, lseek or write. Within this class, read, write and lseek dominated all file) 69 W( system)68 W 7200 46095 MT (operations.)SH 8312 48662 MT (The costs of data movement in turn dominate read and write system call times. On a Sun) 114 W( 3/60 the)115 W 7200 50088 MT (basic cost of an 8192 byte data copy is 1.2 milliseconds.) 158 W( Because) 593 W( Unix read and write system calls)157 W 7200 51514 MT (specify their target byte addresses it is not possible, in general,) 31 W( to use virtual memory page management)32 W 7200 52940 MT (to move data directly) 101 W( into a client address space. The simplest way to move 8K of data from the Unix)100 W 7200 54366 MT (Server to) 145 W( a client application is by Mach messages which actually contain 8192 bytes of copied data.)146 W 7200 55792 MT (Unfortunately this approach can result in as many as four data copies per call and minimum read or write)28 W 7200 57218 MT (times of greater than 5 milliseconds.)SH 8312 59785 MT (We experimented with a variety of techniques for reducing these data copy costs. Ultimately) 59 W( the best)60 W 7200 61211 MT (strategy was to effectively eliminate the cost of data copy) 70 W( altogether. This was accomplished by having)69 W 7200 62637 MT (the Unix Server map files directly into the address space managed by the Transparent) 26 W( Emulation Library.)27 W 7200 64063 MT (This allowed read, write and lseek operations to be performed completely by the Library rather than the)80 W 7200 65489 MT (Server. State) 690 W( information pertaining to the Library's access to a file is shared with) 206 W( the Unix Server)207 W 7200 66915 MT (through a shared memory object page \050see the previous section\051.)SH 8312 69482 MT (The role of the Unix Server in this approach is that of a memory object manager for inodes and a)158 W 7200 70908 MT (synchronization manager for files which are shared by multiple simultaneously) 28 W( executing Unix processes.)29 W ES %%Page: 8 9 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30322 4329 MT (8)SH /Helvetica SF 7200 7929 MT (This eliminates the costs of message passing for many operations as well as the cost of extra data)193 W 7200 9355 MT (copies. Only) 558 W( one copy is ever made on a) 140 W( read or write call: the necessary copy from the application)141 W 7200 10781 MT (specified byte address to the actual page of the file) 93 W( in memory. Another advantage of this approach is)92 W 7200 12207 MT (greater potential) 51 W( parallelism. Because the operation is confined to the client application there is typically)52 W 7200 13633 MT (no lock contention or serialization.)SH 8312 16200 MT (The major drawback of this approach is increased costs) 30 W( for open and close operations on files. These)29 W 7200 17626 MT (operations can require memory mapping) 296 W( and deallocation costs which, in practice, are reasonably)297 W 7200 19052 MT (expensive. Our) 858 W( investigations have shown that open/close costs are important, but) 290 W( not nearly as)289 W 7200 20478 MT (important as the cost of read/write/lseek operations.)SH 8312 23045 MT (The results) 205 W( of our modifications to the file system have been gratifying. Instead of taking over 5)206 W 7200 24471 MT (milliseconds for an 8192 byte lseek/read) 66 W( the costs for an lseek/read loop on the Sun 3/60 were reduced)65 W 7200 25897 MT (to less than 1.4) 48 W( milliseconds. This compares favorably to the 2.12 milliseconds for the same test running)49 W 7200 27323 MT (under Mach Release 2.5.)SH 12 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 31078 MT (5. Performance)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 32504 MT (We examined) 9 W( the performance of our