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Bradley Chen)SH 39283 XM (Brian N. Bershad)SH /Times-Roman SF 12444 14775 MT (School of Computer Science)SH 36313 XM (Department of Computer Science)SH 12569 15880 MT (Carnegie Mellon University)SH 39729 XM (and Engineering)SH 14014 16985 MT (5000 Forbes Avenue)SH 37826 XM (University of Washington)SH 13735 18090 MT (Pittsburgh, PA 15213)SH 39076 XM (Seattle, WA 98195)SH 11 /Times-Bold AF 15540 22586 MT (Abstract)SH 12 SS 31788 22653 MT (1. Introduction)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 32788 23850 MT (In this) 260 W( paper we quantitatively evaluate the memory)259 W 5760 24730 MT (In this paper) 79 W( we evaluate the memory system behavior of)78 W 31788 25047 MT (system behavior) 155 W( of two different implementations of the)156 W 5760 25835 MT (two distinctly different implementations) 371 W( of the UNIX)372 W 31788 26244 MT (UNIX operating system. One system,) 26 W( DEC's Ultrix, has a)25 W 5760 26940 MT (operating system: DEC's) 61 W( Ultrix, a monolithic system, and)60 W 31788 27441 MT (monolithic structure. The other, Mach 3.0 with CMU's)171 W 5760 28045 MT (Mach 3.0 with CMU's UNIX server, a microkernel-based)69 W 31788 28638 MT (UNIX server) 208 W( [1, 21],) SH( has a microkernel structure.) 208 W( Both)665 W 5760 29150 MT (system. In) 548 W( our evaluation we use combined system and)149 W 31788 29835 MT (systems are derived from 4.2 BSD UNIX) 260 W( and share a)261 W 5760 30255 MT (user memory) 29 W( reference traces of thirteen industry-standard)30 W 31788 31032 MT (nearly identical application programming interface,) 391 W( as)390 W 5760 31360 MT (workloads. We) 539 W( show that the microkernel-based system)144 W 31788 32229 MT (well as large amounts of code. We explore these two)226 W 5760 32465 MT (executes substantially) 206 W( more non-idle system instructions)207 W 31788 33426 MT (systems within the framework of seven) 61 W( popular assertions)60 W 5760 33570 MT (for an equivalent) 216 W( workload than the monolithic system.)215 W 31788 34623 MT (about the memory reference behavior) 29 W( of modern operating)30 W 5760 34675 MT (Furthermore, the average instruction for programs running)34 W 5760 35780 MT (on Mach has a) 42 W( higher cost, in terms of memory cycles per)41 W 31788 35820 MT (systems. These) 413 W( assertions, listed in Table 1-1, arise from)81 W 5760 36885 MT (instruction, than on) 5 W( Ultrix. In the context of our traces, we)6 W 31788 37017 MT (past experiences) 753 W( [16],) SH( extrapolated microbenchmarks)754 W 5760 37990 MT (explore a number of popular assertions) 64 W( about the memory)63 W 32038 38214 MT ([9, 31],) SH( and extensive measurements of real) 85 W( systems run-)84 W 5760 39095 MT (system behavior of modern operating systems, paying spe-)17 W 31788 39411 MT (ning real programs) 710 W( [3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 28, 35, 36].) SH( Our)1671 W 5760 40200 MT (cial attention to the) 245 W( effect that Mach's microkernel ar-)244 W 31788 40608 MT (evaluation relies on combined system) 196 W( and user memory)195 W 5760 41305 MT (chitecture has on system performance. Our) 25 W( results indicate)26 W 31788 41805 MT (reference traces generated through software) 308 W( instrumen-)309 W 5760 42410 MT (that many, but not) 57 W( all of the assertions are true, and that a)56 W 31788 43002 MT (tation of the systems running a broad selection of)487 W 5760 43515 MT (few, while true, have only negligible impact) 121 W( on real sys-)122 W 31788 44199 MT (workloads.)SH 5760 44620 MT (tem performance.)SH 32788 45895 MT (Previous trace-based studies have focused on) 57 W( variations)58 W 31788 47092 MT (in memory) 169 W( system structure) 168 W( [2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 28, 32],) SH( mul-)168 W 31788 48289 MT (tiprocessors and multiprocessor) 446 W( workloads) 447 W( [35, 36],) SH( or)447 W 8 SS 5760 49426 MT (______________________________)SH 10 SS 31788 49486 MT (subcomponents of the memory system) 219 W( [30].) SH( In) 219 W( contrast,)218 W 31788 50683 MT (our goal is) SH( to explore the impact of operating system struc-)1 W 8 SS 5760 50823 MT (This research was) 66 W( sponsored in part by the Advanced Research Projects)65 W 5760 51721 MT (Agency, Information Science and Technology Office,) 39 W( ARPA Order Nos.)40 W 10 SS 31788 51880 MT (ture on) 427 W( the performance of a complete uniprocessor)426 W 8 SS 5760 52619 MT (7330 and) 36 W( 7597, the Avionics Laboratory, Wright Research and Develop-)35 W 10 SS 31788 53077 MT (memory system.) 175 W( The) 601 W( rest of this paper is structured as)176 W 8 SS 5760 53517 MT (ment Center, Aeronautical Systems Division \050AFSC\051, U. S. Air) 121 W( Force,)122 W 10 SS 31788 54274 MT (follows. In) 414 W( Section 2 we describe our trace methodology)81 W 8 SS 5760 54415 MT (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH) 297 W( 45433-6543 under Contract F33615-90-)296 W 5760 55313 MT (C-1465, and) 69 W( Digital Equipment Corporation. Bershad was partially sup-)70 W 10 SS 31788 55471 MT (and present a broad summary of our measurements.) 180 W( In)611 W 8 SS 5760 56211 MT (ported by) 21 W( a National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator)20 W 10 SS 31788 56668 MT (Section 3 we discuss the major differences in system be-)109 W 8 SS 5760 57109 MT (Award.)SH 10 SS 31788 57865 MT (havior and performance between Mach and Ultrix.) 1 W( In) 254 W( Sec-)2 W 8 SS 5760 58506 MT (The views and conclusions contained in this) 93 W( document are those of the)94 W 10 SS 31788 59062 MT (tion 4) 231 W( we evaluate the monolithic and microkernel im-)230 W 8 SS 5760 59404 MT (authors and should not be) 15 W( interpreted as representing the official policies,)14 W 10 SS 31788 60259 MT (plementations in the context of the assertions) 19 W( in Table 1-1.)20 W 8 SS 5760 60302 MT (either expressed or implied, of) SH( Digital Equipment Corporation or the U.S.)1 W 5760 61200 MT (Government.)SH 10 SS 31788 61456 MT (Finally, in Section 5 we summarize our results.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 31788 65140 MT (2. Trace overview)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 32788 66337 MT (We measured the behavior of Ultrix) 78 W( and Mach running)77 W 31788 67534 MT (the thirteen) 462 W( industry-standard workloads described in)463 W 31788 68731 MT (Table 2-2. Each program and) 162 W( operating system was in-)161 W 31788 69928 MT (strumented with)132 W /Times-Italic SF 38774 XM (epoxie)SH /Times-Roman SF 41634 XM ([10, 37],) SH( which is a program) 132 W( that)133 W 31788 71125 MT (rewrites assembly) 51 W( code to record a complete address trace)50 W ES %%Page: 2 2 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Bold AF 16444 8269 MT (Assertion)SH 40780 XM (Implication)SH 49563 50 5782 8878 LH BX1 -1678 50 31161 8878 LV BX1 /Times-Roman SF 6181 9963 MT (1. The) 250 W( operating system has less instruction and data locality)SH 31560 XM (The operating system isn't getting faster as fast as user)SH 7181 11068 MT (than user programs [14, 15].)SH 31560 XM (programs.)SH 49563 50 5782 11686 LH BX1 6181 12771 MT (2. System) 250 W( execution is more dependent on instruction)SH 31560 XM (A balanced cache system for user programs may not be)SH 7181 13876 MT (cache behavior than is user execution [35].)SH 31560 XM (balanced for the system.)SH 49563 50 5782 14494 LH BX1 6181 15579 MT (3. Collisions) 250 W( between user and system references lead to)SH 31560 XM (A split user/system cache could improve performance.)SH 7181 16684 MT (significant performance degradation in the memory)SH 7181 17789 MT (system \050cache and TLB\051 [30, 35, 36].)SH 49563 50 5782 18407 LH BX1 6181 19492 MT (4. Self-interference) 250 W( is a problem in system instruction)SH 31560 XM (Increased cache associativity and/or the use of)SH 7181 20597 MT (reference streams [28, 35].)SH 31560 XM (text placement tools could improve performance.)SH 49563 50 5782 21215 LH BX1 6181 22300 MT (5. System) 250 W( block memory operations are responsible)SH 31560 XM (Programs that incur many block memory operations will)SH 7181 23405 MT (for a large percentage of memory system reference)SH 31560 XM (run more slowly than expected.)SH 7181 24510 MT (costs [31, 35].)SH 49563 50 5782 25128 LH BX1 6181 26213 MT (6. Write) 250 W( buffers are less effective for system \050as)SH 31560 XM (A write buffer adequate for user code may not be)SH 7181 27318 MT (opposed to user\051 reference streams [5, 18].)SH 31560 XM (adequate for system code.)SH 49563 50 5782 27936 LH BX1 6181 29021 MT (7. Virtual) 250 W( page mapping strategies can have)SH 31560 XM (Systems should support a flexible page mapping interface,)SH 7181 30126 MT (significant impact on cache performance [25, 29].)SH 31560 XM (and should avoid default strategies that are prone to)SH 31560 31231 MT (pathological behavior.)SH 49563 24649 50 5782 31849 BX BX1 -22971 50 31161 31849 LV BX1 /Times-Bold SF 14788 33459 MT (Table 1-1:)SH /Times-Roman SF 19649 XM (Seven assertions about the memory behavior of operating systems.)SH 5760 35250 MT (of instruction) 282 W( and memory references. Traces are ac-)283 W 32788 XM (There are two main reasons) 78 W( for simulating the memory)77 W 5760 36447 MT (curately interleaved) 379 W( both within a single context and)378 W 31788 XM (system from the DS5000/200. First,) 417 W( the DS5000/200)418 W 5760 37644 MT (across user and system contexts. Traced addresses) 227 W( are)228 W 31788 XM (memory system is fairly conventional, with no unusual)231 W 5760 38841 MT (corrected to reflect those of the original and not the traced)40 W 31788 XM (properties such as an extremely small TLB,) 150 W( virtually in-)151 W 5760 40038 MT (instruction stream. The same traced) 155 W( binaries are run on)156 W 31788 XM (dexed cache, or untagged cache) 5 W( or TLB, that would reduce)4 W 5760 41235 MT (both Ultrix and Mach.)SH 31788 XM (the generality of our results. Second,) 31 W( Mach 3.0 and Ultrix)32 W 31788 42432 MT (both run on the) 205 W( DS5000/200, allowing us to verify our)204 W 6760 42931 MT (We collected our traces on) 331 W( a DECstation 5000/200)330 W 31788 43629 MT (simulation results against observed system behavior [11].)SH 8 SS 8788 43783 MT (1)SH 10 SS 5760 44128 MT (system,)SH 9493 XM (running Ultrix and Mach 3.0 with CMU's UNIX)55 W 8 SS 8453 44980 MT (2)SH 10 SS 5760 45325 MT (server.)SH 9453 XM (We ran the programs one) 50 W( at a time in single-user)51 W /Times-Bold SF 31788 46259 MT (The two operating systems)SH /Times-Roman SF 5760 46522 MT (mode. The) 288 W( only activity) 19 W( was due to the program itself, the)18 W 32788 47456 MT (Both operating systems) 241 W( implement the UNIX system)242 W 5760 47719 MT (kernel, and in) 127 W( the case of Mach, the user-level operating)128 W 31788 48653 MT (call interface,) 169 W( although their underlying implementations)168 W 5760 48916 MT (system server. Some of the experiments described) 69 W( in this)68 W 31788 49850 MT (differ substantially. Ultrix is) SH( a monolithic system in which)1 W 5760 50113 MT (paper required that we) 16 W( run the same program several times)17 W 31788 51047 MT (all operating system code) 32 W( is implemented in the kernel. A)31 W 5760 51310 MT (against different simulated memory systems.) 176 W( To) 601 W( ensure)175 W 31788 52244 MT (program running on) 155 W( Ultrix invokes the operating system)156 W 5760 52507 MT (consistency from run to run, the system was) 81 W( rebooted be-)82 W 31788 53441 MT (through a system call) 42 W( interface. In contrast, Mach 3.0 is a)41 W 5760 53704 MT (fore every experiment.)SH 31788 54638 MT (microkernel that exports and implements a small) 116 W( number)117 W 6760 55400 MT (The trace is fed into a simulation) 177 W( of the DS5000/200)176 W 31788 55835 MT (of orthogonal abstractions including) 352 W( interprocess com-)351 W 5760 56597 MT (memory system using the parameters shown in Table 2-1.)60 W 31788 57032 MT (munication \050IPC\051, threads, and virtual memory. Higher-)144 W 5760 57794 MT (The simulator consumes user and system traces while) 22 W( they)21 W 31788 58229 MT (level operating system services are implemented in a user-)29 W 5760 58991 MT (are generated, and does) 254 W( not write them to non-volatile)255 W 31788 59426 MT (level process called the UNIX server.) 44 W( A) 340 W( program running)45 W 5760 60188 MT (storage [10].)SH 31788 60623 MT (on Mach 3.0 contacts the UNIX) 88 W( server through the Mach)87 W 31788 61820 MT (kernel's IPC interface) 372 W( [19],) SH( together with a) 372 W( user-level)373 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 63017 MT (transparent emulation library)192 W /Times-Roman SF (, which) 192 W( is a shared library)191 W 31788 64214 MT (that is loaded into the address space of every process.) 16 W( The)283 W 10800 50 5760 65012 UL 31788 65411 MT (microkernel reflects) 16 W( UNIX system calls back to the calling)15 W 6 SS 6560 66351 MT (1)SH 10 SS 31788 66608 MT (program's emulation library,) 56 W( which converts the calls into)57 W 8 SS 6860 66660 MT (The DECstation 5000/200 has) 181 W( a 25 MHz MIPS R3000 processor.)180 W 5760 67584 MT (Our machine used CPU version) 72 W( 2.0 implementation 2, and FPU version)73 W 10 SS 31788 67805 MT (RPCs to the) 10 W( UNIX server. \050Simple UNIX services such as)9 W 8 SS 5760 68508 MT (2.0 implementation 3.)SH 10 /Courier AF 31788 69002 MT (getpid)SH /Times-Roman SF (\050\051 and signal masking are handled within) 316 W( the)317 W 6 SS 6560 70047 MT (2)SH 10 SS 31788 70199 MT (emulation library.\051) 232 W( Virtual memory in Ultrix is derived)231 W 8 SS 6860 70356 MT (The version numbers are: Ultrix V4.2) 191 W( Rev. 96, Mach 3.0 MK78,)192 W 5760 71280 MT (CMU UNIX server UX39.)SH 10 SS 30350 75600 MT (2)SH ES %%Page: 3 3 BS 0 SI 8 /Times-Roman AF 32432 8148 MT (Workload)SH 40826 XM (Description)SH 49864 XM (Mach)SH 52818 XM (Ultrix)SH 9 /Times-Bold AF 9548 9067 MT (instruction cache:)SH /Times-Roman SF 16648 XM (64 KB, direct-mapped,)SH 8 SS 50064 9072 MT (time)SH 53062 XM (time)SH 23317 50 31955 9646 LH BX1 -2446 50 36107 9646 LV BX1 -2446 50 49276 9646 LV BX1 -2446 50 52274 9646 LV BX1 9 SS 9548 10065 MT (physical, 16 byte line, 15 cycle miss penalty.)SH 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 10594 MT (sed)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (The UNIX stream editor run three)SH 50475 XM (0.58)SH 53473 XM (0.57)SH 36506 11518 MT (times over the same 17K input file.)SH 9 /Times-Bold AF 9548 12061 MT (data cache:)SH /Times-Roman SF 14148 XM (64 KB, direct-mapped, physical,)SH 23317 50 31955 12092 LH BX1 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 13040 MT (egrep)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (The UNIX pattern search program run)SH 50475 XM (2.01)SH 53473 XM (1.90)SH 9 SS 9548 13059 MT (4 byte line, write allocate, 15 cycle read miss)SH 8 SS 36506 13964 MT (three times over a 27K input file.)SH 9 SS 9548 14057 MT (penalty, read miss fetches 16 aligned bytes.)SH 23317 50 31955 14538 LH BX1 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 15486 MT (yacc)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (The LR\0501\051 parser-generator run on an)SH 50475 XM (1.75)SH 53473 XM (1.82)SH 9 /Times-Bold AF 9548 16053 MT (write buffer:)SH /Times-Roman SF 14698 XM (six entries, page-mode writes)SH 8 SS 36506 16410 MT (11K grammar.)SH 23317 50 31955 16984 LH BX1 9 SS 9548 17051 MT (complete in 1 cycle, non page-mode writes)SH 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 17932 MT (gcc)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (The GNU C compiler \050gcc\051 translating)SH 50475 XM (3.70)SH 53473 XM (4.20)SH 9 SS 9548 18049 MT (complete in 5 cycles; CPU reads have priority)SH 8 SS 36506 18856 MT (a 17K \050preprocessed\051 source file into)SH 9 SS 9548 19047 MT (for memory access, but wait for writes that)SH 8 SS 36506 19780 MT (optimized Sun-3 assembly code.)SH 9 SS 9548 20045 MT (have already started. 4 KB page size for)SH 23317 50 31955 20354 LH BX1 9548 21043 MT (page-mode writes.)SH 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 21302 MT (compress)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (Data compression using Lempel-Ziv)SH 50475 XM (1.32)SH 53473 XM (1.32)SH 36506 22226 MT (encoding. A) 200 W( 100K file is compressed)SH 9 /Times-Bold AF 9548 23039 MT (translation buffer:)SH /Times-Roman SF 16898 XM (64 entries, 56 random/8)SH 8 SS 36506 23150 MT (then uncompressed.)SH 23317 50 31955 23724 LH BX1 9 SS 9548 24037 MT (wired entries, trap to software on TLB miss.)SH 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 24672 MT (ab)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (The Andrew Benchmark with)SH /Times-Italic SF 46236 XM (gcc)SH /Times-Roman SF (.)SH 49675 XM (112.18)SH 52873 XM (98.96)SH 9 SS 9548 25035 MT (Each TLB entry maps a 4 KB page.)SH 8 SS 36506 25596 MT (The assembler was not traced.)SH 23317 50 31955 26170 LH BX1 9 /Times-Bold AF 9548 27031 MT (page mapping)SH /Times-Roman SF (: Deterministic. The physical)SH 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 27118 MT (espresso)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (A program that minimizes boolean)SH 50475 XM (6.23)SH 53473 XM (6.46)SH 9 SS 9548 28029 MT (page used to back a given virtual page is)SH 8 SS 36506 28042 MT (function run on a 30K input file.)SH 23317 50 31955 28616 LH BX1 9 SS 9548 29027 MT (determined by the virtual page number and its)SH 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 29564 MT (lisp)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (The 8-queens problem solved in LISP.)SH 50075 XM (56.46)SH 53073 XM (54.97)SH 9 SS 9548 30025 MT (address space identifier. The deterministic)SH 23317 50 31955 30138 LH BX1 9548 31023 MT (strategy prevents conflicts within any 64 KB)SH 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 31086 MT (eqntott)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (A program that converts boolean)SH 50075 XM (66.05)SH 53073 XM (65.85)SH 36506 32010 MT (equations to truth tables using a)SH 9 SS 9548 32021 MT (\050cache size\051 range of virtual addresses.)SH 8 SS 36506 32934 MT (1390 byte input file.)SH 23317 50 31955 33508 LH BX1 9 /Times-Bold AF 9548 34017 MT (kernel memory)SH /Times-Roman SF (: All) 225 W( kernel text and most)SH 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 34456 MT (fpppp)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (A program that does quantum)SH 50075 XM (25.20)SH 53073 XM (16.78)SH 9 SS 9548 35015 MT (kernel data is in unmapped physical memory.)SH 8 SS 36506 35380 MT (chemistry analysis. This program)SH 19573 29065 50 7799 36265 BX BX1 36506 36304 MT (is written in Fortran.)SH 23317 50 31955 36878 LH BX1 /Times-Italic SF 32354 37826 MT (doduc)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (Monte-Carlo simulation of the time)SH 50075 XM (22.94)SH 53073 XM (24.56)SH 10 /Times-Bold AF 7239 37875 MT (Table 2-1:)SH /Times-Roman SF 12100 XM (Memory system simulation parameters.)SH 8 SS 36506 38750 MT (evolution of a nuclear reactor)SH 10 SS 5760 39666 MT (from the original BSD) 187 W( abstractions) 188 W( [6],) SH( and is relatively)188 W 8 SS 36506 39674 MT (component described by 8K input file.)SH 36506 40598 MT (This program is written in Fortran.)SH 10 SS 5760 40863 MT (machine-dependent. Mach) 566 W( uses a more) 158 W( flexible and ag-)157 W 23317 50 31955 41172 LH BX1 5760 42060 MT (gressive virtual memory system) 21 W( which is partitioned into a)22 W 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 42120 MT (liv)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (The Livermore Loops benchmark.)SH 50475 XM (1.24)SH 53473 XM (1.22)SH 23317 50 31955 42694 LH BX1 10 SS 5760 43257 MT (machine-dependent and a machine-independent layer [33].)SH 8 /Times-Italic AF 32354 43642 MT (tomcatv)SH /Times-Roman SF 36506 XM (A program that generates a)SH 49675 XM (139.42)SH 52673 XM (155.44)SH 36506 44566 MT (vectorized mesh. This program is)SH 10 SS 6760 44953 MT (For our cross-system comparisons,) 312 W( the major UNIX)311 W 8 SS 36506 45490 MT (written in Fortran.)SH 23317 38864 50 31955 46064 BX BX1 -36418 50 36107 46064 LV BX1 -36418 50 49276 46064 LV BX1 -36418 50 52274 46064 LV BX1 10 SS 5760 46150 MT (components of Ultrix and) 174 W( CMU's server are similar but)175 W 5760 47347 MT (not identical. Although both systems are) 32 W( derived from the)31 W /Times-Bold SF 33198 47674 MT (Table 2-2:)SH /Times-Roman SF 38059 XM (Experimental workloads with execution)SH 5760 48544 MT (same code base,) 143 W( they have matured in different environ-)144 W 39225 48779 MT (times for a DECStation 5000/200.)SH 5760 49741 MT (ments. We have nevertheless attempted to eliminate) 176 W( ob-)175 W 8.5 SS 33221 50286 MT (Execution times \050shown in) 74 W( seconds\051 in this table are for runs)75 W 10 SS 5760 50938 MT (vious superficial differences between the two systems.) 25 W( For)26 W 8.5 SS 32638 51184 MT (of an untraced binary on) 160 W( an untraced system. Except where)159 W 32638 52082 MT (indicated, all programs are written in C. The bottom four)287 W 10 SS 5760 52135 MT (example, both systems) 33 W( are compiled at the same optimiza-)32 W 8.5 SS 32638 52980 MT (workloads are floating-point intensive.) 111 W( None) 433 W( of the programs)110 W 10 SS 5760 53332 MT (tion level with DEC's Ultrix) 139 W( compiler from MIPS Com-)140 W 8.5 SS 32638 53878 MT (have been reordered or tuned for the underlying memory) 114 W( sys-)115 W 8 SS 11803 54184 MT (3)SH 10 SS 5760 54529 MT (puter Systems,)154 W 12607 XM (and both systems use a large file buffer)154 W 8.5 SS 32638 54776 MT (tem.)SH 10 SS 5760 55726 MT (cache \05012 MB\051.)SH 31788 56742 MT (large physical memory so that pageouts do not occur. We)37 W 31788 57939 MT (contain TLB effects by simulating) 331 W( rather than tracing)330 W 31788 59136 MT (those TLB) 71 W( misses that could be affected by memory dila-)72 W 11 /Times-Bold AF 5760 59343 MT (2.1. Sources of distortion)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 31788 60333 MT (tion. On) 718 W( the DECstation, there are two kinds of TLB)234 W 6760 60540 MT (A traced program is both larger \050about a factor of) 79 W( two\051)78 W 31788 61530 MT (misses. A) 700 W( TLB miss) 225 W( on a user virtual address \050)226 W /Times-Italic SF (UTLB)SH /Times-Roman SF 5760 61737 MT (and slower \050about a) 6 W( factor of 15\051 than its untraced counter-)7 W 31788 62727 MT (miss\051 is handled by) 279 W( a lightweight miss handler. This)278 W 5760 62934 MT (part. The) 302 W( first effect, called)26 W /Times-Italic SF 17301 XM (memory dilation)26 W /Times-Roman SF (, can increase)26 W 31788 63924 MT (routine is not traced, but) 254 W( is simulated using references)255 W 5760 64131 MT (paging and TLB miss rates. We avoid perturbations due)112 W 31788 65121 MT (from the traces.) 156 W( A TLB miss to mapped kernel memory)155 W 5760 65328 MT (to paging by collecting) 196 W( our traces on a machine with a)195 W 31788 66318 MT (\050)SH /Times-Italic SF (KTLB)SH /Times-Roman SF 35036 XM (miss\051 is handled by a more) 275 W( general TLB miss)276 W 31788 67515 MT (handler. The KTLB miss routine is traced, but the) 183 W( only)182 W 10800 50 5760 67784 UL 31788 68712 MT (KTLB misses that could be affected) 6 W( by tracing are those to)7 W 6 SS 6560 69123 MT (3)SH 8 SS 6860 69432 MT (The compiler is Version 2.1.) 208 W( The) 615 W( optimizations levels are those)207 W 10 SS 31788 69909 MT (page-table pages. Each page-table page, though, maps) 130 W( a)129 W 8 SS 5760 70356 MT (provided by the standard system makefiles \050-O2\051, although) 91 W( some Ultrix)92 W 10 SS 31788 71106 MT (four megabyte text segment, which is large) 13 W( enough to con-)14 W 8 SS 5760 71280 MT (device drivers are compiled without optimization.)SH 10 SS 31788 72303 MT (tain even our largest traced program.)SH 30350 75600 MT (3)SH ES %%Page: 4 4 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Bold AF 31788 7870 MT (Memory cycles per instruction)SH /Times-Roman SF 6760 7886 MT (The second effect,) 133 W( called)132 W /Times-Italic SF 17536 XM (time dilation)132 W /Times-Roman SF (, causes activity)132 W 32788 9067 MT (We use our simulation results) 346 W( to calculate)347 W /Times-Italic SF 52183 XM (memory)SH /Times-Roman SF 5760 9083 MT (dependent on external) 77 W( events to appear to complete faster)78 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 10264 MT (cycles per instruction)241 W /Times-Roman SF 41371 XM (\050)SH /Times-Italic SF (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (\051, which is) 241 W( the number of)240 W 5760 10280 MT (than in an uninstrumented system. To counter this, we)189 W 31788 11461 MT (CPU stall cycles) 22 W( due to the memory system divided by the)23 W 5760 11477 MT (have configured the system) 28 W( clock to interrupt at 1/15th the)29 W 31788 12658 MT (number of instructions executed.)88 W /Times-Italic SF 45836 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 48617 XM (is one of several)87 W 5760 12674 MT (standard rate. We have not modified either system's I/O)106 W 31788 13855 MT (components of cycles) 226 W( per instruction \050)227 W /Times-Italic SF (CPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (\051, which is a)227 W 5760 13871 MT (behavior to account for time dilation, as this) 13 W( would require)14 W 31788 15052 MT (metric commonly used) 39 W( to evaluate computer systems) 38 W( [22].)SH 5760 15068 MT (subtle system changes that might themselves) 279 W( introduce)278 W 31788 16249 MT (Other components of)112 W /Times-Italic SF 40817 XM (CPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (, such as one cycle) 112 W( per instruc-)113 W 5760 16265 MT (other distortions. Instead,) 70 W( we separate the instruction ref-)71 W 31788 17446 MT (tion for instruction execution,) 131 W( interlocks during multiply,)130 W 5760 17462 MT (erence stream into)325 W /Times-Italic SF 14316 XM (non-idle)SH /Times-Roman SF 18223 XM (and)SH /Times-Italic SF 20241 XM (idle)SH /Times-Roman SF 22315 XM (references. Idle)898 W 31788 18643 MT (divide, and floating point operations, and no-ops) 108 W( inserted)109 W 5760 18659 MT (references, which occur during I/O operations as part of) 63 W( a)64 W 31788 19840 MT (by the compiler for load and branch) 125 W( delays, remain rela-)124 W 5760 19856 MT (system's idle loop in a uniprogrammed environment, are)136 W 31788 21037 MT (tively constant even as processor cycle) 44 W( time decreases. In)45 W 5760 21053 MT (multiplied by the system code's expansion factor.)SH 31788 22234 MT (contrast,)SH /Times-Italic SF 35503 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 38245 XM (is a function of the ratio of memory speed)48 W 6760 22749 MT (An address trace contains)88 W /Times-Italic SF 17609 XM (virtual)SH /Times-Roman SF 20614 XM (addresses, yet the) 88 W( ac-)89 W 31788 23431 MT (to processor speed, is less) 282 W( dependent on processor ar-)283 W 5760 23946 MT (tual and simulated cache are indexed by)314 W /Times-Italic SF 24203 XM (physical)SH /Times-Roman SF 28099 XM (ad-)SH 31788 24628 MT (chitecture, and will) 54 W( dominate overall)53 W /Times-Italic SF 46997 XM (CPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 48911 XM (if current trends)53 W 5760 25143 MT (dresses. A) 271 W( third source of distortion is therefore due to the)11 W 31788 25825 MT (in processor and memory speed continue. As) 132 W( mentioned,)133 W 5760 26340 MT (simulator's model of) 212 W( the virtual memory system's page)211 W 31788 27022 MT (we have) 141 W( excluded idle-loop activity from our)140 W /Times-Italic SF 51071 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 53905 XM (cal-)SH 5760 27537 MT (mapping strategy. The Ultrix) 35 W( mapping strategy, similar to)36 W 31788 28219 MT (culations. The idle loop rarely misses in) 156 W( the cache, so a)157 W 5760 28734 MT (the one) 124 W( described in Table 2-1, is deterministic. In con-)123 W 31788 29416 MT (system could achieve an artificially low)71 W /Times-Italic SF 48377 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 51141 XM (by execut-)70 W 5760 29931 MT (trast, Mach's strategy is random) 3 W( \050a virtual page is bound to)4 W 31788 30613 MT (ing an arbitrarily large number of idle instructions.)SH 5760 31128 MT (the first free physical page on) 10 W( the free list\051. This difference)9 W 32788 32309 MT (The)SH /Times-Italic SF 34652 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 37405 XM (for each workload under Ultrix and Mach is)60 W 5760 32325 MT (can have a) 202 W( measurable impact on system behavior \050We)203 W 31788 33506 MT (shown in Figure 2-1.) 153 W( Each) 554 W( bar is shaded to denote dif-)152 W 5760 33522 MT (isolate the) 36 W( effects of the page-mapping strategies in a later)35 W 31788 34703 MT (ferent)SH /Times-Italic SF 34506 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 37336 XM (components, with the) 136 W( system and user con-)137 W 5760 34719 MT (section.\051 Our simulator uses) 283 W( the deterministic mapping)284 W 31788 35900 MT (tributions separated by) 150 W( a vertical bar. The figure shows)149 W 5760 35916 MT (strategy described in Table 2-1, which improves the)406 W 31788 37097 MT (that data and instruction cache) 96 W( misses in user and system)97 W 5760 37113 MT (repeatability of simulation) 48 W( results, and eliminates a source)49 W 31788 38294 MT (mode are only partially responsible for the total)206 W /Times-Italic SF 52710 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (.)SH 5760 38310 MT (of variability between the two systems.)SH 31788 39491 MT (Other components include CPU write-stalls and kernel un-)21 W 31788 40688 MT (cached memory reads. CPU write-stalls) 158 W( are reflected in)157 W 31788 41885 MT (Figure 2-1 in the)219 W /Times-Italic SF 39608 XM (wbuffer)SH /Times-Roman SF 43134 XM (component, which shows the)220 W 11 /Times-Bold AF 5760 41927 MT (2.2. Workloads and summary of results)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 31788 43082 MT (average per-instruction penalty from writes to) 78 W( a full write)77 W 6760 43124 MT (A summary) 252 W( of the trace results for each program is)251 W 31788 44279 MT (buffer, as well as reads that stall pending) 118 W( the completion)119 W 5760 44321 MT (shown in Table 2-3, with aggregate) 19 W( results shown in Table)20 W 31788 45476 MT (of a five-cycle write. A system uncached) 162 W( memory read)161 W 5760 45518 MT (2-4. For) 314 W( Ultrix,) 32 W( system behavior is confined to the kernel.)31 W 31788 46673 MT (occurs when the kernel) 91 W( accesses memory through the un-)92 W 5760 46715 MT (For Mach, system) 49 W( behavior includes the kernel, the UNIX)50 W 31788 47870 MT (cached segment [24] such as for I/O or device control.)SH 5760 47912 MT (server, and the emulation library.)SH 32788 49566 MT (The)SH /Times-Italic SF 34693 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 37487 XM (components of) 100 W( the various programs reflect)101 W 6760 49608 MT (For a given workload, Ultrix issues) 95 W( more disk requests)94 W 31788 50763 MT (their internal behavior. The programs)182 W /Times-Italic SF 48349 XM (sed, egrep,) 182 W( yacc,)181 W /Times-Roman SF 5760 50805 MT (than Mach, resulting in greater idle instruction counts and)60 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 51960 MT (gcc)SH /Times-Roman SF (, and)136 W /Times-Italic SF 35642 XM (compress)SH /Times-Roman SF 39805 XM (all have) 136 W( relatively high system)137 W /Times-Italic SF 52960 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 5760 52002 MT (delays. Ultrix) 608 W( is more conservative than Mach's UNIX)178 W 31788 53157 MT (components due to their greater) 99 W( reliance on the operating)98 W 5760 53199 MT (server in forcing meta-data updates) 63 W( to disk. Additionally,)64 W 31788 54354 MT (system, especially the file system.) 4 W( The)5 W /Times-Italic SF 47479 XM (gcc)SH /Times-Roman SF 49122 XM (compiler, while)5 W 5760 54396 MT (programs under Mach are demand-paged,) 146 W( whereas under)145 W 31788 55551 MT (run on a) 160 W( relatively small input file, has a large program)159 W 5760 55593 MT (Ultrix they are loaded) 129 W( entirely at program startup, some-)130 W 31788 56748 MT (text and requires more system activity during program)267 W 5760 56790 MT (times leading to unnecessary disk) 387 W( accesses. On the)386 W 31788 57945 MT (loading. The) 944 W( scientific workloads \050)346 W /Times-Italic SF (fpppp, liv, doduc,)346 W /Times-Roman SF 5760 57987 MT (average, we saw) 201 W( about 1.4 times more I/O requests for)202 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 59142 MT (tomcatv)SH /Times-Roman SF (\051 are dominated by) 25 W( user activity, as shown by their)26 W 5760 59184 MT (workloads under Ultrix than for Mach. Because) 100 W( this dif-)99 W 31788 60339 MT (small system)SH /Times-Italic SF 37233 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 39927 XM (component.)SH 5760 60381 MT (ference in I/O behavior is orthogonal to the issue) 23 W( of kernel)24 W 5760 61578 MT (architecture, we exclude) 90 W( idle references from our remain-)89 W 32788 62035 MT (The counts from Table 2-3 along with the)72 W /Times-Italic SF 50306 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (s from)71 W 5760 62775 MT (ing discussion.)SH 31788 63232 MT (Figure 2-1 can be used to estimate actual run) 184 W( times for)185 W 31788 64429 MT (Ultrix, which uses) 88 W( a page mapping strategy similar to the)87 W 6760 64471 MT (For workloads that) 108 W( rely heavily on UNIX services, the)109 W 31788 65626 MT (simulator's. The) 640 W( cycle) 195 W( count, ignoring arithmetic inter-)196 W 5760 65668 MT (combined Mach system components \050microkernel, UNIX)124 W 31788 66823 MT (locks, can be approximated by the)42 W /Times-Italic SF 45954 XM (idle cycle count) 42 W( + non-)41 W /Times-Roman SF 5760 66865 MT (server, and emulation) 200 W( library\051 execute more instructions)201 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 68020 MT (idle cycle count)195 W /Times-Roman SF (. Assuming) 640 W( an idle loop)195 W /Times-Italic SF 49652 XM (CPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 51708 XM (of 1,) 195 W( the)196 W 5760 68062 MT (and generally require more data references than Ultrix.)SH 31788 69217 MT (cycle count is then equal to the sum of the) 165 W( non-idle in-)164 W 31788 70414 MT (struction count) 103 W( multiplied by \0501) 104 W( +)SH /Times-Italic SF 45934 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (\051 and the idle in-)104 W 30350 75600 MT (4)SH ES %%Page: 5 5 BS 0 SI 1 SS 13680 5760 20880 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/BaseTable.ps %!PS-Adobe-1.0 %%Creator: OLIVIA.MACH.CS.CMU.EDU:bchen (Brad Chen) %%Title: stdin %%CreationDate: Mon Aug 23 04:38:00 1993 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Symbol Times-Roman DIThacks %%%Pages: (atend) %%EndComments % Start of pscat.pro -- prolog for troff translator % Copyright (c) 1985,1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. % GOVERNMENT END USERS: See Notice file in TranScript library directory % -- probably /usr/lib/ps/Notice % RCS: $Header: pscat.pro,v 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern Exp $ % % HISTORY % $Log: pscat.pro,v $ % Revision 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern % orig % [91/02/20 15:27:53 ern] % % save /pscatsave exch def /$pscat 50 dict def $pscat begin /fm [1 0 0 1 0 0] def /xo 0 def /yo 0 def /M /moveto load def /R /show load def /S {exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show}def /T {exch currentpoint pop exch moveto show}def /U {3 1 roll moveto show}def /siz 0 def /font 0 def /Z {/siz exch def SF}def /F {/font exch def SF}def /SF{font 0 ne {catfonts font 1 sub get fm 0 siz put fm 3 siz neg put fm makefont setfont}if}def /BP{save/catsv exch def 0 792 translate 72 432 div dup neg scale xo yo translate 0 0 moveto}def /EP{catsv restore showpage}def % definitions for PPROC callback functions % each PPROC is called with the following number on the stack: % pointsize charcode railmag pswidth 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1819(%s)S 1932(M)S 1979(ach)S 2075(%s)S 2181(U)S 2220(lt)S 2249(r)S 2268(ix)S 2332(%s)S 2470(M)S 2517(ach)S 2613(%s)S 2696(U)S 2735(lt)S 2764(r)S 2783(ix)S 2847(%s)S 2960(M)S 3007(ach)S 3103(%s)S 6 F 3162 105(i)U 485(i)S 498(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)S 1 F 637 168(se)U 681(d)S 807(57)S 857(04)S 940(24)S 1113(77)S 1163(63)S 1246(44)S 1370(58)S 1420(76)S 1544(12)S 1594(70)S 1745(51)S 1828(96)S 1976(14)S 2026(9)S 2084(98)S 2208(15)S 2258(15)S 2341(17)S 2489(20)S 2539(15)S 2622(38)S 2773(16)S 2856(97)S 3029(70)S 3112(98)S 3137 222(7)U 592(e)S 616(gr)S 659(e)S 683(p)S 782(43)S 832(27)S 882(7)S 965(4)S 1088(45)S 1138(02)S 1188(9)S 1271(7)S 1370(24)S 1420(95)S 1569(91)S 1619(4)S 1745(43)S 1828(93)S 1976(14)S 2026(0)S 2084(98)S 2208(89)S 2258(65)S 2366(3)S 2489(94)S 2539(25)S 2647(8)S 2773(32)S 2856(91)S 3029(71)S 3112(9)S 619 276(yacc)U 782(32)S 832(79)S 882(9)S 965(6)S 1088(34)S 1138(53)S 1188(9)S 1246(10)S 1345(13)S 1395(22)S 1445(0)S 1544(28)S 1594(09)S 1745(69)S 1828(89)S 1976(16)S 2026(6)S 2084(96)S 2208(68)S 2258(93)S 2366(6)S 2489(72)S 2539(83)S 2622(11)S 2773(48)S 2856(50)S 3029(93)S 3112(71)S 3137 330(1)U 509 384(c)U 642 330(gcc)U 782(29)S 832(31)S 882(8)S 940(22)S 1088(35)S 1138(93)S 1188(9)S 1246(36)S 1345(63)S 1395(68)S 1445(4)S 1519(27)S 1569(02)S 1619(7)S 1720(48)S 1770(5)S 1828(42)S 1976(99)S 2026(9)S 2084(71)S 2208(82)S 2258(57)S 2341(12)S 2489(99)S 2539(41)S 2622(27)S 2748(12)S 2798(0)S 2856(44)S 3004(31)S 3054(8)S 3112(7)S 530 384(o)U 557(m)S 600(pr)S 644(e)S 668(ss)S 782(16)S 832(89)S 882(6)S 940(19)S 1088(19)S 1138(92)S 1188(6)S 1246(31)S 1370(55)S 1420(55)S 1544(22)S 1594(25)S 1745(70)S 1828(96)S 1976(21)S 2026(5)S 2084(97)S 2208(47)S 2258(78)S 2341(12)S 2489(54)S 2539(52)S 2622(23)S 2748(16)S 2798(6)S 2856(28)S 3004(27)S 3054(1)S 3112(50)S 3137 438(6)U 529 492(e)U 658 438(ab)U 757(86)S 807(97)S 857(32)S 940(33)S 1038(11)S 1088(98)S 1138(17)S 1188(2)S 1246(51)S 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219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T EP %%Trailer pscatsave end restore %%%Pages: 1 %%EndDocument PE 10 /Times-Bold AF 22995 22490 MT (Table 2-3:)SH /Times-Roman SF 27856 XM (Summary of trace results.)SH 8.5 SS 7193 23997 MT (This table shows the number of non-idle memory system events, and the percentage) 89 W( due to system behavior for each program on both)88 W 6610 24895 MT (operating systems. Additionally, the table gives the number of idle instructions executed. All counts are in thousands.)SH 1 SS 28800 5760 54800 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/BaseMCPI.ps %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%BoundingBox: -29 -57 584 291 %%%Pages: 1 %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique Times-Roman Times-Italics Times-Bold Times-BoldItalics %%EndComments -100.800000 -93.600000 translate 50 dict begin /symbolFont 10 dict def symbolFont begin /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [.001 0 0 .001 0 0] def /FontBBox [-500 -500 500 500] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for Encoding 1 /Cross put Encoding 2 /Triangle put Encoding 3 /Trianglefilled put Encoding 4 /Diamond put Encoding 5 /Diamondfilled put Encoding 6 /Square put Encoding 7 /Squarefilled put Encoding 8 /Rectan put Encoding 9 /Rectanfilled put Encoding 10 /Circle put Encoding 11 /Circlefilled put Encoding 12 /Bullet put Encoding 13 /Star put Encoding 14 /Plus put /graphclip {newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip } def /Procs 15 dict def Procs begin /.notdef {} def /Cross { newpath -500 -500 moveto 500 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 500 moveto 500 -500 lineto stroke } def /Triangle { newpath -500 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Trianglefilled { newpath -500 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Diamond { newpath -500 0 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 0 lineto 0 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Diamondfilled { newpath -500 0 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 0 lineto 0 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Square { newpath -500 -500 moveto -500 500 lineto 500 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Squarefilled { newpath -500 -500 moveto -500 500 lineto 500 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Rectan { newpath -200 -500 moveto -200 500 lineto 200 500 lineto 200 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Rectanfilled { newpath -200 -500 moveto -200 500 lineto 200 500 lineto 200 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Circle { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc stroke } def /Circlefilled { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath fill } def /Bullet { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath fill } def /Plus { newpath 0 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 0 moveto 500 0 lineto stroke } def /Star { newpath 0 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 0 moveto 500 0 lineto stroke newpath -500 -500 moveto 500 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 500 moveto 500 -500 lineto stroke } def end /BuildChar { 1000 0 -500 -500 500 500 setcachedevice exch begin Encoding exch get Procs exch get end exec } def end /Symbols symbolFont definefont pop % size SetSym -> set font to be symbols scaled by 'size' /SetSym { /Symbols findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % size fontname SetTxt -> set font 'fontname' scaled by 'size' /SetTxt { findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % dashtype thicknes SL /SL { setlinewidth 0 setdash } def /cross {2 copy le {exch pop} {pop} ifelse} def %9 added to distinguish from other clashing scribe definitions % from to L9 -> print line between points 'from' and 'to' /L9 { newpath moveto lineto stroke } def /S9 { newpath moveto } def /M9 { lineto } def /D9 { stroke } def %%%% %%%% setscreen is not EPSF compliant, but if you want to cheat %%%% you can switch which of the following two definitions of %%%% SS9 is commented out. It would be best to do this by having %%%% a seperate version of the prolog file for the user to select. %%%% %%%% /SS9 { setscreen } def /SS9 { pop pop pop } def /G9 { setgray } def /F9 {newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath fill} def /E9 {closepath fill} def % E9 is fills for incremental curves, while F9 for curve segments /Landscape {612 0 translate 90 rotate} def % save current point in global variable psx psy /SAVPOS { /psx currentpoint pop def /psy currentpoint exch pop def } def % string angle xpos ypos TXL -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXL { gsave translate rotate 0 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle xpos ypos TXR -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXR { gsave translate rotate dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle xpos ypos TXC -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXC { gsave translate rotate dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle TXREL -> print 'string' at xpos ypos translate psx psy rel /TXREL { gsave translate rotate psx psy moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % char xpos ypos SY -> print symbol 'char' at position xpos, ypos /SY { moveto show } def /len {dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CURVE SMOOTHING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Curve Smoothing Routines % Ernest Wood - Wed Apr 16 09:05:05 1986 % % These routines will ALWAYS create a smooth curve which % intercepts EVERY point used to generate them. % % The definition qA determines the amount of overshoot smoothing % produces around each point. The distance is the distance to the % next point times aA. The factor qB scales the amount of overshoot % by the acuteness of the angle around the point. % % These values make a square of points into a circle. /qA .3 def % used in qx /qB 1 def % used in afactor /8a 8 array def % % Angle of vector from p0 to p1 p0 p1 polar ang /polar{qs neg exch neg atan}def %subtract and add points p0 p1 qs p0-p1 % p0 p1 qa p0+p1 /qs{exch 3 1 roll sub 3 1 roll sub exch}def /qa{exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch}def % Extract point from 8 point array % /Pt{2 mul dup 8a exch get exch 1 add 8a exch get}def % a0 a1 mirrorang ma % If a0 is the angle from p1 to p0 and a1 is the angle from % p1 to p2 then ma is the mirror angle between p0-p1 and p1-p2. % a0 a1 afactor f % If a0 is the angle from p1 to p0 and a1 is the angle from % p1 to p2 then f is the ratio of the inside angle between a0 and a1 % and 180 times qB. This ratio is saturated at 1 and if qB is 0 then % the value returned is always 1. Thus the more acute the angle % the smaller the value of f. % /mirrorang{2 copy add 2 div 3 1 roll sub 0 lt {90} {-90}ifelse add}def /afactor{ qB 0 eq { 1 } {sub abs dup 180 gt {360 exch sub} if 180 div qB mul dup 1 gt {pop 1} if} ifelse }def % a d xya x y % Given angle a and distance d % produce x and y offsets. % /xya{exch 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul}def % p0 p1 p2 p3 qx pp1 pp2 pp3 % Given 4 points on a curve produce the pp# values needed by % curveto to draw a smooth curve between p1 and p2. The slope % of the curve at p1 and p2 will be perpendicular to the bisector % of a angle between p0/p1/p2 or p1/p2/p3. % /qx{ 8a astore pop 1 Pt 2 Pt qs len qA mul /dist exch def 1 Pt 0 Pt polar 1 Pt 2 Pt polar 2 copy mirrorang 3 1 roll afactor dist mul xya 1 Pt qa 2 Pt 3 Pt polar 2 Pt 1 Pt polar 2 copy mirrorang 3 1 roll afactor dist mul xya 2 Pt qa 2 Pt }def /qp{8 copy 16 -2 roll pop pop}def /ns1{4 copy 4 -2 roll 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs 6 2 roll /ns{ns2}def }def /ns2{qp qx curveto}def % User definitions for curve smoothing routines. % First (ms), intermediate (ns), and last points with (fs) and % without (nsfs) automatic stroke execution. % /ms{2 copy newpath moveto /ns{ns1}def}def /ns{ns1}def /fs{stroke}def /nsfs{ns 4 copy 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs qx curveto}def /nsend{4 copy 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs qx curveto}def %%EndProlog %%%Page ? 