multithreaded Unix Server and Emulation Library through the use)8 W 7200 33930 MT (of two system oriented benchmarks, one a simple file compilation) 211 W( benchmark and the other a more)212 W 7200 35356 MT (comprehensive file system) 105 W( test. We also timed specific system calls both individually and in frequently)104 W 7200 36782 MT (used combinations. In the following sections all tests were made running either Mach Release) 52 W( 2.5 or the)53 W 7200 38208 MT (Mach kernel with the Unix Server described in this paper. All tests were made on) 11 W( a Sun 3/60 with 8MB of)10 W 7200 39634 MT (memory and a Priam 300MB disk drive. The same disk with the) SH( same binaries and user environment was)1 W 7200 41060 MT (used in all tests.)SH 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 44742 MT (5.1. A compilation test suite)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 46168 MT (We devised a relatively simple compilation test suite and used it to measure the performance of both)80 W 7200 47594 MT (systems. This) 382 W( compilation test consisted) 52 W( of a shell command file which ran nine compilations of small C)53 W 7200 49020 MT (source files. These files contained relatively few header file inclusions. Each compilation was separately)73 W 7200 50446 MT (timed using the "time" command.)SH 8312 53013 MT (The resulting test stressed) 41 W( process creation/termination, program load and startup, file open/close and)42 W 7200 54439 MT (read/write costs for small files. During the roughly 30 seconds required to) 43 W( complete the test it performed)42 W 7200 55865 MT (approximately 2600 Unix system calls, forked) 92 W( 57 processes, attempted to open 240 files and close 350)93 W 7200 57291 MT (file descriptors,) 253 W( unlinked 100 files and called execve 160 times. Read, write and lseek operations)252 W 7200 58717 MT (accounted for a large fraction of all system calls.) 52 W( Roughly) 383 W( 750 lseek operations, 450 read and 230 write)53 W 7200 60143 MT (operations were performed. The table below shows the results) 209 W( of the benchmark. The runtime for)208 W 7200 61569 MT (SunOS 4.0 on the same machine is shown for purposes of comparison.)SH ES %%Page: 9 10 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30322 4329 MT (9)SH 24459 11368 MT (Compile Test Peformance)SH 16655 50 22272 11987 LH BX1 /Helvetica-Oblique SF 23142 13115 MT (Operating System)SH 32415 XM (Elapsed Time)SH 16655 50 22272 13728 LH BX1 -1741 50 32016 13728 LV BX1 /Helvetica SF 22671 14856 MT (SunOS 4.0)SH 32415 XM (49 seconds)SH 16655 50 22272 15469 LH BX1 22671 16597 MT (Mach Release 2.5)SH 32415 XM (28.5 seconds)SH 16655 50 22272 17210 LH BX1 22671 18338 MT (Mach w/Unix Server)SH 32415 XM (28.4 seconds)SH 16655 8711 50 22272 18951 BX BX1 -5223 50 32016 18951 LV BX1 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 22633 MT (5.2. File system benchmarks)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 24059 MT (In order to get a more complete evaluation of the system's) 24 W( file system performance we took advantage)25 W 7200 25485 MT (of a benchmark originally developed by M. Satyanarayanan for his) 48 W( peformance evaluation of the Andrew)47 W 7200 26911 MT (File System) 456 W( [5].) SH( Specifically) 1190 W( we used a version of the Andrew Benchmark modified by John)457 W 7200 28337 MT (Ousterhout [7].) SH( This) 536 W( benchmark) 129 W( stresses directory and file creation, file copy, file search \050using "find"\051)128 W 7200 29763 MT (and compilation activity. A complete examination of this benchmark can be found in the cited papers.)SH /Helvetica-Bold SF 23710 34145 MT (Modified Andrew Benchmark)SH 33426 50 13887 34764 LH BX1 /Helvetica-Oblique