1 72.000000 72.000000 684.000000 72.000000 684.000000 374.400000 72.000000 374.400000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 72.000000 72.000000 684.000000 72.000000 684.000000 374.400000 72.000000 374.400000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 356.143 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 356.143 179.52 M9 372.536 179.52 M9 372.536 172.8 M9 356.143 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 364.339 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 364.339 226.56 M9 487.286 226.56 M9 D9 372.536 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 372.536 179.52 M9 388.929 179.52 M9 388.929 172.8 M9 372.536 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 380.732 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 380.732 219.84 M9 487.286 219.84 M9 D9 388.929 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 388.929 179.52 M9 405.321 179.52 M9 405.321 172.8 M9 388.929 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 397.125 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 397.125 213.12 M9 487.286 213.12 M9 D9 405.321 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 405.321 179.52 M9 421.714 179.52 M9 421.714 172.8 M9 405.321 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 413.518 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 413.518 206.4 M9 487.286 206.4 M9 D9 421.714 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 421.714 179.52 M9 438.107 179.52 M9 438.107 172.8 M9 421.714 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 429.911 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 429.911 199.68 M9 487.286 199.68 M9 D9 438.107 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 438.107 179.52 M9 454.5 179.52 M9 454.5 172.8 M9 438.107 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 446.304 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 446.304 192.96 M9 487.286 192.96 M9 D9 454.5 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 454.5 179.52 M9 470.893 179.52 M9 470.893 172.8 M9 454.5 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 462.696 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 462.696 186.24 M9 487.286 186.24 M9 D9 356.143 172.8 S9 470.893 172.8 M9 470.893 179.52 M9 356.143 179.52 M9 356.143 172.8 M9 D9 421.714 169.44 S9 421.714 182.88 M9 D9 164.893 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 360.96 M9 235.491 360.96 M9 235.491 354.24 M9 164.893 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 235.491 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 235.491 360.96 M9 D9 235.491 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 235.491 360.96 M9 257.786 360.96 M9 257.786 354.24 M9 235.491 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 257.786 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 257.786 360.96 M9 D9 257.786 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 257.786 360.96 M9 265.709 360.96 M9 265.709 354.24 M9 257.786 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 265.709 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 265.709 360.96 M9 D9 265.709 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 265.709 360.96 M9 284.725 360.96 M9 284.725 354.24 M9 265.709 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 284.725 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 284.725 360.96 M9 D9 284.725 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 284.725 360.96 M9 287.73 360.96 M9 287.73 354.24 M9 284.725 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 287.73 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 287.73 360.96 M9 D9 287.73 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 287.73 360.96 M9 288.44 360.96 M9 288.44 354.24 M9 287.73 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 288.44 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 288.44 360.96 M9 D9 288.44 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 288.44 360.96 M9 288.659 360.96 M9 288.659 354.24 M9 288.44 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 288.659 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 288.659 360.96 M9 D9 288.659 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 288.659 360.96 M9 288.659 360.96 M9 288.659 354.24 M9 288.659 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 288.659 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 288.659 360.96 M9 D9 164.893 354.24 S9 164.893 360.96 M9 288.659 360.96 M9 288.659 354.24 M9 164.893 354.24 M9 D9 164.893 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 354.24 M9 319.532 354.24 M9 319.532 347.52 M9 164.893 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 319.532 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 319.532 354.24 M9 D9 319.532 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 319.532 354.24 M9 391.879 354.24 M9 391.879 347.52 M9 319.532 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 391.879 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 391.879 354.24 M9 D9 391.879 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 391.879 354.24 M9 410.075 354.24 M9 410.075 347.52 M9 391.879 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 410.075 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 410.075 354.24 M9 D9 410.075 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 410.075 354.24 M9 430.566 354.24 M9 430.566 347.52 M9 410.075 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 430.566 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 430.566 354.24 M9 D9 430.566 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 430.566 354.24 M9 433.353 354.24 M9 433.353 347.52 M9 430.566 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 433.353 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 433.353 354.24 M9 D9 433.353 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 433.353 354.24 M9 434.883 354.24 M9 434.883 347.52 M9 433.353 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 434.883 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 434.883 354.24 M9 D9 434.883 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 434.883 354.24 M9 435.102 354.24 M9 435.102 347.52 M9 434.883 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 435.102 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 435.102 354.24 M9 D9 435.102 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 435.102 354.24 M9 435.102 354.24 M9 435.102 347.52 M9 435.102 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 435.102 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 435.102 354.24 M9 D9 284.725 350.88 S9 284.725 364.32 M9 D9 430.566 344.16 S9 430.566 357.6 M9 D9 164.893 347.52 S9 164.893 354.24 M9 435.102 354.24 M9 435.102 347.52 M9 164.893 347.52 M9 D9 164.893 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 340.8 M9 172.488 340.8 M9 172.488 334.08 M9 164.893 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 172.488 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.488 340.8 M9 D9 172.488 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.488 340.8 M9 178.007 340.8 M9 178.007 334.08 M9 172.488 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 178.007 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.007 340.8 M9 D9 178.007 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.007 340.8 M9 178.991 340.8 M9 178.991 334.08 M9 178.007 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 178.991 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.991 340.8 M9 D9 178.991 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.991 340.8 M9 181.668 340.8 M9 181.668 334.08 M9 178.991 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 181.668 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.668 340.8 M9 D9 181.668 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.668 340.8 M9 182.215 340.8 M9 182.215 334.08 M9 181.668 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 182.215 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 182.215 340.8 M9 D9 182.215 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 182.215 340.8 M9 182.706 340.8 M9 182.706 334.08 M9 182.215 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 182.706 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 182.706 340.8 M9 D9 182.706 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 182.706 340.8 M9 183.799 340.8 M9 183.799 334.08 M9 182.706 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 183.799 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 183.799 340.8 M9 D9 183.799 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 183.799 340.8 M9 183.799 340.8 M9 183.799 334.08 M9 183.799 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 183.799 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 183.799 340.8 M9 D9 164.893 334.08 S9 164.893 340.8 M9 183.799 340.8 M9 183.799 334.08 M9 164.893 334.08 M9 D9 164.893 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 334.08 M9 189.865 334.08 M9 189.865 327.36 M9 164.893 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 189.865 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 189.865 334.08 M9 D9 189.865 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 189.865 334.08 M9 202.378 334.08 M9 202.378 327.36 M9 189.865 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 202.378 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.378 334.08 M9 D9 202.378 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.378 334.08 M9 204.946 334.08 M9 204.946 327.36 M9 202.378 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 204.946 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 204.946 334.08 M9 D9 204.946 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 204.946 334.08 M9 206.968 334.08 M9 206.968 327.36 M9 204.946 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 206.968 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 206.968 334.08 M9 D9 206.968 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 206.968 334.08 M9 207.514 334.08 M9 207.514 327.36 M9 206.968 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 207.514 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 207.514 334.08 M9 D9 207.514 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 207.514 334.08 M9 207.951 334.08 M9 207.951 327.36 M9 207.514 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 207.951 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 207.951 334.08 M9 D9 207.951 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 207.951 334.08 M9 209.044 334.08 M9 209.044 327.36 M9 207.951 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 209.044 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 209.044 334.08 M9 D9 209.044 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 209.044 334.08 M9 209.044 334.08 M9 209.044 327.36 M9 209.044 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 209.044 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 209.044 334.08 M9 D9 181.668 330.72 S9 181.668 344.16 M9 D9 206.968 324 S9 206.968 337.44 M9 D9 164.893 327.36 S9 164.893 334.08 M9 209.044 334.08 M9 209.044 327.36 M9 164.893 327.36 M9 D9 164.893 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 320.64 M9 180.248 320.64 M9 180.248 313.92 M9 164.893 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 180.248 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.248 320.64 M9 D9 180.248 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.248 320.64 M9 186.313 320.64 M9 186.313 313.92 M9 180.248 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 186.313 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.313 320.64 M9 D9 186.313 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.313 320.64 M9 188.225 320.64 M9 188.225 313.92 M9 186.313 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 188.225 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 188.225 320.64 M9 D9 188.225 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 188.225 320.64 M9 193.471 320.64 M9 193.471 313.92 M9 188.225 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 193.471 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 193.471 320.64 M9 D9 193.471 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 193.471 320.64 M9 195.438 320.64 M9 195.438 313.92 M9 193.471 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 195.438 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 195.438 320.64 M9 D9 195.438 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 195.438 320.64 M9 201.504 320.64 M9 201.504 313.92 M9 195.438 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 201.504 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.504 320.64 M9 D9 201.504 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.504 320.64 M9 201.668 320.64 M9 201.668 313.92 M9 201.504 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 201.668 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.668 320.64 M9 D9 201.668 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.668 320.64 M9 201.668 320.64 M9 201.668 313.92 M9 201.668 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 201.668 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.668 320.64 M9 D9 164.893 313.92 S9 164.893 320.64 M9 201.668 320.64 M9 201.668 313.92 M9 164.893 313.92 M9 D9 164.893 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 313.92 M9 202.706 313.92 M9 202.706 307.2 M9 164.893 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 202.706 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.706 313.92 M9 D9 202.706 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.706 313.92 M9 218.388 313.92 M9 218.388 307.2 M9 202.706 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 218.388 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 218.388 313.92 M9 D9 218.388 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 218.388 313.92 M9 222.705 313.92 M9 222.705 307.2 M9 218.388 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 222.705 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 222.705 313.92 M9 D9 222.705 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 222.705 313.92 M9 227.35 313.92 M9 227.35 307.2 M9 222.705 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 227.35 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 227.35 313.92 M9 D9 227.35 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 227.35 313.92 M9 228.989 313.92 M9 228.989 307.2 M9 227.35 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 228.989 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 228.989 313.92 M9 D9 228.989 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 228.989 313.92 M9 235.437 313.92 M9 235.437 307.2 M9 228.989 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 235.437 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 235.437 313.92 M9 D9 235.437 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 235.437 313.92 M9 235.601 313.92 M9 235.601 307.2 M9 235.437 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 235.601 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 235.601 313.92 M9 D9 235.601 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 235.601 313.92 M9 235.601 313.92 M9 235.601 307.2 M9 235.601 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 235.601 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 235.601 313.92 M9 D9 193.471 310.56 S9 193.471 324 M9 D9 227.35 303.84 S9 227.35 317.28 M9 D9 164.893 307.2 S9 164.893 313.92 M9 235.601 313.92 M9 235.601 307.2 M9 164.893 307.2 M9 D9 164.893 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 300.48 M9 221.394 300.48 M9 221.394 293.76 M9 164.893 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 221.394 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 221.394 300.48 M9 D9 221.394 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 221.394 300.48 M9 236.093 300.48 M9 236.093 293.76 M9 221.394 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 236.093 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 236.093 300.48 M9 D9 236.093 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 236.093 300.48 M9 248.879 300.48 M9 248.879 293.76 M9 236.093 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 248.879 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 248.879 300.48 M9 D9 248.879 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 248.879 300.48 M9 298.877 300.48 M9 298.877 293.76 M9 248.879 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 298.877 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 298.877 300.48 M9 D9 298.877 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 298.877 300.48 M9 378.109 300.48 M9 378.109 293.76 M9 298.877 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 378.109 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 378.109 300.48 M9 D9 378.109 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 378.109 300.48 M9 396.852 300.48 M9 396.852 293.76 M9 378.109 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 396.852 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 396.852 300.48 M9 D9 396.852 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 396.852 300.48 M9 401.934 300.48 M9 401.934 293.76 M9 396.852 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 401.934 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 401.934 300.48 M9 D9 401.934 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 401.934 300.48 M9 401.934 300.48 M9 401.934 293.76 M9 401.934 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 401.934 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 401.934 300.48 M9 D9 164.893 293.76 S9 164.893 300.48 M9 401.934 300.48 M9 401.934 293.76 M9 164.893 293.76 M9 D9 164.893 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 293.76 M9 325.543 293.76 M9 325.543 287.04 M9 164.893 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 325.543 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 325.543 293.76 M9 D9 325.543 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 325.543 293.76 M9 376.743 293.76 M9 376.743 287.04 M9 325.543 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 376.743 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 376.743 293.76 M9 D9 376.743 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 376.743 293.76 M9 402.48 293.76 M9 402.48 287.04 M9 376.743 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 402.48 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 402.48 293.76 M9 D9 402.48 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 402.48 293.76 M9 449.2 293.76 M9 449.2 287.04 M9 402.48 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 449.2 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 449.2 293.76 M9 D9 449.2 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 449.2 293.76 M9 516.356 293.76 M9 516.356 287.04 M9 449.2 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 516.356 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 516.356 293.76 M9 D9 516.356 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 516.356 293.76 M9 537.721 293.76 M9 537.721 287.04 M9 516.356 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 537.721 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 537.721 293.76 M9 D9 537.721 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 537.721 293.76 M9 541.874 293.76 M9 541.874 287.04 M9 537.721 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 541.874 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 541.874 293.76 M9 D9 541.874 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 541.874 293.76 M9 541.874 293.76 M9 541.874 287.04 M9 541.874 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 541.874 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 541.874 293.76 M9 D9 298.877 290.4 S9 298.877 303.84 M9 D9 449.2 283.68 S9 449.2 297.12 M9 D9 164.893 287.04 S9 164.893 293.76 M9 541.874 293.76 M9 541.874 287.04 M9 164.893 287.04 M9 D9 164.893 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 280.32 M9 197.46 280.32 M9 197.46 273.6 M9 164.893 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 197.46 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.46 280.32 M9 D9 197.46 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.46 280.32 M9 220.465 280.32 M9 220.465 273.6 M9 197.46 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 220.465 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 220.465 280.32 M9 D9 220.465 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 220.465 280.32 M9 224.891 280.32 M9 224.891 273.6 M9 220.465 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 224.891 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 224.891 280.32 M9 D9 224.891 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 224.891 280.32 M9 237.404 280.32 M9 237.404 273.6 M9 224.891 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 237.404 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 237.404 280.32 M9 D9 237.404 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 237.404 280.32 M9 238.661 280.32 M9 238.661 273.6 M9 237.404 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 238.661 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 238.661 280.32 M9 D9 238.661 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 238.661 280.32 M9 296.418 280.32 M9 296.418 273.6 M9 238.661 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 296.418 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 296.418 280.32 M9 D9 296.418 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 296.418 280.32 M9 301.5 280.32 M9 301.5 273.6 M9 296.418 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 301.5 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 301.5 280.32 M9 D9 301.5 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 301.5 280.32 M9 301.5 280.32 M9 301.5 273.6 M9 301.5 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 301.5 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 301.5 280.32 M9 D9 164.893 273.6 S9 164.893 280.32 M9 301.5 280.32 M9 301.5 273.6 M9 164.893 273.6 M9 D9 164.893 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 273.6 M9 250.627 273.6 M9 250.627 266.88 M9 164.893 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 250.627 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 250.627 273.6 M9 D9 250.627 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 250.627 273.6 M9 306.09 273.6 M9 306.09 266.88 M9 250.627 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 306.09 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 306.09 273.6 M9 D9 306.09 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 306.09 273.6 M9 316.855 273.6 M9 316.855 266.88 M9 306.09 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 316.855 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 316.855 273.6 M9 D9 316.855 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 316.855 273.6 M9 329.914 273.6 M9 329.914 266.88 M9 316.855 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 329.914 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 329.914 273.6 M9 D9 329.914 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 329.914 273.6 M9 332.756 273.6 M9 332.756 266.88 M9 329.914 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 332.756 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 332.756 273.6 M9 D9 332.756 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 332.756 273.6 M9 388.765 273.6 M9 388.765 266.88 M9 332.756 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 388.765 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 388.765 273.6 M9 D9 388.765 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 388.765 273.6 M9 393.519 273.6 M9 393.519 266.88 M9 388.765 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 393.519 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 393.519 273.6 M9 D9 393.519 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 393.519 273.6 M9 393.519 273.6 M9 393.519 266.88 M9 393.519 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 393.519 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 393.519 273.6 M9 D9 237.404 270.24 S9 237.404 283.68 M9 D9 329.914 263.52 S9 329.914 276.96 M9 D9 164.893 266.88 S9 164.893 273.6 M9 393.519 273.6 M9 393.519 266.88 M9 164.893 266.88 M9 D9 164.893 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 260.16 M9 240.737 260.16 M9 240.737 253.44 M9 164.893 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 240.737 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 240.737 260.16 M9 D9 240.737 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 240.737 260.16 M9 290.517 260.16 M9 290.517 253.44 M9 240.737 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 290.517 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 290.517 260.16 M9 D9 290.517 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 290.517 260.16 M9 297.566 260.16 M9 297.566 253.44 M9 290.517 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 297.566 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.566 260.16 M9 D9 297.566 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.566 260.16 M9 310.571 260.16 M9 310.571 253.44 M9 297.566 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 310.571 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 310.571 260.16 M9 D9 310.571 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 310.571 260.16 M9 381.88 260.16 M9 381.88 253.44 M9 310.571 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 381.88 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 381.88 260.16 M9 D9 381.88 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 381.88 260.16 M9 394.83 260.16 M9 394.83 253.44 M9 381.88 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 394.83 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 394.83 260.16 M9 D9 394.83 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 394.83 260.16 M9 398.273 260.16 M9 398.273 253.44 M9 394.83 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 398.273 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 398.273 260.16 M9 D9 398.273 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 398.273 260.16 M9 398.273 260.16 M9 398.273 253.44 M9 398.273 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 398.273 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 398.273 260.16 M9 D9 164.893 253.44 S9 164.893 260.16 M9 398.273 260.16 M9 398.273 253.44 M9 164.893 253.44 M9 D9 164.893 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 253.44 M9 307.347 253.44 M9 307.347 246.72 M9 164.893 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 307.347 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 307.347 253.44 M9 D9 307.347 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 307.347 253.44 M9 373.629 253.44 M9 373.629 246.72 M9 307.347 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 373.629 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 373.629 253.44 M9 D9 373.629 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 373.629 253.44 M9 385.486 253.44 M9 385.486 246.72 M9 373.629 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 385.486 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 385.486 253.44 M9 D9 385.486 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 385.486 253.44 M9 390.021 253.44 M9 390.021 246.72 M9 385.486 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 390.021 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 390.021 253.44 M9 D9 390.021 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 390.021 253.44 M9 443.298 253.44 M9 443.298 246.72 M9 390.021 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 443.298 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 443.298 253.44 M9 D9 443.298 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 443.298 253.44 M9 454.063 253.44 M9 454.063 246.72 M9 443.298 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 454.063 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 454.063 253.44 M9 D9 454.063 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 454.063 253.44 M9 456.74 253.44 M9 456.74 246.72 M9 454.063 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 456.74 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 456.74 253.44 M9 D9 456.74 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 456.74 253.44 M9 456.74 253.44 M9 456.74 246.72 M9 456.74 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 456.74 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 456.74 253.44 M9 D9 310.571 250.08 S9 310.571 263.52 M9 D9 390.021 243.36 S9 390.021 256.8 M9 D9 164.893 246.72 S9 164.893 253.44 M9 456.74 253.44 M9 456.74 246.72 M9 164.893 246.72 M9 D9 164.893 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 240 M9 169.92 240 M9 169.92 233.28 M9 164.893 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.92 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.92 240 M9 D9 169.92 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.92 240 M9 171.723 240 M9 171.723 233.28 M9 169.92 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 171.723 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.723 240 M9 D9 171.723 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.723 240 M9 172.707 240 M9 172.707 233.28 M9 171.723 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 172.707 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.707 240 M9 D9 172.707 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.707 240 M9 176.204 240 M9 176.204 233.28 M9 172.707 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 176.204 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.204 240 M9 D9 176.204 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.204 240 M9 182.488 240 M9 182.488 233.28 M9 176.204 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 182.488 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 182.488 240 M9 D9 182.488 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 182.488 240 M9 186.313 240 M9 186.313 233.28 M9 182.488 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 186.313 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.313 240 M9 D9 186.313 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.313 240 M9 187.078 240 M9 187.078 233.28 M9 186.313 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 187.078 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.078 240 M9 D9 187.078 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.078 240 M9 187.078 240 M9 187.078 233.28 M9 187.078 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 187.078 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.078 240 M9 D9 164.893 233.28 S9 164.893 240 M9 187.078 240 M9 187.078 233.28 M9 164.893 233.28 M9 D9 164.893 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 233.28 M9 179.155 233.28 M9 179.155 226.56 M9 164.893 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 179.155 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 179.155 233.28 M9 D9 179.155 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 179.155 233.28 M9 185.001 233.28 M9 185.001 226.56 M9 179.155 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 185.001 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.001 233.28 M9 D9 185.001 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.001 233.28 M9 187.187 233.28 M9 187.187 226.56 M9 185.001 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 187.187 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.187 233.28 M9 D9 187.187 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.187 233.28 M9 190.848 233.28 M9 190.848 226.56 M9 187.187 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 190.848 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 190.848 233.28 M9 D9 190.848 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 190.848 233.28 M9 197.023 233.28 M9 197.023 226.56 M9 190.848 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 197.023 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.023 233.28 M9 D9 197.023 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.023 233.28 M9 201.23 233.28 M9 201.23 226.56 M9 197.023 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 201.23 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.23 233.28 M9 D9 201.23 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.23 233.28 M9 201.995 233.28 M9 201.995 226.56 M9 201.23 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 201.995 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.995 233.28 M9 D9 201.995 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.995 233.28 M9 201.995 233.28 M9 201.995 226.56 M9 201.995 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 201.995 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.995 233.28 M9 D9 176.204 229.92 S9 176.204 243.36 M9 D9 190.848 223.2 S9 190.848 236.64 M9 D9 164.893 226.56 S9 164.893 233.28 M9 201.995 233.28 M9 201.995 226.56 M9 164.893 226.56 M9 D9 164.893 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 219.84 M9 165.767 219.84 M9 165.767 213.12 M9 164.893 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.767 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.767 219.84 M9 D9 165.767 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.767 219.84 M9 167.625 219.84 M9 167.625 213.12 M9 165.767 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.625 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.625 219.84 M9 D9 167.625 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.625 219.84 M9 167.734 219.84 M9 167.734 213.12 M9 167.625 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.734 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.734 219.84 M9 D9 167.734 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.734 219.84 M9 167.844 219.84 M9 167.844 213.12 M9 167.734 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 167.844 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.844 219.84 M9 D9 167.844 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.844 219.84 M9 168.39 219.84 M9 168.39 213.12 M9 167.844 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.39 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.39 219.84 M9 D9 168.39 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.39 219.84 M9 170.685 219.84 M9 170.685 213.12 M9 168.39 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 170.685 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 170.685 219.84 M9 D9 170.685 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 170.685 219.84 M9 172.98 219.84 M9 172.98 213.12 M9 170.685 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 172.98 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.98 219.84 M9 D9 172.98 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.98 219.84 M9 172.98 219.84 M9 172.98 213.12 M9 172.98 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 172.98 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.98 219.84 M9 D9 164.893 213.12 S9 164.893 219.84 M9 172.98 219.84 M9 172.98 213.12 M9 164.893 213.12 M9 D9 164.893 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 213.12 M9 171.833 213.12 M9 171.833 206.4 M9 164.893 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 171.833 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.833 213.12 M9 D9 171.833 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.833 213.12 M9 175.056 213.12 M9 175.056 206.4 M9 171.833 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 175.056 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.056 213.12 M9 D9 175.056 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.056 213.12 M9 175.876 213.12 M9 175.876 206.4 M9 175.056 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 175.876 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.876 213.12 M9 D9 175.876 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.876 213.12 M9 175.876 213.12 M9 175.876 206.4 M9 175.876 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 175.876 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.876 213.12 M9 D9 175.876 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.876 213.12 M9 181.778 213.12 M9 181.778 206.4 M9 175.876 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 181.778 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.778 213.12 M9 D9 181.778 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.778 213.12 M9 183.253 213.12 M9 183.253 206.4 M9 181.778 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 183.253 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 183.253 213.12 M9 D9 183.253 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 183.253 213.12 M9 185.93 213.12 M9 185.93 206.4 M9 183.253 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 185.93 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.93 213.12 M9 D9 185.93 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.93 213.12 M9 185.93 213.12 M9 185.93 206.4 M9 185.93 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 185.93 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.93 213.12 M9 D9 167.844 209.76 S9 167.844 223.2 M9 D9 175.876 203.04 S9 175.876 216.48 M9 D9 164.893 206.4 S9 164.893 213.12 M9 185.93 213.12 M9 185.93 206.4 M9 164.893 206.4 M9 D9 164.893 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 199.68 M9 165.549 199.68 M9 165.549 192.96 M9 164.893 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.549 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.549 199.68 M9 D9 165.549 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.549 199.68 M9 168.117 199.68 M9 168.117 192.96 M9 165.549 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.117 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.117 199.68 M9 D9 168.117 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.117 199.68 M9 168.226 199.68 M9 168.226 192.96 M9 168.117 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.226 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.226 199.68 M9 D9 168.226 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.226 199.68 M9 168.39 199.68 M9 168.39 192.96 M9 168.226 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 168.39 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.39 199.68 M9 D9 168.39 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.39 199.68 M9 168.499 199.68 M9 168.499 192.96 M9 168.39 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.499 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.499 199.68 M9 D9 168.499 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.499 199.68 M9 248.988 199.68 M9 248.988 192.96 M9 168.499 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 248.988 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 248.988 199.68 M9 D9 248.988 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 248.988 199.68 M9 249.207 199.68 M9 249.207 192.96 M9 248.988 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 249.207 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 249.207 199.68 M9 D9 249.207 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 249.207 199.68 M9 249.207 199.68 M9 249.207 192.96 M9 249.207 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 249.207 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 249.207 199.68 M9 D9 164.893 192.96 S9 164.893 199.68 M9 249.207 199.68 M9 249.207 192.96 M9 164.893 192.96 M9 D9 164.893 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 192.96 M9 166.314 192.96 M9 166.314 186.24 M9 164.893 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 166.314 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.314 192.96 M9 D9 166.314 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.314 192.96 M9 169.701 192.96 M9 169.701 186.24 M9 166.314 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.701 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.701 192.96 M9 D9 169.701 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.701 192.96 M9 169.92 192.96 M9 169.92 186.24 M9 169.701 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.92 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.92 192.96 M9 D9 169.92 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.92 192.96 M9 169.92 192.96 M9 169.92 186.24 M9 169.92 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 169.92 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.92 192.96 M9 D9 169.92 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.92 192.96 M9 169.92 192.96 M9 169.92 186.24 M9 169.92 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.92 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.92 192.96 M9 D9 169.92 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.92 192.96 M9 250.3 192.96 M9 250.3 186.24 M9 169.92 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 250.3 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 250.3 192.96 M9 D9 250.3 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 250.3 192.96 M9 250.518 192.96 M9 250.518 186.24 M9 250.3 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 250.518 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 250.518 192.96 M9 D9 250.518 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 250.518 192.96 M9 250.518 192.96 M9 250.518 186.24 M9 250.518 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 250.518 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 250.518 192.96 M9 D9 168.39 189.6 S9 168.39 203.04 M9 D9 169.92 182.88 S9 169.92 196.32 M9 D9 164.893 186.24 S9 164.893 192.96 M9 250.518 192.96 M9 250.518 186.24 M9 164.893 186.24 M9 D9 164.893 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 179.52 M9 192.16 179.52 M9 192.16 172.8 M9 164.893 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 192.16 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 192.16 179.52 M9 D9 192.16 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 192.16 179.52 M9 193.252 179.52 M9 193.252 172.8 M9 192.16 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 193.252 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 193.252 179.52 M9 D9 193.252 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 193.252 179.52 M9 194.619 179.52 M9 194.619 172.8 M9 193.252 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 194.619 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 194.619 179.52 M9 D9 194.619 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 194.619 179.52 M9 196.094 179.52 M9 196.094 172.8 M9 194.619 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 196.094 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.094 179.52 M9 D9 196.094 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.094 179.52 M9 296.473 179.52 M9 296.473 172.8 M9 196.094 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 296.473 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 296.473 179.52 M9 D9 296.473 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 296.473 179.52 M9 299.424 179.52 M9 299.424 172.8 M9 296.473 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 299.424 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 299.424 179.52 M9 D9 299.424 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 299.424 179.52 M9 307.839 179.52 M9 307.839 172.8 M9 299.424 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 307.839 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 307.839 179.52 M9 D9 307.839 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 307.839 179.52 M9 307.839 179.52 M9 307.839 172.8 M9 307.839 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 307.839 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 307.839 179.52 M9 D9 164.893 172.8 S9 164.893 179.52 M9 307.839 179.52 M9 307.839 172.8 M9 164.893 172.8 M9 D9 164.893 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 172.8 M9 186.531 172.8 M9 186.531 166.08 M9 164.893 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 186.531 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.531 172.8 M9 D9 186.531 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.531 172.8 M9 189.1 172.8 M9 189.1 166.08 M9 186.531 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 189.1 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 189.1 172.8 M9 D9 189.1 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 189.1 172.8 M9 190.575 172.8 M9 190.575 166.08 M9 189.1 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 190.575 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 190.575 172.8 M9 D9 190.575 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 190.575 172.8 M9 192.16 172.8 M9 192.16 166.08 M9 190.575 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 192.16 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 192.16 172.8 M9 D9 192.16 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 192.16 172.8 M9 286.91 172.8 M9 286.91 166.08 M9 192.16 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 286.91 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 286.91 172.8 M9 D9 286.91 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 286.91 172.8 M9 289.861 172.8 M9 289.861 166.08 M9 286.91 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 289.861 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 289.861 172.8 M9 D9 289.861 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 289.861 172.8 M9 297.511 172.8 M9 297.511 166.08 M9 289.861 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 297.511 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.511 172.8 M9 D9 297.511 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.511 172.8 M9 297.511 172.8 M9 297.511 166.08 M9 297.511 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 297.511 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.511 172.8 M9 D9 196.094 169.44 S9 196.094 182.88 M9 D9 192.16 162.72 S9 192.16 176.16 M9 D9 164.893 166.08 S9 164.893 172.8 M9 297.511 172.8 M9 297.511 166.08 M9 164.893 166.08 M9 D9 164.893 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 159.36 M9 172.707 159.36 M9 172.707 152.64 M9 164.893 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 172.707 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.707 159.36 M9 D9 172.707 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.707 159.36 M9 174.018 159.36 M9 174.018 152.64 M9 172.707 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 174.018 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 174.018 159.36 M9 D9 174.018 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 174.018 159.36 M9 174.674 159.36 M9 174.674 152.64 M9 174.018 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 174.674 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 174.674 159.36 M9 D9 174.674 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 174.674 159.36 M9 175.876 159.36 M9 175.876 152.64 M9 174.674 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 175.876 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.876 159.36 M9 D9 175.876 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.876 159.36 M9 327.237 159.36 M9 327.237 152.64 M9 175.876 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 327.237 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 327.237 159.36 M9 D9 327.237 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 327.237 159.36 M9 339.969 159.36 M9 339.969 152.64 M9 327.237 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 339.969 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 339.969 159.36 M9 D9 339.969 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 339.969 159.36 M9 349.586 159.36 M9 349.586 152.64 M9 339.969 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 349.586 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 349.586 159.36 M9 D9 349.586 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 349.586 159.36 M9 349.586 159.36 M9 349.586 152.64 M9 349.586 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 349.586 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 349.586 159.36 M9 D9 164.893 152.64 S9 164.893 159.36 M9 349.586 159.36 M9 349.586 152.64 M9 164.893 152.64 M9 D9 164.893 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 152.64 M9 175.658 152.64 M9 175.658 145.92 M9 164.893 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 175.658 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.658 152.64 M9 D9 175.658 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.658 152.64 M9 178.936 152.64 M9 178.936 145.92 M9 175.658 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 178.936 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.936 152.64 M9 D9 178.936 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.936 152.64 M9 180.193 152.64 M9 180.193 145.92 M9 178.936 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 180.193 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.193 152.64 M9 D9 180.193 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.193 152.64 M9 181.723 152.64 M9 181.723 145.92 M9 180.193 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 181.723 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.723 152.64 M9 D9 181.723 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.723 152.64 M9 329.477 152.64 M9 329.477 145.92 M9 181.723 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 329.477 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 329.477 152.64 M9 D9 329.477 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 329.477 152.64 M9 341.608 152.64 M9 341.608 145.92 M9 329.477 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 341.608 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 341.608 152.64 M9 D9 341.608 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 341.608 152.64 M9 351.116 152.64 M9 351.116 145.92 M9 341.608 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 351.116 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 351.116 152.64 M9 D9 351.116 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 351.116 152.64 M9 351.116 152.64 M9 351.116 145.92 M9 351.116 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 351.116 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 351.116 152.64 M9 D9 175.876 149.28 S9 175.876 162.72 M9 D9 181.723 142.56 S9 181.723 156 M9 D9 164.893 145.92 S9 164.893 152.64 M9 351.116 152.64 M9 351.116 145.92 M9 164.893 145.92 M9 D9 164.893 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 139.2 M9 171.833 139.2 M9 171.833 132.48 M9 164.893 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 171.833 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.833 139.2 M9 D9 171.833 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.833 139.2 M9 177.078 139.2 M9 177.078 132.48 M9 171.833 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 177.078 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 177.078 139.2 M9 D9 177.078 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 177.078 139.2 M9 177.953 139.2 M9 177.953 132.48 M9 177.078 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 177.953 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 177.953 139.2 M9 D9 177.953 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 177.953 139.2 M9 180.138 139.2 M9 180.138 132.48 M9 177.953 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 180.138 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.138 139.2 M9 D9 180.138 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.138 139.2 M9 180.63 139.2 M9 180.63 132.48 M9 180.138 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 180.63 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.63 139.2 M9 D9 180.63 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.63 139.2 M9 181.34 139.2 M9 181.34 132.48 M9 180.63 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 181.34 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.34 139.2 M9 D9 181.34 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.34 139.2 M9 228.989 139.2 M9 228.989 132.48 M9 181.34 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 228.989 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 228.989 139.2 M9 D9 228.989 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 228.989 139.2 M9 228.989 139.2 M9 228.989 132.48 M9 228.989 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 228.989 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 228.989 139.2 M9 D9 164.893 132.48 S9 164.893 139.2 M9 228.989 139.2 M9 228.989 132.48 M9 164.893 132.48 M9 D9 164.893 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 132.48 M9 189.264 132.48 M9 189.264 125.76 M9 164.893 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 189.264 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 189.264 132.48 M9 D9 189.264 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 189.264 132.48 M9 199.318 132.48 M9 199.318 125.76 M9 189.264 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 199.318 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.318 132.48 M9 D9 199.318 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.318 132.48 M9 201.886 132.48 M9 201.886 125.76 M9 199.318 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 201.886 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.886 132.48 M9 D9 201.886 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.886 132.48 M9 203.963 132.48 M9 203.963 125.76 M9 201.886 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 203.963 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 203.963 132.48 M9 D9 203.963 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 203.963 132.48 M9 204.454 132.48 M9 204.454 125.76 M9 203.963 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 204.454 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 204.454 132.48 M9 D9 204.454 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 204.454 132.48 M9 204.891 132.48 M9 204.891 125.76 M9 204.454 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 204.891 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 204.891 132.48 M9 D9 204.891 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 204.891 132.48 M9 251.065 132.48 M9 251.065 125.76 M9 204.891 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 251.065 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 251.065 132.48 M9 D9 251.065 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 251.065 132.48 M9 251.065 132.48 M9 251.065 125.76 M9 251.065 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 251.065 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 251.065 132.48 M9 D9 180.138 129.12 S9 180.138 142.56 M9 D9 203.963 122.4 S9 203.963 135.84 M9 D9 164.893 125.76 S9 164.893 132.48 M9 251.065 132.48 M9 251.065 125.76 M9 164.893 125.76 M9 D9 164.893 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 119.04 M9 165.33 119.04 M9 165.33 112.32 M9 164.893 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.33 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.33 119.04 M9 D9 165.33 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.33 119.04 M9 167.953 119.04 M9 167.953 112.32 M9 165.33 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.953 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.953 119.04 M9 D9 167.953 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.953 119.04 M9 168.062 119.04 M9 168.062 112.32 M9 167.953 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.062 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.062 119.04 M9 D9 168.062 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.062 119.04 M9 168.226 119.04 M9 168.226 112.32 M9 168.062 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 168.226 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.226 119.04 M9 D9 168.226 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.226 119.04 M9 168.335 119.04 M9 168.335 112.32 M9 168.226 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.335 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.335 119.04 M9 D9 168.335 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.335 119.04 M9 514.935 119.04 M9 514.935 112.32 M9 168.335 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 514.935 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 514.935 119.04 M9 D9 514.935 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 514.935 119.04 M9 532.967 119.04 M9 532.967 112.32 M9 514.935 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 532.967 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 532.967 119.04 M9 D9 532.967 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 532.967 119.04 M9 532.967 119.04 M9 532.967 112.32 M9 532.967 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 532.967 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 532.967 119.04 M9 D9 164.893 112.32 S9 164.893 119.04 M9 532.967 119.04 M9 532.967 112.32 M9 164.893 112.32 M9 D9 164.893 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 112.32 M9 166.04 112.32 M9 166.04 105.6 M9 164.893 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 166.04 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.04 112.32 M9 D9 166.04 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.04 112.32 M9 168.936 112.32 M9 168.936 105.6 M9 166.04 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.936 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.936 112.32 M9 D9 168.936 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.936 112.32 M9 169.155 112.32 M9 169.155 105.6 M9 168.936 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.155 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.155 112.32 M9 D9 169.155 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.155 112.32 M9 169.155 112.32 M9 169.155 105.6 M9 169.155 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 169.155 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.155 112.32 M9 D9 169.155 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.155 112.32 M9 169.374 112.32 M9 169.374 105.6 M9 169.155 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.374 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.374 112.32 M9 D9 169.374 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.374 112.32 M9 515.973 112.32 M9 515.973 105.6 M9 169.374 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 515.973 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 515.973 112.32 M9 D9 515.973 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 515.973 112.32 M9 534.005 112.32 M9 534.005 105.6 M9 515.973 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 534.005 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 534.005 112.32 M9 D9 534.005 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 534.005 112.32 M9 534.005 112.32 M9 534.005 105.6 M9 534.005 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 534.005 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 534.005 112.32 M9 D9 168.226 108.96 S9 168.226 122.4 M9 D9 169.155 102.24 S9 169.155 115.68 M9 D9 164.893 105.6 S9 164.893 112.32 M9 534.005 112.32 M9 534.005 105.6 M9 164.893 105.6 M9 D9 initclip 8 /Times-Roman SetTxt () 0 378 36.8 TXC (system i-cache misses) 0 487.286 225.216 TXL (system d-cache misses) 0 487.286 218.496 TXL (system wbuffer stalls) 0 487.286 211.776 TXL (system uncached reads) 0 487.286 205.056 TXL (user i-cache misses) 0 487.286 198.336 TXL (user d-cache misses) 0 487.286 191.616 TXL (user wbuffer stalls) 0 487.286 184.896 TXL (MCPI) 0 476.357 174.144 TXL (sed+U) 0 159.429 354.24 TXR (0.227) 0 299.587 355.584 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 347.52 TXR (0.495) 0 446.03 348.864 TXL (egrep+U) 0 159.429 334.08 TXR (0.035) 0 194.728 335.424 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 327.36 TXR (0.081) 0 219.973 328.704 TXL (yacc+U) 0 159.429 313.92 TXR (0.067) 0 212.596 315.264 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 307.2 TXR (0.129) 0 246.529 308.544 TXL (gcc+U) 0 159.429 293.76 TXR (0.434) 0 412.862 295.104 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 287.04 TXR (0.690) 0 552.803 288.384 TXL (compress+U) 0 159.429 273.6 TXR (0.250) 0 312.429 274.944 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 266.88 TXR (0.418) 0 404.447 268.224 TXL (ab+U) 0 159.429 253.44 TXR (0.427) 0 409.201 254.784 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 246.72 TXR (0.534) 0 467.669 248.064 TXL (espresso+U) 0 159.429 233.28 TXR (0.041) 0 198.006 234.624 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 226.56 TXR (0.068) 0 212.924 227.904 TXL (lisp+U) 0 159.429 213.12 TXR (0.015) 0 183.909 214.464 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 206.4 TXR (0.038) 0 196.859 207.744 TXL (eqntott+U) 0 159.429 192.96 TXR (0.154) 0 260.135 194.304 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 186.24 TXR (0.157) 0 261.447 187.584 TXL (fpppp+U) 0 159.429 172.8 TXR (0.262) 0 318.767 174.144 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 166.08 TXR (0.243) 0 308.44 167.424 TXL (doduc+U) 0 159.429 152.64 TXR (0.338) 0 360.514 153.984 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 145.92 TXR (0.341) 0 362.044 147.264 TXL (liv+U) 0 159.429 132.48 TXR (0.117) 0 239.918 133.824 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 125.76 TXR (0.158) 0 261.993 127.104 TXL (tomcatv+U) 0 159.429 112.32 TXR (0.674) 0 543.896 113.664 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 105.6 TXR (0.675) 0 544.934 106.944 TXL () 0 487.286 216.816 TXL () 0 487.286 210.096 TXL () 0 487.286 203.376 TXL () 0 487.286 196.656 TXL () 0 487.286 189.936 TXL () 0 487.286 183.216 TXL () 0 487.286 176.496 TXL () 0 476.357 165.744 TXL () 0 159.429 345.84 TXR () 0 299.587 347.184 TXL () 0 159.429 339.12 TXR () 0 446.03 340.464 TXL () 0 159.429 325.68 TXR () 0 194.728 327.024 TXL () 0 159.429 318.96 TXR () 0 219.973 320.304 TXL () 0 159.429 305.52 TXR () 0 212.596 306.864 TXL () 0 159.429 298.8 TXR () 0 246.529 300.144 TXL () 0 159.429 285.36 TXR () 0 412.862 286.704 TXL () 0 159.429 278.64 TXR () 0 552.803 279.984 TXL () 0 159.429 265.2 TXR () 0 312.429 266.544 TXL () 0 159.429 258.48 TXR () 0 404.447 259.824 TXL () 0 159.429 245.04 TXR () 0 409.201 246.384 TXL () 0 159.429 238.32 TXR () 0 467.669 239.664 TXL () 0 159.429 224.88 TXR () 0 198.006 226.224 TXL () 0 159.429 218.16 TXR () 0 212.924 219.504 TXL () 0 159.429 204.72 TXR () 0 183.909 206.064 TXL () 0 159.429 198 TXR () 0 196.859 199.344 TXL () 0 159.429 184.56 TXR () 0 260.135 185.904 TXL () 0 159.429 177.84 TXR () 0 261.447 179.184 TXL () 0 159.429 164.4 TXR () 0 318.767 165.744 TXL () 0 159.429 157.68 TXR () 0 308.44 159.024 TXL () 0 159.429 144.24 TXR () 0 360.514 145.584 TXL () 0 159.429 137.52 TXR () 0 362.044 138.864 TXL () 0 159.429 124.08 TXR () 0 239.918 125.424 TXL () 0 159.429 117.36 TXR () 0 261.993 118.704 TXL () 0 159.429 103.92 TXR () 0 543.896 105.264 TXL () 0 159.429 97.2 TXR () 0 544.934 98.544 TXL 72.000000 72.000000 684.000000 72.000000 684.000000 374.400000 72.000000 374.400000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 72.000000 72.000000 684.000000 72.000000 684.000000 374.400000 72.000000 374.400000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 4 SetSym initclip showpage %%Trailer end %%EndDocument PE 10 /Times-Bold AF 20607 56410 MT (Figure 2-1:)SH /Times-Roman SF 25856 XM (Baseline)SH /Times-Italic SF 29550 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 32244 XM (for Ultrix and Mach.)SH 8.5 SS 7193 57917 MT (The top horizontal bar of each pair is for Ultrix \050+U\051, and the bottom is for Mach) 9 W( \050+M\051. Components to the left of the vertical line are due)8 W 6610 58815 MT (to system activity, and those to the right are due to user activity. The number at the right of each bar is the)SH /Times-Italic SF 43059 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 45349 XM (for that workload.)SH 10 SS 5760 60606 MT (struction count. As) 35 W( an example, consider)34 W /Times-Italic SF 22804 XM (gcc)SH /Times-Roman SF 24476 XM (with a cycle)34 W 12 /Times-Bold AF 31788 60724 MT (3. Comparative system behavior)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 5760 61803 MT (count of \05029318000)335 W /Symbol SF 15054 XM (\264)SH /Times-Roman SF 16339 XM (\0501 + 0.434\051\051 + \05063684000\051 =)336 W 32788 61921 MT (As shown in the previous section, the) 122 W( most significant)123 W 5760 63000 MT (105726012. Dividing) 438 W( the cycle) 94 W( count by the clock speed)93 W 31788 63118 MT (difference between Mach and Ultrix is) 217 W( the number and)216 W 5760 64197 MT (\05025 MHz\051, we compute a runtime) 87 W( of 4.22 seconds, which)88 W 31788 64315 MT (cost of non-idle instructions required to) 11 W( run an application.)12 W 5760 65394 MT (is close to the actual runtime \050Table 2-2\051 of 4.20 seconds.)62 W 31788 65512 MT (In this section we discuss the influence that) 72 W( major system)71 W 5760 66591 MT (Using)SH /Times-Italic SF 8629 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 11553 XM (to compute execution times for the) 230 W( Mach)231 W 31788 66709 MT (components have on system performance.)SH 5760 67788 MT (workloads is less accurate as Mach's page mapping)426 W 32788 68405 MT (In Figure 3-1 we separate system overheads into) 251 W( 11)252 W 5760 68985 MT (strategy is non-deterministic.)SH 31788 69602 MT (major components, and compare) 26 W( Ultrix and Mach in terms)25 W 31788 70799 MT (of these components. The components are:)81 W /Times-Italic SF 50294 XM (trap)SH /Times-Roman SF 52293 XM (\050system)SH 30350 75600 MT (5)SH ES %%Page: 6 6 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 31788 7886 MT (This comparison) 219 W( should not be taken to mean that one)220 W 31788 9083 MT (system is better or worse than) 236 W( the other, since Mach's)235 W 31788 10280 MT (virtual memory) 473 W( interface provides substantially more)474 W 31788 11477 MT (functionality and portability than Ultrix's.)SH 1 SS 5760 5760 12960 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/stable.ps %!PS-Adobe-1.0 %%Creator: OLIVIA.MACH.CS.CMU.EDU:bchen (Brad Chen) %%Title: stdin %%CreationDate: Fri Aug 20 12:46:58 1993 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Symbol Times-Roman DIThacks %%%Pages: (atend) %%EndComments % Start of pscat.pro -- prolog for troff translator % Copyright (c) 1985,1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. % GOVERNMENT END USERS: See Notice file in TranScript library directory % -- probably /usr/lib/ps/Notice % RCS: $Header: pscat.pro,v 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern Exp $ % % HISTORY % $Log: pscat.pro,v $ % Revision 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern % orig % [91/02/20 15:27:53 ern] % % save /pscatsave exch def /$pscat 50 dict def $pscat begin /fm [1 0 0 1 0 0] def /xo 0 def /yo 0 def /M /moveto load def /R /show load def /S {exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show}def /T {exch currentpoint pop exch moveto show}def /U {3 1 roll moveto show}def /siz 0 def /font 0 def /Z {/siz exch def SF}def /F {/font exch def SF}def /SF{font 0 ne {catfonts font 1 sub get fm 0 siz put fm 3 siz neg put fm makefont setfont}if}def /BP{save/catsv exch def 0 792 translate 72 432 div dup neg scale xo yo translate 0 0 moveto}def /EP{catsv restore showpage}def % definitions for PPROC callback functions % each PPROC is called with the following number on the stack: % pointsize charcode railmag pswidth pschar x y wid /$pprocs 50 dict def /fractm [.65 0 0 .6 0 0] def % fractions /PS1{gsave $pprocs begin /wid exch def pop pop pop pop pop /ch exch def /size exch def /pair $pprocs ch get def /cf currentfont def cf fractm makefont setfont 0 .3 size mul 6 mul 2 copy neg rmoveto pair 0 get show rmoveto currentfont cf setfont (\244) show setfont pair 1 get show grestore wid .06 div 0 rmoveto end}def $pprocs begin 8#34 [(1)(4)] def 8#36 [(1)(2)] def 8#46 [(3)(4)] def end % DIThacks fonts for some special chars 50 dict dup begin /FontType 3 def /FontName /DIThacks def /FontMatrix [.001 0.0 0.0 .001 0.0 0.0] def /FontBBox [-220 -280 900 900] def% a lie but ... /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch /.notdef put}for Encoding dup 8#040/space put %space dup 8#110/rc put %right ceil dup 8#111/lt put %left top curl dup 8#112/bv put %bold vert dup 8#113/lk put %left mid curl dup 8#114/lb put %left bot curl dup 8#115/rt put %right top curl dup 8#116/rk put %right mid curl dup 8#117/rb put %right bot curl dup 8#120/rf put %right floor dup 8#121/lf put %left floor dup 8#122/lc put %left ceil dup 8#140/sq put %square dup 8#141/bx put %box dup 8#142/ci put %circle dup 8#143/br put %box rule dup 8#144/rn put %root extender dup 8#145/vr put %vertical rule dup 8#146/ob put %outline bullet dup 8#147/bu put %bullet dup 8#150/ru put %rule dup 8#151/ul put %underline pop /DITfd 100 dict def /BuildChar{0 begin /cc exch def /fd exch def /charname fd /Encoding get cc get def /charwid fd /Metrics get charname get def /charproc fd /CharProcs get charname get def charwid 0 fd /FontBBox get aload pop setcachedevice 40 setlinewidth newpath 0 0 moveto gsave charproc grestore end}def /BuildChar load 0 DITfd put %/UniqueID 5 def /CharProcs 50 dict def CharProcs begin /space{}def /.notdef{}def /ru{500 0 rls}def /rn{0 750 moveto 500 0 rls}def /vr{20 800 moveto 0 -770 rls}def /bv{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rls}def /br{20 770 moveto 0 -1040 rls}def /ul{0 -250 moveto 500 0 rls}def /ob{200 250 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 200 0 360 arc closepath stroke}def /bu{200 250 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 200 0 360 arc closepath fill}def /sq{80 0 rmoveto currentpoint dround newpath moveto 640 0 rlineto 0 640 rlineto -640 0 rlineto closepath stroke}def /bx{80 0 rmoveto currentpoint dround newpath moveto 640 0 rlineto 0 640 rlineto -640 0 rlineto closepath fill}def /ci{355 333 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 333 0 360 arc 50 setlinewidth stroke}def /lt{20 -200 moveto 0 550 rlineto currx 800 2cx s4 add exch s4 a4p stroke}def /lb{20 800 moveto 0 -550 rlineto currx -200 2cx s4 add exch s4 a4p stroke}def /rt{20 -200 moveto 0 550 rlineto currx 800 2cx s4 sub exch s4 a4p stroke}def /rb{20 800 moveto 0 -500 rlineto currx -200 2cx s4 sub exch s4 a4p stroke}def /lk{20 800 moveto 20 300 -280 300 s4 arcto pop pop 1000 sub currentpoint stroke moveto 20 300 4 2 roll s4 a4p 20 -200 lineto stroke}def /rk{20 800 moveto 20 300 320 300 s4 arcto pop pop 1000 sub currentpoint stroke moveto 20 300 4 2 roll s4 a4p 20 -200 lineto stroke}def /lf{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rlineto s4 0 rls}def /rf{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rlineto s4 neg 0 rls}def /lc{20 -200 moveto 0 1000 rlineto s4 0 rls}def /rc{20 -200 moveto 0 1000 rlineto s4 neg 0 rls}def end /Metrics 50 dict def Metrics begin /.notdef 0 def /space 500 def /ru 500 def /br 0 def /lt 250 def /lb 250 def /rt 250 def /rb 250 def /lk 250 def /rk 250 def /rc 250 def /lc 250 def /rf 250 def /lf 250 def /bv 250 def /ob 350 def /bu 350 def /ci 750 def /bx 750 def /sq 750 def /rn 500 def /ul 500 def /vr 0 def end DITfd begin /s2 500 def /s4 250 def /s3 333 def /a4p{arcto pop pop pop pop}def /2cx{2 copy exch}def /rls{rlineto stroke}def /currx{currentpoint pop}def /dround{transform round exch round exch itransform} def end end /DIThacks exch definefont pop /xo -360 def /yo 4410 def /catfonts [ /Times-Roman findfont /Times-Italic findfont /Times-Bold findfont /Symbol findfont /Times-Roman findfont /DIThacks findfont ] def %%EndProlog %%%Page: ? 1 BP 6 F 48 Z 432 3(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 1 F 818 66(i-ca)U 892(ch)S 941(e)S 1037(d)S 1064(-ca)S 1125(ch)S 1174(e)S 1303(t)S 1319(lb)S 1466(wb)S 1528(u)S 1556(ffe)S 1612(r)S 830 120(cycles)U 1056(cycles)S 1270(cycles)S 1487(cycles)S 6 F 1632 117(i)U 432(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)S 1 F 512 180(U)U 551(lt)S 580(r)S 599(ix)S 655(u)S 683(se)S 727(r)S 847(0.)S 885(07)S 1073(0.)S 1111(08)S 1287(0.)S 1325(00)S 1504(0.)S 1542(02)S 1567 234(2)U 456 288(U)U 520 234(M)U 567(ach)S 655(u)S 683(se)S 727(r)S 847(0.)S 885(07)S 1073(0.)S 1111(08)S 1287(0.)S 1325(00)S 1504(0.)S 1542(0)S 495 288(lt)U 524(r)S 543(ix)S 599(sys)S 663(t)S 679(e)S 703(m)S 847(0.)S 885(43)S 1073(0.)S 1111(23)S 1287(0.)S 1325(00)S 1504(0.)S 1542(05)S 1567 342(7)U 6 F 432 339(i)U 1 F 464 342(M)U 511(ach)S 599(sys)S 663(t)S 679(e)S 703(m)S 847(0.)S 885(57)S 1073(0.)S 1111(29)S 1287(0.)S 1325(01)S 1504(0.)S 1542(0)S 6 F 456 339(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 432(c)S 291(c)T 243(c)T 195(c)T 147(c)T 99(c)T 51(c)T 782 339(c)U 291(c)T 243(c)T 195(c)T 147(c)T 99(c)T 51(c)T 1656 339(c)U 291(c)T 243(c)T 195(c)T 147(c)T 99(c)T 51(c)T EP %%Trailer pscatsave end restore %%%Pages: 1 %%EndDocument PE 10 SS 32788 13173 MT (A third point of comparison) 161 W( is the relative instruction)160 W 31788 14370 MT (cost of) 125 W( UNIX service in Ultrix, which is larger than that)126 W /Times-Bold SF 6754 14570 MT (Table 2-4:)SH /Times-Roman SF 11615 XM (Summary penalty cycles \050per instruction\051.)SH 31788 15567 MT (under Mach. For Ultrix, the)177 W /Times-Italic SF 44404 XM (UNIX service)177 W /Times-Roman SF 50423 XM (category in-)177 W 8.5 SS 7193 16077 MT (These figures, which are the average over) 97 W( all the workloads,)96 W 10 SS 31788 16764 MT (cludes many machine-dependent services) 168 W( such as device)169 W 8.5 SS 6610 16975 MT (characterize system) 180 W( execution \050non-idle system cycles / non-)181 W 6610 17873 MT (idle system instructions\051 vs. user execution \050user cycles /) 106 W( user)105 W 10 SS 31788 17961 MT (management that) 665 W( are counted as part of Mach's)664 W 8.5 SS 6610 18771 MT (instructions\051. As such, they do not reflect the impact of) 62 W( system)63 W 10 /Times-Italic AF 31788 19158 MT (Microkernel)SH /Times-Roman SF 36996 XM (category. On) 280 W( the other hand,) 15 W( the)16 W /Times-Italic SF 50461 XM (Microkernel)SH 8.5 /Times-Roman AF 6610 19669 MT (execution on overall performance.)SH 10 SS 31788 20355 MT (category indicates that there is a) 335 W( measurable cost for)334 W 5760 21460 MT (call and exception handling\051,)323 W /Times-Italic SF 18910 XM (UTLB)SH /Times-Roman SF 21927 XM (\050user TLB miss\051,)322 W 31788 21552 MT (providing those services through a separate set of) 140 W( kernel)141 W /Times-Italic SF 5760 22657 MT (KTLB)SH /Times-Roman SF 8735 XM (\050kernel TLB miss\051,)335 W /Times-Italic SF 17628 XM (VM-md)SH /Times-Roman SF 21212 XM (\050machine-dependent)SH 31788 22749 MT (interfaces. The)316 W /Times-Italic SF 38329 XM (UNIX service)33 W /Times-Roman SF 44060 XM (category also includes some)32 W 5760 23854 MT (virtual memory\051,)291 W /Times-Italic SF 13369 XM (VM-mi)SH /Times-Roman SF 16687 XM (\050Mach's machine) 291 W( independent)290 W 31788 23946 MT (services that are implemented in) 455 W( Mach's transparent)456 W 5760 25051 MT (virtual memory\051,)215 W /Times-Italic SF 13217 XM (Block Ops)215 W /Times-Roman SF 18035 XM (\050block memory moves and)216 W 31788 25143 MT (emulation library. For example,)112 W /Times-Italic SF 45179 XM (lisp)SH /Times-Roman SF 46986 XM (has a relatively high)112 W 5760 26248 MT (zeroes\051,)SH /Times-Italic SF 9159 XM (UNIX service)12 W /Times-Roman SF 14848 XM (\050the remaining routines) 12 W( in the Ultrix)11 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 26340 MT (UNIX service)207 W /Times-Roman SF 37867 XM (component under Ultrix,) 207 W( but almost none)208 W 5760 27445 MT (kernel and Mach UNIX server\051,)349 W /Times-Italic SF 20501 XM (Microkernel)SH /Times-Roman SF 26044 XM (\050Mach's)SH 31788 27537 MT (under Mach. This) 269 W( is because)268 W /Times-Italic SF 45313 XM (lisp)SH /Times-Roman SF 47276 XM (frequently modifies)268 W 5760 28642 MT (microkernel, including device management and) 191 W( schedul-)190 W 31788 28734 MT (UNIX signal state) 101 W( to support garbage collection, and sig-)102 W 5760 29839 MT (ing\051,)SH /Times-Italic SF 7987 XM (IPC)SH /Times-Roman SF 9964 XM (\050the Mach kernel's message) 116 W( system\051,)117 W /Times-Italic SF 25598 XM (Emulator)SH /Times-Roman SF 31788 29931 MT (nal state can be manipulated from) 189 W( within Mach's trans-)188 W 5760 31036 MT (\050Mach's transparent) 72 W( emulation library\051, and)71 W /Times-Italic SF 23834 XM (S-MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 27432 XM (\050sys-)SH 31788 31128 MT (parent emulation library.)SH 8 SS 23440 31888 MT (4)SH 10 SS 5760 32233 MT (tem memory cycles per) 36 W( system instruction\051.)37 W 24414 XM (The first ten)37 W 32788 32824 MT (Lastly, Figure 3-1 shows that the) 150 W( overhead of Mach's)151 W 5760 33430 MT (categories reflect relative overheads) 149 W( in terms of non-idle)148 W 31788 34021 MT (IPC, in) 48 W( terms of instructions executed, is responsible for a)47 W 5760 34627 MT (system instructions executed.) 64 W( The) 380 W( last category,)65 W /Times-Italic SF 25849 XM (S-MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (,)SH 31788 35218 MT (small portion of overall system) 191 W( overhead. This suggests)192 W 5760 35824 MT (reflects relative memory system overhead for system)409 W 31788 36415 MT (that microkernel optimizations focusing exclusively on)318 W 5760 37021 MT (references. Four) 364 W( of the activities \050)57 W /Times-Italic SF (Microkernel, Emulator,)57 W /Times-Roman SF 31788 37612 MT (IPC [8, 18, 20, 26, 34],) SH( without considering) 154 W( other sources)155 W /Times-Italic SF 5760 38218 MT (IPC, VM-mi)151 W /Times-Roman SF (\051 occur only in Mach.)151 W /Times-Italic SF 20842 XM (Block Ops)151 W /Times-Roman SF 25532 XM (for Mach)151 W 31788 38809 MT (of system) 224 W( overhead such as)223 W /Times-Italic SF 44096 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (, will have a limited)223 W 5760 39415 MT (includes operations from both the Mach) 216 W( kernel and the)217 W 31788 40006 MT (impact on overall system performance [7].)SH 5760 40612 MT (UNIX Server.)SH 6760 42308 MT (The number at the top of each bar is system) 52 W( cycles as a)51 W 5760 43505 MT (percentage of total cycles.) 136 W( The) 523 W( Ultrix instruction counts)137 W 12 /Times-Bold AF 31788 43690 MT (4. Seven assertions)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 5760 44702 MT (have been normalized to one for all) 373 W( workloads. The)372 W 32788 44887 MT (In this section we evaluate the strength of the) 220 W( seven)221 W 5760 45899 MT (heights of the bars reflect)84 W /Times-Italic SF 16594 XM (system)SH /Times-Roman SF (, but not)84 W /Times-Italic SF 23069 XM (total)SH /Times-Roman SF 25238 XM (execution,)SH 31788 46084 MT (assertions enumerated in) 359 W( the introduction. Our basic)358 W 5760 47096 MT (overheads. For) 426 W( workloads where system activity) 88 W( is small)87 W 31788 47281 MT (strategy is) 100 W( to address each assertion in the context of our)101 W 5760 48293 MT (relative to total) 42 W( activity \050)43 W /Times-Italic SF (doduc)SH /Times-Roman SF (, for example\051, system con-)43 W 31788 48478 MT (traces. In) 33 W( several cases we present the results of additional)32 W 5760 49490 MT (tribution to performance is minor.)SH 31788 49675 MT (simulations in which) 292 W( we vary the base architecture to)293 W 31788 50872 MT (determine the sensitivity of system performance to the)267 W 6760 51186 MT (Several characteristics of system behavior are) 289 W( worth)288 W 31788 52069 MT (assertion in question.)SH 5760 52383 MT (noting from Figure) 40 W( 3-1. First, memory penalty for system)41 W 5760 53580 MT (instructions is from one to three) 165 W( times greater for Mach)164 W 5760 54777 MT (than for Ultrix.) 28 W( The) 307 W( difference in the system)29 W /Times-Italic SF 24181 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (, while)29 W 11 /Times-Bold AF 31788 55686 MT (4.1. System and user locality)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 5760 55974 MT (often small \050Figure) 216 W( 2-1\051, can contribute substantially to)215 W 32788 56883 MT (As cache behavior is an) 19 W( indication of locality, Table 2-3)20 W 5760 57171 MT (overall system performance because) 140 W( of the large number)141 W 31788 58080 MT (supports the first assertion:)112 W /Times-Italic SF 43291 XM (the operating system has) 112 W( less)111 W /Times-Roman SF 5760 58368 MT (of system instructions executed.)SH /Times-Italic SF 31788 59277 MT (instruction and data locality than user programs.)226 W /Times-Roman SF 53849 XM (The)SH 6760 60064 MT (Second, Mach's) 118 W( virtual memory system executes more)117 W 31788 60474 MT (system can contribute up to) 168 W( 51% of non-idle instruction)167 W 5760 61261 MT (instructions than the one implemented in Ultrix, which) 18 W( has)19 W 31788 61671 MT (cache references, but in most cases \05017 of 26\051) 87 W( the system)88 W 5760 62458 MT (been flattened into a single) 377 W( machine-dependent layer.)376 W 31788 62868 MT (contribution is) 196 W( less than 10%. Given this, a dispropor-)195 W 5760 63655 MT (Mach has an) 76 W( additional machine-independent layer that is)77 W 31788 64065 MT (tionately large) 42 W( number of instruction cache misses are due)43 W 5760 64852 MT (more costly than either) 16 W( systems' machine-dependent layer.)15 W 31788 65262 MT (to the system \050greater than 70% for two-thirds of the)288 W 31788 66459 MT (workload/system pairs\051.)SH 10800 50 5760 67784 UL 32788 68155 MT (In terms of data references, the system contributes a)227 W 6 SS 6560 69123 MT (4)SH 10 SS 31788 69352 MT (larger percentage of misses than references,) 18 W( again support-)17 W 8 /Times-Italic AF 6860 69432 MT (S-MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 9784 XM (is computed as the)103 W /Times-Italic SF 16326 XM (system cycles / system instructions)103 W /Times-Roman SF (, and)104 W 5760 70356 MT (differs from)176 W /Times-Italic SF 10152 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 12483 XM (due to the system in that it) 176 W( includes only system)175 W 10 SS 31788 70549 MT (ing the assertion that the system's data locality is worse)152 W 8 SS 5760 71280 MT (instructions.)SH 10 SS 30350 75600 MT (6)SH ES %%Page: 7 7 BS 0 SI 1 SS 39600 5760 46800 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/dhisto-ezd.ps %!PS-Adobe- %%Creator: ezd - easy drawing for X11 displays. *EZD-VERSION* 19aug93jfb %%CreationDate: Thu Oct 7 13:35:19 1993 %%BoundingBox: 119 289 673 935 %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%EndComments % [Rotate] and center on 11 x 17 inch paper % 119 289 translate % INCLUDE-DELETE 90 rotate -18 -630 translate % Scale to reflect ?? dpi screen vs. 72 points/inch printer and save .9225398936170213 .9225398936170213 scale 1 setlinewidth 0 700 translate 1 -1 scale /xwindowmatrix matrix currentmatrix def /StipplePixels % Compute exact number of device pixels per stipple dot. 1 1 0 matrix currentmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt % Round to an integer, make sure the number is at least 1, and compute % user coord distance corresponding to this. dup round dup 1 lt {pop 1} if exch div mul def % width height string StippleFillandRestore -- (restores graphic state) % % Given a clip region and other graphics information already set up, this % procedure will fill the clip region in a stippled fashion. "String" % contains a proper image description of the stipple pattern and % "width" and "height" give its dimensions. Each stipple dot is assumed % to be about one unit across in the display's coordinate system. /StippleFillandRestore { % Change the scaling so that one user unit in user coordinates % corresponds to the size of one stipple dot. xwindowmatrix setmatrix StipplePixels dup scale % Compute the bounding box occupied by the path (which is now % the clipping region), and round the lower coordinates down % to the nearest starting point for the stipple pattern. pathbbox 4 2 roll 5 index div cvi 5 index mul 4 1 roll 6 index div cvi 6 index mul 3 2 roll % Stack now: width height string y1 y2 x1 x2 % Below is a doubly-nested for loop to iterate across this area % in units of the stipple pattern size, going up columns then % across rows, blasting out a stipple-pattern-sized rectangle at % each position 6 index exch { 2 index 5 index 3 index { % Stack now: width height string y1 y2 x y gsave 1 index exch translate 5 index 5 index true matrix {3 index} imagemask grestore } for pop } for pop pop pop pop pop grestore newpath } def %%EndProlog %%%Page: 0 1 %% /windowborderpath { newpath 600 700 moveto -600 0 rlineto 0 -700 rlineto 600 0 rlineto closepath } def %% windowborderpath clip gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix /windowborderpath { newpath 600 700 moveto -600 0 rlineto 0 -700 rlineto 600 0 rlineto closepath } def windowborderpath clip % Scale to reflect user distance and origin xwindowmatrix setmatrix 0 0 translate 1 1 scale /viewmatrix matrix currentmatrix def 0 setgray matrix defaultmatrix setmatrix /FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-54-iso8859-1 /Times-Roman findfont [ 10 0 0 -10 0 0 ] makefont def viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-54-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 140 35 moveto (System overhead normalized to Ultrix instruction count) show %% Brad - sneak in the key %% gsave 90 rotate 48 -66 moveto (0) show 48 -126 moveto (1) show 48 -186 moveto (2) show 48 -246 moveto (3) show 48 -306 moveto (4) show 48 -366 moveto (5) show 48 -426 moveto (6) show 500 -90 moveto (Trap) show 500 -110 moveto (UTLB) show 500 -130 moveto (KTLB) show 500 -150 moveto (VM-md) show 500 -170 moveto (VM-mi) show 500 -190 moveto (Block Ops) show 500 -210 moveto (UNIX service) show 500 -230 moveto (Microkernel) show 500 -250 moveto (IPC) show 500 -270 moveto (Emulator) show 500 -290 moveto (S-MCPI) show grestore viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 65 65 moveto 430 65 lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70 60 moveto 70 460 lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 129 60 moveto 129 460 lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 189 60 moveto 189 460 lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 249 60 moveto 249 460 lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 310 60 moveto 310 460 lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 370 60 moveto 370 460 lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 430 60 moveto 430 460 lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 90 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 90 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 110 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 110 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 150 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 150 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 170 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 170 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 190 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 190 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 210 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 210 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 230 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 230 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 250 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 250 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 270 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 270 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 290 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 290 480 moveto 10 0 rlineto 0 10 rlineto -10 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore matrix defaultmatrix setmatrix /FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 /Times-Roman findfont [ 8 0 0 -8 0 0 ] makefont def viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 45 77 moveto (sed+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 70. moveto 115.1399918 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -115.1399918 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 70. moveto 4.6431875 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.6431875 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 74.64318849999999 70. moveto 74.64318849999999 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 74.64318849999999 70. moveto .0527083 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.0527083 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 74.6958923 70. moveto 74.6958923 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 74.6958923 70. moveto 1.1921873 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.1921873 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 75.8880844 70. moveto 75.8880844 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 75.8880844 70. moveto 8.275198899999999 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -8.275198899999999 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 84.1632843 70. moveto 84.1632843 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 84.1632843 70. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 84.1632843 70. moveto 84.1632843 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 84.1632843 70. moveto 13.9438515 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -13.9438515 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 98.1071396 70. moveto 98.1071396 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 98.1071396 70. moveto 31.892868 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -31.892868 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 70. moveto 130. 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 130. 70. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 70. moveto 130. 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 70. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 70. moveto 130. 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 70. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 70. moveto 130. 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 130. 70. moveto 55.1400032 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -55.1400032 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 185.1399994 70. moveto 185.1399994 80. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 186.1399994 70. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 188 78 moveto ( 39.6) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 87 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 80. moveto 303.4979858 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -303.4979858 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 80. moveto 18.8762913 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18.8762913 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 88.8762894 80. moveto 88.8762894 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 88.8762894 80. moveto 2.6769073 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -2.6769073 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 91.5531998 80. moveto 91.5531998 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 91.5531998 80. moveto 6.6192703 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -6.6192703 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 98.1724701 80. moveto 98.1724701 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 98.1724701 80. moveto 7.5833459 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -7.5833459 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 105.7558212 80. moveto 105.7558212 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 105.7558212 80. moveto 24.9340038 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -24.9340038 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130.6898193 80. moveto 130.6898193 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130.6898193 80. moveto 24.2980556 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -24.2980556 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 154.9878845 80. moveto 154.9878845 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 154.9878845 80. moveto 17.8046799 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -17.8046799 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 172.7925568 80. moveto 172.7925568 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 172.7925568 80. moveto 26.2841091 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -26.2841091 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 199.0766602 80. moveto 199.0766602 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 199.0766602 80. moveto 11.7680664 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -11.7680664 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 210.8447113 80. moveto 210.8447113 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 210.8447113 80. moveto 3.4033597 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.4033597 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 214.2480774 80. moveto 214.2480774 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 214.2480774 80. moveto 159.2498932 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -159.2498932 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 373.4979553 80. moveto 373.4979553 90. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 374.4979553 80. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 376 88 moveto ( 63.0) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 70. moveto 115.1399918 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -115.1399918 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 80. moveto 303.4979858 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -303.4979858 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 37 107 moveto (egrep+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 100. moveto 111.5400009 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -111.5400009 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 100. moveto 5.0135183 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.0135183 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 75.0135193 100. moveto 75.0135193 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 75.0135193 100. moveto .0601853 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.0601853 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 75.07370760000001 100. moveto 75.07370760000001 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 75.07370760000001 100. moveto 1.1624676 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.1624676 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 76.2361755 100. moveto 76.2361755 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 76.2361755 100. moveto 7.830121 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -7.830121 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 84.06629940000001 100. moveto 84.06629940000001 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 84.06629940000001 100. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 84.06629940000001 100. moveto 84.06629940000001 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 84.06629940000001 100. moveto 17.3157597 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -17.3157597 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 101.3820572 100. moveto 101.3820572 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 101.3820572 100. moveto 28.6179485 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -28.6179485 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 100. moveto 130. 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 130. 100. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 100. moveto 130. 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 100. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 100. moveto 130. 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 100. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 100. moveto 130. 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 130. 100. moveto 51.5399971 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -51.5399971 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 181.5400085 100. moveto 181.5400085 110. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 182.5400085 100. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 184 108 moveto ( 6.5) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 117 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 110. moveto 268.463562 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -268.463562 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 110. moveto 19.5383492 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -19.5383492 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 89.5383453 110. moveto 89.5383453 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 89.5383453 110. moveto 2.3520684 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -2.3520684 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 91.8904114 110. moveto 91.8904114 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 91.8904114 110. moveto 6.2070398 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -6.2070398 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 98.09745030000001 110. moveto 98.09745030000001 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 98.09745030000001 110. moveto 6.6222644 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -6.6222644 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 104.7197189 110. moveto 104.7197189 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 104.7197189 110. moveto 20.3367081 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -20.3367081 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 125.056427 110. moveto 125.056427 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 125.056427 110. moveto 20.1984653 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -20.1984653 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 145.2548981 110. moveto 145.2548981 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 145.2548981 110. moveto 16.5517998 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -16.5517998 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 161.8067017 110. moveto 161.8067017 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 161.8067017 110. moveto 24.026226 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -24.026226 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 185.8329315 110. moveto 185.8329315 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 185.8329315 110. moveto 10.056016 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -10.056016 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 195.8889313 110. moveto 195.8889313 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 195.8889313 110. moveto 4.8775444 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.8775444 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 200.7664795 110. moveto 200.7664795 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 200.7664795 110. moveto 137.6970978 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -137.6970978 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 338.4635925 110. moveto 338.4635925 120. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 339.4635925 110. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 341 118 moveto ( 14.4) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 100. moveto 111.5400009 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -111.5400009 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 110. moveto 268.463562 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -268.463562 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 41 137 moveto (yacc+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 130. moveto 115.5599976 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -115.5599976 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 130. moveto 5.4784789 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.4784789 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 75.4784775 130. moveto 75.4784775 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 75.4784775 130. moveto .1170536 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.1170536 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 75.5955276 130. moveto 75.5955276 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 75.5955276 130. moveto 1.0060302 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.0060302 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 76.6015549 130. moveto 76.6015549 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 76.6015549 130. moveto 8.866330100000001 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -8.866330100000001 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 85.46788789999999 130. moveto 85.46788789999999 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 85.46788789999999 130. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 85.46788789999999 130. moveto 85.46788789999999 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 85.46788789999999 130. moveto 20.1908264 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -20.1908264 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 105.6587143 130. moveto 105.6587143 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 105.6587143 130. moveto 24.34128 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -24.34128 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 130. moveto 129.9999847 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 129.9999847 130. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 130. moveto 129.9999847 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 130. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 130. moveto 129.9999847 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 130. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 130. moveto 129.9999847 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 129.9999847 130. moveto 55.5600014 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -55.5600014 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 185.5599976 130. moveto 185.5599976 140. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 186.5599976 130. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 188 138 moveto ( 7.4) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 147 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 140. moveto 346.1656494 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -346.1656494 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 140. moveto 23.8771057 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -23.8771057 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 93.8770981 140. moveto 93.8770981 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 93.8770981 140. moveto 3.6546276 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.6546276 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 97.5317307 140. moveto 97.5317307 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 97.5317307 140. moveto 8.119841600000001 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -8.119841600000001 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 105.6515656 140. moveto 105.6515656 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 105.6515656 140. moveto 7.2139082 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -7.2139082 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 112.8654709 140. moveto 112.8654709 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 112.8654709 140. moveto 22.7455864 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -22.7455864 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 135.6110535 140. moveto 135.6110535 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 135.6110535 140. moveto 33.4995995 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -33.4995995 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 169.1106567 140. moveto 169.1106567 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 169.1106567 140. moveto 23.3021355 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -23.3021355 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 192.412796 140. moveto 192.412796 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 192.412796 140. moveto 27.4942226 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -27.4942226 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 219.9070129 140. moveto 219.9070129 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 219.9070129 140. moveto 11.7011824 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -11.7011824 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 231.6081848 140. moveto 231.6081848 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 231.6081848 140. moveto 3.3111019 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.3111019 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 234.9192963 140. moveto 234.9192963 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 234.9192963 140. moveto 181.2463226 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -181.2463226 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 416.1655884 140. moveto 416.1655884 150. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 417.1655884 140. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 419 148 moveto ( 20.0) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 130. moveto 115.5599976 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -115.5599976 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 140. moveto 346.1656494 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -346.1656494 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 44 167 moveto (gcc+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 160. moveto 126.4800034 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -126.4800034 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 160. moveto 3.6470776 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.6470776 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 73.64707180000001 160. moveto 73.64707180000001 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 73.64707180000001 160. moveto 2.8763704 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -2.8763704 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 76.5234451 160. moveto 76.5234451 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 76.5234451 160. moveto .8104464 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.8104464 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 77.3338928 160. moveto 77.3338928 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 77.3338928 160. moveto 13.2064819 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -13.2064819 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 90.5403748 160. moveto 90.5403748 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 90.5403748 160. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 90.5403748 160. moveto 90.5403748 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 90.5403748 160. moveto 11.3776226 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -11.3776226 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 101.9179993 160. moveto 101.9179993 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 101.9179993 160. moveto 28.0820007 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -28.0820007 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 160. moveto 130. 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 130. 160. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 160. moveto 130. 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 160. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 160. moveto 130. 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 160. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 160. moveto 130. 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 130. 160. moveto 66.4800034 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -66.4800034 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 196.480011 160. moveto 196.480011 170. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 197.480011 160. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 199 168 moveto ( 30.5) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 177 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 170. moveto 341.640686 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -341.640686 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 170. moveto 18.0871735 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18.0871735 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 88.08717350000001 170. moveto 88.08717350000001 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 88.08717350000001 170. moveto 4.7659864 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.7659864 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 92.853157 170. moveto 92.853157 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 92.853157 170. moveto 6.2394714 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -6.2394714 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 99.09262080000001 170. moveto 99.09262080000001 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 99.09262080000001 170. moveto 5.5392556 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.5392556 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 104.6318817 170. moveto 104.6318817 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 104.6318817 170. moveto 21.669384 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -21.669384 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 126.3012619 170. moveto 126.3012619 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 126.3012619 170. moveto 22.0162163 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -22.0162163 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 148.3174744 170. moveto 148.3174744 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 148.3174744 170. moveto 15.5512104 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -15.5512104 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 163.8686829 170. moveto 163.8686829 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 163.8686829 170. moveto 31.6986427 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -31.6986427 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 195.5673218 170. moveto 195.5673218 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 195.5673218 170. moveto 14.1241245 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -14.1241245 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 209.691452 170. moveto 209.691452 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 209.691452 170. moveto 1.1332356 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.1332356 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 210.8246918 170. moveto 210.8246918 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 210.8246918 170. moveto 200.8160095 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -200.8160095 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 411.6407166 170. moveto 411.6407166 180. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 412.6407166 170. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 414 178 moveto ( 57.1) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 160. moveto 126.4800034 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -126.4800034 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 170. moveto 341.640686 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -341.640686 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 25 197 moveto (compress+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 190. moveto 101.8800049 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -101.8800049 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 190. moveto 3.0849712 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.0849712 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 73.0849686 190. moveto 73.0849686 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 73.0849686 190. moveto 13.8704615 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -13.8704615 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 86.9554291 190. moveto 86.9554291 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 86.9554291 190. moveto .8297706 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.8297706 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 87.78519439999999 190. moveto 87.78519439999999 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 87.78519439999999 190. moveto 6.2667589 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -6.2667589 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 94.05195620000001 190. moveto 94.05195620000001 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 94.05195620000001 190. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 94.05195620000001 190. moveto 94.05195620000001 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 94.05195620000001 190. moveto 16.382864 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -16.382864 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 110.4348145 190. moveto 110.4348145 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 110.4348145 190. moveto 19.5651741 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -19.5651741 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 190. moveto 129.9999847 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 129.9999847 190. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 190. moveto 129.9999847 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 190. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 190. moveto 129.9999847 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 190. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 190. moveto 129.9999847 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 129.9999847 190. moveto 41.8800011 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -41.8800011 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 171.8799896 190. moveto 171.8799896 200. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 172.8799896 190. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 174 198 moveto ( 25.9) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 207 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 200. moveto 228.974411 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -228.974411 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 200. moveto 13.8631191 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -13.8631191 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 83.86312100000001 200. moveto 83.86312100000001 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 83.86312100000001 200. moveto 15.4816608 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -15.4816608 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 99.34478 200. moveto 99.34478 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 99.34478 200. moveto 5.0812364 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.0812364 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 104.4260178 200. moveto 104.4260178 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 104.4260178 200. moveto 4.6187348 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.6187348 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 109.0447464 200. moveto 109.0447464 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 109.0447464 200. moveto 20.6969299 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -20.6969299 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.741684 200. moveto 129.741684 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.741684 200. moveto 20.7892551 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -20.7892551 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 150.5309296 200. moveto 150.5309296 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 150.5309296 200. moveto 11.1957731 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -11.1957731 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 161.7266998 200. moveto 161.7266998 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 161.7266998 200. moveto 14.9754562 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -14.9754562 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 176.7021484 200. moveto 176.7021484 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 176.7021484 200. moveto 5.934731 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.934731 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 182.6368866 200. moveto 182.6368866 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 182.6368866 200. moveto 3.9488463 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.9488463 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 186.5857239 200. moveto 186.5857239 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 186.5857239 200. moveto 112.3886566 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -112.3886566 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 298.9743652 200. moveto 298.9743652 210. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 299.9743652 200. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 301 208 moveto ( 43.5) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 190. moveto 101.8800049 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -101.8800049 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 200. moveto 228.974411 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -228.974411 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 49 227 moveto (ab+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 220. moveto 109.1999969 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -109.1999969 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 220. moveto 3.5328438 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.5328438 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 73.53283690000001 220. moveto 73.53283690000001 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 73.53283690000001 220. moveto 2.222662 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -2.222662 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 75.75550079999999 220. moveto 75.75550079999999 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 75.75550079999999 220. moveto 1.2751341 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.2751341 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 77.0306396 220. moveto 77.0306396 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 77.0306396 220. moveto 12.5715265 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -12.5715265 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 89.6021652 220. moveto 89.6021652 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 89.6021652 220. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 89.6021652 220. moveto 89.6021652 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 89.6021652 220. moveto 15.2156172 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -15.2156172 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 104.8177795 220. moveto 104.8177795 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 104.8177795 220. moveto 25.1822205 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -25.1822205 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 220. moveto 130. 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 130. 220. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 220. moveto 130. 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 220. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 220. moveto 130. 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 220. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 220. moveto 130. 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 130. 220. moveto 49.2000008 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -49.2000008 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 179.1999969 220. moveto 179.1999969 230. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 180.1999969 220. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 182 228 moveto ( 41.4) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 237 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 230. moveto 245.1856384 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -245.1856384 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 230. moveto 21.6330223 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -21.6330223 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 91.63301850000001 230. moveto 91.63301850000001 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 91.63301850000001 230. moveto 5.1012378 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.1012378 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 96.7342606 230. moveto 96.7342606 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 96.7342606 230. moveto 8.274742099999999 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -8.274742099999999 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 105.0090027 230. moveto 105.0090027 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 105.0090027 230. moveto 6.2270527 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -6.2270527 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 111.2360535 230. moveto 111.2360535 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 111.2360535 230. moveto 21.6321144 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -21.6321144 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 132.8681641 230. moveto 132.8681641 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 132.8681641 230. moveto 16.5384026 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -16.5384026 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 149.4065704 230. moveto 149.4065704 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 149.4065704 230. moveto 17.8284626 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -17.8284626 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 167.2350311 230. moveto 167.2350311 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 167.2350311 230. moveto 24.747982 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -24.747982 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 191.9830017 230. moveto 191.9830017 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 191.9830017 230. moveto 10.0946054 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -10.0946054 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 202.0776062 230. moveto 202.0776062 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 202.0776062 230. moveto 3.309258 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.309258 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 205.3868713 230. moveto 205.3868713 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 205.3868713 230. moveto 109.7987595 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -109.7987595 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 315.1856079 230. moveto 315.1856079 240. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 316.1856079 230. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 318 238 moveto ( 62.7) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 220. moveto 109.1999969 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -109.1999969 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 230. moveto 245.1856384 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -245.1856384 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 28 257 moveto (espresso+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 250. moveto 124.2000122 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -124.2000122 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 250. moveto 6.2852955 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -6.2852955 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 76.2852936 250. moveto 76.2852936 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 76.2852936 250. moveto .2125078 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.2125078 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 76.49780269999999 250. moveto 76.49780269999999 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 76.49780269999999 250. moveto .6976548 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.6976548 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 77.1954575 250. moveto 77.1954575 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 77.1954575 250. moveto 8.2805462 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -8.2805462 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 85.4759979 250. moveto 85.4759979 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 85.4759979 250. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 85.4759979 250. moveto 85.4759979 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 85.4759979 250. moveto 9.554141 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -9.554141 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 95.0301437 250. moveto 95.0301437 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 95.0301437 250. moveto 34.9698563 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -34.9698563 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 250. moveto 129.9999847 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 129.9999847 250. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 250. moveto 129.9999847 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 250. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 250. moveto 129.9999847 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 250. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 250. moveto 129.9999847 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 129.9999847 250. moveto 64.2000046 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -64.2000046 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 194.1999969 250. moveto 194.1999969 260. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 195.1999969 250. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 197 258 moveto ( 3.4) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 267 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 260. moveto 301.5686951 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -301.5686951 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 260. moveto 21.3855572 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -21.3855572 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 91.38555150000001 260. moveto 91.38555150000001 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 91.38555150000001 260. moveto 2.4068663 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -2.4068663 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 93.7924118 260. moveto 93.7924118 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 93.7924118 260. moveto 5.8169436 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.8169436 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 99.6093597 260. moveto 99.6093597 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 99.6093597 260. moveto 5.0925927 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.0925927 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 104.7019501 260. moveto 104.7019501 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 104.7019501 260. moveto 19.9123859 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -19.9123859 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 124.6143417 260. moveto 124.6143417 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 124.6143417 260. moveto 18.8938313 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18.8938313 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 143.5081635 260. moveto 143.5081635 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 143.5081635 260. moveto 16.1365185 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -16.1365185 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 159.6446838 260. moveto 159.6446838 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 159.6446838 260. moveto 28.37076 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -28.37076 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 188.0154419 260. moveto 188.0154419 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 188.0154419 260. moveto 11.7480593 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -11.7480593 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 199.763504 260. moveto 199.763504 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 199.763504 260. moveto 1.4103425 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.4103425 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 201.1738434 260. moveto 201.1738434 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 201.1738434 260. moveto 170.3948364 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -170.3948364 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 371.5686646 260. moveto 371.5686646 270. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 372.5686646 260. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 374 268 moveto ( 7.9) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 250. moveto 124.2000122 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -124.2000122 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 260. moveto 301.5686951 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -301.5686951 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 44 287 moveto (lisp+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 280. moveto 70.1999969 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -70.1999969 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 280. moveto 13.1836872 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -13.1836872 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 83.18368529999999 280. moveto 83.18368529999999 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 83.18368529999999 280. moveto .0017931 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.0017931 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 83.18547820000001 280. moveto 83.18547820000001 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 83.18547820000001 280. moveto .0354217 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.0354217 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 83.2209015 280. moveto 83.2209015 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 83.2209015 280. moveto 3.8011265 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.8011265 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 87.02202610000001 280. moveto 87.02202610000001 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 87.02202610000001 280. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 87.02202610000001 280. moveto 87.02202610000001 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 87.02202610000001 280. moveto .2894925 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.2894925 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 87.3115158 280. moveto 87.3115158 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 87.3115158 280. moveto 42.6884766 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -42.6884766 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 280. moveto 129.9999847 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 129.9999847 280. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 280. moveto 129.9999847 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 280. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 280. moveto 129.9999847 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 280. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 280. moveto 129.9999847 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 129.9999847 280. moveto 10.1999998 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -10.1999998 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 140.1999969 280. moveto 140.1999969 290. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 141.1999969 280. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 143 288 moveto ( 3.7) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 297 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 290. moveto 77.4340591 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -77.4340591 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 290. moveto 9.352261499999999 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -9.352261499999999 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 79.35225680000001 290. moveto 79.35225680000001 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 79.35225680000001 290. moveto .3659187 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.3659187 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 79.71817780000001 290. moveto 79.71817780000001 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 79.71817780000001 290. moveto .8282055 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.8282055 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 80.5463867 290. moveto 80.5463867 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 80.5463867 290. moveto .3641084 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.3641084 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 80.9104919 290. moveto 80.9104919 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 80.9104919 290. moveto .4879303 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.4879303 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 81.3984299 290. moveto 81.3984299 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 81.3984299 290. moveto .3795812 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.3795812 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 81.7780075 290. moveto 81.7780075 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 81.7780075 290. moveto 1.5970284 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.5970284 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 83.3750381 290. moveto 83.3750381 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 83.3750381 290. moveto 3.8695116 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.8695116 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 87.24455260000001 290. moveto 87.24455260000001 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 87.24455260000001 290. moveto .5183511 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.5183511 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 87.7629013 290. moveto 87.7629013 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 87.7629013 290. moveto 23.5573044 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -23.5573044 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 111.3202057 290. moveto 111.3202057 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 111.3202057 290. moveto 36.1138573 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -36.1138573 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 147.4340668 290. moveto 147.4340668 300. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 148.4340668 290. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 150 298 moveto ( 4.1) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 280. moveto 70.1999969 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -70.1999969 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 290. moveto 77.4340591 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -77.4340591 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 31 317 moveto (eqntott+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 310. moveto 91.08000180000001 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -91.08000180000001 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 310. moveto 6.283011 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -6.283011 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 76.2830124 310. moveto 76.2830124 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 76.2830124 310. moveto 22.2874279 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -22.2874279 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 98.5704346 310. moveto 98.5704346 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 98.5704346 310. moveto .2780369 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.2780369 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 98.84847259999999 310. moveto 98.84847259999999 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 98.84847259999999 310. moveto 3.3787088 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.3787088 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 102.2271805 310. moveto 102.2271805 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 102.2271805 310. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 102.2271805 310. moveto 102.2271805 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 102.2271805 310. moveto 4.6122746 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.6122746 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 106.8394623 310. moveto 106.8394623 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 106.8394623 310. moveto 23.1605396 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -23.1605396 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 310. moveto 130. 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 130. 310. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 310. moveto 130. 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 310. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 310. moveto 130. 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 310. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 310. moveto 130. 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 130. 310. moveto 31.0799999 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -31.0799999 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 161.0800018 310. moveto 161.0800018 320. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 162.0800018 310. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 164 318 moveto ( 1.6) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 327 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 320. moveto 118.3895187 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -118.3895187 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 320. moveto 16.1798401 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -16.1798401 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 86.1798325 320. moveto 86.1798325 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 86.1798325 320. moveto 23.075758 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -23.075758 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 109.2555923 320. moveto 109.2555923 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 109.2555923 320. moveto 2.6836202 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -2.6836202 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 111.939209 320. moveto 111.939209 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 111.939209 320. moveto 1.7371544 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.7371544 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 113.6763687 320. moveto 113.6763687 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 113.6763687 320. moveto 6.2695904 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -6.2695904 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 119.9459534 320. moveto 119.9459534 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 119.9459534 320. moveto 5.6058016 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.6058016 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 125.5517578 320. moveto 125.5517578 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 125.5517578 320. moveto 4.6756086 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.6756086 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130.2273712 320. moveto 130.2273712 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 130.2273712 320. moveto 10.7660894 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -10.7660894 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 140.993454 320. moveto 140.993454 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 140.993454 320. moveto 1.4953265 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.4953265 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 142.4887848 320. moveto 142.4887848 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 142.4887848 320. moveto .1428147 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.1428147 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 142.6315918 320. moveto 142.6315918 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 142.6315918 320. moveto 45.7579117 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -45.7579117 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 188.3895111 320. moveto 188.3895111 330. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 189.3895111 320. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 191 328 moveto ( 2.0) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 310. moveto 91.08000180000001 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -91.08000180000001 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 320. moveto 118.3895187 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -118.3895187 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 37 347 moveto (fpppp+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 340. moveto 102.4799957 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -102.4799957 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 340. moveto 13.1477861 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -13.1477861 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 83.147789 340. moveto 83.147789 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 83.147789 340. moveto .1271949 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.1271949 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 83.2749786 340. moveto 83.2749786 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 83.2749786 340. moveto .06682109999999999 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.06682109999999999 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 83.34179690000001 340. moveto 83.34179690000001 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 83.34179690000001 340. moveto .8223722 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.8223722 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 84.1641693 340. moveto 84.1641693 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 84.1641693 340. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 84.1641693 340. moveto 84.1641693 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 84.1641693 340. moveto .7917061 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.7917061 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 84.9558792 340. moveto 84.9558792 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 84.9558792 340. moveto 45.0441246 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -45.0441246 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 340. moveto 130. 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 130. 340. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 340. moveto 130. 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 340. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 340. moveto 130. 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 340. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 130. 340. moveto 130. 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 130. 340. moveto 42.4799995 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -42.4799995 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 172.4799957 340. moveto 172.4799957 350. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 173.4799957 340. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 175 348 moveto ( 10.9) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 357 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 350. moveto 90.24702449999999 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -90.24702449999999 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 350. moveto 14.4824619 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -14.4824619 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 84.48246 350. moveto 84.48246 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 84.48246 350. moveto .567485 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.567485 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 85.049942 350. moveto 85.049942 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 85.049942 350. moveto .6191225 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.6191225 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 85.6690674 350. moveto 85.6690674 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 85.6690674 350. moveto .5298907 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.5298907 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 86.19895940000001 350. moveto 86.19895940000001 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 86.19895940000001 350. moveto 1.605739 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.605739 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 87.8047028 350. moveto 87.8047028 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 87.8047028 350. moveto 1.5646429 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.5646429 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 89.3693466 350. moveto 89.3693466 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 89.3693466 350. moveto 1.9478906 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.9478906 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 91.31723789999999 350. moveto 91.31723789999999 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 91.31723789999999 350. moveto 30.817337 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -30.817337 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 122.1345825 350. moveto 122.1345825 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 122.1345825 350. moveto 1.1971492 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.1971492 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 123.3317337 350. moveto 123.3317337 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 123.3317337 350. moveto .0373092 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.0373092 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 123.3690414 350. moveto 123.3690414 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 123.3690414 350. moveto 36.8779984 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -36.8779984 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 160.2470398 350. moveto 160.2470398 360. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 161.2470398 350. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 163 358 moveto ( 9.9) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 340. moveto 102.4799957 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -102.4799957 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 350. moveto 90.24702449999999 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -90.24702449999999 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 36 377 moveto (doduc+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 370. moveto 158.1000061 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -158.1000061 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 370. moveto 8.905551000000001 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -8.905551000000001 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 78.9055481 370. moveto 78.9055481 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 78.9055481 370. moveto 2.477612 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -2.477612 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 81.3831558 370. moveto 81.3831558 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 81.3831558 370. moveto .4052448 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.4052448 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 81.7883987 370. moveto 81.7883987 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 81.7883987 370. moveto 5.115581 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.115581 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 86.9039764 370. moveto 86.9039764 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 86.9039764 370. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 86.9039764 370. moveto 86.9039764 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 86.9039764 370. moveto 5.5634189 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.5634189 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 92.46739959999999 370. moveto 92.46739959999999 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 92.46739959999999 370. moveto 37.5325928 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -37.5325928 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 370. moveto 129.9999847 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 129.9999847 370. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 370. moveto 129.9999847 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 370. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 370. moveto 129.9999847 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 370. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 370. moveto 129.9999847 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 129.9999847 370. moveto 98.0999985 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -98.0999985 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 228.0999908 370. moveto 228.0999908 380. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 229.0999908 370. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 231 378 moveto ( 2.2) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 387 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 380. moveto 297.1706238 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -297.1706238 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 380. moveto 29.6573029 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -29.6573029 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 99.65729519999999 380. moveto 99.65729519999999 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 99.65729519999999 380. moveto 7.1841035 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -7.1841035 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 106.8414001 380. moveto 106.8414001 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 106.8414001 380. moveto 7.2575397 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -7.2575397 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 114.098938 380. moveto 114.098938 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 114.098938 380. moveto 4.3093786 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.3093786 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 118.4083176 380. moveto 118.4083176 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 118.4083176 380. moveto 10.5367565 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -10.5367565 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 128.9450684 380. moveto 128.9450684 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 128.9450684 380. moveto 10.4592457 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -10.4592457 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 139.4043121 380. moveto 139.4043121 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 139.4043121 380. moveto 17.5625801 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -17.5625801 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 156.9668884 380. moveto 156.9668884 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 156.9668884 380. moveto 30.4796391 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -30.4796391 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 187.4465332 380. moveto 187.4465332 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 187.4465332 380. moveto 11.4470444 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -11.4470444 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 198.8935699 380. moveto 198.8935699 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 198.8935699 380. moveto 2.7143185 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -2.7143185 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 201.6078949 380. moveto 201.6078949 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 201.6078949 380. moveto 165.5627441 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -165.5627441 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 367.1706543 380. moveto 367.1706543 390. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 368.1706543 380. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 370 388 moveto ( 4.2) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 370. moveto 158.1000061 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -158.1000061 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 380. moveto 297.1706238 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -297.1706238 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 47 407 moveto (liv+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 400. moveto 114.0599976 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -114.0599976 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 400. moveto 4.5997086 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.5997086 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 74.5997086 400. moveto 74.5997086 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 74.5997086 400. moveto .0410802 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.0410802 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 74.6407852 400. moveto 74.6407852 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 74.6407852 400. moveto .8883259999999999 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.8883259999999999 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 75.5291138 400. moveto 75.5291138 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 75.5291138 400. moveto 5.7941222 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.7941222 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 81.32323460000001 400. moveto 81.32323460000001 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 81.32323460000001 400. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 81.32323460000001 400. moveto 81.32323460000001 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 81.32323460000001 400. moveto 12.5998793 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -12.5998793 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 93.92311100000001 400. moveto 93.92311100000001 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 93.92311100000001 400. moveto 36.0768852 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -36.0768852 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 400. moveto 129.9999847 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 129.9999847 400. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 400. moveto 129.9999847 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 400. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 400. moveto 129.9999847 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 400. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 400. moveto 129.9999847 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 129.9999847 400. moveto 54.0600052 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -54.0600052 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 184.0599976 400. moveto 184.0599976 410. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 185.0599976 400. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 187 408 moveto ( 6.6) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 417 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 410. moveto 219.2509003 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -219.2509003 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 410. moveto 13.8097982 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -13.8097982 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 83.8097992 410. moveto 83.8097992 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 83.8097992 410. moveto 1.6468332 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.6468332 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 85.45663450000001 410. moveto 85.45663450000001 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 85.45663450000001 410. moveto 3.756356 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.756356 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 89.2129898 410. moveto 89.2129898 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 89.2129898 410. moveto 5.4047332 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.4047332 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 94.6177216 410. moveto 94.6177216 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 94.6177216 410. moveto 17.102726 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -17.102726 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 111.7204437 410. moveto 111.7204437 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 111.7204437 410. moveto 14.0415115 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -14.0415115 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 125.7619553 410. moveto 125.7619553 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 125.7619553 410. moveto 15.0258942 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -15.0258942 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 140.7878418 410. moveto 140.7878418 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 140.7878418 410. moveto 21.4786415 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -21.4786415 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 162.2664948 410. moveto 162.2664948 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 162.2664948 410. moveto 9.617199899999999 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -9.617199899999999 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 171.8836975 410. moveto 171.8836975 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 171.8836975 410. moveto .3788508 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.3788508 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 172.2625427 410. moveto 172.2625427 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 172.2625427 410. moveto 116.9883575 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -116.9883575 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 289.2509155 410. moveto 289.2509155 420. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 290.2509155 410. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 292 418 moveto ( 11.9) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 400. moveto 114.0599976 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -114.0599976 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 410. moveto 219.2509003 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -219.2509003 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 29 437 moveto (tomcatv+U) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 430. moveto 97.86000060000001 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -97.86000060000001 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 430. moveto 8.8637877 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -8.8637877 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 78.8637848 430. moveto 78.8637848 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 78.8637848 430. moveto 8.958910899999999 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -8.958910899999999 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 87.82269290000001 430. moveto 87.82269290000001 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 87.82269290000001 430. moveto .2662377 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.2662377 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 88.0889282 430. moveto 88.0889282 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 88.0889282 430. moveto 5.3035984 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -5.3035984 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 93.3925323 430. moveto 93.3925323 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 93.3925323 430. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 93.3925323 430. moveto 93.3925323 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 93.3925323 430. moveto 4.5564327 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.5564327 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 97.94895940000001 430. moveto 97.94895940000001 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 97.94895940000001 430. moveto 32.051033 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -32.051033 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 430. moveto 129.9999847 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 129.9999847 430. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 430. moveto 129.9999847 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 430. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 430. moveto 129.9999847 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 430. moveto 0. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto 0. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.9999847 430. moveto 129.9999847 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 129.9999847 430. moveto 37.8600006 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -37.8600006 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 167.8599854 430. moveto 167.8599854 440. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 168.8599854 430. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 170 438 moveto ( 0.9) show viewmatrix setmatrix FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 54 447 moveto (+M) show viewmatrix setmatrix 1 setgray newpath 70. 440. moveto 107.4783249 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -107.4783249 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore newpath 70. 440. moveto 18.0043049 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18.0043049 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 88.00430299999999 440. moveto 88.00430299999999 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 88.00430299999999 440. moveto 9.8054276 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -9.8054276 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 97.8097305 440. moveto 97.8097305 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 97.8097305 440. moveto 2.7590179 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -2.7590179 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA1111AAAA5555AAAA> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 100.5687485 440. moveto 100.5687485 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .1490196078431373 setgray newpath 100.5687485 440. moveto 1.8647392 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.8647392 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 102.4334869 440. moveto 102.4334869 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .8509803921568627 setgray newpath 102.4334869 440. moveto 3.7955239 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -3.7955239 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 106.2290115 440. moveto 106.2290115 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 106.2290115 440. moveto 4.4012842 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.4012842 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <8888444422221111888844442222111188884444222211118888444422221111> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 110.6302948 440. moveto 110.6302948 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 110.6302948 440. moveto 4.6344929 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -4.6344929 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE7777BBBBDDDDEEEE> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 115.2647858 440. moveto 115.2647858 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .4980392156862745 setgray newpath 115.2647858 440. moveto 12.7670145 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -12.7670145 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 128.0317993 440. moveto 128.0317993 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 128.0317993 440. moveto 1.3446207 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -1.3446207 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 <1111222244448888111122224444888811112222444488881111222244448888> StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.3764343 440. moveto 129.3764343 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 0 setgray newpath 129.3764343 440. moveto .0366974 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -.0366974 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 129.4131165 440. moveto 129.4131165 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore .9294117647058824 setgray newpath 129.4131165 440. moveto 48.0652161 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -48.0652161 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray newpath 177.4783325 440. moveto 177.4783325 450. lineto gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore 1 setgray newpath 178.4783325 440. moveto 18. 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -18. 0 rlineto closepath gsave eoclip 16 16 StippleFillandRestore 0 setgray FONT--adobe-times-medium-r-normal--8-80-75-75-p-44-iso8859-1 setfont xwindowmatrix setmatrix newpath 180 448 moveto ( 1.0) show viewmatrix setmatrix newpath 70. 430. moveto 97.86000060000001 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -97.86000060000001 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore newpath 70. 