SF 15202 35892 MT (Operating)SH 21307 XM (Directory)SH 26772 XM (File)SH 29849 XM (Recursive)SH 15730 37035 MT (System)SH 21417 XM (Creation)SH 26411 XM (Copy)SH 30237 XM (file stats)SH 35592 XM (Find)SH 38836 XM (Compile)SH 43301 XM (Elapsed)SH 33426 50 13887 37648 LH BX1 -2884 50 20908 37648 LV BX1 -2884 50 25706 37648 LV BX1 -2884 50 29450 37648 LV BX1 -2884 50 34693 37648 LV BX1 -2884 50 38437 37648 LV BX1 -2884 50 42902 37648 LV BX1 /Helvetica SF 14286 38776 MT (Mach)SH 14286 39919 MT (Release 2.5)SH 21307 XM (4 sec)SH 26105 XM (20 sec)SH 29849 XM (13 sec)SH 35092 XM (26 sec)SH 38836 XM (336 sec)SH 43301 XM (399 sec)SH 33426 50 13887 40532 LH BX1 14286 41660 MT (Mach)SH 14286 42803 MT (w/Unix Server)SH 21307 XM (1 sec)SH 26105 XM (20 sec)SH 29849 XM (24 sec)SH 35092 XM (34 sec)SH 38836 XM (332 sec)SH 43301 XM (411 sec)SH 33426 10399 50 13887 43416 BX BX1 -5768 50 20908 43416 LV BX1 -5768 50 25706 43416 LV BX1 -5768 50 29450 43416 LV BX1 -5768 50 34693 43416 LV BX1 -5768 50 38437 43416 LV BX1 -5768 50 42902 43416 LV BX1 8312 45983 MT (Probably the greatest differences revealed by this test were in the the costs of directory scanning and)59 W 7200 47409 MT (the "stat" operation. Neither have been examined or tuned in the current Unix server. The overall)210 W 7200 48835 MT (difference in performance was about three percent.)SH 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 52517 MT (5.3. Basic File System Costs)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 53943 MT (In addition to our examination of various application benchmarks we looked at) 185 W( the cost of specific)186 W 7200 55369 MT (operations. In) 438 W( particular, we examined the cost of creating, writing and deleting files of various) 80 W( lengths,)79 W 7200 56795 MT (the throughput for both cached and uncached file read operations) 32 W( and for file write operations. The table)33 W 7200 58221 MT (below summarizes these results.)SH ES %%Page: 10 11 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30044 4329 MT (10)SH 24877 11368 MT (File System Throughput)SH 28350 50 16425 11987 LH BX1 /Helvetica-Oblique SF 18657 13115 MT (Operation)SH 26125 XM (Mach Release 2.5)SH 35428 XM (Mach w/Unix Server)SH 28350 50 16425 13728 LH BX1 -1741 50 25281 13728 LV BX1 -1741 50 35028 13728 LV BX1 /Helvetica SF 16824 14856 MT (create)SH 16824 15999 MT (write \0500 bytes\051)SH 16824 17142 MT (Delete)SH 25680 XM (84.4ms)SH 35427 XM (83.4ms)SH 28350 50 16425 17755 LH BX1 16824 18883 MT (create)SH 16824 20026 MT (write \05010K bytes\051)SH 16824 21169 MT (delete)SH 25680 XM (154.0ms)SH 35427 XM (152.0ms)SH 28350 50 16425 21782 LH BX1 16824 22910 MT (create)SH 16824 24053 MT (write \050100K bytes\051)SH 16824 25196 MT (delete)SH 25680 XM (634.1ms)SH 35427 XM (596.0ms)SH 28350 50 16425 25809 LH BX1 16824 26937 MT (write \0501M bytes\051)SH 25680 XM (0.26 megabytes/sec)SH 35427 XM (0.27 megabytes/sec)SH 28350 50 16425 27550 LH BX1 16824 28678 MT (read \050cached\051)SH 25680 XM (3.98 megabytes/sec)SH 35427 XM (3.93 megabytes/sec)SH 28350 50 16425 29291 LH BX1 16824 30419 MT (read \050uncached\051)SH 25680 XM (0.41 megabytes/sec)SH 35427 XM (0.34 megabytes/sec)SH 28350 20792 50 16425 31032 BX BX1 -17304 50 25281 31032 LV BX1 -17304 50 35028 31032 LV BX1 8312 33599 MT (Overall, we found the behavior of the Mach w/Unix Server system to be very similar to that of) 12 W( our Mach)11 W 7200 35025 MT (2.5 Release for) 314 W( these operations. In particular, the costs of cached read operations and of write)315 W 7200 36451 MT (operations were nearly identical.)SH 8312 39018 MT (Measured separately,) 108 W( the costs for open, close, lseek and read operations expose the differences in)107 W 7200 40444 MT (implementation techniques and the tradeoffs between an in-kernel) 126 W( and out-of-kernel Unix environment.)127 W 7200 41870 MT (Repeated read and) 1 W( write operations of various lengths are considerably faster in our out-of-kernel system.)SH 7200 43296 MT (The cost of an "open" call, however, has increased due to the required message handshakes and) 56 W( to the)57 W 7200 44722 MT (cost of memory mapping the referenced inode.)SH /Helvetica-Bold SF 23792 49104 MT (File System Operation Costs)SH 30420 50 15390 49723 LH BX1 /Helvetica-Oblique SF 19104 50851 MT (Operation)SH 27608 XM (Mach Release 2.5)SH 36465 XM (Mach w/Unix Server)SH 30420 50 15390 51464 LH BX1 -1741 50 27209 51464 LV BX1 -1741 50 36066 51464 LV BX1 /Helvetica SF 15789 52592 MT (lseek)SH 27608 XM (160us)SH 36465 XM (170us)SH 30420 50 15390 53205 LH BX1 15789 54333 MT (lseek +)SH 15789 55476 MT (read \0501 byte\051)SH 27608 XM (0.44ms)SH 36465 XM (0.35ms)SH 30420 50 15390 56089 LH BX1 15789 57217 MT (lseek +)SH 15789 58360 MT (read \0508K bytes\051)SH 27608 XM (2.12ms)SH 36465 XM (1.38ms)SH 30420 50 15390 58973 LH BX1 15789 60101 MT (open "foo" +)SH 15789 61244 MT (read \0508K\051 +)SH 15789 62387 MT (close)SH 27608 XM (3ms)SH 36465 XM (5.5ms)SH 30420 50 15390 63000 LH BX1 15789 64128 MT (open "/usr/rfr/tests/foo" +)SH 15789 65271 MT (read \0508K\051 +)SH 15789 66414 MT (close)SH 27608 XM (5.2ms)SH 36465 XM (6.68ms)SH 30420 50 15390 67027 LH BX1 15789 68155 MT (failed open of "xxx")SH 27608 XM (1.66ms)SH 36465 XM (1.42ms)SH 30420 20792 50 15390 68768 BX BX1 -17304 50 27209 68768 LV BX1 -17304 50 36066 68768 LV BX1 ES %%Page: 11 12 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30044 4329 MT (11)SH 11 SS 7200 8002 MT (5.4. Process Management Costs)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 9428 MT (Our raw measurements of process creation) 108 W( and termination demonstrate a problem we have not yet)107 W 7200 10854 MT (resolved with the use of the Transparent) 92 W( Emulation Library. As can be seen from the table below, fork)93 W 7200 12280 MT (and exec costs) 80 W( range from 2 to 3 times greater for the Mach w/Unix Server than for Mach Release 2.5.)79 W 7200 13706 MT (The cost of the fork operation itself is the primary culprit.)SH /Helvetica-Bold SF 23931 18088 MT (Process Management Costs)SH 30536 50 15332 18707 LH BX1 /Helvetica-Oblique SF 16259 19835 MT (Operation)SH 21976 XM (Mach Release 2.5)SH 30833 XM (Mach w/Unix Server)SH 40577 XM (SunOS 4.0)SH 30536 50 15332 20448 LH BX1 -1741 50 21577 20448 LV BX1 -1741 50 30434 20448 LV BX1 -1741 50 40178 20448 LV BX1 /Helvetica SF 15731 21576 MT (getpid)SH 21976 XM (118us)SH 30833 XM (102us)SH 40577 XM (75us)SH 30536 50 15332 22189 LH BX1 15731 23317 MT (fork + exit)SH 21976 XM (16ms)SH 30833 XM (48ms)SH 40577 XM (27.6ms)SH 30536 50 15332 23930 LH BX1 15731 25058 MT (fork + wait +)SH 15731 26201 MT (exec + exit)SH 21976 XM (32ms)SH 30833 XM (74ms)SH 40577 XM (106ms)SH 30536 9854 50 15332 26814 BX BX1 -6366 50 21577 26814 LV BX1 -6366 50 30434 26814 LV BX1 -6366 50 40178 26814 LV BX1 8312 29381 MT (The explanation for this increase in) 64 W( fork cost can be found in a large number of additional page faults)65 W 7200 30807 MT (which result from the use the) 41 W( Transparent Library. At fork, a copy-on-write copy of the parent is created.)40 W 7200 32233 MT (In a normal in-kernel Unix implementation, the parent modifies a single stack page) SH( \050resulting in a copy-on-)1 W 7200 33659 MT (write fault\051 and then does a Unix "wait" for the) 4 W( child to exit. In our out-of-kernel Unix environment both the)3 W 7200 35085 MT (parent and child processes modify the top-of-stack page of their Transparent) 