440. moveto 107.4783249 0 rlineto 0 10. rlineto -107.4783249 0 rlineto closepath gsave xwindowmatrix setmatrix stroke grestore grestore showpage % INCLUDE-DELETE %%Trailer %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman %%EndDocument PE 10 /Times-Bold AF 14025 48410 MT (Figure 3-1:)SH /Times-Roman SF 19274 XM (Relative system overheads for programs running on Ultrix and Mach.)SH 8.5 SS 7193 49917 MT (This figure shows the relative system instruction and system memory overheads) 85 W( for programs running on Ultrix \050+U\051 and Mach \050+M\051.)84 W 6610 50815 MT (Ultrix instruction counts are normalized to) 84 W( one. The top component of each bar reflects the system)85 W /Times-Italic SF 41946 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (, which is an aggregate of the)85 W /Times-Italic SF 6610 51713 MT (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 8933 XM (for the instruction components. The number at the top of each bar is) 33 W( the percentage of total \050instruction and memory\051 cycles that are)32 W 6610 52611 MT (due to the system. For programs where the system is responsible) 87 W( for a small percentage of total cycles, system overheads are relatively)88 W 6610 53509 MT (unimportant.)SH 10 SS 5760 55300 MT (than the user's. Even) 618 W( so, in only five of the)617 W 31788 XM (cache behavior) 218 W( between Ultrix and Mach is small. As)217 W 5760 56497 MT (workload/system combinations does the system) 51 W( contribute)52 W 31788 XM (Mach incurs a larger number of cache misses) 75 W( than Ultrix,)76 W 5760 57694 MT (more than 90% of data misses, and only twelve if) 237 W( the)236 W 31788 XM (and as nearly every additional cache miss is due) 190 W( to the)189 W 5760 58891 MT (threshold is lowered to) 68 W( 50%. Although the system's con-)69 W 31788 XM (system, the percentage of misses due to the) 266 W( system is)267 W 5760 60088 MT (tribution of instruction) 403 W( and data references are com-)402 W 31788 XM (larger.)SH 5760 61285 MT (parable, the percentage of misses is not.) 355 W( Instruction)962 W 5760 62482 MT (references miss more often than) 141 W( data references for both)140 W 5760 63679 MT (Mach and Ultrix. From this, we conclude that instruction)105 W 11 /Times-Bold AF 31788 63705 MT (4.2. System instruction locality)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 5760 64876 MT (locality is worse than data locality during system) 140 W( execu-)139 W 32788 64902 MT (Percentages are useful) 157 W( for comparing system and user)156 W 5760 66073 MT (tion.)SH 31788 66099 MT (behavior, but they) 108 W( cloud overall performance effects. For)109 W 31788 67296 MT (example, although 97%) 240 W( of instruction cache misses for)239 W 6760 67769 MT (The percentage of instruction and data) 16 W( misses due to the)17 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 68493 MT (eqntott)SH /Times-Roman SF 34914 XM (under Mach are due to the system, the system in-)98 W 5760 68966 MT (system is generally larger under Mach than Ultrix. Figure)74 W 5760 70163 MT (2-1 and Table 2-4 together show that the difference) 12 W( in user)13 W 30350 75600 MT (7)SH ES %%Page: 8 8 BS 0 SI 8 /Times-Roman AF 22036 7749 MT (5)SH 11 /Times-Bold AF 31788 7937 MT (4.3. Competition between the user and system)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 5760 8094 MT (struction cache miss rate is insignificant.)SH 32788 9134 MT (The increased) 49 W( cache activity in Mach suggests that user)50 W 6760 9790 MT (A better) 49 W( indicator of the performance impact of locality)50 W 31788 10331 MT (code running on Mach may run more slowly than) 288 W( on)287 W 5760 10987 MT (is the cache's contribution to)21 W /Times-Italic SF 17668 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (. In Table 4-1 we com-)20 W 31788 11528 MT (Ultrix due to increased cache competition.) 185 W( To) 621 W( evaluate)186 W 5760 12184 MT (bine our baseline data from Table 2-3 with cache miss)214 W 31788 12725 MT (this, we ran the workloads against a simulated) 199 W( memory)198 W 5760 13381 MT (penalties for) 210 W( the simulated memory system to yield the)209 W 31788 13922 MT (system that had independent 64 KB system and) 341 W( user)342 W /Times-Italic SF 5760 14578 MT (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 8625 XM (contributions from the cache. The) 171 W( component of)172 W 31788 15119 MT (caches. Again, by "system" for Mach, we mean the Mach)71 W /Times-Italic SF 5760 15775 MT (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 9123 XM (due to) 669 W( system instruction cache references)668 W 31788 16316 MT (kernel, the UNIX server, and the emulator.)SH 5760 16972 MT (dominates that due) 81 W( to the user in 20 of 26 cases. In con-)82 W 5760 18169 MT (trast, the system data cache component dominates in) 74 W( only)73 W 5760 19366 MT (thirteen cases. Furthermore, the) 195 W( majority of system \050as)196 W 5760 20563 MT (opposed to user\051) 48 W( cache penalties is due to poor instruction)47 W 5760 21760 MT (cache behavior; only five runs) 112 W( show greater penalties for)113 W 5760 22957 MT (data than instructions, and in these) 63 W( runs the system's con-)62 W 5760 24154 MT (tribution to)191 W /Times-Italic SF 10866 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 13752 XM (is small. This behavior supports the)192 W 5760 25351 MT (second assertion:)133 W /Times-Italic SF 13136 XM (system execution is more dependent on)132 W 5760 26548 MT (instruction cache behavior) 607 W( than is user execution.)608 W /Times-Roman SF 5760 27745 MT (However, many of the programs in our workload) 234 W( have)233 W 5760 28942 MT (small working sets that fit entirely in the instruction) 13 W( cache.)14 W 5760 30139 MT (Larger programs such as)276 W /Times-Italic SF 16972 XM (gcc)SH /Times-Roman SF (, which do not fit in) 276 W( the)275 W 5760 31336 MT (cache, can have instruction cache penalties that rival that)109 W 5760 32533 MT (of the system.)SH 1 SS 23760 31788 41181 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/IHisto.ps %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%BoundingBox: -8 -24 236 261 %%%Pages: 1 %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique Times-Roman Times-Italics Times-Bold Times-BoldItalics %%EndComments -79.200000 -64.800000 translate 50 dict begin /symbolFont 10 dict def symbolFont begin /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [.001 0 0 .001 0 0] def /FontBBox [-500 -500 500 500] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for Encoding 1 /Cross put Encoding 2 /Triangle put Encoding 3 /Trianglefilled put Encoding 4 /Diamond put Encoding 5 /Diamondfilled put Encoding 6 /Square put Encoding 7 /Squarefilled put Encoding 8 /Rectan put Encoding 9 /Rectanfilled put Encoding 10 /Circle put Encoding 11 /Circlefilled put Encoding 12 /Bullet put Encoding 13 /Star put Encoding 14 /Plus put /graphclip {newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip } def /Procs 15 dict def Procs begin /.notdef {} def /Cross { newpath -500 -500 moveto 500 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 500 moveto 500 -500 lineto stroke } def /Triangle { newpath -500 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Trianglefilled { newpath -500 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Diamond { newpath -500 0 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 0 lineto 0 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Diamondfilled { newpath -500 0 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 0 lineto 0 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Square { newpath -500 -500 moveto -500 500 lineto 500 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Squarefilled { newpath -500 -500 moveto -500 500 lineto 500 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Rectan { newpath -200 -500 moveto -200 500 lineto 200 500 lineto 200 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Rectanfilled { newpath -200 -500 moveto -200 500 lineto 200 500 lineto 200 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Circle { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc stroke } def /Circlefilled { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath fill } def /Bullet { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath fill } def /Plus { newpath 0 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 0 moveto 500 0 lineto stroke } def /Star { newpath 0 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 0 moveto 500 0 lineto stroke newpath -500 -500 moveto 500 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 500 moveto 500 -500 lineto stroke } def end /BuildChar { 1000 0 -500 -500 500 500 setcachedevice exch begin Encoding exch get Procs exch get end exec } def end /Symbols symbolFont definefont pop % size SetSym -> set font to be symbols scaled by 'size' /SetSym { /Symbols findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % size fontname SetTxt -> set font 'fontname' scaled by 'size' /SetTxt { findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % dashtype thicknes SL /SL { setlinewidth 0 setdash } def /cross {2 copy le {exch pop} {pop} ifelse} def %9 added to distinguish from other clashing scribe definitions % from to L9 -> print line between points 'from' and 'to' /L9 { newpath moveto lineto stroke } def /S9 { newpath moveto } def /M9 { lineto } def /D9 { stroke } def %%%% %%%% setscreen is not EPSF compliant, but if you want to cheat %%%% you can switch which of the following two definitions of %%%% SS9 is commented out. It would be best to do this by having %%%% a seperate version of the prolog file for the user to select. %%%% %%%% /SS9 { setscreen } def /SS9 { pop pop pop } def /G9 { setgray } def /F9 {newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath fill} def /E9 {closepath fill} def % E9 is fills for incremental curves, while F9 for curve segments /Landscape {612 0 translate 90 rotate} def % save current point in global variable psx psy /SAVPOS { /psx currentpoint pop def /psy currentpoint exch pop def } def % string angle xpos ypos TXL -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXL { gsave translate rotate 0 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle xpos ypos TXR -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXR { gsave translate rotate dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle xpos ypos TXC -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXC { gsave translate rotate dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle TXREL -> print 'string' at xpos ypos translate psx psy rel /TXREL { gsave translate rotate psx psy moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % char xpos ypos SY -> print symbol 'char' at position xpos, ypos /SY { moveto show } def /len {dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CURVE SMOOTHING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Curve Smoothing Routines % Ernest Wood - Wed Apr 16 09:05:05 1986 % % These routines will ALWAYS create a smooth curve which % intercepts EVERY point used to generate them. % % The definition qA determines the amount of overshoot smoothing % produces around each point. The distance is the distance to the % next point times aA. The factor qB scales the amount of overshoot % by the acuteness of the angle around the point. % % These values make a square of points into a circle. /qA .3 def % used in qx /qB 1 def % used in afactor /8a 8 array def % % Angle of vector from p0 to p1 p0 p1 polar ang /polar{qs neg exch neg atan}def %subtract and add points p0 p1 qs p0-p1 % p0 p1 qa p0+p1 /qs{exch 3 1 roll sub 3 1 roll sub exch}def /qa{exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch}def % Extract point from 8 point array % /Pt{2 mul dup 8a exch get exch 1 add 8a exch get}def % a0 a1 mirrorang ma % If a0 is the angle from p1 to p0 and a1 is the angle from % p1 to p2 then ma is the mirror angle between p0-p1 and p1-p2. % a0 a1 afactor f % If a0 is the angle from p1 to p0 and a1 is the angle from % p1 to p2 then f is the ratio of the inside angle between a0 and a1 % and 180 times qB. This ratio is saturated at 1 and if qB is 0 then % the value returned is always 1. Thus the more acute the angle % the smaller the value of f. % /mirrorang{2 copy add 2 div 3 1 roll sub 0 lt {90} {-90}ifelse add}def /afactor{ qB 0 eq { 1 } {sub abs dup 180 gt {360 exch sub} if 180 div qB mul dup 1 gt {pop 1} if} ifelse }def % a d xya x y % Given angle a and distance d % produce x and y offsets. % /xya{exch 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul}def % p0 p1 p2 p3 qx pp1 pp2 pp3 % Given 4 points on a curve produce the pp# values needed by % curveto to draw a smooth curve between p1 and p2. The slope % of the curve at p1 and p2 will be perpendicular to the bisector % of a angle between p0/p1/p2 or p1/p2/p3. % /qx{ 8a astore pop 1 Pt 2 Pt qs len qA mul /dist exch def 1 Pt 0 Pt polar 1 Pt 2 Pt polar 2 copy mirrorang 3 1 roll afactor dist mul xya 1 Pt qa 2 Pt 3 Pt polar 2 Pt 1 Pt polar 2 copy mirrorang 3 1 roll afactor dist mul xya 2 Pt qa 2 Pt }def /qp{8 copy 16 -2 roll pop pop}def /ns1{4 copy 4 -2 roll 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs 6 2 roll /ns{ns2}def }def /ns2{qp qx curveto}def % User definitions for curve smoothing routines. % First (ms), intermediate (ns), and last points with (fs) and % without (nsfs) automatic stroke execution. % /ms{2 copy newpath moveto /ns{ns1}def}def /ns{ns1}def /fs{stroke}def /nsfs{ns 4 copy 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs qx curveto}def /nsend{4 copy 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs qx curveto}def %%EndProlog %%%Page ? 1 72.000000 72.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 72.000000 72.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 115.393 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 194.906 293.4 M9 194.906 298.8 M9 115.393 298.8 M9 115.393 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 194.906 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 195.8 293.4 M9 195.8 298.8 M9 194.906 298.8 M9 194.906 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 195.8 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.532 293.4 M9 199.532 298.8 M9 195.8 298.8 M9 195.8 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 199.532 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 293.4 M9 202.179 298.8 M9 199.532 298.8 M9 199.532 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 295.352 293.4 M9 295.352 298.8 M9 210.857 298.8 M9 210.857 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 295.352 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 296.714 293.4 M9 296.714 298.8 M9 295.352 298.8 M9 295.352 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 296.714 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 296.714 293.4 M9 296.714 298.8 M9 296.714 298.8 M9 296.714 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 296.714 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 293.4 M9 297.643 298.8 M9 296.714 298.8 M9 296.714 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.15 288 M9 199.15 293.4 M9 115.393 293.4 M9 115.393 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 199.15 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.462 288 M9 199.462 293.4 M9 199.15 293.4 M9 199.15 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 199.462 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 200.955 288 M9 200.955 293.4 M9 199.462 293.4 M9 199.462 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 200.955 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 288 M9 202.179 293.4 M9 200.955 293.4 M9 200.955 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 294.736 288 M9 294.736 293.4 M9 210.857 293.4 M9 210.857 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 294.736 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 295.091 288 M9 295.091 293.4 M9 294.736 293.4 M9 294.736 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 295.091 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 296.22 288 M9 296.22 293.4 M9 295.091 293.4 M9 295.091 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 296.22 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 288 M9 297.643 293.4 M9 296.22 293.4 M9 296.22 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 195.8 291.78 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 195.8 300.42 M9 D9 296.714 291.78 S9 296.714 300.42 M9 D9 199.462 286.38 S9 199.462 295.02 M9 D9 295.091 286.38 S9 295.091 295.02 M9 D9 115.393 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 184.257 277.2 M9 184.257 282.6 M9 115.393 282.6 M9 115.393 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 184.257 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.386 277.2 M9 185.386 282.6 M9 184.257 282.6 M9 184.257 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 185.386 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.414 277.2 M9 197.414 282.6 M9 185.386 282.6 M9 185.386 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 197.414 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 277.2 M9 202.179 282.6 M9 197.414 282.6 M9 197.414 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 290.336 277.2 M9 290.336 282.6 M9 210.857 282.6 M9 210.857 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 290.336 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 293.399 277.2 M9 293.399 282.6 M9 290.336 282.6 M9 290.336 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 293.399 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 293.399 277.2 M9 293.399 282.6 M9 293.399 282.6 M9 293.399 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 293.399 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 277.2 M9 297.643 282.6 M9 293.399 282.6 M9 293.399 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.744 271.8 M9 197.744 277.2 M9 115.393 277.2 M9 115.393 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 197.744 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 198.091 271.8 M9 198.091 277.2 M9 197.744 277.2 M9 197.744 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 198.091 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 200.686 271.8 M9 200.686 277.2 M9 198.091 277.2 M9 198.091 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 200.686 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 271.8 M9 202.179 277.2 M9 200.686 277.2 M9 200.686 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 290.075 271.8 M9 290.075 277.2 M9 210.857 277.2 M9 210.857 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 290.075 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 291.464 271.8 M9 291.464 277.2 M9 290.075 277.2 M9 290.075 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 291.464 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 296.063 271.8 M9 296.063 277.2 M9 291.464 277.2 M9 291.464 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 296.063 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 271.8 M9 297.643 277.2 M9 296.063 277.2 M9 296.063 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 185.386 275.58 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 185.386 284.22 M9 D9 293.399 275.58 S9 293.399 284.22 M9 D9 198.091 270.18 S9 198.091 278.82 M9 D9 291.464 270.18 S9 291.464 278.82 M9 D9 115.393 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.212 261 M9 185.212 266.4 M9 115.393 266.4 M9 115.393 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 185.212 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.46 261 M9 187.46 266.4 M9 185.212 266.4 M9 185.212 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 187.46 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 194.628 261 M9 194.628 266.4 M9 187.46 266.4 M9 187.46 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 194.628 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 261 M9 202.179 266.4 M9 194.628 266.4 M9 194.628 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 254.476 261 M9 254.476 266.4 M9 210.857 266.4 M9 210.857 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 254.476 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 289.962 261 M9 289.962 266.4 M9 254.476 266.4 M9 254.476 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 289.962 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 289.962 261 M9 289.962 266.4 M9 289.962 266.4 M9 289.962 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 289.962 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 261 M9 297.643 266.4 M9 289.962 266.4 M9 289.962 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.355 255.6 M9 196.355 261 M9 115.393 261 M9 115.393 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.355 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.293 255.6 M9 197.293 261 M9 196.355 261 M9 196.355 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 197.293 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.532 255.6 M9 199.532 261 M9 197.293 261 M9 197.293 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 199.532 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 255.6 M9 202.179 261 M9 199.532 261 M9 199.532 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 268.318 255.6 M9 268.318 261 M9 210.857 261 M9 210.857 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 268.318 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 286.847 255.6 M9 286.847 261 M9 268.318 261 M9 268.318 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 286.847 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 290.917 255.6 M9 290.917 261 M9 286.847 261 M9 286.847 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 290.917 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 255.6 M9 297.643 261 M9 290.917 261 M9 290.917 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 187.46 259.38 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 187.46 268.02 M9 D9 289.962 259.38 S9 289.962 268.02 M9 D9 197.293 253.98 S9 197.293 262.62 M9 D9 286.847 253.98 S9 286.847 262.62 M9 D9 115.393 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 142.001 244.8 M9 142.001 250.2 M9 115.393 250.2 M9 115.393 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 142.001 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 184.778 244.8 M9 184.778 250.2 M9 142.001 250.2 M9 142.001 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 184.778 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 194.307 244.8 M9 194.307 250.2 M9 184.778 250.2 M9 184.778 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 194.307 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 244.8 M9 202.179 250.2 M9 194.307 250.2 M9 194.307 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 246.144 244.8 M9 246.144 250.2 M9 210.857 250.2 M9 210.857 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 246.144 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 287.116 244.8 M9 287.116 250.2 M9 246.144 250.2 M9 246.144 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 287.116 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 290.006 244.8 M9 290.006 250.2 M9 287.116 250.2 M9 287.116 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 290.006 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 244.8 M9 297.643 250.2 M9 290.006 250.2 M9 290.006 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.517 239.4 M9 171.517 244.8 M9 115.393 244.8 M9 115.393 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 171.517 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 192.311 239.4 M9 192.311 244.8 M9 171.517 244.8 M9 171.517 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 192.311 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.379 239.4 M9 197.379 244.8 M9 192.311 244.8 M9 192.311 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 197.379 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 239.4 M9 202.179 244.8 M9 197.379 244.8 M9 197.379 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 270.705 239.4 M9 270.705 244.8 M9 210.857 244.8 M9 210.857 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 270.705 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 286.083 239.4 M9 286.083 244.8 M9 270.705 244.8 M9 270.705 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 286.083 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 287.463 239.4 M9 287.463 244.8 M9 286.083 244.8 M9 286.083 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 287.463 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 239.4 M9 297.643 244.8 M9 287.463 244.8 M9 287.463 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 184.778 243.18 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 184.778 251.82 M9 D9 287.116 243.18 S9 287.116 251.82 M9 D9 192.311 237.78 S9 192.311 246.42 M9 D9 286.083 237.78 S9 286.083 246.42 M9 D9 115.393 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.225 228.6 M9 196.225 234 M9 115.393 234 M9 115.393 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.225 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.067 228.6 M9 197.067 234 M9 196.225 234 M9 196.225 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 197.067 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.801 228.6 M9 199.801 234 M9 197.067 234 M9 197.067 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 199.801 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 228.6 M9 202.179 234 M9 199.801 234 M9 199.801 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 231.538 228.6 M9 231.538 234 M9 210.857 234 M9 210.857 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 231.538 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 287.055 228.6 M9 287.055 234 M9 231.538 234 M9 231.538 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 287.055 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 291.091 228.6 M9 291.091 234 M9 287.055 234 M9 287.055 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 291.091 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 228.6 M9 297.643 234 M9 291.091 234 M9 291.091 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.676 223.2 M9 196.676 228.6 M9 115.393 228.6 M9 115.393 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.676 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.945 223.2 M9 196.945 228.6 M9 196.676 228.6 M9 196.676 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.945 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.662 223.2 M9 199.662 228.6 M9 196.945 228.6 M9 196.945 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 199.662 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 223.2 M9 202.179 228.6 M9 199.662 228.6 M9 199.662 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 248.965 223.2 M9 248.965 228.6 M9 210.857 228.6 M9 210.857 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 248.965 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 283.08 223.2 M9 283.08 228.6 M9 248.965 228.6 M9 248.965 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 283.08 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 288.157 223.2 M9 288.157 228.6 M9 283.08 228.6 M9 283.08 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 288.157 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 223.2 M9 297.643 228.6 M9 288.157 228.6 M9 288.157 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 197.067 226.98 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 197.067 235.62 M9 D9 287.055 226.98 S9 287.055 235.62 M9 D9 196.945 221.58 S9 196.945 230.22 M9 D9 283.08 221.58 S9 283.08 230.22 M9 D9 115.393 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 152.997 212.4 M9 152.997 217.8 M9 115.393 217.8 M9 115.393 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 152.997 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 190.02 212.4 M9 190.02 217.8 M9 152.997 217.8 M9 152.997 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 190.02 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.162 212.4 M9 197.162 217.8 M9 190.02 217.8 M9 190.02 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 197.162 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 212.4 M9 202.179 217.8 M9 197.162 217.8 M9 197.162 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 277.387 212.4 M9 277.387 217.8 M9 210.857 217.8 M9 210.857 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 277.387 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 293.035 212.4 M9 293.035 217.8 M9 277.387 217.8 M9 277.387 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 293.035 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 295.386 212.4 M9 295.386 217.8 M9 293.035 217.8 M9 293.035 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 295.386 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 212.4 M9 297.643 217.8 M9 295.386 217.8 M9 295.386 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 174.971 207 M9 174.971 212.4 M9 115.393 212.4 M9 115.393 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 174.971 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 195.166 207 M9 195.166 212.4 M9 174.971 212.4 M9 174.971 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 195.166 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 198.751 207 M9 198.751 212.4 M9 195.166 212.4 M9 195.166 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 198.751 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 207 M9 202.179 212.4 M9 198.751 212.4 M9 198.751 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 285.935 207 M9 285.935 212.4 M9 210.857 212.4 M9 210.857 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 285.935 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 294.883 207 M9 294.883 212.4 M9 285.935 212.4 M9 285.935 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 294.883 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 294.883 207 M9 294.883 212.4 M9 294.883 212.4 M9 294.883 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 294.883 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 207 M9 297.643 212.4 M9 294.883 212.4 M9 294.883 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 190.02 210.78 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 190.02 219.42 M9 D9 293.035 210.78 S9 293.035 219.42 M9 D9 195.166 205.38 S9 195.166 214.02 M9 D9 294.883 205.38 S9 294.883 214.02 M9 D9 115.393 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 142.878 196.2 M9 142.878 201.6 M9 115.393 201.6 M9 115.393 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 142.878 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.333 196.2 M9 181.333 201.6 M9 142.878 201.6 M9 142.878 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 181.333 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 192.476 196.2 M9 192.476 201.6 M9 181.333 201.6 M9 181.333 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 192.476 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 196.2 M9 202.179 201.6 M9 192.476 201.6 M9 192.476 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 232.232 196.2 M9 232.232 201.6 M9 210.857 201.6 M9 210.857 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 232.232 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 277.942 196.2 M9 277.942 201.6 M9 232.232 201.6 M9 232.232 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 277.942 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 284.495 196.2 M9 284.495 201.6 M9 277.942 201.6 M9 277.942 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 284.495 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 196.2 M9 297.643 201.6 M9 284.495 201.6 M9 284.495 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 170.962 190.8 M9 170.962 196.2 M9 115.393 196.2 M9 115.393 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 170.962 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 191.929 190.8 M9 191.929 196.2 M9 170.962 196.2 M9 170.962 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 191.929 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.937 190.8 M9 196.937 196.2 M9 191.929 196.2 M9 191.929 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.937 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 190.8 M9 202.179 196.2 M9 196.937 196.2 M9 196.937 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 254.51 190.8 M9 254.51 196.2 M9 210.857 196.2 M9 210.857 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 254.51 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 279.687 190.8 M9 279.687 196.2 M9 254.51 196.2 M9 254.51 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 279.687 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 286.526 190.8 M9 286.526 196.2 M9 279.687 196.2 M9 279.687 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 286.526 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 190.8 M9 297.643 196.2 M9 286.526 196.2 M9 286.526 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 181.333 194.58 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 181.333 203.22 M9 D9 277.942 194.58 S9 277.942 203.22 M9 D9 191.929 189.18 S9 191.929 197.82 M9 D9 279.687 189.18 S9 279.687 197.82 M9 D9 115.393 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 135.032 180 M9 135.032 185.4 M9 115.393 185.4 M9 115.393 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 135.032 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 135.631 180 M9 135.631 185.4 M9 135.032 185.4 M9 135.032 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 135.631 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169 180 M9 169 185.4 M9 135.631 185.4 M9 135.631 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 180 M9 202.179 185.4 M9 169 185.4 M9 169 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 220.265 180 M9 220.265 185.4 M9 210.857 185.4 M9 210.857 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 220.265 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 224.769 180 M9 224.769 185.4 M9 220.265 185.4 M9 220.265 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 224.769 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 254.562 180 M9 254.562 185.4 M9 224.769 185.4 M9 224.769 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 254.562 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 180 M9 297.643 185.4 M9 254.562 185.4 M9 254.562 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 121.199 174.6 M9 121.199 180 M9 115.393 180 M9 115.393 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 121.199 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 121.268 174.6 M9 121.268 180 M9 121.199 180 M9 121.199 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 121.268 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 162.344 174.6 M9 162.344 180 M9 121.268 180 M9 121.268 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 162.344 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 174.6 M9 202.179 180 M9 162.344 180 M9 162.344 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 249.572 174.6 M9 249.572 180 M9 210.857 180 M9 210.857 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 249.572 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 253.599 174.6 M9 253.599 180 M9 249.572 180 M9 249.572 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 253.599 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 274.332 174.6 M9 274.332 180 M9 253.599 180 M9 253.599 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 274.332 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 174.6 M9 297.643 180 M9 274.332 180 M9 274.332 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 135.631 178.38 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 135.631 187.02 M9 D9 224.769 178.38 S9 224.769 187.02 M9 D9 121.268 172.98 S9 121.268 181.62 M9 D9 253.599 172.98 S9 253.599 181.62 M9 D9 115.393 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.473 163.8 M9 180.473 169.2 M9 115.393 169.2 M9 115.393 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 180.473 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.168 163.8 M9 181.168 169.2 M9 180.473 169.2 M9 180.473 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 181.168 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 192.302 163.8 M9 192.302 169.2 M9 181.168 169.2 M9 181.168 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 192.302 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 163.8 M9 202.179 169.2 M9 192.302 169.2 M9 192.302 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 211.473 163.8 M9 211.473 169.2 M9 210.857 169.2 M9 210.857 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 211.473 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 295.083 163.8 M9 295.083 169.2 M9 211.473 169.2 M9 211.473 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 295.083 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.131 163.8 M9 297.131 169.2 M9 295.083 169.2 M9 295.083 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 297.131 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 163.8 M9 297.643 169.2 M9 297.131 169.2 M9 297.131 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 198.065 158.4 M9 198.065 163.8 M9 115.393 163.8 M9 115.393 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 198.065 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 198.412 158.4 M9 198.412 163.8 M9 198.065 163.8 M9 198.065 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 198.412 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.948 158.4 M9 199.948 163.8 M9 198.412 163.8 M9 198.412 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 199.948 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 158.4 M9 202.179 163.8 M9 199.948 163.8 M9 199.948 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 212.289 158.4 M9 212.289 163.8 M9 210.857 163.8 M9 210.857 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 212.289 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 294.97 158.4 M9 294.97 163.8 M9 212.289 163.8 M9 212.289 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 294.97 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.061 158.4 M9 297.061 163.8 M9 294.97 163.8 M9 294.97 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 297.061 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 158.4 M9 297.643 163.8 M9 297.061 163.8 M9 297.061 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 181.168 162.18 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 181.168 170.82 M9 D9 295.083 162.18 S9 295.083 170.82 M9 D9 198.412 156.78 S9 198.412 165.42 M9 D9 294.97 156.78 S9 294.97 165.42 M9 D9 115.393 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 120.383 147.6 M9 120.383 153 M9 115.393 153 M9 115.393 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 120.383 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.475 147.6 M9 175.475 153 M9 120.383 153 M9 120.383 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 175.475 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 189.031 147.6 M9 189.031 153 M9 175.475 153 M9 175.475 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 189.031 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 147.6 M9 202.179 153 M9 189.031 153 M9 189.031 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 224.239 147.6 M9 224.239 153 M9 210.857 153 M9 210.857 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 224.239 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 272.909 147.6 M9 272.909 153 M9 224.239 153 M9 224.239 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 272.909 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 283.332 147.6 M9 283.332 153 M9 272.909 153 M9 272.909 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 283.332 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 147.6 M9 297.643 153 M9 283.332 153 M9 283.332 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 122.006 142.2 M9 122.006 147.6 M9 115.393 147.6 M9 115.393 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 122.006 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 182.999 142.2 M9 182.999 147.6 M9 122.006 147.6 M9 122.006 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 182.999 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 192.511 142.2 M9 192.511 147.6 M9 182.999 147.6 M9 182.999 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 192.511 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 142.2 M9 202.179 147.6 M9 192.511 147.6 M9 192.511 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 244.27 142.2 M9 244.27 147.6 M9 210.857 147.6 M9 210.857 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 244.27 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 280.208 142.2 M9 280.208 147.6 M9 244.27 147.6 M9 244.27 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 280.208 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 287.237 142.2 M9 287.237 147.6 M9 280.208 147.6 M9 280.208 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 287.237 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 142.2 M9 297.643 147.6 M9 287.237 147.6 M9 287.237 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 175.475 145.98 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 175.475 154.62 M9 D9 272.909 145.98 S9 272.909 154.62 M9 D9 182.999 140.58 S9 182.999 149.22 M9 D9 280.208 140.58 S9 280.208 149.22 M9 D9 115.393 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 116.078 131.4 M9 116.078 136.8 M9 115.393 136.8 M9 115.393 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 116.078 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 195.401 131.4 M9 195.401 136.8 M9 116.078 136.8 M9 116.078 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 195.401 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 198.968 131.4 M9 198.968 136.8 M9 195.401 136.8 M9 195.401 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 198.968 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 131.4 M9 202.179 136.8 M9 198.968 136.8 M9 198.968 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 214.476 131.4 M9 214.476 136.8 M9 210.857 136.8 M9 210.857 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 214.476 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 290.578 131.4 M9 290.578 136.8 M9 214.476 136.8 M9 214.476 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 290.578 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 295.031 131.4 M9 295.031 136.8 M9 290.578 136.8 M9 290.578 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 295.031 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 131.4 M9 297.643 136.8 M9 295.031 136.8 M9 295.031 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 118.621 126 M9 118.621 131.4 M9 115.393 131.4 M9 115.393 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 118.621 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.267 126 M9 197.267 131.4 M9 118.621 131.4 M9 118.621 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 197.267 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.939 126 M9 199.939 131.4 M9 197.267 131.4 M9 197.267 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 199.939 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 126 M9 202.179 131.4 M9 199.939 131.4 M9 199.939 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 223.823 126 M9 223.823 131.4 M9 210.857 131.4 M9 210.857 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 223.823 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 292.262 126 M9 292.262 131.4 M9 223.823 131.4 M9 223.823 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 292.262 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.756 126 M9 297.756 131.4 M9 292.262 131.4 M9 292.262 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 297.756 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.756 126 M9 297.756 131.4 M9 297.756 131.4 M9 297.756 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 195.401 129.78 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 195.401 138.42 M9 D9 290.578 129.78 S9 290.578 138.42 M9 D9 197.267 124.38 S9 197.267 133.02 M9 D9 292.262 124.38 S9 292.262 133.02 M9 D9 115.393 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 193.04 115.2 M9 193.04 120.6 M9 115.393 120.6 M9 115.393 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 193.04 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 195.262 115.2 M9 195.262 120.6 M9 193.04 120.6 M9 193.04 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 195.262 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 198.542 115.2 M9 198.542 120.6 M9 195.262 120.6 M9 195.262 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 198.542 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 115.2 M9 202.179 120.6 M9 198.542 120.6 M9 198.542 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 262.807 115.2 M9 262.807 120.6 M9 210.857 120.6 M9 210.857 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 262.807 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 262.955 115.2 M9 262.955 120.6 M9 262.807 120.6 M9 262.807 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 262.955 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 287.142 115.2 M9 287.142 120.6 M9 262.955 120.6 M9 262.955 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 287.142 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 115.2 M9 297.643 120.6 M9 287.142 120.6 M9 287.142 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 200.217 109.8 M9 200.217 115.2 M9 115.393 115.2 M9 115.393 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 200.217 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 200.868 109.8 M9 200.868 115.2 M9 200.217 115.2 M9 200.217 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 200.868 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.154 109.8 M9 201.154 115.2 M9 200.868 115.2 M9 200.868 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 201.154 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 109.8 M9 202.179 115.2 M9 201.154 115.2 M9 201.154 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 292.696 109.8 M9 292.696 115.2 M9 210.857 115.2 M9 210.857 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 292.696 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 292.774 109.8 M9 292.774 115.2 M9 292.696 115.2 M9 292.696 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 292.774 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 294.007 109.8 M9 294.007 115.2 M9 292.774 115.2 M9 292.774 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 294.007 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 109.8 M9 297.643 115.2 M9 294.007 115.2 M9 294.007 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 195.262 113.58 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 195.262 122.22 M9 D9 262.955 113.58 S9 262.955 122.22 M9 D9 200.868 108.18 S9 200.868 116.82 M9 D9 292.774 108.18 S9 292.774 116.82 M9 D9 115.393 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 161.858 99 M9 161.858 104.4 M9 115.393 104.4 M9 115.393 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 161.858 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 162.63 99 M9 162.63 104.4 M9 161.858 104.4 M9 161.858 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 162.63 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.139 99 M9 187.139 104.4 M9 162.63 104.4 M9 162.63 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 187.139 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 99 M9 202.179 104.4 M9 187.139 104.4 M9 187.139 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 210.918 99 M9 210.918 104.4 M9 210.857 104.4 M9 210.857 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.918 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 296.931 99 M9 296.931 104.4 M9 210.918 104.4 M9 210.918 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 296.931 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.521 99 M9 297.521 104.4 M9 296.931 104.4 M9 296.931 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 297.521 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 99 M9 297.643 104.4 M9 297.521 104.4 M9 297.521 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 115.393 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.93 93.6 M9 173.93 99 M9 115.393 99 M9 115.393 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 173.93 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 174.251 93.6 M9 174.251 99 M9 173.93 99 M9 173.93 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 174.251 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 188.996 93.6 M9 188.996 99 M9 174.251 99 M9 174.251 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 188.996 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 93.6 M9 202.179 99 M9 188.996 99 M9 188.996 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 210.857 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 210.953 93.6 M9 210.953 99 M9 210.857 99 M9 210.857 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.953 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 296.897 93.6 M9 296.897 99 M9 210.953 99 M9 210.953 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 296.897 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.521 93.6 M9 297.521 99 M9 296.897 99 M9 296.897 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 297.521 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 93.6 M9 297.643 99 M9 297.521 99 M9 297.521 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 162.63 97.38 S9 [] 1.200000 SL 162.63 106.02 M9 D9 296.931 97.38 S9 296.931 106.02 M9 D9 174.251 91.98 S9 174.251 100.62 M9 D9 296.897 91.98 S9 296.897 100.62 M9 D9 184.821 75.78 S9 184.821 84.42 M9 D9 132.75 77.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 158.786 77.4 M9 158.786 82.8 M9 132.75 82.8 M9 132.75 77.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 158.786 77.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 184.821 77.4 M9 184.821 82.8 M9 158.786 82.8 M9 158.786 77.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.700000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 184.821 77.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 210.857 77.4 M9 210.857 82.8 M9 184.821 82.8 M9 184.821 77.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 0.400000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 77.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 236.893 77.4 M9 236.893 82.8 M9 210.857 82.8 M9 210.857 77.