38 W( Library as well as their own)39 W 7200 36511 MT (process top-of-stack page. In addition references are made to various code and) 212 W( data pages in the)211 W 7200 37937 MT (Transparent Library. As a) 24 W( result, twenty faults are taken in the out-of-kernel version. Of these faults, five)25 W 7200 39363 MT (are copy-on-write faults and three are fill zero faults. This contrasts with only five faults altogether for) 28 W( the)27 W 7200 40789 MT (in-kernel Unix of which two are copy-on-write) 150 W( faults. The high cost of program execution in the early)151 W 7200 42215 MT (SunOS 4.0 system \050included for comparison\051 was similarly the result of its use of shared libraries.)SH 12 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 45970 MT (6. Status)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 47396 MT (All 4.3BSD binaries, Ultrix binaries or Sun) 60 W( 3.x binaries which ran on earlier versions of Mach continue)59 W 7200 48822 MT (to run. The switch) 29 W( from older releases of Mach \050or Ultrix on the DECStation\051 can be accomplished simply)30 W 7200 50248 MT (by installing a new kernel, the Unix Server and Emulator) 10 W( Library on an existing disk. The system includes)9 W 7200 51674 MT (support for X11R4, full Berkeley networking, the) 188 W( Andrew Nationwide File System and CMU's internal)189 W 7200 53100 MT (remote file system.)SH 8312 55667 MT (At the time of) 69 W( this writing \050April, 1990\051 the pure Mach kernel with Unix as an application program was)68 W 7200 57093 MT (running on multiprocessor and uniprocessor Vax) 178 W( systems, the DECStation 3100, the Sun 3 and i386)179 W 7200 58519 MT (PC-clones. We are working) 8 W( with the Open Software Foundation on a version for the Encore Multimax. We)7 W 7200 59945 MT (expect to support the Macintosh and other machines in the future.)SH 8312 62512 MT (The multithreaded) 114 W( Unix Server described in this paper is but one of two ongoing implementations of)115 W 7200 63938 MT (Unix functionality at CMU. A second) 30 W( group) 29 W( [9]) SH( has been engaged in an implementation of Unix based on)29 W 7200 65364 MT (multiple Mach) 51 W( server tasks each of which performs specific functions such as file access, authentication,)52 W 7200 66790 MT (etc. The) 502 W( advantage of this approach) 112 W( over a single server Unix implementation is flexibility \050since each)111 W 7200 68216 MT (server can) 59 W( provide services for various operating system environments\051 and security \050since each can be)60 W 7200 69642 MT (individually secured and verified\051.)SH ES %%Page: 12 13 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30044 4329 MT (12)SH /Helvetica SF 8312 7929 MT (Work using Mach to implement non-Unix environments is also) 138 W( in progress. A virtual Macintosh OS)137 W 7200 9355 MT (environment is already) 40 W( running on top of Mach Release 2.5 at CMU and is scheduled to be ported to the)41 W 7200 10781 MT (pure kernel. We are also providing support for DOS applications on the i386.)SH 12 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 14536 MT (7. Conclusions)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 15962 MT (We believe we) 155 W( have demonstrated the practicality of implementing Unix as an application program.)154 W 7200 17388 MT (Our performance measures demonstrate) 85 W( differences in the underlying cost profiles for our in-kernel and)86 W 7200 18814 MT (out-of-kernel Unix systems but do not indicate) 12 W( serious problems. We continue to make improvements but)11 W 7200 20240 MT (we have already achieved near parity) 33 W( with Mach Release 2.5 and can outperform some commercial Unix)34 W 7200 21666 MT (implementations.)SH 12 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 25421 MT (8. Author Biographies)SH 11 SS 7200 29103 MT (8.1. David Golub)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 30529 MT (David Golub is a Senior Research Programmer and has worked) 60 W( on the Mach project since December)59 W 7200 31955 MT (1985. He) 318 W( received the B.) 20 W( A. in mathematics from Brown University in 1975. His research interests are in)21 W 7200 33381 MT (distributed computing.)SH 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 37063 MT (8.2. Randall Dean)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 38489 MT (Randall Dean is a Research Systems Programmer) 136 W( working with the Mach Project since May, 1989.)135 W 7200 39915 MT (His primary interests are rock climbing and volleyball.)SH 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 43597 MT (8.3. Alessandro Forin)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 45023 MT (Dr. Forin received the) 9 W( B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1982 and the Ph.D. degree in Computer)10 W 7200 46449 MT (Science in 1987, both from the University of Padova, Padova, Italy. He is currently a Research) 10 W( Computer)9 W 7200 47875 MT (Scientist at the Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Forin is member of) 241 W( the Association for Computing)242 W 7200 49301 MT (Machinery, SIGPLAN and SIGOPS.)SH 11 /Helvetica-Bold AF 7200 52983 MT (8.4. Richard Rashid)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 8312 54409 MT (Professor Rashid is Director of the Mach Project and has been on the faculty of) 204 W( Carnegie-Mellon)203 W 7200 55835 MT (University since September, 1979. He received his M.S. \0501977\051 and) 74 W( Ph.D. \0501980\051 degrees in Computer)75 W 7200 57261 MT (Science from the University) 16 W( of Rochester. He had previously graduated with Honors in Mathematics from)15 W 7200 58687 MT (Stanford University \0501974\051.)SH ES %%Page: 13 14 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30044 4329 MT (13)SH 13 SS 27095 8148 MT (References)SH 10 /Helvetica AF 7200 10681 MT ([1])SH 10536 XM (Accetta, M.J., Baron, R.V., Bolosky, W., Golub, D.B., Rashid, R.F., Tevanian, A., and Young,)SH 10536 11824 MT (M.W.)SH 10536 12967 MT (Mach: A New Kernel Foundation for UNIX Development.)SH 10536 14110 MT (In)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 11648 XM (Proceedings of Summer Usenix)SH /Helvetica SF (. July,) 278 W( 1986.)SH 7200 15982 MT ([2])SH 10536 XM (Armand F., Gien M., Guillemont, M. and Leonard, P.)SH 10536 17125 MT (Towards a Distributed UNIX System - The CHORUS Approach.)SH 10536 18268 MT (In)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 11648 XM (Proceedings of the European UNIX Systems User Group Conference)SH /Helvetica SF (. September,) 278 W( 1986.)SH 7200 20140 MT ([3])SH 10536 XM (Cooper, E. and Draves, R.)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 10536 21283 MT (C Threads)SH /Helvetica SF (.)SH 10536 22426 MT (Technical Report CMU-CS-88-154, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University,)SH 12204 23569 MT (June, 1988.)SH 7200 25441 MT ([4])SH 10536 XM (Parmelee, R. P, T. I. Peterson, C. C. Tillman and D. J. Hatfield.)SH 10536 26584 MT (Virtual Storage and Virtual Machine Concepts.)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 10536 27727 MT (IBM Systems Journal)SH /Helvetica SF 20261 XM (11\0502\051:99-130, 1972.)SH 7200 29599 MT ([5])SH 10536 XM (Howard, J.H., Kazar, M.L., Menees, S.G., Nichols, D.A., Satyanarayanan, M., Sidebotham, R.N.,)SH 10536 30742 MT (West, M.J.)SH 10536 31885 MT (Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System.)