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 initclip 7 /Times-Roman SetTxt () 0 193.5 41.2 TXC (Instruction) 0 158.786 299.88 TXC (Data) 0 254.25 299.88 TXC (sed+U) 0 114.525 293.4 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 288 TXR (egrep+U) 0 114.525 277.2 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 271.8 TXR (yacc+U) 0 114.525 261 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 255.6 TXR (gcc+U) 0 114.525 244.8 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 239.4 TXR (compress+U) 0 114.525 228.6 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 223.2 TXR (ab+U) 0 114.525 212.4 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 207 TXR (espresso+U) 0 114.525 196.2 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 190.8 TXR (lisp+U) 0 114.525 180 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 174.6 TXR (eqntott+U) 0 114.525 163.8 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 158.4 TXR (fpppp+U) 0 114.525 147.6 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 142.2 TXR (doduc+U) 0 114.525 131.4 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 126 TXR (liv+U) 0 114.525 115.2 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 109.8 TXR (tomcatv+U) 0 114.525 99 TXR (+M) 0 114.525 93.6 TXR (legend:) 0 131.882 77.4 TXR (system) 0 145.768 73.08 TXC (user) 0 171.804 73.08 TXC (system) 0 197.839 73.08 TXC (user) 0 223.875 73.08 TXC (Without competition) 0 154.446 83.88 TXC (With competition) 0 215.196 83.88 TXC () 0 158.786 292.53 TXC () 0 254.25 292.53 TXC () 0 114.525 286.05 TXR () 0 114.525 280.65 TXR () 0 114.525 269.85 TXR () 0 114.525 264.45 TXR () 0 114.525 253.65 TXR () 0 114.525 248.25 TXR () 0 114.525 237.45 TXR () 0 114.525 232.05 TXR () 0 114.525 221.25 TXR () 0 114.525 215.85 TXR () 0 114.525 205.05 TXR () 0 114.525 199.65 TXR () 0 114.525 188.85 TXR () 0 114.525 183.45 TXR () 0 114.525 172.65 TXR () 0 114.525 167.25 TXR () 0 114.525 156.45 TXR () 0 114.525 151.05 TXR () 0 114.525 140.25 TXR () 0 114.525 134.85 TXR () 0 114.525 124.05 TXR () 0 114.525 118.65 TXR () 0 114.525 107.85 TXR () 0 114.525 102.45 TXR () 0 114.525 91.65 TXR () 0 114.525 86.25 TXR () 0 131.882 70.05 TXR () 0 145.768 65.73 TXC () 0 171.804 65.73 TXC () 0 197.839 65.73 TXC () 0 223.875 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Each) 115 W( bar is composed of)116 W 32638 46992 MT (four regions. The two rightmost regions represent) 80 W( the fraction)79 W 32638 47890 MT (of misses that are due to competition. The two) 22 W( leftmost regions)23 W 1 SS 14400 5760 48038 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/CCPITable.ps %!PS-Adobe-1.0 %%Creator: OLIVIA.MACH.CS.CMU.EDU:bchen (Brad Chen) %%Title: stdin %%CreationDate: Fri Aug 20 12:44:12 1993 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Symbol Times-Roman DIThacks %%%Pages: (atend) %%EndComments % Start of pscat.pro -- prolog for troff translator % Copyright (c) 1985,1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. % GOVERNMENT END USERS: See Notice file in TranScript library directory % -- probably /usr/lib/ps/Notice % RCS: $Header: pscat.pro,v 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern Exp $ % % HISTORY % $Log: pscat.pro,v $ % Revision 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern % orig % [91/02/20 15:27:53 ern] % % save /pscatsave exch def /$pscat 50 dict def $pscat begin /fm [1 0 0 1 0 0] def /xo 0 def /yo 0 def /M /moveto load def /R /show load def /S {exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show}def /T {exch currentpoint pop exch moveto show}def /U {3 1 roll moveto show}def /siz 0 def /font 0 def /Z {/siz exch def SF}def /F {/font exch def SF}def /SF{font 0 ne {catfonts font 1 sub get fm 0 siz put fm 3 siz neg put fm makefont setfont}if}def /BP{save/catsv exch def 0 792 translate 72 432 div dup neg scale xo yo translate 0 0 moveto}def /EP{catsv restore showpage}def % definitions for PPROC callback functions % each PPROC is called with the following number on the stack: % pointsize charcode railmag pswidth 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423(c)T 375(c)T 327(c)T 279(c)T 231(c)T 183(c)T 135(c)T 87(c)T 39(c)T 1823 813(c)U 795(c)T 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T EP %%Trailer pscatsave end restore %%%Pages: 1 %%EndDocument PE 8.5 SS 32638 48788 MT (represent the fraction of misses) 120 W( that remain when user/system)119 W 10 /Times-Bold AF 7948 49648 MT (Table 4-1:)SH /Times-Italic SF 12809 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 15503 XM (contributions from the cache.)SH 8.5 SS 32638 49686 MT (competition is eliminated.)SH 7193 51155 MT (For each workload/system pair, this table shows the)179 W /Times-Italic SF 26449 XM (MCPI)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 32788 51477 MT (The effects of user/system competition on) 214 W( instruction)215 W 8.5 SS 6610 52053 MT (component due to the instruction and data caches. Runs) 159 W( for)160 W 10 SS 31788 52674 MT (and data cache behavior for both) 196 W( systems are shown in)195 W 8.5 SS 6610 52951 MT (which the system) 125 W( contribution to)124 W /Times-Italic SF 18588 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 21002 XM (dominates that of the)124 W 6610 53849 MT (user are shown in boldface.)SH 10 SS 31788 53871 MT (Figure 4-1. Each instruction and data) 120 W( bar has four com-)121 W 31788 55068 MT (ponents. The two leftmost components correspond to the)128 W 6760 55640 MT (Table 4-1) 211 W( quantifies the difference in)212 W /Times-Italic SF 23138 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 26044 XM (between)SH 31788 56265 MT (case of separate system) 44 W( and user caches, and represent the)45 W 5760 56837 MT (Mach and Ultrix that was represented visually) 161 W( in Figure)160 W 31788 57462 MT (fraction of misses that remain) 442 W( with the independent)441 W 5760 58034 MT (2-1. Memory penalties due) 87 W( to system instruction and sys-)88 W 31788 58659 MT (caches. The two rightmost components show the) 374 W( ad-)375 W 5760 59231 MT (tem data references are) 175 W( larger for Mach than for Ultrix,)174 W 31788 59856 MT (ditional fraction of system and user) 293 W( misses that occur)292 W 5760 60428 MT (while user memory penalties) 143 W( are similar. Increased sys-)144 W 31788 61053 MT (when the cache is unified.)SH 5760 61625 MT (tem activity in Mach, as is shown) 54 W( in Figure 3-1, results in)53 W 32788 62749 MT (Although our separate user and system caches double)172 W 5760 62822 MT (a larger cache contribution to)SH /Times-Italic SF 17729 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (.)SH 10800 50 5760 63847 UL 31788 63946 MT (the effective cache size, the general dominance of) 51 W( the two)50 W 31788 65143 MT (leftmost components in) 125 W( Figure 4-1 indicates that they do)126 W 6 SS 6560 65186 MT (5)SH 8 SS 6860 65495 MT (The system instruction) 102 W( cache miss rates can be calculated with data)101 W 10 SS 31788 66340 MT (not significantly reduce) 224 W( miss rates relative to a smaller)223 W 8 SS 5760 66419 MT (from Table 2-3 as the)230 W /Times-Italic SF 13994 XM (number of system instruction cache misses /)230 W 5760 67343 MT (number of system instruction cache references)20 W /Times-Roman SF (. For) 240 W( example, for)20 W /Times-Italic SF 26969 XM (eqntott)SH /Times-Roman SF (:)SH 10 SS 31788 67537 MT (unified cache. The largest) 227 W( interference effects \050for ex-)228 W 31788 68734 MT (ample,)SH /Times-Italic SF 34850 XM (lisp)SH /Times-Roman SF (\051 occur when the cache miss) 118 W( rate is low, such)117 W 8 SS 14391 68762 MT (254)SH /Symbol SF 15941 XM (\264)SH /Times-Roman SF 16730 XM (0.97)SH 5339 50 13591 69137 UL 19130 69382 MT (= 0.017)SH 10 SS 31788 69931 MT (that a few interference misses can result in a large) 40 W( relative)41 W 8 SS 13591 69952 MT (1417868)SH /Symbol SF 16741 XM (\264)SH /Times-Roman SF 17530 XM (0.01)SH 10 SS 31788 71128 MT (change. The) 459 W( absolute contribution of competition misses)104 W 8 SS 5760 71280 MT (Similarly, the user instruction cache miss rate is nearly zero \0500.0005%\051.)SH 10 SS 30350 75600 MT (8)SH ES %%Page: 9 9 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Roman AF 5760 7886 MT (to)SH /Times-Italic SF 6884 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 9674 XM (is shown in Table 4-2.) 96 W( These) 444 W( points imply that)97 W 31788 XM (lier research has shown that this structure can cause a) 51 W( sig-)52 W 5760 9083 MT (the third assertion,)279 W /Times-Italic SF 14263 XM (collisions between user) 279 W( and system)278 W /Times-Roman SF 31788 XM (nificant increase in TLB activity) 188 W( [5, 30].) SH( Table 4-3) 188 W( con-)187 W /Times-Italic SF 5760 10280 MT (references lead to significant performance degradation) 75 W( in)76 W /Times-Roman SF 31788 XM (firms this, showing an order of magnitude) 87 W( increase in the)88 W /Times-Italic SF 5760 11477 MT (the memory system)SH /Times-Roman SF (, is not true for these workloads.)SH 31788 XM (number of) 162 W( system TLB references for Mach when com-)161 W 31788 12674 MT (pared to Ultrix.)SH 32788 14370 MT (In terms of)91 W /Times-Italic SF 37699 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (, though, the absolute contribution) 91 W( of)92 W 31788 15567 MT (system TLB misses to performance is generally not large,)67 W 31788 16764 MT (shown by the last four columns of Table) 95 W( 4-3. Moreover,)96 W 31788 17961 MT (high TLB)37 W /Times-Italic SF 36029 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 38760 XM (is an indication of poor) 37 W( locality, which is)36 W 31788 19158 MT (also reflected in more severe cache penalties.) 217 W( Even) 686 W( in)218 W 31788 20355 MT (runs with the) 165 W( most extreme behavior, TLB penalties are)164 W 31788 21552 MT (consistently dominated by) 84 W( cache penalties \050Table 4-1\051 for)85 W 31788 22749 MT (both Ultrix and Mach.)SH 1 SS 13680 5760 26262 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/ICPITable.ps %!PS-Adobe-1.0 %%Creator: OLIVIA.MACH.CS.CMU.EDU:bchen (Brad Chen) %%Title: stdin %%CreationDate: Mon Aug 23 00:03:57 1993 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Symbol Times-Roman DIThacks %%%Pages: (atend) %%EndComments % Start of pscat.pro -- prolog for troff translator % Copyright (c) 1985,1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. % GOVERNMENT END USERS: See Notice file in TranScript library directory % -- probably /usr/lib/ps/Notice % RCS: $Header: pscat.pro,v 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern Exp $ % % HISTORY % $Log: pscat.pro,v $ % Revision 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern % orig % [91/02/20 15:27:53 ern] % % save /pscatsave exch def /$pscat 50 dict def $pscat begin /fm [1 0 0 1 0 0] def /xo 0 def /yo 0 def /M /moveto load def /R /show load def /S {exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show}def /T {exch currentpoint pop exch moveto show}def /U {3 1 roll moveto show}def /siz 0 def /font 0 def /Z {/siz exch def SF}def /F {/font exch def SF}def /SF{font 0 ne {catfonts font 1 sub get fm 0 siz put fm 3 siz neg put fm makefont setfont}if}def /BP{save/catsv exch def 0 792 translate 72 432 div dup neg scale xo yo translate 0 0 moveto}def /EP{catsv restore showpage}def % definitions for PPROC callback functions % each PPROC is called with the following number on the stack: % pointsize charcode railmag pswidth pschar x y wid /$pprocs 50 dict def /fractm [.65 0 0 .6 0 0] def % fractions /PS1{gsave $pprocs begin /wid exch def pop pop pop pop pop /ch exch def /size exch def /pair $pprocs ch get def /cf currentfont def cf fractm makefont setfont 0 .3 size mul 6 mul 2 copy neg rmoveto pair 0 get show rmoveto currentfont cf setfont (\244) show setfont pair 1 get show grestore wid .06 div 0 rmoveto end}def $pprocs begin 8#34 [(1)(4)] def 8#36 [(1)(2)] def 8#46 [(3)(4)] def end % DIThacks fonts for some special chars 50 dict dup begin /FontType 3 def /FontName /DIThacks def /FontMatrix [.001 0.0 0.0 .001 0.0 0.0] def /FontBBox [-220 -280 900 900] def% a lie but ... /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch /.notdef put}for Encoding dup 8#040/space put %space dup 8#110/rc put %right ceil dup 8#111/lt put %left top curl dup 8#112/bv put %bold vert dup 8#113/lk put %left mid curl dup 8#114/lb put %left bot curl dup 8#115/rt put %right top curl dup 8#116/rk put %right mid curl dup 8#117/rb put %right bot curl dup 8#120/rf put %right floor dup 8#121/lf put %left floor dup 8#122/lc put %left ceil dup 8#140/sq put %square dup 8#141/bx put %box dup 8#142/ci put %circle dup 8#143/br put %box rule dup 8#144/rn put %root extender dup 8#145/vr put %vertical rule dup 8#146/ob put %outline bullet dup 8#147/bu put %bullet dup 8#150/ru put %rule dup 8#151/ul put %underline pop /DITfd 100 dict def /BuildChar{0 begin /cc exch def /fd exch def /charname fd /Encoding get cc get def /charwid fd /Metrics get charname get def /charproc fd /CharProcs get charname get def charwid 0 fd /FontBBox get aload pop setcachedevice 40 setlinewidth newpath 0 0 moveto gsave charproc grestore end}def /BuildChar load 0 DITfd put %/UniqueID 5 def /CharProcs 50 dict def CharProcs begin /space{}def /.notdef{}def /ru{500 0 rls}def /rn{0 750 moveto 500 0 rls}def /vr{20 800 moveto 0 -770 rls}def /bv{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rls}def /br{20 770 moveto 0 -1040 rls}def /ul{0 -250 moveto 500 0 rls}def /ob{200 250 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 200 0 360 arc closepath stroke}def /bu{200 250 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 200 0 360 arc closepath fill}def /sq{80 0 rmoveto currentpoint dround newpath moveto 640 0 rlineto 0 640 rlineto -640 0 rlineto closepath stroke}def /bx{80 0 rmoveto currentpoint dround newpath moveto 640 0 rlineto 0 640 rlineto -640 0 rlineto closepath fill}def /ci{355 333 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 333 0 360 arc 50 setlinewidth stroke}def /lt{20 -200 moveto 0 550 rlineto currx 800 2cx s4 add exch s4 a4p stroke}def /lb{20 800 moveto 0 -550 rlineto currx -200 2cx s4 add exch s4 a4p stroke}def /rt{20 -200 moveto 0 550 rlineto currx 800 2cx s4 sub exch s4 a4p stroke}def /rb{20 800 moveto 0 -500 rlineto currx -200 2cx s4 sub exch s4 a4p stroke}def /lk{20 800 moveto 20 300 -280 300 s4 arcto pop pop 1000 sub currentpoint stroke moveto 20 300 4 2 roll s4 a4p 20 -200 lineto stroke}def /rk{20 800 moveto 20 300 320 300 s4 arcto pop pop 1000 sub currentpoint stroke moveto 20 300 4 2 roll s4 a4p 20 -200 lineto stroke}def /lf{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rlineto s4 0 rls}def /rf{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rlineto s4 neg 0 rls}def /lc{20 -200 moveto 0 1000 rlineto s4 0 rls}def /rc{20 -200 moveto 0 1000 rlineto s4 neg 0 rls}def end /Metrics 50 dict def Metrics begin /.notdef 0 def /space 500 def /ru 500 def /br 0 def /lt 250 def /lb 250 def /rt 250 def /rb 250 def /lk 250 def /rk 250 def /rc 250 def /lc 250 def /rf 250 def /lf 250 def /bv 250 def /ob 350 def /bu 350 def /ci 750 def /bx 750 def /sq 750 def /rn 500 def /ul 500 def /vr 0 def end DITfd begin /s2 500 def /s4 250 def /s3 333 def /a4p{arcto pop pop pop pop}def /2cx{2 copy exch}def /rls{rlineto stroke}def /currx{currentpoint pop}def /dround{transform round exch round exch itransform} def end end /DIThacks exch definefont pop /xo -318 def /yo 3990 def /catfonts [ /Times-Roman findfont /Times-Italic findfont /Times-Bold findfont /Symbol findfont /Times-Roman findfont /DIThacks findfont ] def %%EndProlog %%%Page: ? 1 BP 6 F 48 Z 432 -69(i)U 438(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)S 691 -9(i)U 1 F 889 -6(U)U 928(lt)S 957(r)S 976(ix)S 1409(M)S 1456(ach)S 6 F 702 -9(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 432 51(i)U 1 F 457 54(wo)U 519(r)S 538(k)S 565(lo)S 605(ad)S 745(in)S 786(st)S 908(d)S 935(at)S 974(a)S 1075(t)S 1091(o)S 1118(t)S 1134(al)S 1269(in)S 1310(st)S 1424(d)S 1451(at)S 1490(a)S 1582(t)S 1598(o)S 1625(t)S 1641(al)S 6 F 438 51(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 1 F 539 168(e)U 584 114(se)U 628(d)S 727(0.)S 765(01)S 815(0)S 888(-0)S 930(.0)S 968(06)S 1066(0.)S 1104(00)S 1154(4)S 1251(0.)S 1289(00)S 1339(9)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(4)S 1573(0.)S 1611(01)S 1661(3)S 563 168(gr)U 606(e)S 630(p)S 727(0.)S 765(00)S 815(3)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(0)S 1066(0.)S 1104(00)S 1154(3)S 1251(0.)S 1289(00)S 1339(2)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(2)S 1573(0.)S 1611(00)S 1661(4)S 1661 222(9)U 566(yacc)S 727(0.)S 765(00)S 815(5)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(2)S 1066(0.)S 1104(00)S 1154(7)S 1251(0.)S 1289(00)S 1339(4)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(5)S 1573(0.)S 1611(00)S 589 276(gcc)U 727(0.)S 765(05)S 815(0)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(7)S 1066(0.)S 1104(05)S 1154(7)S 1251(0.)S 1289(04)S 1339(7)S 1412(0.)S 1450(01)S 1500(8)S 1573(0.)S 1611(06)S 1661(5)S 1661 330(4)U 456(co)S 504(m)S 547(pr)S 591(e)S 615(ss)S 727(0.)S 765(00)S 815(4)S 905(0.)S 943(01)S 993(8)S 1066(0.)S 1104(02)S 1154(2)S 1251(0.)S 1289(01)S 1339(0)S 1412(0.)S 1450(03)S 1500(4)S 1573(0.)S 1611(04)S 605 384(ab)U 727(0.)S 765(03)S 815(8)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(6)S 1066(0.)S 1104(04)S 1154(4)S 1251(0.)S 1289(02)S 1339(9)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(0)S 1573(0.)S 1611(02)S 1661(9)S 1661 438(8)U 476(e)S 500(sp)S 545(r)S 564(e)S 588(ss)S 628(o)S 727(0.)S 765(00)S 815(5)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(2)S 1066(0.)S 1104(00)S 1154(7)S 1251(0.)S 1289(00)S 1339(4)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(4)S 1573(0.)S 1611(00)S 584 492(lisp)U 727(0.)S 765(00)S 815(2)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(6)S 1066(0.)S 1104(00)S 1154(8)S 1251(0.)S 1289(02)S 1339(2)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(4)S 1573(0.)S 1611(02)S 1661(6)S 1661 546(5)U 503(e)S 527(qn)S 580(t)S 596(o)S 623(t)S 639(t)S 727(0.)S 765(00)S 815(0)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(4)S 1066(0.)S 1104(00)S 1154(5)S 1251(0.)S 1289(00)S 1339(0)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(5)S 1573(0.)S 1611(00)S 538 600(fp)U 580(pp)S 630(p)S 727(0.)S 765(07)S 815(2)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(2)S 1066(0.)S 1104(07)S 1154(4)S 1251(0.)S 1289(04)S 1339(7)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(2)S 1573(0.)S 1611(04)S 1661(9)S 1661 654(8)U 525(d)S 552(o)S 579(d)S 606(u)S 634(c)S 727(0.)S 765(02)S 815(3)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(2)S 1066(0.)S 1104(02)S 1154(5)S 1251(0.)S 1289(01)S 1339(6)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(2)S 1573(0.)S 1611(01)S 602 708(liv)U 727(0.)S 765(00)S 815(1)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(4)S 1066(0.)S 1104(00)S 1154(5)S 1251(0.)S 1289(00)S 1339(0)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(1)S 1573(0.)S 1611(00)S 1661(2)S 1661 762(6)U 6 F 432 759(i)U 1 F 482 762(t)U 498(o)S 525(m)S 568(cat)S 628(v)S 727(0.)S 765(00)S 815(0)S 905(0.)S 943(00)S 993(5)S 1066(0.)S 1104(00)S 1154(6)S 1251(0.)S 1289(00)S 1339(0)S 1412(0.)S 1450(00)S 1500(5)S 1573(0.)S 1611(00)S 6 F 438 759(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 432(c)S 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 691 759(c)U 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 1215 759(c)U 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 1710 759(c)U 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T EP %%Trailer pscatsave end restore %%%Pages: 1 %%EndDocument PE 11 /Times-Bold AF 31788 26366 MT (4.4. System self-interference)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 32788 27563 MT (Self-interference occurs) 374 W( when insufficient cache as-)375 W /Times-Bold SF 10072 27872 MT (Table 4-2:)SH /Times-Roman SF 14933 XM (MCPI contributions from)SH 31788 28760 MT (sociativity results in) 193 W( cache misses. The impact of self-)192 W 16239 28977 MT (cache competition.)SH 31788 29957 MT (interference in user-code is well-understood) 372 W( [23].) SH( To)995 W 8.5 SS 7193 30484 MT (This table shows)83 W /Times-Italic SF 13369 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 15742 XM (contributions from additional system)83 W 10 SS 31788 31154 MT (evaluate the impact of system self-interference,) 105 W( we simu-)104 W 8.5 SS 6610 31382 MT (misses occurring when cache competition with user) 93 W( references)94 W 6610 32280 MT (is present. The negative value for)230 W /Times-Italic SF 19532 XM (sed)SH /Times-Roman SF 21108 XM (running on) 230 W( Ultrix is)229 W 10 SS 31788 32351 MT (lated a two-way LRU set associative cache of the) 177 W( same)178 W 8.5 SS 6610 33178 MT (because user) 267 W( references can actually reduce the number of)268 W 10 SS 31788 33548 MT (size as our direct-mapped cache. As in the) 93 W( previous sec-)92 W 8.5 SS 6610 34076 MT (system misses due to data) 98 W( that is shared between the user and)97 W 10 SS 31788 34745 MT (tion, user references are isolated from) 271 W( the system-only)272 W 8.5 SS 6610 34974 MT (system.)SH 10 SS 31788 35942 MT (cache, although they continue) 33 W( to generate TLB misses and)32 W 31788 37139 MT (subsequent system activity.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 37604 MT (Voluntary context switches)SH /Times-Roman SF 6760 38801 MT (In a client-server system such as Mach, voluntary con-)95 W 32788 38835 MT (Figure 4-2 illustrates the effect) 85 W( of the increased system)84 W 5760 39998 MT (text switches can occur every time the client) 165 W( and server)164 W 31788 40032 MT (associativity on instruction and data miss rates. In each)149 W 5760 41195 MT (interact through IPC. For the workloads we consider,) 112 W( the)113 W 31788 41229 MT (bar, the) 311 W( light region represents the fraction of system)310 W 5760 42392 MT (cache miss penalty following a voluntary context) 22 W( switch is)21 W 31788 42426 MT (misses that associativity does not eliminate, while the) 18 W( dark)19 W 8 SS 11842 43244 MT (6)SH 10 SS 5760 43589 MT (not significant.)82 W 12908 XM (On the client side, where the instruction)83 W 31788 43623 MT (region represents that fraction eliminated by) 71 W( associativity.)70 W 5760 44786 MT (cache miss rates are generally low but data cache miss)208 W 31788 44820 MT (This representation emphasizes) 186 W( variations in the relative)187 W 5760 45983 MT (rates are high,) 66 W( the cost of reloading the cache after a con-)67 W 31788 46017 MT (benefit of associativity) 129 W( between workloads. The number)128 W 5760 47180 MT (text switch is amortized over) 159 W( a large number of instruc-)158 W 31788 47214 MT (at the left side of each bar is the absolute)64 W /Times-Italic SF 48980 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 51738 XM (contribu-)SH 5760 48377 MT (tions. On) 362 W( the server side, instruction) 56 W( and data locality are)57 W 31788 48411 MT (tion of cache misses for a) 323 W( system-only direct-mapped)322 W 5760 49574 MT (already poor, limiting the impact of interleaved user)398 W 31788 49608 MT (cache. Figure) 536 W( 4-2 shows) 143 W( that the increased associativity)144 W 5760 50771 MT (references. This) 342 W( behavior is consistent) 46 W( with earlier results)47 W 31788 50805 MT (eliminates a significant fraction of misses,) 227 W( and is more)226 W 5760 51968 MT (on competition in client-server systems) 219 W( [28].) SH( However,)688 W 31788 52002 MT (effective for instruction than) 171 W( data references. This con-)172 W 5760 53165 MT (the penalty from competition clearly depends on the)394 W 31788 53199 MT (firms the fourth assertion:)119 W /Times-Italic SF 43243 XM (self-interference is a problem)119 W /Times-Roman SF 5760 54362 MT (client-server system in question. Recent) 227 W( studies of the)226 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 54396 MT (in system instruction reference streams)SH /Times-Roman SF (.)SH 5760 55559 MT (X11 window server, for example,) 105 W( have shown that larger)106 W 32788 56092 MT (Self-interference has) 214 W( the largest relative impact when)215 W 5760 56756 MT (programs and more frequent) 215 W( voluntary context switches)214 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 57289 MT (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 34508 XM (is low, and the smallest) 26 W( relative impact when)25 W /Times-Italic SF 52960 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 5760 57953 MT (create more severe penalties [12].)SH 31788 58486 MT (is high. A high)23 W /Times-Italic SF 38349 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 41067 XM (implies that the cache is full, which)24 W 31788 59683 MT (is a situation that cannot be) 344 W( helped by increased as-)343 W /Times-Bold SF 5760 60583 MT (TLB behavior)SH /Times-Roman SF 31788 60880 MT (sociativity. For) 628 W( example,)189 W /Times-Italic SF 42988 XM (sed)SH /Times-Roman SF (,)SH /Times-Italic SF 45010 XM (egrep)SH /Times-Roman SF (, and)189 W /Times-Italic SF 49859 XM (liv)SH /Times-Roman SF 51298 XM (have high)190 W 6760 61780 MT (The Ultrix kernel binary runs in unmapped) 386 W( kernel)387 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 62077 MT (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (s, but gain relatively little from associativity.) 237 W( In)723 W 5760 62977 MT (memory, largely isolating) 162 W( it from the TLB. In contrast,)161 W 31788 63274 MT (contrast, associativity helps most with)187 W /Times-Italic SF 48223 XM (lisp)SH /Times-Roman SF 50106 XM (and)SH /Times-Italic SF 51988 XM (tomcatv)SH /Times-Roman SF (,)SH 5760 64174 MT (only Mach's microkernel component) 112 W( runs unmapped; the)113 W 31788 64471 MT (where)SH /Times-Italic SF 34590 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 37393 XM (is relatively low.) 109 W( Associativity) 467 W( is generally)108 W 5760 65371 MT (UNIX server and emulator run in mapped memory.) 94 W( Ear-)436 W 31788 65668 MT (less beneficial for Mach than for) 133 W( Ultrix because applica-)134 W 31788 66865 MT (tions on Mach tend to have a higher)SH /Times-Italic SF 46397 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (.)SH 10800 50 5760 67784 UL 6 SS 6560 69123 MT (6)SH 8 SS 6860 69432 MT (We distinguish between competition from voluntary context) 17 W( switches,)18 W 5760 70356 MT (as occurs in a client-server system,) 166 W( and competition from involuntary)165 W 5760 71280 MT (context switches, as occurs in a multitasking workload.)SH 10 SS 30350 75600 MT (9)SH ES %%Page: 10 10 BS 0 SI 10 /Times-Bold AF 25439 22148 MT (Table 4-3:)SH /Times-Roman SF 30300 XM (TLB activity.)SH 1 SS 15840 5760 23040 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/TLBTable.ps %!PS-Adobe-1.0 %%Creator: OLIVIA.MACH.CS.CMU.EDU:bchen (Brad Chen) %%Title: stdin %%CreationDate: Sat Oct 23 18:56:00 1993 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Symbol Times-Roman DIThacks %%%Pages: (atend) %%EndComments % Start of pscat.pro -- prolog for troff translator % Copyright (c) 1985,1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. % GOVERNMENT END USERS: See Notice file in TranScript library directory % -- probably /usr/lib/ps/Notice % RCS: $Header: pscat.pro,v 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern Exp $ % % HISTORY % $Log: pscat.pro,v $ % Revision 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern % orig % [91/02/20 15:27:53 ern] % % 40 0 translate save /pscatsave exch def /$pscat 50 dict def $pscat begin /fm [1 0 0 1 0 0] def /xo 0 def /yo 0 def /M /moveto load def /R /show load def /S {exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show}def /T {exch currentpoint pop exch moveto show}def /U {3 1 roll moveto show}def /siz 0 def /font 0 def /Z {/siz exch def SF}def /F {/font exch def SF}def /SF{font 0 ne {catfonts font 1 sub get fm 0 siz put fm 3 siz neg put fm makefont setfont}if}def /BP{save/catsv exch def 0 792 translate 72 432 div dup neg scale xo yo translate 0 0 moveto}def /EP{catsv restore showpage}def % definitions for PPROC callback functions % each PPROC is called with the following number on the stack: % pointsize charcode railmag pswidth pschar x y wid /$pprocs 50 dict def /fractm [.65 0 0 .6 0 0] def % fractions /PS1{gsave $pprocs begin /wid exch def pop pop pop pop pop /ch exch def /size exch def /pair $pprocs ch get def /cf currentfont def cf fractm makefont setfont 0 .3 size mul 6 mul 2 copy neg rmoveto pair 0 get show rmoveto currentfont cf setfont (\244) show setfont pair 1 get show grestore wid .06 div 0 rmoveto end}def $pprocs begin 8#34 [(1)(4)] def 8#36 [(1)(2)] def 8#46 [(3)(4)] def end % DIThacks fonts for some special chars 50 dict dup begin /FontType 3 def /FontName /DIThacks def /FontMatrix [.001 0.0 0.0 .001 0.0 0.0] def /FontBBox [-220 -280 900 900] def% a lie but ... /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch /.notdef put}for Encoding dup 8#040/space put %space dup 8#110/rc put %right ceil dup 8#111/lt put %left top curl dup 8#112/bv put %bold vert dup 8#113/lk put %left mid curl dup 8#114/lb put %left bot curl dup 8#115/rt put %right top curl dup 8#116/rk put %right mid curl dup 8#117/rb put %right bot curl dup 8#120/rf put %right floor dup 8#121/lf put %left floor dup 8#122/lc put %left ceil dup 8#140/sq put %square dup 8#141/bx put %box dup 8#142/ci put %circle dup 8#143/br put %box rule dup 8#144/rn put %root extender dup 8#145/vr put %vertical rule dup 8#146/ob put %outline bullet dup 8#147/bu put %bullet dup 8#150/ru put %rule dup 8#151/ul put %underline pop /DITfd 100 dict def /BuildChar{0 begin /cc exch def /fd exch def /charname fd /Encoding get cc get def /charwid fd /Metrics get charname get def /charproc fd /CharProcs get charname get def charwid 0 fd /FontBBox get aload pop setcachedevice 40 setlinewidth newpath 0 0 moveto gsave charproc grestore end}def /BuildChar load 0 DITfd put %/UniqueID 5 def /CharProcs 50 dict def CharProcs begin /space{}def /.notdef{}def /ru{500 0 rls}def /rn{0 750 moveto 500 0 rls}def /vr{20 800 moveto 0 -770 rls}def /bv{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rls}def /br{20 770 moveto 0 -1040 rls}def /ul{0 -250 moveto 500 0 rls}def /ob{200 250 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 200 0 360 arc closepath stroke}def /bu{200 250 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 200 0 360 arc closepath fill}def /sq{80 0 rmoveto currentpoint dround newpath moveto 640 0 rlineto 0 640 rlineto -640 0 rlineto closepath stroke}def /bx{80 0 rmoveto currentpoint dround newpath moveto 640 0 rlineto 0 640 rlineto -640 0 rlineto closepath fill}def /ci{355 333 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 333 0 360 arc 50 setlinewidth stroke}def /lt{20 -200 moveto 0 550 rlineto currx 800 2cx s4 add exch s4 a4p stroke}def /lb{20 800 moveto 0 -550 rlineto currx -200 2cx s4 add exch s4 a4p stroke}def /rt{20 -200 moveto 0 550 rlineto currx 800 2cx s4 sub exch s4 a4p stroke}def /rb{20 800 moveto 0 -500 rlineto currx -200 2cx s4 sub exch s4 a4p stroke}def /lk{20 800 moveto 20 300 -280 300 s4 arcto pop pop 1000 sub currentpoint stroke moveto 20 300 4 2 roll s4 a4p 20 -200 lineto stroke}def /rk{20 800 moveto 20 300 320 300 s4 arcto pop pop 1000 sub currentpoint stroke moveto 20 300 4 2 roll s4 a4p 20 -200 lineto stroke}def /lf{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rlineto s4 0 rls}def /rf{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rlineto s4 neg 0 rls}def /lc{20 -200 moveto 0 1000 rlineto s4 0 rls}def /rc{20 -200 moveto 0 1000 rlineto s4 neg 0 rls}def end /Metrics 50 dict def Metrics begin /.notdef 0 def /space 500 def /ru 500 def /br 0 def /lt 250 def /lb 250 def /rt 250 def /rb 250 def /lk 250 def /rk 250 def /rc 250 def /lc 250 def /rf 250 def /lf 250 def /bv 250 def /ob 350 def /bu 350 def /ci 750 def /bx 750 def /sq 750 def /rn 500 def /ul 500 def /vr 0 def end DITfd begin /s2 500 def /s4 250 def /s3 333 def /a4p{arcto pop pop pop pop}def /2cx{2 copy exch}def /rls{rlineto stroke}def /currx{currentpoint pop}def /dround{transform round exch round exch itransform} def end end /DIThacks exch definefont pop /xo -540 def /yo 3801 def /catfonts [ /Times-Roman findfont /Times-Italic findfont /Times-Bold findfont /Symbol findfont /Times-Roman findfont /DIThacks findfont ] def %%EndProlog %%%Page: ? 1 BP 6 F 48 Z 432 -69(i)U 453(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)S 432 -9(i)U 1 F 813 -6(T)U 845(L)S 877(B)S 924(r)S 943(e)S 967(fs)S 1020(\()S 1041(x)S 1068(10)S 1118(00)S 1168(\))S 1465(U)S 1504(T)S 1536(L)S 1568(B)S 1615(m)S 1658(iss)S 1711(e)S 1735(s)S 1771(\()S 1792(x)S 1819(10)S 1869(00)S 1919(\))S 2131(K)S 2168(T)S 2200(L)S 2232(B)S 2279(m)S 2322(iss)S 2375(e)S 2399(s)S 2435(\()S 2456(x)S 2483(1\))S 2585(U)S 2624(T)S 2656(L)S 2688(B)S 2735(M)S 2782(C)S 2817(P)S 2846(I)S 2928(K)S 2965(T)S 2997(L)S 3029(B)S 3076(M)S 3123(C)S 3158(P)S 3187(I)S 6 F 453 -9(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 432 51(i)U 1 F 457 54(wo)U 519(r)S 538(k)S 565(lo)S 605(ad)S 769(u)S 797(se)S 841(r)S 950(U)S 989(lt)S 1018(r)S 1037(ix)S 1140(M)S 1187(ach)S 1331(U)S 1370(-u)S 1415(se)S 1459(r)S 1538(M)S 1585(-u)S 1630(se)S 1674(r)S 1745(U)S 1784(lt)S 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workloads. The number of user) 47 W( UTLB references is the same for both systems, as the same user code is executed.)48 W 6610 25548 MT (UTLB miss counts depend on competition from the system, so the) 13 W( table shows separate numbers for Ultrix and Mach. KTLB misses do not)12 W 6610 26446 MT (occur in user code.)SH 10 SS 31788 28237 MT (high relative penalty for block) 5 W( operations because program)6 W 31788 29434 MT (loading overheads) 61 W( dominate its cache behavior. From the)60 W 31788 30631 MT (measurements, we conclude that) 302 W( assertion five:)303 W /Times-Italic SF 52738 XM (system)SH 31788 31828 MT (block memory operations are) 71 W( responsible for a large per-)70 W 31788 33025 MT (centage of memory system) 268 W( reference costs)269 W /Times-Roman SF 50450 XM (is true, and)269 W 31788 34222 MT (most important in I/O intensive applications.)SH 1 SS 13680 31788 49007 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/BOPCPI.ps %!PS-Adobe-1.0 %%Creator: OLIVIA.MACH.CS.CMU.EDU:bchen (Brad Chen) %%Title: stdin %%CreationDate: Fri Aug 20 12:46:18 1993 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Symbol Times-Roman DIThacks %%%Pages: (atend) %%EndComments % Start of pscat.pro -- prolog for troff translator % Copyright (c) 1985,1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. % GOVERNMENT END USERS: See Notice file in TranScript library directory % -- probably /usr/lib/ps/Notice % RCS: $Header: pscat.pro,v 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern Exp $ % % HISTORY % $Log: pscat.pro,v $ % Revision 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern % orig % [91/02/20 15:27:53 ern] % % save /pscatsave exch def /$pscat 50 dict def $pscat begin /fm [1 0 0 1 0 0] def /xo 0 def /yo 0 def /M /moveto load def /R /show load def /S {exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show}def /T {exch currentpoint pop exch moveto show}def /U {3 1 roll moveto show}def /siz 0 def /font 0 def /Z {/siz exch def SF}def /F {/font exch def SF}def /SF{font 0 ne {catfonts font 1 sub get fm 0 siz put fm 3 siz neg put fm makefont setfont}if}def /BP{save/catsv exch def 0 792 translate 72 432 div dup neg scale xo yo translate 0 0 moveto}def /EP{catsv restore showpage}def % definitions for PPROC callback functions % each PPROC is called with the following number on the stack: % pointsize charcode railmag pswidth 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currentpoint newpath 200 0 360 arc closepath stroke}def /bu{200 250 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 200 0 360 arc closepath fill}def /sq{80 0 rmoveto currentpoint dround newpath moveto 640 0 rlineto 0 640 rlineto -640 0 rlineto closepath stroke}def /bx{80 0 rmoveto currentpoint dround newpath moveto 640 0 rlineto 0 640 rlineto -640 0 rlineto closepath fill}def /ci{355 333 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 333 0 360 arc 50 setlinewidth stroke}def /lt{20 -200 moveto 0 550 rlineto currx 800 2cx s4 add exch s4 a4p stroke}def /lb{20 800 moveto 0 -550 rlineto currx -200 2cx s4 add exch s4 a4p stroke}def /rt{20 -200 moveto 0 550 rlineto currx 800 2cx s4 sub exch s4 a4p stroke}def /rb{20 800 moveto 0 -500 rlineto currx -200 2cx s4 sub exch s4 a4p stroke}def /lk{20 800 moveto 20 300 -280 300 s4 arcto pop pop 1000 sub currentpoint stroke moveto 20 300 4 2 roll s4 a4p 20 -200 lineto stroke}def /rk{20 800 moveto 20 300 320 300 s4 arcto pop pop 1000 sub currentpoint stroke moveto 20 300 4 2 roll s4 a4p 20 -200 lineto stroke}def /lf{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rlineto s4 0 rls}def /rf{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rlineto s4 neg 0 rls}def /lc{20 -200 moveto 0 1000 rlineto s4 0 rls}def /rc{20 -200 moveto 0 1000 rlineto s4 neg 0 rls}def end /Metrics 50 dict def Metrics begin /.notdef 0 def /space 500 def /ru 500 def /br 0 def /lt 250 def /lb 250 def /rt 250 def /rb 250 def /lk 250 def /rk 250 def /rc 250 def /lc 250 def /rf 250 def /lf 250 def /bv 250 def /ob 350 def /bu 350 def /ci 750 def /bx 750 def /sq 750 def /rn 500 def /ul 500 def /vr 0 def end DITfd begin /s2 500 def /s4 250 def /s3 333 def /a4p{arcto pop pop pop pop}def /2cx{2 copy exch}def /rls{rlineto stroke}def /currx{currentpoint pop}def /dround{transform round exch round exch itransform} def end end /DIThacks exch definefont pop /xo -264 def /yo 3990 def /catfonts [ /Times-Roman findfont /Times-Italic findfont /Times-Bold findfont /Symbol findfont /Times-Roman findfont /DIThacks findfont ] def %%EndProlog %%%Page: ? 1 BP 6 F 48 Z 432 -69(i)U 435(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)S 691 -9(i)U 1 F 830 -6(U)U 869(lt)S 898(r)S 917(ix)S 1240(M)S 1287(ach)S 6 F 699 -9(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 432 51(i)U 1 F 457 54(wo)U 519(r)S 538(k)S 565(lo)S 605(ad)S 727(M)S 774(C)S 809(P)S 838(I)S 927(%to)S 1009(t)S 1025(al)S 1133(M)S 1180(C)S 1215(P)S 1244(I)S 1333(%to)S 1415(t)S 1431(al)S 6 F 435 51(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 1 F 539 168(e)U 584 114(se)U 628(d)S 734(0.)S 772(06)S 822(6)S 950(29)S 1000(.2)S 1140(0.)S 1178(13)S 1228(1)S 1356(26)S 1406(.6)S 563 168(gr)U 606(e)S 630(p)S 734(0.)S 772(01)S 822(4)S 950(39)S 1000(.3)S 1140(0.)S 1178(01)S 1228(7)S 1356(20)S 1406(.9)S 1419 222(9)U 566(yacc)S 734(0.)S 772(01)S 822(7)S 950(25)S 1000(.6)S 1140(0.)S 1178(02)S 1228(7)S 1356(20)S 1406(.)S 589 276(gcc)U 734(0.)S 772(11)S 822(6)S 950(26)S 1000(.8)S 1140(0.)S 1178(15)S 1228(9)S 1356(23)S 1406(.0)S 1419 330(0)U 456(co)S 504(m)S 547(pr)S 591(e)S 615(ss)S 734(0.)S 772(05)S 822(5)S 950(22)S 1000(.1)S 1140(0.)S 1178(07)S 1228(1)S 1356(17)S 1406(.)S 605 384(ab)U 734(0.)S 772(10)S 822(0)S 950(23)S 1000(.4)S 1140(0.)S 1178(05)S 1228(7)S 1356(10)S 1406(.7)S 1419 438(9)U 476(e)S 500(sp)S 545(r)S 564(e)S 588(ss)S 628(o)S 734(0.)S 772(00)S 822(9)S 950(21)S 1000(.3)S 1140(0.)S 1178(01)S 1228(3)S 1356(19)S 1406(.)S 584 492(lisp)U 734(0.)S 772(00)S 822(0)S 975(0.)S 1013(3)S 1140(0.)S 1178(00)S 1228(0)S 1381(0.)S 1419(0)S 1419 546(6)U 503(e)S 527(qn)S 580(t)S 596(o)S 623(t)S 639(t)S 734(0.)S 772(00)S 822(0)S 975(0.)S 1013(4)S 1140(0.)S 1178(00)S 1228(1)S 1381(0.)S 538 600(fp)U 580(pp)S 630(p)S 734(0.)S 772(00)S 822(3)S 975(1.)S 1013(2)S 1140(0.)S 1178(00)S 1228(5)S 1381(2.)S 1419(2)S 1419 654(9)U 525(d)S 552(o)S 579(d)S 606(u)S 634(c)S 734(0.)S 772(00)S 822(3)S 975(0.)S 1013(9)S 1140(0.)S 1178(00)S 1228(6)S 1381(1.)S 602 708(liv)U 734(0.)S 772(00)S 822(8)S 975(7.)S 1013(1)S 1140(0.)S 1178(01)S 1228(3)S 1381(7.)S 1419(9)S 1419 762(0)U 6 F 432 759(i)U 1 F 482 762(t)U 498(o)S 525(m)S 568(cat)S 628(v)S 734(0.)S 772(00)S 822(0)S 975(0.)S 1013(0)S 1140(0.)S 1178(00)S 1228(0)S 1381(0.)S 6 F 435 759(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 432(c)S 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 691 759(c)U 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 1097 759(c)U 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 1491 759(c)U 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T EP %%Trailer pscatsave end restore %%%Pages: 1 %%EndDocument PE 21600 5760 49151 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/AHisto.ps %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%BoundingBox: -8 -53 236 232 %%%Pages: 1 %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique Times-Roman Times-Italics Times-Bold Times-BoldItalics %%EndComments -79.200000 -93.600000 translate 50 dict begin /symbolFont 10 dict def symbolFont begin /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [.001 0 0 .001 0 0] def /FontBBox [-500 -500 500 500] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for Encoding 1 /Cross put Encoding 2 /Triangle put Encoding 3 /Trianglefilled put Encoding 4 /Diamond put Encoding 5 /Diamondfilled put Encoding 6 /Square put Encoding 7 /Squarefilled put Encoding 8 /Rectan put Encoding 9 /Rectanfilled put Encoding 10 /Circle put Encoding 11 /Circlefilled put Encoding 12 /Bullet put Encoding 13 /Star put Encoding 14 /Plus put /graphclip {newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip } def /Procs 15 dict def Procs begin /.notdef {} def /Cross { newpath -500 -500 moveto 500 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 500 moveto 500 -500 lineto stroke } def /Triangle { newpath -500 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Trianglefilled { newpath -500 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Diamond { newpath -500 0 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 0 lineto 0 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Diamondfilled { newpath -500 0 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 0 lineto 0 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Square { newpath -500 -500 moveto -500 500 lineto 500 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Squarefilled { newpath -500 -500 moveto -500 500 lineto 500 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Rectan { newpath -200 -500 moveto -200 500 lineto 200 500 lineto 200 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Rectanfilled { newpath -200 -500 moveto -200 500 lineto 200 500 lineto 200 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Circle { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc stroke } def /Circlefilled { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath fill } def /Bullet { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath fill } def /Plus { newpath 0 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 0 moveto 500 0 lineto stroke } def /Star { newpath 0 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 0 moveto 500 0 lineto stroke newpath -500 -500 moveto 500 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 500 moveto 500 -500 lineto stroke } def end /BuildChar { 1000 0 -500 -500 500 500 setcachedevice exch begin Encoding exch get Procs exch get end exec } def end /Symbols symbolFont definefont pop % size SetSym -> set font to be symbols scaled by 'size' /SetSym { /Symbols findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % size fontname SetTxt -> set font 'fontname' scaled by 'size' /SetTxt { findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % dashtype thicknes SL /SL { setlinewidth 0 setdash } def /cross {2 copy le {exch pop} {pop} ifelse} def %9 added to distinguish from other clashing scribe definitions % from to L9 -> print line between points 'from' and 'to' /L9 { newpath moveto lineto stroke } def /S9 { newpath moveto } def /M9 { lineto } def /D9 { stroke } def %%%% %%%% setscreen is not EPSF compliant, but if you want to cheat %%%% you can switch which of the following two definitions of %%%% SS9 is commented out. It would be best to do this by having %%%% a seperate version of the prolog file for the user to select. %%%% %%%% /SS9 { setscreen } def /SS9 { pop pop pop } def /G9 { setgray } def /F9 {newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath fill} def /E9 {closepath fill} def % E9 is fills for incremental curves, while F9 for curve segments /Landscape {612 0 translate 90 rotate} def % save current point in global variable psx psy /SAVPOS { /psx currentpoint pop def /psy currentpoint exch pop def } def % string angle xpos ypos TXL -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXL { gsave translate rotate 0 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle xpos ypos TXR -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXR { gsave translate rotate dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle xpos ypos TXC -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXC { gsave translate rotate dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle TXREL -> print 'string' at xpos ypos translate psx psy rel /TXREL { gsave translate rotate psx psy moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % char xpos ypos SY -> print symbol 'char' at position xpos, ypos /SY { moveto show } def /len {dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CURVE SMOOTHING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Curve Smoothing Routines % Ernest Wood - Wed Apr 16 09:05:05 1986 % % These routines will ALWAYS create a smooth curve which % intercepts EVERY point used to generate them. % % The definition qA determines the amount of overshoot smoothing % produces around each point. The distance is the distance to the % next point times aA. The factor qB scales the amount of overshoot % by the acuteness of the angle around the point. % % These values make a square of points into a circle. /qA .3 def % used in qx /qB 1 def % used in afactor /8a 8 array def % % Angle of vector from p0 to p1 p0 p1 polar ang /polar{qs neg exch neg atan}def %subtract and add points p0 p1 qs p0-p1 % p0 p1 qa p0+p1 /qs{exch 3 1 roll sub 3 1 roll sub exch}def /qa{exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch}def % Extract point from 8 point array % /Pt{2 mul dup 8a exch get exch 1 add 8a exch get}def % a0 a1 mirrorang ma % If a0 is the angle from p1 to p0 and a1 is the angle from % p1 to p2 then ma is the mirror angle between p0-p1 and p1-p2. % a0 a1 afactor f % If a0 is the angle from p1 to p0 and a1 is the angle from % p1 to p2 then f is the ratio of the inside angle between a0 and a1 % and 180 times qB. This ratio is saturated at 1 and if qB is 0 then % the value returned is always 1. Thus the more acute the angle % the smaller the value of f. % /mirrorang{2 copy add 2 div 3 1 roll sub 0 lt {90} {-90}ifelse add}def /afactor{ qB 0 eq { 1 } {sub abs dup 180 gt {360 exch sub} if 180 div qB mul dup 1 gt {pop 1} if} ifelse }def % a d xya x y % Given angle a and distance d % produce x and y offsets. % /xya{exch 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul}def % p0 p1 p2 p3 qx pp1 pp2 pp3 % Given 4 points on a curve produce the pp# values needed by % curveto to draw a smooth curve between p1 and p2. The slope % of the curve at p1 and p2 will be perpendicular to the bisector % of a angle between p0/p1/p2 or p1/p2/p3. % /qx{ 8a astore pop 1 Pt 2 Pt qs len qA mul /dist exch def 1 Pt 0 Pt polar 1 Pt 2 Pt polar 2 copy mirrorang 3 1 roll afactor dist mul xya 1 Pt qa 2 Pt 3 Pt polar 2 Pt 1 Pt polar 2 copy mirrorang 3 1 roll afactor dist mul xya 2 Pt qa 2 Pt }def /qp{8 copy 16 -2 roll pop pop}def /ns1{4 copy 4 -2 roll 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs 6 2 roll /ns{ns2}def }def /ns2{qp qx curveto}def % User definitions for curve smoothing routines. % First (ms), intermediate (ns), and last points with (fs) and % without (nsfs) automatic stroke execution. % /ms{2 copy newpath moveto /ns{ns1}def}def /ns{ns1}def /fs{stroke}def /nsfs{ns 4 copy 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs qx curveto}def /nsend{4 copy 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs qx curveto}def %%EndProlog %%%Page ? 1 72.000000 72.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 72.000000 72.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 115.393 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.718 293.4 M9 175.718 298.8 M9 115.393 298.8 M9 115.393 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 175.718 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 293.4 M9 202.179 298.8 M9 175.718 298.8 M9 175.718 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 273.109 293.4 M9 273.109 298.8 M9 210.857 298.8 M9 210.857 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 273.109 293.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 293.4 M9 297.643 298.8 M9 273.109 298.8 M9 273.109 293.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.993 288 M9 176.993 293.4 M9 115.393 293.4 M9 115.393 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 176.993 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 288 M9 202.179 293.4 M9 176.993 293.4 M9 176.993 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 289.008 288 M9 289.008 293.4 M9 210.857 293.4 M9 210.857 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 289.008 288 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 288 M9 297.643 293.4 M9 289.008 293.4 M9 289.008 288 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 177.809 277.2 M9 177.809 282.6 M9 115.393 282.6 M9 115.393 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 177.809 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 277.2 M9 202.179 282.6 M9 177.809 282.6 M9 177.809 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 277.752 277.2 M9 277.752 282.6 M9 210.857 282.6 M9 210.857 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 277.752 277.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 277.2 M9 297.643 282.6 M9 277.752 282.6 M9 277.752 277.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.638 271.8 M9 176.638 277.2 M9 115.393 277.2 M9 115.393 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 176.638 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 271.8 M9 202.179 277.2 M9 176.638 277.2 M9 176.638 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 284.174 271.8 M9 284.174 277.2 M9 210.857 277.2 M9 210.857 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 284.174 271.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 271.8 M9 297.643 277.2 M9 284.174 277.2 M9 284.174 271.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.018 261 M9 169.018 266.4 M9 115.393 266.4 M9 115.393 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.018 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 261 M9 202.179 266.4 M9 169.018 266.4 M9 169.018 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 271.017 261 M9 271.017 266.4 M9 210.857 266.4 M9 210.857 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 271.017 261 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 261 M9 297.643 266.4 M9 271.017 266.4 M9 271.017 261 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.941 255.6 M9 176.941 261 M9 115.393 261 M9 115.393 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 176.941 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 255.6 M9 202.179 261 M9 176.941 261 M9 176.941 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 279.019 255.6 M9 279.019 261 M9 210.857 261 M9 210.857 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 279.019 255.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 255.6 M9 297.643 261 M9 279.019 261 M9 279.019 255.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 154.012 244.8 M9 154.012 250.2 M9 115.393 250.2 M9 115.393 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 154.012 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 244.8 M9 202.179 250.2 M9 154.012 250.2 M9 154.012 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 248.001 244.8 M9 248.001 250.2 M9 210.857 250.2 M9 210.857 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 248.001 244.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 244.8 M9 297.643 250.2 M9 248.001 250.2 M9 248.001 244.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 174.121 239.4 M9 174.121 244.8 M9 115.393 244.8 M9 115.393 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 174.121 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 239.4 M9 202.179 244.8 M9 174.121 244.8 M9 174.121 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 277.604 239.4 M9 277.604 244.8 M9 210.857 244.8 M9 210.857 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 277.604 239.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 239.4 M9 297.643 244.8 M9 277.604 244.8 M9 277.604 239.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.149 228.6 M9 164.149 234 M9 115.393 234 M9 115.393 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 164.149 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 228.6 M9 202.179 234 M9 164.149 234 M9 164.149 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 273.603 228.6 M9 273.603 234 M9 210.857 234 M9 210.857 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 273.603 228.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 228.6 M9 297.643 234 M9 273.603 234 M9 273.603 228.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.995 223.2 M9 175.995 228.6 M9 115.393 228.6 M9 115.393 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 175.995 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 223.2 M9 202.179 228.6 M9 175.995 228.6 M9 175.995 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 285.64 223.2 M9 285.64 228.6 M9 210.857 228.6 M9 210.857 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 285.64 223.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 223.2 M9 297.643 228.6 M9 285.64 228.6 M9 285.64 223.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 158.534 212.4 M9 158.534 217.8 M9 115.393 217.8 M9 115.393 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 158.534 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 212.4 M9 202.179 217.8 M9 158.534 217.8 M9 158.534 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 287.906 212.4 M9 287.906 217.8 M9 210.857 217.8 M9 210.857 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 287.906 212.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 212.4 M9 297.643 217.8 M9 287.906 217.8 M9 287.906 212.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.133 207 M9 168.133 212.4 M9 115.393 212.4 M9 115.393 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.133 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 207 M9 202.179 212.4 M9 168.133 212.4 M9 168.133 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 278.255 207 M9 278.255 212.4 M9 210.857 212.4 M9 210.857 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 278.255 207 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 207 M9 297.643 212.4 M9 278.255 212.4 M9 278.255 207 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 162.275 196.2 M9 162.275 201.6 M9 115.393 201.6 M9 115.393 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 162.275 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 196.2 M9 202.179 201.6 M9 162.275 201.6 M9 162.275 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 257.721 196.2 M9 257.721 201.6 M9 210.857 201.6 M9 210.857 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 257.721 196.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 196.2 M9 297.643 201.6 M9 257.721 201.6 M9 257.721 196.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.7 190.8 M9 175.7 196.2 M9 115.393 196.2 M9 115.393 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 175.7 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 190.8 M9 202.179 196.2 M9 175.7 196.2 M9 175.7 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 280.095 190.8 M9 280.095 196.2 M9 210.857 196.2 M9 210.857 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 280.095 190.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 190.8 M9 297.643 196.2 M9 280.095 196.2 M9 280.095 190.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 143.199 180 M9 143.199 185.4 M9 115.393 185.4 M9 115.393 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 143.199 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 180 M9 202.179 185.4 M9 143.199 185.4 M9 143.199 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 219.371 180 M9 219.371 185.4 M9 210.857 185.4 M9 210.857 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 219.371 180 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 180 M9 297.643 185.4 M9 219.371 185.4 M9 219.371 180 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 148.719 174.6 M9 148.719 180 M9 115.393 180 M9 115.393 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 148.719 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 174.6 M9 202.179 180 M9 148.719 180 M9 148.719 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 218.373 174.6 M9 218.373 180 M9 210.857 180 M9 210.857 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 218.373 174.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 174.6 M9 297.643 180 M9 218.373 180 M9 218.373 174.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 147.842 163.8 M9 147.842 169.2 M9 115.393 169.2 M9 115.393 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 147.842 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 163.8 M9 202.179 169.2 M9 147.842 169.2 M9 147.842 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 226.782 163.8 M9 226.782 169.2 M9 210.857 169.2 M9 210.857 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 226.782 163.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 163.8 M9 297.643 169.2 M9 226.782 169.2 M9 226.782 163.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 145.49 158.4 M9 145.49 163.8 M9 115.393 163.8 M9 115.393 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 145.49 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 158.4 M9 202.179 163.8 M9 145.49 163.8 M9 145.49 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 242.039 158.4 M9 242.039 163.8 M9 210.857 163.8 M9 210.857 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 242.039 158.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 158.4 M9 297.643 163.8 M9 242.039 163.8 M9 242.039 158.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 124.748 147.6 M9 124.748 153 M9 115.393 153 M9 115.393 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 124.748 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 147.6 M9 202.179 153 M9 124.748 153 M9 124.748 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 258.945 147.6 M9 258.945 153 M9 210.857 153 M9 210.857 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 258.945 147.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 147.6 M9 297.643 153 M9 258.945 153 M9 258.945 147.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 155.601 142.2 M9 155.601 147.6 M9 115.393 147.6 M9 115.393 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 155.601 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 142.2 M9 202.179 147.6 M9 155.601 147.6 M9 155.601 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 272.857 142.2 M9 272.857 147.6 M9 210.857 147.6 M9 210.857 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 272.857 142.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 142.2 M9 297.643 147.6 M9 272.857 147.6 M9 272.857 142.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 160.452 131.4 M9 160.452 136.8 M9 115.393 136.8 M9 115.393 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 160.452 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 131.4 M9 202.179 136.8 M9 160.452 136.8 M9 160.452 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 256.48 131.4 M9 256.48 136.8 M9 210.857 136.8 M9 210.857 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 256.48 131.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 131.4 M9 297.643 136.8 M9 256.48 136.8 M9 256.48 131.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.487 126 M9 173.487 131.4 M9 115.393 131.4 M9 115.393 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 173.487 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 126 M9 202.179 131.4 M9 173.487 131.4 M9 173.487 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 269.394 126 M9 269.394 131.4 M9 210.857 131.4 M9 210.857 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 269.394 126 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 126 M9 297.643 131.4 M9 269.394 131.4 M9 269.394 126 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.447 115.2 M9 176.447 120.6 M9 115.393 120.6 M9 115.393 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 176.447 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 115.2 M9 202.179 120.6 M9 176.447 120.6 M9 176.447 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 273.152 115.2 M9 273.152 120.6 M9 210.857 120.6 M9 210.857 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 273.152 115.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 115.2 M9 297.643 120.6 M9 273.152 120.6 M9 273.152 115.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 177.557 109.8 M9 177.557 115.2 M9 115.393 115.2 M9 115.393 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 177.557 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 109.8 M9 202.179 115.2 M9 177.557 115.2 M9 177.557 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 279.982 109.8 M9 279.982 115.2 M9 210.857 115.2 M9 210.857 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 279.982 109.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 109.8 M9 297.643 115.2 M9 279.982 115.2 M9 279.982 109.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 141.515 99 M9 141.515 104.4 M9 115.393 104.4 M9 115.393 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 141.515 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 99 M9 202.179 104.4 M9 141.515 104.4 M9 141.515 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 238.36 99 M9 238.36 104.4 M9 210.857 104.4 M9 210.857 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 238.36 99 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 99 M9 297.643 104.4 M9 238.36 104.4 M9 238.36 99 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 115.393 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 134.13 93.6 M9 134.13 99 M9 115.393 99 M9 115.393 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 134.13 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.179 93.6 M9 202.179 99 M9 134.13 99 M9 134.13 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 210.857 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 246.691 93.6 M9 246.691 99 M9 210.857 99 M9 210.857 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 246.691 93.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 297.643 93.6 M9 297.643 99 M9 246.691 99 M9 246.691 93.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.800000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 initclip 7 /Times-Roman SetTxt () 0 193.5 41.2 TXC 6 /Times-Roman SetTxt (Instruction) 0 158.786 300.42 TXC (Data) 0 254.25 300.42 TXC ( 0.11) 0 115.393 294.48 TXL ( 0.04) 0 210.857 294.48 TXL (sed+U) 0 114.525 293.4 TXR ( 0.24) 0 115.393 289.08 TXL ( 0.11) 0 210.857 289.08 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 288 TXR ( 0.01) 0 115.393 278.28 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 278.28 TXL (egrep+U) 0 114.525 277.2 TXR ( 0.04) 0 115.393 272.88 TXL ( 0.02) 0 210.857 272.88 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 271.8 TXR ( 0.02) 0 115.393 262.08 TXL ( 0.01) 0 210.857 262.08 TXL (yacc+U) 0 114.525 261 TXR ( 0.06) 0 115.393 256.68 TXL ( 0.02) 0 210.857 256.68 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 255.6 TXR ( 0.07) 0 115.393 245.88 TXL ( 0.02) 0 210.857 245.88 TXL (gcc+U) 0 114.525 244.8 TXR ( 0.23) 0 115.393 240.48 TXL ( 0.08) 0 210.857 240.48 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 239.4 TXR ( 0.05) 0 115.393 229.68 TXL ( 0.03) 0 210.857 229.68 TXL (compress+U) 0 114.525 228.6 TXR ( 0.13) 0 115.393 224.28 TXL ( 0.08) 0 210.857 224.28 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 223.2 TXR ( 0.10) 0 115.393 213.48 TXL ( 0.08) 0 210.857 213.48 TXL (ab+U) 0 114.525 212.4 TXR ( 0.21) 0 115.393 208.08 TXL ( 0.11) 0 210.857 208.08 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 207 TXR ( 0.00) 0 115.393 197.28 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 197.28 TXL (espresso+U) 0 114.525 196.2 TXR ( 0.02) 0 115.393 191.88 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 191.88 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 190.8 TXR ( 0.00) 0 115.393 181.08 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 181.08 TXL (lisp+U) 0 114.525 180 TXR ( 0.00) 0 115.393 175.68 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 175.68 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 174.6 TXR ( 0.00) 0 115.393 164.88 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 164.88 TXL (eqntott+U) 0 114.525 163.8 TXR ( 0.00) 0 115.393 159.48 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 159.48 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 158.4 TXR ( 0.01) 0 115.393 148.68 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 148.68 TXL (fpppp+U) 0 114.525 147.6 TXR ( 0.01) 0 115.393 143.28 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 143.28 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 142.2 TXR ( 0.00) 0 115.393 132.48 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 132.48 TXL (doduc+U) 0 114.525 131.4 TXR ( 0.00) 0 115.393 127.08 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 127.08 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 126 TXR ( 0.01) 0 115.393 116.28 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 116.28 TXL (liv+U) 0 114.525 115.2 TXR ( 0.04) 0 115.393 110.88 TXL ( 0.02) 0 210.857 110.88 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 109.8 TXR ( 0.00) 0 115.393 100.08 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 100.08 TXL (tomcatv+U) 0 114.525 99 TXR ( 0.00) 0 115.393 94.68 TXL ( 0.00) 0 210.857 94.68 TXL (+M) 0 114.525 93.6 TXR () 0 158.786 294.12 TXC () 0 254.25 294.12 TXC () 0 115.393 288.18 TXL () 0 210.857 288.18 TXL () 0 114.525 287.1 TXR () 0 115.393 282.78 TXL () 0 210.857 282.78 TXL () 0 114.525 281.7 TXR () 0 115.393 271.98 TXL () 0 210.857 271.98 TXL () 0 114.525 270.9 TXR () 0 115.393 266.58 TXL () 0 210.857 266.58 TXL () 0 114.525 265.5 TXR () 0 115.393 255.78 TXL () 0 210.857 255.78 TXL () 0 114.525 254.7 TXR () 0 115.393 250.38 TXL () 0 210.857 250.38 TXL () 0 114.525 249.3 TXR () 0 115.393 239.58 TXL () 0 210.857 239.58 TXL () 0 114.525 238.5 TXR () 0 115.393 234.18 TXL () 0 210.857 234.18 TXL () 0 114.525 233.1 TXR () 0 115.393 223.38 TXL () 0 210.857 223.38 TXL () 0 114.525 222.3 TXR () 0 115.393 217.98 TXL () 0 210.857 217.98 TXL () 0 114.525 216.9 TXR () 0 115.393 207.18 TXL () 0 210.857 207.18 TXL () 0 114.525 206.1 TXR () 0 115.393 201.78 TXL () 0 210.857 201.78 TXL () 0 114.525 200.7 TXR () 0 115.393 190.98 TXL () 0 210.857 190.98 TXL () 0 114.525 189.9 TXR () 0 115.393 185.58 TXL () 0 210.857 185.58 TXL () 0 114.525 184.5 TXR () 0 115.393 174.78 TXL () 0 210.857 174.78 TXL () 0 114.525 173.7 TXR () 0 115.393 169.38 TXL () 0 210.857 169.38 TXL () 0 114.525 168.3 TXR () 0 115.393 158.58 TXL () 0 210.857 158.58 TXL () 0 114.525 157.5 TXR () 0 115.393 153.18 TXL () 0 210.857 153.18 TXL () 0 114.525 152.1 TXR () 0 115.393 142.38 TXL () 0 210.857 142.38 TXL () 0 114.525 141.3 TXR () 0 115.393 136.98 TXL () 0 210.857 136.98 TXL () 0 114.525 135.9 TXR () 0 115.393 126.18 TXL () 0 210.857 126.18 TXL () 0 114.525 125.1 TXR () 0 115.393 120.78 TXL () 0 210.857 120.78 TXL () 0 114.525 119.7 TXR () 0 115.393 109.98 TXL () 0 210.857 109.98 TXL () 0 114.525 108.9 TXR () 0 115.393 104.58 TXL () 0 210.857 104.58 TXL () 0 114.525 103.5 TXR () 0 115.393 93.78 TXL () 0 210.857 93.78 TXL () 0 114.525 92.7 TXR () 0 115.393 88.38 TXL () 0 210.857 88.38 TXL () 0 114.525 87.3 TXR 72.000000 72.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 72.000000 72.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 315.000000 72.000000 315.000000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 4 SetSym initclip showpage %%Trailer end %%EndDocument PE 10 /Times-Bold AF 33503 50617 MT (Table 4-4:)SH /Times-Roman SF 38364 XM (MCPI from block memory operations.)SH /Times-Bold SF 9963 50761 MT (Figure 4-2:)SH /Times-Roman SF 15212 XM (System self-interference.)SH 8.5 SS 33221 52124 MT (For each system, this table shows the)125 W /Times-Italic SF 46941 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 49355 XM (contribution of)124 W 7193 52268 MT (For each workload/system) 63 W( pair this figure shows system self-)64 W 32638 53022 MT (block moves \050and subsequent interference\051, and also the per-)158 W 6610 53166 MT (interference effects, as indicated by miss rates from) 247 W( direct-)246 W 32638 53920 MT (centage of total)SH /Times-Italic SF 38089 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 40379 XM (due to block moves.)SH 6610 54064 MT (mapped and) 17 W( two-way associative caches of the same size. Each)18 W 6610 54962 MT (bar is composed of) 89 W( two regions. The darker region represents)88 W 10 SS 32788 55711 MT (In terms of)156 W /Times-Italic SF 37894 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (, Table 4-4 shows that block opera-)155 W 8.5 SS 6610 55860 MT (misses eliminated by associativity \050those due) 571 W( to self-)572 W 6610 56758 MT (interference\051. The) 707 W( lighter region represents) 247 W( misses that as-)246 W 10 SS 31788 56908 MT (tions incur a larger absolute overhead for programs) 154 W( run-)155 W 8.5 SS 6610 57656 MT (sociativity does) 103 W( not eliminate. The number on the left end of)104 W 10 SS 31788 58105 MT (ning on Mach) 52 W( than on Ultrix. Table 4-5 shows that Mach)51 W 8.5 SS 6610 58554 MT (the bar is)SH /Times-Italic SF 9939 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 12229 XM (for the system-only direct-mapped cache.)SH 10 SS 31788 59302 MT (generally references more data than Ultrix in block) 50 W( opera-)51 W 31788 60499 MT (tions, and that more of those references go through) 248 W( to)247 W 31788 61696 MT (memory. Block) 374 W( operations) 62 W( in Mach occur within the ker-)63 W 11 /Times-Bold AF 5760 62171 MT (4.5. Block operations)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 31788 62893 MT (nel as part of the) 178 W( VM and IPC systems, and within the)177 W 6760 63368 MT (Operating systems perform) 39 W( block memory operations to)38 W 31788 64090 MT (UNIX server as) 43 W( part of the file system. In contrast, Ultrix)44 W 5760 64565 MT (transfer data) 247 W( between I/O devices and memory, and to)248 W 31788 65287 MT (block operations,) 141 W( which occur entirely within the kernel,)140 W 5760 65762 MT (copy data) 107 W( between address spaces. Table 4-4 shows that)106 W 31788 66484 MT (are due mostly to VM and file system operations.)SH 5760 66959 MT (block memory operations and their subsequent inter-)418 W 5760 68156 MT (ference can be responsible for) 245 W( a substantial fraction of)244 W 5760 69353 MT (total)SH /Times-Italic SF 8106 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (, especially) 318 W( for programs that perform sig-)319 W 5760 70550 MT (nificant I/O.)211 W /Times-Italic SF 11781 XM (Espresso)SH /Times-Roman SF (, while not I/O) 211 W( intensive, pays a)210 W 30100 75600 MT (10)SH ES %%Page: 11 11 BS 0 SI 1 SS 13680 5760 20880 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/BOPTable2.ps %!PS-Adobe-1.0 %%Creator: OLIVIA.MACH.CS.CMU.EDU:bchen (Brad Chen) %%Title: stdin %%CreationDate: Tue Aug 31 17:04:53 1993 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Symbol Times-Roman DIThacks %%%Pages: (atend) %%EndComments % Start of pscat.pro -- prolog for troff translator % Copyright (c) 1985,1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. % GOVERNMENT END USERS: See Notice file in TranScript library directory % -- probably /usr/lib/ps/Notice % RCS: $Header: pscat.pro,v 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern Exp $ % % HISTORY % $Log: pscat.pro,v $ % Revision 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern % orig % [91/02/20 15:27:53 ern] % % save /pscatsave exch def /$pscat 50 dict def $pscat begin /fm [1 0 0 1 0 0] def /xo 0 def /yo 0 def /M /moveto load def /R /show load def /S {exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show}def /T {exch currentpoint pop exch moveto show}def /U {3 1 roll moveto show}def /siz 0 def /font 0 def /Z {/siz exch def SF}def /F {/font exch def SF}def /SF{font 0 ne {catfonts font 1 sub get fm 0 siz put fm 3 siz neg put fm makefont setfont}if}def /BP{save/catsv exch def 0 792 translate 72 432 div dup neg scale xo yo translate 0 0 moveto}def /EP{catsv restore showpage}def % definitions for PPROC callback functions % each PPROC is called with the following number on the stack: % pointsize charcode railmag pswidth pschar x y wid /$pprocs 50 dict def /fractm [.65 0 0 .6 0 0] def % fractions /PS1{gsave $pprocs begin /wid exch def pop pop pop pop pop /ch exch def /size exch def /pair $pprocs ch get def /cf currentfont def cf fractm makefont setfont 0 .3 size mul 6 mul 2 copy neg rmoveto pair 0 get show rmoveto currentfont cf setfont (\244) show setfont pair 1 get show grestore wid .06 div 0 rmoveto end}def $pprocs begin 8#34 [(1)(4)] def 8#36 [(1)(2)] def 8#46 [(3)(4)] def end % DIThacks fonts for some special chars 50 dict dup begin /FontType 3 def /FontName /DIThacks def /FontMatrix [.001 0.0 0.0 .001 0.0 0.0] def /FontBBox [-220 -280 900 900] def% a lie but ... /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch /.notdef put}for Encoding dup 8#040/space put %space dup 8#110/rc put %right ceil dup 8#111/lt put %left top curl dup 8#112/bv put %bold vert dup 8#113/lk put %left mid curl dup 8#114/lb put %left bot curl dup 8#115/rt put %right top curl dup 8#116/rk put %right mid curl dup 8#117/rb put 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762(0.)S 800(00)S 850(3)S 955(0.)S 993(9)S 1179(36)S 1423(62)S 1688(75)S 1849(76)S 1899(.5)S 2017(0.)S 2055(00)S 2105(6)S 2210(1.)S 2248(9)S 2409(11)S 2459(5)S 2665(85)S 2918(14)S 2968(7)S 3090(73)S 3140(.)S 629 768(liv)U 762(0.)S 800(00)S 850(8)S 955(7.)S 993(1)S 1179(19)S 1448(8)S 1688(14)S 1849(51)S 1899(.1)S 2017(0.)S 2055(01)S 2105(3)S 2210(7.)S 2248(9)S 2434(52)S 2690(8)S 2943(20)S 3090(34)S 3140(.2)S 3153 822(3)U 6 F 459 819(i)U 1 F 509 822(t)U 525(o)S 552(m)S 595(cat)S 655(v)S 762(0.)S 800(00)S 850(0)S 955(0.)S 993(0)S 1154(11)S 1204(3)S 1423(23)S 1688(60)S 1849(44)S 1899(.5)S 2017(0.)S 2055(00)S 2105(0)S 2210(0.)S 2248(0)S 2409(29)S 2459(7)S 2690(4)S 2943(76)S 3090(25)S 3140(.)S 6 F 477 819(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 459(c)S 795(c)T 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 718 819(c)U 795(c)T 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 1053 819(c)U 807(c)T 759(c)T 711(c)T 663(c)T 615(c)T 567(c)T 519(c)T 471(c)T 423(c)T 375(c)T 327(c)T 279(c)T 231(c)T 183(c)T 135(c)T 87(c)T 39(c)T 1589 819(c)U 807(c)T 759(c)T 711(c)T 663(c)T 615(c)T 567(c)T 519(c)T 471(c)T 423(c)T 375(c)T 327(c)T 279(c)T 231(c)T 183(c)T 135(c)T 87(c)T 39(c)T 1973 819(c)U 807(c)T 759(c)T 711(c)T 663(c)T 615(c)T 567(c)T 519(c)T 471(c)T 423(c)T 375(c)T 327(c)T 279(c)T 231(c)T 183(c)T 135(c)T 87(c)T 39(c)T 2308 819(c)U 807(c)T 759(c)T 711(c)T 663(c)T 615(c)T 567(c)T 519(c)T 471(c)T 423(c)T 375(c)T 327(c)T 279(c)T 231(c)T 183(c)T 135(c)T 87(c)T 39(c)T 2844 819(c)U 807(c)T 759(c)T 711(c)T 663(c)T 615(c)T 567(c)T 519(c)T 471(c)T 423(c)T 375(c)T 327(c)T 279(c)T 231(c)T 183(c)T 135(c)T 87(c)T 39(c)T 3213 819(c)U 795(c)T 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T EP %%Trailer pscatsave end restore %%%Pages: 1 %%EndDocument PE 10 /Times-Bold AF 18996 22490 MT (Table 4-5:)SH /Times-Roman SF 23857 XM (Block memory operations and memory reads.)SH 8.5 SS 7193 23997 MT (For each system, this table shows the)115 W /Times-Italic SF 20842 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 23246 XM (due to block memory operations and subsequent interference, and its percentage of total)114 W /Times-Italic SF 6610 24895 MT (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 9066 XM (\050Figure 2-1\051. The table also shows the number of data reads from cacheable and uncacheable memory that are due to) 166 W( block)167 W 6610 25793 MT (operations, the number of those reads) 12 W( that go to memory resulting in a CPU read stall, and the percentage of overall CPU memory stalls due)11 W 6610 26691 MT (to block operations. Reads from uncacheable memory are due primarily to I/O operations and always) 12 W( go through to memory. All counts are)13 W 6610 27589 MT (in thousands.)SH 10 SS 31788 29380 MT (in a) 113 W( larger number of stalls. Additionally, the interleaved)112 W 11 /Times-Bold AF 5760 29431 MT (4.6. Streaming writes)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 31788 30577 MT (read misses decrease) 148 W( the frequency of low-latency page-)149 W 6760 30628 MT (Operating systems stream data) 60 W( to memory during block)61 W 31788 31774 MT (mode writes.)SH 5760 31825 MT (transfers, such as for I/O and IPC, and during context)251 W 5760 33022 MT (switches and exception handling.) 120 W( Write) 491 W( buffers expedite)121 W 5760 34219 MT (streaming writes) 227 W( by allowing the CPU to run ahead of)226 W 11 /Times-Bold AF 31788 35391 MT (4.7. Page mapping strategy)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 5760 35416 MT (memory. The) 326 W( effect of streaming write operations on) 38 W( sys-)39 W 32788 36588 MT (The system's virtual) 141 W( page mapping strategy can affect)140 W 5760 36613 MT (tem performance) 30 W( can be measured by counting stall cycles)29 W 31788 37785 MT (the performance of a physically indexed cache, as) 32 W( it deter-)33 W 5760 37810 MT (due to writes. The number) 172 W( of write stall cycles per in-)173 W 31788 38982 MT (mines the placement and overlap of) 165 W( virtual pages in the)164 W 5760 39007 MT (struction for user and system code under) 60 W( Ultrix and Mach)59 W 31788 40179 MT (cache. As) 542 W( an example, the operating) 146 W( system can reduce)147 W 5760 40204 MT (is shown in Table 4-6.) 101 W( In) 454 W( most cases system behavior is)102 W 31788 41376 MT (self-interference misses for) 125 W( small applications by using a)124 W 5760 41401 MT (worse than user behavior, supporting the sixth) 152 W( assertion:)151 W 31788 42573 MT (virtual-to-physical mapping) 6 W( that uniformly distributes con-)7 W /Times-Italic SF 5760 42598 MT (write buffers are less effective for system references.)SH /Times-Roman SF 31788 43770 MT (secutive virtual pages) 40 W( throughout the cache. For localities)39 W 31788 44967 MT (smaller than the cache size, such a) 112 W( strategy prevents col-)113 W 31788 46164 MT (lisions in the cache.) 205 W( This) 659 W( strategy also makes possible)204 W 31788 47361 MT (tools that rearrange the layout of text and data in memory)62 W 31788 48558 MT (to improve cache performance [27, 17].)SH 32788 50254 MT (In our discussion so far,) 230 W( we have simulated a deter-)229 W 31788 51451 MT (ministic strategy for both the Ultrix and Mach reference)154 W 31788 52648 MT (streams. As) 656 W( previously) 203 W( mentioned, Ultrix uses a deter-)202 W 31788 53845 MT (ministic strategy,) 80 W( while Mach's strategy is random \050a vir-)81 W 31788 55042 MT (tual page is assigned to the next physical page on the) 59 W( free)58 W 31788 56239 MT (list\051. To) 496 W( isolate the effect of the page mapping) 123 W( strategy,)124 W 1 SS 13680 5760 57383 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/WBTable.ps %!PS-Adobe-1.0 %%Creator: OLIVIA.MACH.CS.CMU.EDU:bchen (Brad Chen) %%Title: stdin %%CreationDate: Fri Aug 20 12:44:42 1993 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Symbol Times-Roman DIThacks %%%Pages: (atend) %%EndComments % Start of pscat.pro -- prolog for troff translator % Copyright (c) 1985,1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. % GOVERNMENT END USERS: See Notice file in TranScript library directory % -- probably /usr/lib/ps/Notice % RCS: $Header: pscat.pro,v 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern Exp $ % % HISTORY % $Log: pscat.pro,v $ % Revision 2.2 91/02/21 18:00:13 ern % orig % [91/02/20 15:27:53 ern] % % save /pscatsave exch def /$pscat 50 dict def $pscat begin /fm [1 0 0 1 0 0] def /xo 0 def /yo 0 def /M /moveto load def /R /show load def /S {exch currentpoint exch pop moveto show}def /T {exch currentpoint pop exch moveto show}def /U {3 1 roll moveto show}def /siz 0 def /font 0 def /Z {/siz exch def SF}def /F {/font exch def SF}def /SF{font 0 ne {catfonts font 1 sub get fm 0 siz put fm 3 siz neg put fm makefont setfont}if}def /BP{save/catsv exch def 0 792 translate 72 432 div dup neg scale xo yo translate 0 0 moveto}def /EP{catsv restore showpage}def % definitions for PPROC callback functions % each PPROC is called with the following number on the stack: % pointsize charcode railmag pswidth pschar x y wid /$pprocs 50 dict def /fractm [.65 0 0 .6 0 0] def % fractions /PS1{gsave $pprocs begin /wid exch def pop pop pop pop pop /ch exch def /size exch def /pair $pprocs ch get def /cf currentfont def cf fractm makefont setfont 0 .3 size mul 6 mul 2 copy neg rmoveto pair 0 get show rmoveto currentfont cf setfont (\244) show setfont pair 1 get show grestore wid .06 div 0 rmoveto end}def $pprocs begin 8#34 [(1)(4)] def 8#36 [(1)(2)] def 8#46 [(3)(4)] def end % DIThacks fonts for some special chars 50 dict dup begin /FontType 3 def /FontName /DIThacks def /FontMatrix [.001 0.0 0.0 .001 0.0 0.0] def /FontBBox [-220 -280 900 900] def% a lie but ... /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch /.notdef put}for Encoding dup 8#040/space put %space dup 8#110/rc put %right ceil dup 8#111/lt put %left top curl dup 8#112/bv put %bold vert dup 8#113/lk put %left mid curl dup 8#114/lb put %left bot curl dup 8#115/rt put %right top curl dup 8#116/rk put %right mid curl dup 8#117/rb put %right bot curl dup 8#120/rf put %right floor dup 8#121/lf put %left floor dup 8#122/lc put %left ceil dup 8#140/sq put %square dup 8#141/bx put %box dup 8#142/ci put %circle dup 8#143/br put %box rule dup 8#144/rn put %root extender dup 8#145/vr put %vertical rule dup 8#146/ob put %outline bullet dup 8#147/bu put %bullet dup 8#150/ru put %rule dup 8#151/ul put %underline pop /DITfd 100 dict def /BuildChar{0 begin /cc exch def /fd exch def /charname fd /Encoding get cc get def /charwid fd /Metrics get charname get def /charproc fd /CharProcs get charname get def charwid 0 fd /FontBBox get aload pop setcachedevice 40 setlinewidth newpath 0 0 moveto gsave charproc grestore end}def /BuildChar load 0 DITfd put %/UniqueID 5 def /CharProcs 50 dict def CharProcs begin /space{}def /.notdef{}def /ru{500 0 rls}def /rn{0 750 moveto 500 0 rls}def /vr{20 800 moveto 0 -770 rls}def /bv{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rls}def /br{20 770 moveto 0 -1040 rls}def /ul{0 -250 moveto 500 0 rls}def /ob{200 250 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 200 0 360 arc closepath stroke}def /bu{200 250 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 200 0 360 arc closepath fill}def /sq{80 0 rmoveto currentpoint dround newpath moveto 640 0 rlineto 0 640 rlineto -640 0 rlineto closepath stroke}def /bx{80 0 rmoveto currentpoint dround newpath moveto 640 0 rlineto 0 640 rlineto -640 0 rlineto closepath fill}def /ci{355 333 rmoveto currentpoint newpath 333 0 360 arc 50 setlinewidth stroke}def /lt{20 -200 moveto 0 550 rlineto currx 800 2cx s4 add exch s4 a4p stroke}def /lb{20 800 moveto 0 -550 rlineto currx -200 2cx s4 add exch s4 a4p stroke}def /rt{20 -200 moveto 0 550 rlineto currx 800 2cx s4 sub exch s4 a4p stroke}def /rb{20 800 moveto 0 -500 rlineto currx -200 2cx s4 sub exch s4 a4p stroke}def /lk{20 800 moveto 20 300 -280 300 s4 arcto pop pop 1000 sub currentpoint stroke moveto 20 300 4 2 roll s4 a4p 20 -200 lineto stroke}def /rk{20 800 moveto 20 300 320 300 s4 arcto pop pop 1000 sub currentpoint stroke moveto 20 300 4 2 roll s4 a4p 20 -200 lineto stroke}def /lf{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rlineto s4 0 rls}def /rf{20 800 moveto 0 -1000 rlineto s4 neg 0 rls}def /lc{20 -200 moveto 0 1000 rlineto s4 0 rls}def /rc{20 -200 moveto 0 1000 rlineto s4 neg 0 rls}def end /Metrics 50 dict def Metrics begin /.notdef 0 def /space 500 def /ru 500 def /br 0 def /lt 250 def /lb 250 def /rt 250 def /rb 250 def /lk 250 def /rk 250 def /rc 250 def /lc 250 def /rf 250 def /lf 250 def /bv 250 def /ob 350 def /bu 350 def /ci 750 def /bx 750 def /sq 750 def /rn 500 def /ul 500 def /vr 0 def end DITfd begin /s2 500 def /s4 250 def /s3 333 def /a4p{arcto pop pop pop pop}def /2cx{2 copy exch}def /rls{rlineto stroke}def /currx{currentpoint pop}def /dround{transform round exch round exch itransform} def end end /DIThacks exch definefont pop /xo -252 def /yo 3990 def /catfonts [ /Times-Roman findfont /Times-Italic findfont /Times-Bold findfont /Symbol findfont /Times-Roman findfont /DIThacks findfont ] def %%EndProlog %%%Page: ? 1 BP 6 F 48 Z 432 -69(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 691 -9(i)U 1 F 829 -6(U)U 868(lt)S 897(r)S 916(ix)S 1237(M)S 1284(ach)S 6 F 695 -9(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 432 51(i)U 1 F 54(wo)T 518(r)S 537(k)S 564(lo)S 604(ad)S 727(sys)S 791(t)S 807(e)S 831(m)S 957(u)S 985(se)S 1029(r)S 1131(sys)S 1195(t)S 1211(e)S 1235(m)S 1361(u)S 1389(se)S 1433(r)S 6 F 455 51(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 1 F 539 168(e)U 584 114(se)U 628(d)S 3 F 744(0.)S 785(06)S 835(1)S 946(0.)S 987(00)S 1037(0)S 1148(0.)S 1189(07)S 1239(6)S 1350(0.)S 1391(00)S 1441(0)S 1 F 563 168(gr)U 606(e)S 630(p)S 3 F 744(0.)S 785(05)S 835(0)S 946(0.)S 987(00)S 1037(2)S 1148(0.)S 1189(06)S 1239(5)S 1350(0.)S 1391(00)S 1441(2)S 1441 222(0)U 1 F 566(yacc)S 3 F 744(0.)S 785(06)S 835(2)S 946(0.)S 987(00)S 1037(0)S 1148(0.)S 1189(07)S 1239(6)S 1350(0.)S 1391(00)S 1 F 589 276(gcc)U 3 F 744(0.)S 785(10)S 835(6)S 946(0.)S 987(01)S 1037(2)S 1148(0.)S 1189(12)S 1239(9)S 1350(0.)S 1391(01)S 1441(2)S 1441 330(3)U 1 F 456(co)S 504(m)S 547(pr)S 591(e)S 615(ss)S 3 F 744(0.)S 785(04)S 835(3)S 946(0.)S 987(01)S 1037(1)S 1148(0.)S 1189(06)S 1239(3)S 1350(0.)S 1391(01)S 1 F 605 384(ab)U 3 F 744(0.)S 785(04)S 835(0)S 946(0.)S 987(00)S 1037(9)S 1148(0.)S 1189(04)S 1239(3)S 1350(0.)S 1391(01)S 1441(0)S 1441 438(1)U 1 F 476(e)S 500(sp)S 545(r)S 564(e)S 588(ss)S 628(o)S 3 F 744(0.)S 785(09)S 835(3)S 946(0.)S 987(00)S 1037(1)S 1148(0.)S 1189(11)S 1239(1)S 1350(0.)S 1391(00)S 1 F 584 492(lisp)U 3 F 744(0.)S 785(00)S 835(7)S 946(0.)S 987(00)S 1037(4)S 1148(0.)S 1189(06)S 1239(4)S 1350(0.)S 1391(00)S 1441(5)S 1441 546(0)U 1 F 503(e)S 527(qn)S 580(t)S 596(o)S 623(t)S 639(t)S 3 F 744(0.)S 785(01)S 835(4)S 946(0.)S 987(00)S 1037(0)S 1148(0.)S 1189(02)S 1239(4)S 1350(0.)S 1391(00)S 1 F 538 600(fp)U 580(pp)S 630(p)S 3 F 744(0.)S 785(03)S 835(0)S 946(0.)S 987(01)S 1037(7)S 1148(0.)S 1189(03)S 1239(7)S 1350(0.)S 1391(01)S 1441(5)S 1441 654(8)U 1 F 525(d)S 552(o)S 579(d)S 606(u)S 634(c)S 3 F 744(0.)S 785(10)S 835(1)S 946(0.)S 987(01)S 1037(8)S 1148(0.)S 1189(09)S 1239(5)S 1350(0.)S 1391(01)S 1 F 602 708(liv)U 744(0.)S 782(05)S 832(2)S 946(0.)S 984(09)S 1034(0)S 1148(0.)S 1186(07)S 1236(5)S 1350(0.)S 1388(09)S 1438(0)S 3 F 1441 762(3)U 6 F 432 759(i)U 1 F 482 762(t)U 498(o)S 525(m)S 568(cat)S 628(v)S 744(0.)S 782(02)S 832(3)S 946(0.)S 984(03)S 1034(3)S 3 F 1148(0.)S 1189(04)S 1239(4)S 1350(0.)S 1391(03)S 6 F 455 759(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)U 432(c)S 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 691 759(c)U 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 1095 759(c)U 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T 1487 759(c)U 747(c)T 699(c)T 651(c)T 603(c)T 555(c)T 507(c)T 459(c)T 411(c)T 363(c)T 315(c)T 267(c)T 219(c)T 171(c)T 123(c)T 75(c)T 27(c)T -21(c)T EP %%Trailer pscatsave end restore %%%Pages: 1 %%EndDocument PE 10 SS 31788 57436 MT (we modified our simulator) 123 W( to use random mappings, and)122 W 31788 58633 MT (to maintain page tables so that page mappings) 269 W( do not)270 W /Times-Bold SF 7185 58993 MT (Table 4-6:)SH /Times-Roman SF 12046 XM (Write buffer stall cycles per instruction.)SH 31788 59830 MT (change during a given run.) 62 W( Figure) 373 W( 4-3 shows)61 W /Times-Italic SF 50728 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 53483 XM (for a)61 W 8.5 SS 7193 60500 MT (This table shows write buffer stall cycles per user) 70 W( instruction)71 W 10 SS 31788 61027 MT (run of) 105 W( the workloads with random page mapping. When)106 W 8.5 SS 6610 61398 MT (and write buffer stall cycles per) 150 W( system instruction. Runs in)149 W 10 SS 31788 62224 MT (compared to Figure 2-1 \050both are) 32 W( on the same scale\051, most)31 W 8.5 SS 6610 62296 MT (which system behavior) SH( is worse than user behavior are shown in)1 W 6610 63194 MT (bold face.)SH 10 SS 31788 63421 MT (of the workload/system pairs perform) 100 W( better with random)101 W 31788 64618 MT (page mapping, and)160 W /Times-Italic SF 40100 XM (gcc, compress, eqntott, fpppp,) 160 W( doduc)159 W /Times-Roman SF 6760 64985 MT (System write buffer) 125 W( stalls per instruction are generally)124 W 31788 65815 MT (and)SH /Times-Italic SF 33486 XM (tomcatv)SH /Times-Roman SF 36906 XM (show the) 4 W( greatest improvement. The program)5 W 5760 66182 MT (higher for Mach than for Ultrix.) 59 W( Overall) 369 W( cache miss rates)60 W /Times-Italic SF 31788 67012 MT (tomcatv)SH /Times-Roman SF 35283 XM (offers a good) 79 W( example of the effect that mapping)78 W 5760 67379 MT (are higher with Mach, and the DECstation 5000/200)382 W 31788 68209 MT (strategy can have on) 39 W( program performance. This program)40 W 5760 68576 MT (memory system gives) 20 W( CPU reads priority over outstanding)21 W 31788 69406 MT (uses several) 36 W( matrices that are rough multiples of the cache)35 W 5760 69773 MT (writes. Consequently,) 388 W( fewer memory cycles are available)69 W 31788 70603 MT (size, and) 132 W( allocated contiguously in virtual memory. The)133 W 5760 70970 MT (for the write buffer) 122 W( to retire outstanding writes, resulting)123 W 30100 75600 MT (11)SH ES %%Page: 12 12 BS 0 SI 1 SS 28800 5760 36000 PB %%BeginDocument: figures/RandomMCPI.ps %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2 %%BoundingBox: -29 -57 584 291 %%%Pages: 1 %%DocumentFonts: Helvetica Helvetica-Oblique Helvetica-Bold Helvetica-BoldOblique Times-Roman Times-Italics Times-Bold Times-BoldItalics %%EndComments -100.800000 -93.600000 translate 50 dict begin /symbolFont 10 dict def symbolFont begin /FontType 3 def /FontMatrix [.001 0 0 .001 0 0] def /FontBBox [-500 -500 500 500] def /Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255 {Encoding exch /.notdef put} for Encoding 1 /Cross put Encoding 2 /Triangle put Encoding 3 /Trianglefilled put Encoding 4 /Diamond put Encoding 5 /Diamondfilled put Encoding 6 /Square put Encoding 7 /Squarefilled put Encoding 8 /Rectan put Encoding 9 /Rectanfilled put Encoding 10 /Circle put Encoding 11 /Circlefilled put Encoding 12 /Bullet put Encoding 13 /Star put Encoding 14 /Plus put /graphclip {newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip } def /Procs 15 dict def Procs begin /.notdef {} def /Cross { newpath -500 -500 moveto 500 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 500 moveto 500 -500 lineto stroke } def /Triangle { newpath -500 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Trianglefilled { newpath -500 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Diamond { newpath -500 0 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 0 lineto 0 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Diamondfilled { newpath -500 0 moveto 0 500 lineto 500 0 lineto 0 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Square { newpath -500 -500 moveto -500 500 lineto 500 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Squarefilled { newpath -500 -500 moveto -500 500 lineto 500 500 lineto 500 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Rectan { newpath -200 -500 moveto -200 500 lineto 200 500 lineto 200 -500 lineto closepath stroke } def /Rectanfilled { newpath -200 -500 moveto -200 500 lineto 200 500 lineto 200 -500 lineto closepath fill } def /Circle { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc stroke } def /Circlefilled { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath fill } def /Bullet { newpath 0 0 500 0 360 arc closepath fill } def /Plus { newpath 0 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 0 moveto 500 0 lineto stroke } def /Star { newpath 0 -500 moveto 0 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 0 moveto 500 0 lineto stroke newpath -500 -500 moveto 500 500 lineto stroke newpath -500 500 moveto 500 -500 lineto stroke } def end /BuildChar { 1000 0 -500 -500 500 500 setcachedevice exch begin Encoding exch get Procs exch get end exec } def end /Symbols symbolFont definefont pop % size SetSym -> set font to be symbols scaled by 'size' /SetSym { /Symbols findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % size fontname SetTxt -> set font 'fontname' scaled by 'size' /SetTxt { findfont exch scalefont setfont } def % dashtype thicknes SL /SL { setlinewidth 0 setdash } def /cross {2 copy le {exch pop} {pop} ifelse} def %9 added to distinguish from other clashing scribe definitions % from to L9 -> print line between points 'from' and 'to' /L9 { newpath moveto lineto stroke } def /S9 { newpath moveto } def /M9 { lineto } def /D9 { stroke } def %%%% %%%% setscreen is not EPSF compliant, but if you want to cheat %%%% you can switch which of the following two definitions of %%%% SS9 is commented out. It would be best to do this by having %%%% a seperate version of the prolog file for the user to select. %%%% %%%% /SS9 { setscreen } def /SS9 { pop pop pop } def /G9 { setgray } def /F9 {newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath fill} def /E9 {closepath fill} def % E9 is fills for incremental curves, while F9 for curve segments /Landscape {612 0 translate 90 rotate} def % save current point in global variable psx psy /SAVPOS { /psx currentpoint pop def /psy currentpoint exch pop def } def % string angle xpos ypos TXL -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXL { gsave translate rotate 0 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle xpos ypos TXR -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXR { gsave translate rotate dup stringwidth pop neg 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle xpos ypos TXC -> print 'string' at pos xpos, ypos /TXC { gsave translate rotate dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % string angle TXREL -> print 'string' at xpos ypos translate psx psy rel /TXREL { gsave translate rotate psx psy moveto show SAVPOS grestore } def % char xpos ypos SY -> print symbol 'char' at position xpos, ypos /SY { moveto show } def /len {dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt}def %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CURVE SMOOTHING %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Curve Smoothing Routines % Ernest Wood - Wed Apr 16 09:05:05 1986 % % These routines will ALWAYS create a smooth curve which % intercepts EVERY point used to generate them. % % The definition qA determines the amount of overshoot smoothing % produces around each point. The distance is the distance to the % next point times aA. The factor qB scales the amount of overshoot % by the acuteness of the angle around the point. % % These values make a square of points into a circle. /qA .3 def % used in qx /qB 1 def % used in afactor /8a 8 array def % % Angle of vector from p0 to p1 p0 p1 polar ang /polar{qs neg exch neg atan}def %subtract and add points p0 p1 qs p0-p1 % p0 p1 qa p0+p1 /qs{exch 3 1 roll sub 3 1 roll sub exch}def /qa{exch 3 1 roll add 3 1 roll add exch}def % Extract point from 8 point array % /Pt{2 mul dup 8a exch get exch 1 add 8a exch get}def % a0 a1 mirrorang ma % If a0 is the angle from p1 to p0 and a1 is the angle from % p1 to p2 then ma is the mirror angle between p0-p1 and p1-p2. % a0 a1 afactor f % If a0 is the angle from p1 to p0 and a1 is the angle from % p1 to p2 then f is the ratio of the inside angle between a0 and a1 % and 180 times qB. This ratio is saturated at 1 and if qB is 0 then % the value returned is always 1. Thus the more acute the angle % the smaller the value of f. % /mirrorang{2 copy add 2 div 3 1 roll sub 0 lt {90} {-90}ifelse add}def /afactor{ qB 0 eq { 1 } {sub abs dup 180 gt {360 exch sub} if 180 div qB mul dup 1 gt {pop 1} if} ifelse }def % a d xya x y % Given angle a and distance d % produce x and y offsets. % /xya{exch 2 copy cos mul 3 1 roll sin mul}def % p0 p1 p2 p3 qx pp1 pp2 pp3 % Given 4 points on a curve produce the pp# values needed by % curveto to draw a smooth curve between p1 and p2. The slope % of the curve at p1 and p2 will be perpendicular to the bisector % of a angle between p0/p1/p2 or p1/p2/p3. % /qx{ 8a astore pop 1 Pt 2 Pt qs len qA mul /dist exch def 1 Pt 0 Pt polar 1 Pt 2 Pt polar 2 copy mirrorang 3 1 roll afactor dist mul xya 1 Pt qa 2 Pt 3 Pt polar 2 Pt 1 Pt polar 2 copy mirrorang 3 1 roll afactor dist mul xya 2 Pt qa 2 Pt }def /qp{8 copy 16 -2 roll pop pop}def /ns1{4 copy 4 -2 roll 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs 6 2 roll /ns{ns2}def }def /ns2{qp qx curveto}def % User definitions for curve smoothing routines. % First (ms), intermediate (ns), and last points with (fs) and % without (nsfs) automatic stroke execution. % /ms{2 copy newpath moveto /ns{ns1}def}def /ns{ns1}def /fs{stroke}def /nsfs{ns 4 copy 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs qx curveto}def /nsend{4 copy 2 copy qa 4 2 roll qs qx curveto}def %%EndProlog %%%Page ? 1 72.000000 72.000000 684.000000 72.000000 684.000000 374.400000 72.000000 374.400000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 72.000000 72.000000 684.000000 72.000000 684.000000 374.400000 72.000000 374.400000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 356.143 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 356.143 179.52 M9 372.536 179.52 M9 372.536 172.8 M9 356.143 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 364.339 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 364.339 226.56 M9 487.286 226.56 M9 D9 372.536 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 372.536 179.52 M9 388.929 179.52 M9 388.929 172.8 M9 372.536 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 380.732 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 380.732 219.84 M9 487.286 219.84 M9 D9 388.929 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 388.929 179.52 M9 405.321 179.52 M9 405.321 172.8 M9 388.929 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 135.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 397.125 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 397.125 213.12 M9 487.286 213.12 M9 D9 405.321 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 405.321 179.52 M9 421.714 179.52 M9 421.714 172.8 M9 405.321 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 413.518 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 413.518 206.4 M9 487.286 206.4 M9 D9 421.714 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 421.714 179.52 M9 438.107 179.52 M9 438.107 172.8 M9 421.714 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 429.911 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 429.911 199.68 M9 487.286 199.68 M9 D9 438.107 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 438.107 179.52 M9 454.5 179.52 M9 454.5 172.8 M9 438.107 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 446.304 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 446.304 192.96 M9 487.286 192.96 M9 D9 454.5 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 454.5 179.52 M9 470.893 179.52 M9 470.893 172.8 M9 454.5 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 135.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 462.696 179.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 462.696 186.24 M9 487.286 186.24 M9 D9 356.143 172.8 S9 470.893 172.8 M9 470.893 179.52 M9 356.143 179.52 M9 356.143 172.8 M9 D9 421.714 169.44 S9 421.714 182.88 M9 D9 164.893 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 360.96 M9 234.18 360.96 M9 234.18 354.24 M9 164.893 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 30.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 234.18 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 234.18 360.96 M9 D9 234.18 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 234.18 360.96 M9 242.923 360.96 M9 242.923 354.24 M9 234.18 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 242.923 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 242.923 360.96 M9 D9 242.923 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 242.923 360.96 M9 247.458 360.96 M9 247.458 354.24 M9 242.923 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 247.458 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 247.458 360.96 M9 D9 247.458 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 247.458 360.96 M9 265.217 360.96 M9 265.217 354.24 M9 247.458 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 265.217 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 265.217 360.96 M9 D9 265.217 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 265.217 360.96 M9 270.463 360.96 M9 270.463 354.24 M9 265.217 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 270.463 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 270.463 360.96 M9 D9 270.463 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 270.463 360.96 M9 324.231 360.96 M9 324.231 354.24 M9 270.463 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 324.231 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 324.231 360.96 M9 D9 324.231 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 324.231 360.96 M9 331.226 360.96 M9 331.226 354.24 M9 324.231 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 331.226 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 331.226 360.96 M9 D9 331.226 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 331.226 360.96 M9 331.226 360.96 M9 331.226 354.24 M9 331.226 354.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 331.226 354.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 331.226 360.96 M9 D9 164.893 354.24 S9 164.893 360.96 M9 331.226 360.96 M9 331.226 354.24 M9 164.893 354.24 M9 D9 164.893 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 354.24 M9 307.347 354.24 M9 307.347 347.52 M9 164.893 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 45.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 307.347 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 307.347 354.24 M9 D9 307.347 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 307.347 354.24 M9 359.531 354.24 M9 359.531 347.52 M9 307.347 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 359.531 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 359.531 354.24 M9 D9 359.531 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 359.531 354.24 M9 369.585 354.24 M9 369.585 347.52 M9 359.531 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 369.585 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 369.585 354.24 M9 D9 369.585 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 369.585 354.24 M9 389.858 354.24 M9 389.858 347.52 M9 369.585 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 389.858 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 389.858 354.24 M9 D9 389.858 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 389.858 354.24 M9 394.229 354.24 M9 394.229 347.52 M9 389.858 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 394.229 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 394.229 354.24 M9 D9 394.229 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 394.229 354.24 M9 395.977 354.24 M9 395.977 347.52 M9 394.229 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 395.977 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 395.977 354.24 M9 D9 395.977 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 395.977 354.24 M9 395.977 354.24 M9 395.977 347.52 M9 395.977 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 395.977 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 395.977 354.24 M9 D9 395.977 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 395.977 354.24 M9 395.977 354.24 M9 395.977 347.52 M9 395.977 347.52 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 395.977 347.52 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 395.977 354.24 M9 D9 265.217 350.88 S9 265.217 364.32 M9 D9 389.858 344.16 S9 389.858 357.6 M9 D9 164.893 347.52 S9 164.893 354.24 M9 395.977 354.24 M9 395.977 347.52 M9 164.893 347.52 M9 D9 164.893 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 340.8 M9 172.16 340.8 M9 172.16 334.08 M9 164.893 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 60.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 172.16 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.16 340.8 M9 D9 172.16 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.16 340.8 M9 173.253 340.8 M9 173.253 334.08 M9 172.16 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 173.253 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.253 340.8 M9 D9 173.253 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.253 340.8 M9 173.964 340.8 M9 173.964 334.08 M9 173.253 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 173.964 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.964 340.8 M9 D9 173.964 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.964 340.8 M9 176.149 340.8 M9 176.149 334.08 M9 173.964 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 176.149 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.149 340.8 M9 D9 176.149 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.149 340.8 M9 176.149 340.8 M9 176.149 334.08 M9 176.149 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 176.149 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.149 340.8 M9 D9 176.149 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.149 340.8 M9 274.998 340.8 M9 274.998 334.08 M9 176.149 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 274.998 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 274.998 340.8 M9 D9 274.998 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 274.998 340.8 M9 276.091 340.8 M9 276.091 334.08 M9 274.998 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 276.091 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 276.091 340.8 M9 D9 276.091 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 276.091 340.8 M9 276.091 340.8 M9 276.091 334.08 M9 276.091 334.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 276.091 334.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 276.091 340.8 M9 D9 164.893 334.08 S9 164.893 340.8 M9 276.091 340.8 M9 276.091 334.08 M9 164.893 334.08 M9 D9 164.893 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 334.08 M9 187.406 334.08 M9 187.406 327.36 M9 164.893 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 187.406 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.406 334.08 M9 D9 187.406 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.406 334.08 M9 196.258 334.08 M9 196.258 327.36 M9 187.406 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.258 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.258 334.08 M9 D9 196.258 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.258 334.08 M9 197.897 334.08 M9 197.897 327.36 M9 196.258 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 197.897 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.897 334.08 M9 D9 197.897 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 197.897 334.08 M9 200.192 334.08 M9 200.192 327.36 M9 197.897 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 200.192 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 200.192 334.08 M9 D9 200.192 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 200.192 334.08 M9 201.777 334.08 M9 201.777 327.36 M9 200.192 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 201.777 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.777 334.08 M9 D9 201.777 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.777 334.08 M9 330.188 334.08 M9 330.188 327.36 M9 201.777 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 330.188 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 330.188 334.08 M9 D9 330.188 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 330.188 334.08 M9 330.515 334.08 M9 330.515 327.36 M9 330.188 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 330.515 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 330.515 334.08 M9 D9 330.515 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 330.515 334.08 M9 330.515 334.08 M9 330.515 327.36 M9 330.515 327.36 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 330.515 327.36 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 330.515 334.08 M9 D9 176.149 330.72 S9 176.149 344.16 M9 D9 200.192 324 S9 200.192 337.44 M9 D9 164.893 327.36 S9 164.893 334.08 M9 330.515 334.08 M9 330.515 327.36 M9 164.893 327.36 M9 D9 164.893 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 320.64 M9 178.936 320.64 M9 178.936 313.92 M9 164.893 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 178.936 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.936 320.64 M9 D9 178.936 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.936 320.64 M9 180.248 320.64 M9 180.248 313.92 M9 178.936 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 180.248 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.248 320.64 M9 D9 180.248 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.248 320.64 M9 181.231 320.64 M9 181.231 313.92 M9 180.248 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 181.231 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.231 320.64 M9 D9 181.231 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.231 320.64 M9 187.296 320.64 M9 187.296 313.92 M9 181.231 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 187.296 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.296 320.64 M9 D9 187.296 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.296 320.64 M9 196.094 320.64 M9 196.094 313.92 M9 187.296 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.094 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.094 320.64 M9 D9 196.094 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.094 320.64 M9 196.203 320.64 M9 196.203 313.92 M9 196.094 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.203 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.203 320.64 M9 D9 196.203 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.203 320.64 M9 196.258 320.64 M9 196.258 313.92 M9 196.203 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.258 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.258 320.64 M9 D9 196.258 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.258 320.64 M9 196.258 320.64 M9 196.258 313.92 M9 196.258 313.