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 10536 33028 MT (ACM Transactions on Computer Systems)SH /Helvetica SF 29208 XM (6\0501\051, February, 1988.)SH 7200 34900 MT ([6])SH 10536 XM (Lycklama, H. and Bayer, D. L.)SH 10536 36043 MT (The MERT Operating System.)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 10536 37186 MT (Bell System Technical Journal)SH /Helvetica SF 24207 XM (, July, 1978.)SH 7200 39058 MT ([7])SH 10536 XM (Ousterhout, J.)SH 10536 40201 MT (Why Aren't Operating Systems Getting Faster as Fast as Hardware?)SH 10536 41344 MT (In)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 11648 XM (Proceedings of Summer Usenix)SH /Helvetica SF (. June,) 278 W( 1990.)SH 7200 43216 MT ([8])SH 10536 XM (Thacker, C. P. and Stewart, L. C. and Satterthwaite, Jr., E. H.)SH 10536 44359 MT (Firefly: A Multiprocessor Workstation.)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 10536 45502 MT (IEEE Transactions on Computers)SH /Helvetica SF 25653 XM (37\0508\051:909-920, August, 1988.)SH 7200 47374 MT ([9])SH 10536 XM (Rashid, R., Baron, R., Forin A., Golub, D., Jones, M., Julin, D., Orr, D., Sanzi, R.)SH 10536 48517 MT (Mach: A Foundation for Open Systems; a Position Paper.)SH 10536 49660 MT (In)SH /Helvetica-Oblique SF 11648 XM (Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems)SH /Helvetica SF (. IEEE,) 278 W( September,)SH 12204 50803 MT (1989.)SH ES %%Page: i 15 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30461 4329 MT (i)SH 12 SS 25533 8075 MT (Table of Contents)SH 11 SS 9036 9319 MT (1. Abstract)SH 53388 XM (0)SH 9036 10563 MT (2. Introduction)SH 53388 XM (0)SH 9036 11807 MT (3. The Organization of Unix as an application program)SH 53388 XM (1)SH 10 SS 11092 12956 MT (3.1. Key Mach Features)SH 53444 XM (2)SH 13316 14105 MT (3.1.1. Interprocess communication)SH 53444 XM (2)SH 13316 15254 MT (3.1.2. Memory object management)SH 53444 XM (2)SH 13316 16403 MT (3.1.3. Scheduling)SH 53444 XM (2)SH 13316 17552 MT (3.1.4. System call redirection)SH 53444 XM (2)SH 13316 18701 MT (3.1.5. Device Support)SH 53444 XM (3)SH 13316 19850 MT (3.1.6. User Multiprocessing)SH 53444 XM (3)SH 11092 20999 MT (3.2. Unix Server)SH 53444 XM (3)SH 11092 22148 MT (3.3. Transparent Emulator Library)SH 53444 XM (5)SH 11 SS 9036 23392 MT (4. Implementation History)SH 53388 XM (5)SH 10 SS 11092 24541 MT (4.1. Mach IPC performance enhancements)SH 53444 XM (6)SH 11092 25690 MT (4.2. C Thread library enhancements)SH 53444 XM (6)SH 11092 26839 MT (4.3. Management of signals and shared state)SH 53444 XM (7)SH 11092 27988 MT (4.4. Management of Unix file data)SH 53444 XM (7)SH 11 SS 9036 29232 MT (5. Performance)SH 53388 XM (8)SH 10 SS 11092 30381 MT (5.1. A compilation test suite)SH 53444 XM (8)SH 11092 31530 MT (5.2. File system benchmarks)SH 53444 XM (9)SH 11092 32679 MT (5.3. Basic File System Costs)SH 53444 XM (9)SH 11092 33828 MT (5.4. Process Management Costs)SH 52888 XM (11)SH 11 SS 9036 35072 MT (6. Status)SH 52776 XM (11)SH 9036 36316 MT (7. Conclusions)SH 52776 XM (12)SH 9036 37560 MT (8. Author Biographies)SH 52776 XM (12)SH 10 SS 11092 38709 MT (8.1. David Golub)SH 52888 XM (12)SH 11092 39858 MT (8.2. Randall Dean)SH 52888 XM (12)SH 11092 41007 MT (8.3. Alessandro Forin)SH 52888 XM (12)SH 11092 42156 MT (8.4. Richard Rashid)SH 52888 XM (12)SH ES %%Page: ii 16 BS 0 SI 10 /Helvetica-Bold AF 30322 4329 MT (ii)SH 12 SS 26465 8075 MT (List of Figures)SH 11 SS 9036 9319 MT (Figure 3-1:) SH( Organization) 612 W( of Unix services)SH 53388 XM (3)SH 9036 10563 MT (Figure 3-2:) SH( Implementation) 612 W( of Unix files as memory objects)SH 53388 XM (4)SH ES %%Trailer %%Pages: 16 %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-Oblique Symbol