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 196.258 313.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.258 320.64 M9 D9 164.893 313.92 S9 164.893 320.64 M9 196.258 320.64 M9 196.258 313.92 M9 164.893 313.92 M9 D9 164.893 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 313.92 M9 200.028 313.92 M9 200.028 307.2 M9 164.893 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 200.028 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 200.028 313.92 M9 D9 200.028 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 200.028 313.92 M9 208.17 313.92 M9 208.17 307.2 M9 200.028 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 208.17 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 208.17 313.92 M9 D9 208.17 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 208.17 313.92 M9 211.667 313.92 M9 211.667 307.2 M9 208.17 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 211.667 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 211.667 313.92 M9 D9 211.667 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 211.667 313.92 M9 216.968 313.92 M9 216.968 307.2 M9 211.667 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 216.968 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 216.968 313.92 M9 D9 216.968 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 216.968 313.92 M9 221.011 313.92 M9 221.011 307.2 M9 216.968 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 221.011 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 221.011 313.92 M9 D9 221.011 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 221.011 313.92 M9 221.448 313.92 M9 221.448 307.2 M9 221.011 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 221.448 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 221.448 313.92 M9 D9 221.448 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 221.448 313.92 M9 221.448 313.92 M9 221.448 307.2 M9 221.448 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 221.448 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 221.448 313.92 M9 D9 221.448 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 221.448 313.92 M9 221.448 313.92 M9 221.448 307.2 M9 221.448 307.2 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 221.448 307.2 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 221.448 313.92 M9 D9 187.296 310.56 S9 187.296 324 M9 D9 216.968 303.84 S9 216.968 317.28 M9 D9 164.893 307.2 S9 164.893 313.92 M9 221.448 313.92 M9 221.448 307.2 M9 164.893 307.2 M9 D9 164.893 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 300.48 M9 212.214 300.48 M9 212.214 293.76 M9 164.893 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 212.214 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 212.214 300.48 M9 D9 212.214 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 212.214 300.48 M9 215.82 300.48 M9 215.82 293.76 M9 212.214 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 215.82 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 215.82 300.48 M9 D9 215.82 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 215.82 300.48 M9 218.388 300.48 M9 218.388 293.76 M9 215.82 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 218.388 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 218.388 300.48 M9 D9 218.388 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 218.388 300.48 M9 262.266 300.48 M9 262.266 293.76 M9 218.388 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 262.266 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 262.266 300.48 M9 D9 262.266 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 262.266 300.48 M9 269.862 300.48 M9 269.862 293.76 M9 262.266 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 269.862 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 269.862 300.48 M9 D9 269.862 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 269.862 300.48 M9 270.736 300.48 M9 270.736 293.76 M9 269.862 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 270.736 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 270.736 300.48 M9 D9 270.736 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 270.736 300.48 M9 270.736 300.48 M9 270.736 293.76 M9 270.736 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 270.736 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 270.736 300.48 M9 D9 270.736 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 270.736 300.48 M9 270.736 300.48 M9 270.736 293.76 M9 270.736 293.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 270.736 293.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 270.736 300.48 M9 D9 164.893 293.76 S9 164.893 300.48 M9 270.736 300.48 M9 270.736 293.76 M9 164.893 293.76 M9 D9 164.893 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 293.76 M9 314.669 293.76 M9 314.669 287.04 M9 164.893 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 314.669 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 314.669 293.76 M9 D9 314.669 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 314.669 293.76 M9 352.482 293.76 M9 352.482 287.04 M9 314.669 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 352.482 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 352.482 293.76 M9 D9 352.482 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 352.482 293.76 M9 361.553 293.76 M9 361.553 287.04 M9 352.482 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 361.553 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 361.553 293.76 M9 D9 361.553 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 361.553 293.76 M9 405.977 293.76 M9 405.977 287.04 M9 361.553 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 405.977 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 405.977 293.76 M9 D9 405.977 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 405.977 293.76 M9 420.458 293.76 M9 420.458 287.04 M9 405.977 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 420.458 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 420.458 293.76 M9 D9 420.458 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 420.458 293.76 M9 421.66 293.76 M9 421.66 287.04 M9 420.458 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 421.66 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 421.66 293.76 M9 D9 421.66 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 421.66 293.76 M9 421.66 293.76 M9 421.66 287.04 M9 421.66 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 421.66 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 421.66 293.76 M9 D9 421.66 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 421.66 293.76 M9 421.66 293.76 M9 421.66 287.04 M9 421.66 287.04 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 421.66 287.04 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 421.66 293.76 M9 D9 262.266 290.4 S9 262.266 303.84 M9 D9 405.977 283.68 S9 405.977 297.12 M9 D9 164.893 287.04 S9 164.893 293.76 M9 421.66 293.76 M9 421.66 287.04 M9 164.893 287.04 M9 D9 164.893 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 280.32 M9 196.64 280.32 M9 196.64 273.6 M9 164.893 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.64 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.64 280.32 M9 D9 196.64 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.64 280.32 M9 199.7 280.32 M9 199.7 273.6 M9 196.64 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 199.7 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.7 280.32 M9 D9 199.7 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 199.7 280.32 M9 202.542 280.32 M9 202.542 273.6 M9 199.7 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 202.542 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.542 280.32 M9 D9 202.542 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 202.542 280.32 M9 215 280.32 M9 215 273.6 M9 202.542 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 215 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 215 280.32 M9 D9 215 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 215 280.32 M9 216.093 280.32 M9 216.093 273.6 M9 215 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 216.093 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 216.093 280.32 M9 D9 216.093 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 216.093 280.32 M9 225.765 280.32 M9 225.765 273.6 M9 216.093 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 225.765 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 225.765 280.32 M9 D9 225.765 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 225.765 280.32 M9 230.464 280.32 M9 230.464 273.6 M9 225.765 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 230.464 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 230.464 280.32 M9 D9 230.464 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 230.464 280.32 M9 230.464 280.32 M9 230.464 273.6 M9 230.464 273.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 230.464 273.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 230.464 280.32 M9 D9 164.893 273.6 S9 164.893 280.32 M9 230.464 280.32 M9 230.464 273.6 M9 164.893 273.6 M9 D9 164.893 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 273.6 M9 244.617 273.6 M9 244.617 266.88 M9 164.893 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 244.617 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 244.617 273.6 M9 D9 244.617 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 244.617 273.6 M9 267.02 273.6 M9 267.02 266.88 M9 244.617 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 267.02 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 267.02 273.6 M9 D9 267.02 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 267.02 273.6 M9 275.162 273.6 M9 275.162 266.88 M9 267.02 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 275.162 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 275.162 273.6 M9 D9 275.162 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 275.162 273.6 M9 287.402 273.6 M9 287.402 266.88 M9 275.162 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 287.402 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 287.402 273.6 M9 D9 287.402 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 287.402 273.6 M9 289.205 273.6 M9 289.205 266.88 M9 287.402 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 289.205 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 289.205 273.6 M9 D9 289.205 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 289.205 273.6 M9 293.194 273.6 M9 293.194 266.88 M9 289.205 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 293.194 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 293.194 273.6 M9 D9 293.194 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 293.194 273.6 M9 294.287 273.6 M9 294.287 266.88 M9 293.194 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 294.287 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 294.287 273.6 M9 D9 294.287 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 294.287 273.6 M9 294.287 273.6 M9 294.287 266.88 M9 294.287 266.88 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 294.287 266.88 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 294.287 273.6 M9 D9 215 270.24 S9 215 283.68 M9 D9 287.402 263.52 S9 287.402 276.96 M9 D9 164.893 266.88 S9 164.893 273.6 M9 294.287 273.6 M9 294.287 266.88 M9 164.893 266.88 M9 D9 164.893 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 260.16 M9 231.94 260.16 M9 231.94 253.44 M9 164.893 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 231.94 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 231.94 260.16 M9 D9 231.94 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 231.94 260.16 M9 239.371 260.16 M9 239.371 253.44 M9 231.94 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 239.371 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 239.371 260.16 M9 D9 239.371 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 239.371 260.16 M9 242.868 260.16 M9 242.868 253.44 M9 239.371 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 242.868 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 242.868 260.16 M9 D9 242.868 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 242.868 260.16 M9 251.611 260.16 M9 251.611 253.44 M9 242.868 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 251.611 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 251.611 260.16 M9 D9 251.611 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 251.611 260.16 M9 259.808 260.16 M9 259.808 253.44 M9 251.611 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 259.808 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 259.808 260.16 M9 D9 259.808 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 259.808 260.16 M9 261.611 260.16 M9 261.611 253.44 M9 259.808 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 261.611 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 261.611 260.16 M9 D9 261.611 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 261.611 260.16 M9 261.72 260.16 M9 261.72 253.44 M9 261.611 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 261.72 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 261.72 260.16 M9 D9 261.72 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 261.72 260.16 M9 261.72 260.16 M9 261.72 253.44 M9 261.72 253.44 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 261.72 253.44 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 261.72 260.16 M9 D9 164.893 253.44 S9 164.893 260.16 M9 261.72 260.16 M9 261.72 253.44 M9 164.893 253.44 M9 D9 164.893 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 253.44 M9 301.719 253.44 M9 301.719 246.72 M9 164.893 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 301.719 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 301.719 253.44 M9 D9 301.719 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 301.719 253.44 M9 335.761 253.44 M9 335.761 246.72 M9 301.719 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 335.761 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 335.761 253.44 M9 D9 335.761 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 335.761 253.44 M9 342.482 253.44 M9 342.482 246.72 M9 335.761 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 342.482 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 342.482 253.44 M9 D9 342.482 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 342.482 253.44 M9 346.635 253.44 M9 346.635 246.72 M9 342.482 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 346.635 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 346.635 253.44 M9 D9 346.635 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 346.635 253.44 M9 354.121 253.44 M9 354.121 246.72 M9 346.635 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 354.121 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 354.121 253.44 M9 D9 354.121 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 354.121 253.44 M9 355.979 253.44 M9 355.979 246.72 M9 354.121 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 355.979 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 355.979 253.44 M9 D9 355.979 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 355.979 253.44 M9 356.143 253.44 M9 356.143 246.72 M9 355.979 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 356.143 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 356.143 253.44 M9 D9 356.143 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 356.143 253.44 M9 356.143 253.44 M9 356.143 246.72 M9 356.143 246.72 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 356.143 246.72 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 356.143 253.44 M9 D9 251.611 250.08 S9 251.611 263.52 M9 D9 346.635 243.36 S9 346.635 256.8 M9 D9 164.893 246.72 S9 164.893 253.44 M9 356.143 253.44 M9 356.143 246.72 M9 164.893 246.72 M9 D9 164.893 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 240 M9 169.1 240 M9 169.1 233.28 M9 164.893 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.1 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.1 240 M9 D9 169.1 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.1 240 M9 169.865 240 M9 169.865 233.28 M9 169.1 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.865 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.865 240 M9 D9 169.865 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.865 240 M9 170.193 240 M9 170.193 233.28 M9 169.865 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 170.193 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 170.193 240 M9 D9 170.193 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 170.193 240 M9 172.98 240 M9 172.98 233.28 M9 170.193 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 172.98 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.98 240 M9 D9 172.98 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.98 240 M9 173.69 240 M9 173.69 233.28 M9 172.98 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 173.69 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.69 240 M9 D9 173.69 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.69 240 M9 175.002 240 M9 175.002 233.28 M9 173.69 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 175.002 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.002 240 M9 D9 175.002 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.002 240 M9 175.002 240 M9 175.002 233.28 M9 175.002 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 175.002 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.002 240 M9 D9 175.002 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.002 240 M9 175.002 240 M9 175.002 233.28 M9 175.002 233.28 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 175.002 233.28 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.002 240 M9 D9 164.893 233.28 S9 164.893 240 M9 175.002 240 M9 175.002 233.28 M9 164.893 233.28 M9 D9 164.893 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 233.28 M9 177.898 233.28 M9 177.898 226.56 M9 164.893 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 177.898 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 177.898 233.28 M9 D9 177.898 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 177.898 233.28 M9 181.395 233.28 M9 181.395 226.56 M9 177.898 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 181.395 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.395 233.28 M9 D9 181.395 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 181.395 233.28 M9 182.269 233.28 M9 182.269 226.56 M9 181.395 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 182.269 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 182.269 233.28 M9 D9 182.269 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 182.269 233.28 M9 185.603 233.28 M9 185.603 226.56 M9 182.269 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 185.603 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.603 233.28 M9 D9 185.603 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.603 233.28 M9 186.75 233.28 M9 186.75 226.56 M9 185.603 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 186.75 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.75 233.28 M9 D9 186.75 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.75 233.28 M9 187.187 233.28 M9 187.187 226.56 M9 186.75 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 187.187 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.187 233.28 M9 D9 187.187 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.187 233.28 M9 187.187 233.28 M9 187.187 226.56 M9 187.187 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 187.187 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.187 233.28 M9 D9 187.187 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.187 233.28 M9 187.187 233.28 M9 187.187 226.56 M9 187.187 226.56 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 187.187 226.56 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 187.187 233.28 M9 D9 172.98 229.92 S9 172.98 243.36 M9 D9 185.603 223.2 S9 185.603 236.64 M9 D9 164.893 226.56 S9 164.893 233.28 M9 187.187 233.28 M9 187.187 226.56 M9 164.893 226.56 M9 D9 164.893 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 219.84 M9 167.406 219.84 M9 167.406 213.12 M9 164.893 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.406 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.406 219.84 M9 D9 167.406 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.406 219.84 M9 168.171 219.84 M9 168.171 213.12 M9 167.406 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.171 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.171 219.84 M9 D9 168.171 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.171 219.84 M9 168.39 219.84 M9 168.39 213.12 M9 168.171 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.39 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.39 219.84 M9 D9 168.39 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.39 219.84 M9 168.499 219.84 M9 168.499 213.12 M9 168.39 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 168.499 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.499 219.84 M9 D9 168.499 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.499 219.84 M9 180.739 219.84 M9 180.739 213.12 M9 168.499 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 180.739 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.739 219.84 M9 D9 180.739 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.739 219.84 M9 223.142 219.84 M9 223.142 213.12 M9 180.739 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 223.142 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 223.142 219.84 M9 D9 223.142 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 223.142 219.84 M9 250.737 219.84 M9 250.737 213.12 M9 223.142 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 250.737 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 250.737 219.84 M9 D9 250.737 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 250.737 219.84 M9 250.737 219.84 M9 250.737 213.12 M9 250.737 213.12 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 250.737 213.12 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 250.737 219.84 M9 D9 164.893 213.12 S9 164.893 219.84 M9 250.737 219.84 M9 250.737 213.12 M9 164.893 213.12 M9 D9 164.893 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 213.12 M9 169.046 213.12 M9 169.046 206.4 M9 164.893 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.046 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.046 213.12 M9 D9 169.046 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.046 213.12 M9 169.538 213.12 M9 169.538 206.4 M9 169.046 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.538 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.538 213.12 M9 D9 169.538 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.538 213.12 M9 169.865 213.12 M9 169.865 206.4 M9 169.538 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 169.865 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.865 213.12 M9 D9 169.865 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.865 213.12 M9 169.865 213.12 M9 169.865 206.4 M9 169.865 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 169.865 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.865 213.12 M9 D9 169.865 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.865 213.12 M9 173.199 213.12 M9 173.199 206.4 M9 169.865 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 173.199 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.199 213.12 M9 D9 173.199 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.199 213.12 M9 173.363 213.12 M9 173.363 206.4 M9 173.199 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 173.363 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.363 213.12 M9 D9 173.363 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.363 213.12 M9 173.363 213.12 M9 173.363 206.4 M9 173.363 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 173.363 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.363 213.12 M9 D9 173.363 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.363 213.12 M9 173.363 213.12 M9 173.363 206.4 M9 173.363 206.4 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 173.363 206.4 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.363 213.12 M9 D9 168.499 209.76 S9 168.499 223.2 M9 D9 169.865 203.04 S9 169.865 216.48 M9 D9 164.893 206.4 S9 164.893 213.12 M9 173.363 213.12 M9 173.363 206.4 M9 164.893 206.4 M9 D9 164.893 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 199.68 M9 165.439 199.68 M9 165.439 192.96 M9 164.893 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.439 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.439 199.68 M9 D9 165.439 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.439 199.68 M9 165.822 199.68 M9 165.822 192.96 M9 165.439 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.822 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.822 199.68 M9 D9 165.822 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.822 199.68 M9 165.876 199.68 M9 165.876 192.96 M9 165.822 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.876 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.876 199.68 M9 D9 165.876 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.876 199.68 M9 165.986 199.68 M9 165.986 192.96 M9 165.876 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 165.986 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.986 199.68 M9 D9 165.986 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.986 199.68 M9 166.15 199.68 M9 166.15 192.96 M9 165.986 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 166.15 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.15 199.68 M9 D9 166.15 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.15 199.68 M9 166.314 199.68 M9 166.314 192.96 M9 166.15 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 166.314 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.314 199.68 M9 D9 166.314 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.314 199.68 M9 166.314 199.68 M9 166.314 192.96 M9 166.314 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 166.314 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.314 199.68 M9 D9 166.314 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.314 199.68 M9 166.314 199.68 M9 166.314 192.96 M9 166.314 192.96 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 166.314 192.96 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.314 199.68 M9 D9 164.893 192.96 S9 164.893 199.68 M9 166.314 199.68 M9 166.314 192.96 M9 164.893 192.96 M9 D9 164.893 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 192.96 M9 166.587 192.96 M9 166.587 186.24 M9 164.893 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 166.587 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.587 192.96 M9 D9 166.587 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.587 192.96 M9 167.188 192.96 M9 167.188 186.24 M9 166.587 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.188 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.188 192.96 M9 D9 167.188 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.188 192.96 M9 167.297 192.96 M9 167.297 186.24 M9 167.188 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.297 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.297 192.96 M9 D9 167.297 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.297 192.96 M9 167.297 192.96 M9 167.297 186.24 M9 167.297 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 167.297 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.297 192.96 M9 D9 167.297 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.297 192.96 M9 167.625 192.96 M9 167.625 186.24 M9 167.297 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.625 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.625 192.96 M9 D9 167.625 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.625 192.96 M9 167.898 192.96 M9 167.898 186.24 M9 167.625 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.898 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.898 192.96 M9 D9 167.898 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.898 192.96 M9 167.898 192.96 M9 167.898 186.24 M9 167.898 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.898 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.898 192.96 M9 D9 167.898 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.898 192.96 M9 167.898 192.96 M9 167.898 186.24 M9 167.898 186.24 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 167.898 186.24 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.898 192.96 M9 D9 165.986 189.6 S9 165.986 203.04 M9 D9 167.297 182.88 S9 167.297 196.32 M9 D9 164.893 186.24 S9 164.893 192.96 M9 167.898 192.96 M9 167.898 186.24 M9 164.893 186.24 M9 D9 164.893 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 179.52 M9 174.565 179.52 M9 174.565 172.8 M9 164.893 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 174.565 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 174.565 179.52 M9 D9 174.565 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 174.565 179.52 M9 175.712 179.52 M9 175.712 172.8 M9 174.565 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 175.712 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.712 179.52 M9 D9 175.712 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 175.712 179.52 M9 176.149 179.52 M9 176.149 172.8 M9 175.712 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 176.149 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.149 179.52 M9 D9 176.149 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.149 179.52 M9 177.406 179.52 M9 177.406 172.8 M9 176.149 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 177.406 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 177.406 179.52 M9 D9 177.406 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 177.406 179.52 M9 179.81 179.52 M9 179.81 172.8 M9 177.406 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 179.81 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 179.81 179.52 M9 D9 179.81 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 179.81 179.52 M9 180.575 179.52 M9 180.575 172.8 M9 179.81 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 180.575 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.575 179.52 M9 D9 180.575 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.575 179.52 M9 180.575 179.52 M9 180.575 172.8 M9 180.575 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 180.575 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.575 179.52 M9 D9 180.575 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.575 179.52 M9 180.575 179.52 M9 180.575 172.8 M9 180.575 172.8 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 180.575 172.8 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.575 179.52 M9 D9 164.893 172.8 S9 164.893 179.52 M9 180.575 179.52 M9 180.575 172.8 M9 164.893 172.8 M9 D9 164.893 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 172.8 M9 178.608 172.8 M9 178.608 166.08 M9 164.893 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 178.608 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.608 172.8 M9 D9 178.608 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.608 172.8 M9 184.072 172.8 M9 184.072 166.08 M9 178.608 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 184.072 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 184.072 172.8 M9 D9 184.072 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 184.072 172.8 M9 185.001 172.8 M9 185.001 166.08 M9 184.072 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 185.001 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.001 172.8 M9 D9 185.001 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 185.001 172.8 M9 186.586 172.8 M9 186.586 166.08 M9 185.001 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 186.586 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.586 172.8 M9 D9 186.586 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.586 172.8 M9 192.378 172.8 M9 192.378 166.08 M9 186.586 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 192.378 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 192.378 172.8 M9 D9 192.378 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 192.378 172.8 M9 196.149 172.8 M9 196.149 166.08 M9 192.378 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.149 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.149 172.8 M9 D9 196.149 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.149 172.8 M9 196.149 172.8 M9 196.149 166.08 M9 196.149 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 196.149 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.149 172.8 M9 D9 196.149 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.149 172.8 M9 196.149 172.8 M9 196.149 166.08 M9 196.149 166.08 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 196.149 166.08 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 196.149 172.8 M9 D9 177.406 169.44 S9 177.406 182.88 M9 D9 186.586 162.72 S9 186.586 176.16 M9 D9 164.893 166.08 S9 164.893 172.8 M9 196.149 172.8 M9 196.149 166.08 M9 164.893 166.08 M9 D9 164.893 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 159.36 M9 167.57 159.36 M9 167.57 152.64 M9 164.893 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.57 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.57 159.36 M9 D9 167.57 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.57 159.36 M9 167.953 159.36 M9 167.953 152.64 M9 167.57 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.953 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.953 159.36 M9 D9 167.953 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.953 159.36 M9 168.171 159.36 M9 168.171 152.64 M9 167.953 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 168.171 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.171 159.36 M9 D9 168.171 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 168.171 159.36 M9 169.483 159.36 M9 169.483 152.64 M9 168.171 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 169.483 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.483 159.36 M9 D9 169.483 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 169.483 159.36 M9 171.013 159.36 M9 171.013 152.64 M9 169.483 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 171.013 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.013 159.36 M9 D9 171.013 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.013 159.36 M9 171.341 159.36 M9 171.341 152.64 M9 171.013 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 171.341 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.341 159.36 M9 D9 171.341 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.341 159.36 M9 171.614 159.36 M9 171.614 152.64 M9 171.341 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 171.614 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.614 159.36 M9 D9 171.614 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.614 159.36 M9 171.614 159.36 M9 171.614 152.64 M9 171.614 152.64 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 171.614 152.64 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.614 159.36 M9 D9 164.893 152.64 S9 164.893 159.36 M9 171.614 159.36 M9 171.614 152.64 M9 164.893 152.64 M9 D9 164.893 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 152.64 M9 173.909 152.64 M9 173.909 145.92 M9 164.893 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 173.909 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.909 152.64 M9 D9 173.909 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.909 152.64 M9 178.062 152.64 M9 178.062 145.92 M9 173.909 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 178.062 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.062 152.64 M9 D9 178.062 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 178.062 152.64 M9 179.1 152.64 M9 179.1 145.92 M9 178.062 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 179.1 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 179.1 152.64 M9 D9 179.1 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 179.1 152.64 M9 180.575 152.64 M9 180.575 145.92 M9 179.1 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 180.575 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.575 152.64 M9 D9 180.575 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 180.575 152.64 M9 183.089 152.64 M9 183.089 145.92 M9 180.575 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 183.089 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 183.089 152.64 M9 D9 183.089 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 183.089 152.64 M9 184.674 152.64 M9 184.674 145.92 M9 183.089 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 184.674 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 184.674 152.64 M9 D9 184.674 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 184.674 152.64 M9 184.674 152.64 M9 184.674 145.92 M9 184.674 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 184.674 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 184.674 152.64 M9 D9 184.674 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 184.674 152.64 M9 184.674 152.64 M9 184.674 145.92 M9 184.674 145.92 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 184.674 145.92 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 184.674 152.64 M9 D9 169.483 149.28 S9 169.483 162.72 M9 D9 180.575 142.56 S9 180.575 156 M9 D9 164.893 145.92 S9 164.893 152.64 M9 184.674 152.64 M9 184.674 145.92 M9 164.893 145.92 M9 D9 164.893 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 139.2 M9 171.559 139.2 M9 171.559 132.48 M9 164.893 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 171.559 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.559 139.2 M9 D9 171.559 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 171.559 139.2 M9 172.925 139.2 M9 172.925 132.48 M9 171.559 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 172.925 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.925 139.2 M9 D9 172.925 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 172.925 139.2 M9 173.854 139.2 M9 173.854 132.48 M9 172.925 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 173.854 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.854 139.2 M9 D9 173.854 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 173.854 139.2 M9 176.586 139.2 M9 176.586 132.48 M9 173.854 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 176.586 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.586 139.2 M9 D9 176.586 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.586 139.2 M9 176.586 139.2 M9 176.586 132.48 M9 176.586 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 176.586 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.586 139.2 M9 D9 176.586 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 176.586 139.2 M9 324.177 139.2 M9 324.177 132.48 M9 176.586 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 324.177 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 324.177 139.2 M9 D9 324.177 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 324.177 139.2 M9 383.464 139.2 M9 383.464 132.48 M9 324.177 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 383.464 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 383.464 139.2 M9 D9 383.464 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 383.464 139.2 M9 383.464 139.2 M9 383.464 132.48 M9 383.464 132.48 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 383.464 132.48 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 383.464 139.2 M9 D9 164.893 132.48 S9 164.893 139.2 M9 383.464 139.2 M9 383.464 132.48 M9 164.893 132.48 M9 D9 164.893 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 132.48 M9 186.313 132.48 M9 186.313 125.76 M9 164.893 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 5.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 186.313 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.313 132.48 M9 D9 186.313 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 186.313 132.48 M9 195.93 132.48 M9 195.93 125.76 M9 186.313 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 195.93 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 195.93 132.48 M9 D9 195.93 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 195.93 132.48 M9 198.444 132.48 M9 198.444 125.76 M9 195.93 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 198.444 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 198.444 132.48 M9 D9 198.444 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 198.444 132.48 M9 201.941 132.48 M9 201.941 125.76 M9 198.444 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 201.941 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.941 132.48 M9 D9 201.941 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.941 132.48 M9 201.941 132.48 M9 201.941 125.76 M9 201.941 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 201.941 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.941 132.48 M9 D9 201.941 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 201.941 132.48 M9 377.29 132.48 M9 377.29 125.76 M9 201.941 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 377.29 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 377.29 132.48 M9 D9 377.29 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 377.29 132.48 M9 431.222 132.48 M9 431.222 125.76 M9 377.29 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 431.222 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 431.222 132.48 M9 D9 431.222 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 431.222 132.48 M9 431.222 132.48 M9 431.222 125.76 M9 431.222 125.76 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 431.222 125.76 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 431.222 132.48 M9 D9 176.586 129.12 S9 176.586 142.56 M9 D9 201.941 122.4 S9 201.941 135.84 M9 D9 164.893 125.76 S9 164.893 132.48 M9 431.222 132.48 M9 431.222 125.76 M9 164.893 125.76 M9 D9 164.893 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 119.04 M9 165.275 119.04 M9 165.275 112.32 M9 164.893 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 20.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.275 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.275 119.04 M9 D9 165.275 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.275 119.04 M9 165.603 119.04 M9 165.603 112.32 M9 165.275 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.603 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.603 119.04 M9 D9 165.603 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.603 119.04 M9 165.658 119.04 M9 165.658 112.32 M9 165.603 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.658 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.658 119.04 M9 D9 165.658 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.658 119.04 M9 165.767 119.04 M9 165.767 112.32 M9 165.658 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 165.767 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.767 119.04 M9 D9 165.767 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.767 119.04 M9 165.767 119.04 M9 165.767 112.32 M9 165.767 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.767 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.767 119.04 M9 D9 165.767 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.767 119.04 M9 165.876 119.04 M9 165.876 112.32 M9 165.767 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.876 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.876 119.04 M9 D9 165.876 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.876 119.04 M9 165.876 119.04 M9 165.876 112.32 M9 165.876 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 165.876 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.876 119.04 M9 D9 165.876 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.876 119.04 M9 165.876 119.04 M9 165.876 112.32 M9 165.876 112.32 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 165.876 112.32 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 165.876 119.04 M9 D9 164.893 112.32 S9 164.893 119.04 M9 165.876 119.04 M9 165.876 112.32 M9 164.893 112.32 M9 D9 164.893 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 164.893 112.32 M9 166.15 112.32 M9 166.15 105.6 M9 164.893 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 35.000000 180.000000 {cross} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 166.15 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.15 112.32 M9 D9 166.15 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.15 112.32 M9 166.477 112.32 M9 166.477 105.6 M9 166.15 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {pop} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 166.477 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.477 112.32 M9 D9 166.477 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.477 112.32 M9 166.587 112.32 M9 166.587 105.6 M9 166.477 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {pop} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 166.587 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.587 112.32 M9 D9 166.587 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.587 112.32 M9 166.587 112.32 M9 166.587 105.6 M9 166.587 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 166.587 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.587 112.32 M9 D9 166.587 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.587 112.32 M9 166.86 112.32 M9 166.86 105.6 M9 166.587 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 180.000000 {pop} SS9 0.900000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 166.86 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.86 112.32 M9 D9 166.86 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 166.86 112.32 M9 167.133 112.32 M9 167.133 105.6 M9 166.86 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 45.000000 {cross} SS9 0.500000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.133 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.133 112.32 M9 D9 167.133 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.133 112.32 M9 167.243 112.32 M9 167.243 105.6 M9 167.133 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore 50.000000 90.000000 {cross} SS9 1.000000 G9 E9 0.000000 G9 167.243 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.243 112.32 M9 D9 167.243 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.243 112.32 M9 167.243 112.32 M9 167.243 105.6 M9 167.243 105.6 M9 gsave D9 grestore E9 167.243 105.6 S9 [] 1.000000 SL 167.243 112.32 M9 D9 165.767 108.96 S9 165.767 122.4 M9 D9 166.587 102.24 S9 166.587 115.68 M9 D9 164.893 105.6 S9 164.893 112.32 M9 167.243 112.32 M9 167.243 105.6 M9 164.893 105.6 M9 D9 initclip 8 /Times-Roman SetTxt () 0 378 36.8 TXC (system i-cache misses) 0 487.286 225.216 TXL (system d-cache misses) 0 487.286 218.496 TXL (system wbuffer stalls) 0 487.286 211.776 TXL (system uncached reads) 0 487.286 205.056 TXL (user i-cache misses) 0 487.286 198.336 TXL (user d-cache misses) 0 487.286 191.616 TXL (user wbuffer stalls) 0 487.286 184.896 TXL (MCPI) 0 476.357 174.144 TXL (sed+U) 0 159.429 354.24 TXR (0.304) 0 342.154 355.584 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 347.52 TXR (0.423) 0 406.906 348.864 TXL (egrep+U) 0 159.429 334.08 TXR (0.204) 0 287.02 335.424 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 327.36 TXR (0.303) 0 341.444 328.704 TXL (yacc+U) 0 159.429 313.92 TXR (0.057) 0 207.186 315.264 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 307.2 TXR (0.103) 0 232.377 308.544 TXL (gcc+U) 0 159.429 293.76 TXR (0.194) 0 281.665 295.104 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 287.04 TXR (0.470) 0 432.588 288.384 TXL (compress+U) 0 159.429 273.6 TXR (0.120) 0 241.393 274.944 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 266.88 TXR (0.237) 0 305.216 268.224 TXL (ab+U) 0 159.429 253.44 TXR (0.177) 0 272.649 254.784 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 246.72 TXR (0.350) 0 367.071 248.064 TXL (espresso+U) 0 159.429 233.28 TXR (0.018) 0 185.93 234.624 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 226.56 TXR (0.041) 0 198.116 227.904 TXL (lisp+U) 0 159.429 213.12 TXR (0.157) 0 261.665 214.464 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 206.4 TXR (0.016) 0 184.291 207.744 TXL (eqntott+U) 0 159.429 192.96 TXR (0.003) 0 177.242 194.304 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 186.24 TXR (0.006) 0 178.827 187.584 TXL (fpppp+U) 0 159.429 172.8 TXR (0.029) 0 191.504 174.144 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 166.08 TXR (0.057) 0 207.077 167.424 TXL (doduc+U) 0 159.429 152.64 TXR (0.012) 0 182.543 153.984 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 145.92 TXR (0.036) 0 195.602 147.264 TXL (liv+U) 0 159.429 132.48 TXR (0.400) 0 394.393 133.824 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 125.76 TXR (0.487) 0 442.151 127.104 TXL (tomcatv+U) 0 159.429 112.32 TXR (0.002) 0 176.805 113.664 TXL (+M) 0 159.429 105.6 TXR (0.004) 0 178.171 106.944 TXL () 0 487.286 216.816 TXL () 0 487.286 210.096 TXL () 0 487.286 203.376 TXL () 0 487.286 196.656 TXL () 0 487.286 189.936 TXL () 0 487.286 183.216 TXL () 0 487.286 176.496 TXL () 0 476.357 165.744 TXL () 0 159.429 345.84 TXR () 0 342.154 347.184 TXL () 0 159.429 339.12 TXR () 0 406.906 340.464 TXL () 0 159.429 325.68 TXR () 0 287.02 327.024 TXL () 0 159.429 318.96 TXR () 0 341.444 320.304 TXL () 0 159.429 305.52 TXR () 0 207.186 306.864 TXL () 0 159.429 298.8 TXR () 0 232.377 300.144 TXL () 0 159.429 285.36 TXR () 0 281.665 286.704 TXL () 0 159.429 278.64 TXR () 0 432.588 279.984 TXL () 0 159.429 265.2 TXR () 0 241.393 266.544 TXL () 0 159.429 258.48 TXR () 0 305.216 259.824 TXL () 0 159.429 245.04 TXR () 0 272.649 246.384 TXL () 0 159.429 238.32 TXR () 0 367.071 239.664 TXL () 0 159.429 224.88 TXR () 0 185.93 226.224 TXL () 0 159.429 218.16 TXR () 0 198.116 219.504 TXL () 0 159.429 204.72 TXR () 0 261.665 206.064 TXL () 0 159.429 198 TXR () 0 184.291 199.344 TXL () 0 159.429 184.56 TXR () 0 177.242 185.904 TXL () 0 159.429 177.84 TXR () 0 178.827 179.184 TXL () 0 159.429 164.4 TXR () 0 191.504 165.744 TXL () 0 159.429 157.68 TXR () 0 207.077 159.024 TXL () 0 159.429 144.24 TXR () 0 182.543 145.584 TXL () 0 159.429 137.52 TXR () 0 195.602 138.864 TXL () 0 159.429 124.08 TXR () 0 394.393 125.424 TXL () 0 159.429 117.36 TXR () 0 442.151 118.704 TXL () 0 159.429 103.92 TXR () 0 176.805 105.264 TXL () 0 159.429 97.2 TXR () 0 178.171 98.544 TXL 72.000000 72.000000 684.000000 72.000000 684.000000 374.400000 72.000000 374.400000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 72.000000 72.000000 684.000000 72.000000 684.000000 374.400000 72.000000 374.400000 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip 4 SetSym initclip showpage %%Trailer end %%EndDocument PE 10 /Times-Bold AF 21288 37610 MT (Figure 4-3:)SH /Times-Italic SF 26537 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 29231 XM (for random page mapping.)SH 8.5 SS 7193 39117 MT (This figure shows)27 W /Times-Italic SF 13579 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 15896 XM (for Mach and Ultrix, as in Figure 2-1, but for a system that uses random page mapping. The) 27 W( elimination of user)26 W 6610 40015 MT (cache misses reduces) 41 W( memory contention, so write buffer stalls are virtually eliminated for many workloads. This figure shows the results)42 W 6610 40913 MT (of a single run. As the page-mappings are random, behavior can vary significantly between runs.)SH 10 SS 5760 42704 MT (virtual-to-physical mapping induced by) 174 W( the deterministic)173 W 12 /Times-Bold AF 31788 42822 MT (5. Conclusions)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 5760 43901 MT (strategy causes frequent collisions between) 74 W( corresponding)75 W 32788 44019 MT (For the majority of workloads we consider, the number)67 W 5760 45098 MT (matrix elements during computation.)SH 31788 45216 MT (and cost) 101 W( of non-idle instructions executed is substantially)100 W 31788 46413 MT (higher for Mach) 225 W( than for Ultrix. Six of the assertions)226 W 6760 46794 MT (In some cases, the deterministic strategy) 123 W( yields a page)122 W 31788 47610 MT (about operating systems and memory system) 61 W( behavior are)60 W 5760 47991 MT (mapping with low user cache) 235 W( miss rates. Specific ex-)236 W 31788 48807 MT (true, although two have little) 64 W( or no impact on system per-)65 W 5760 49188 MT (amples are)32 W /Times-Italic SF 10378 XM (sed)SH /Times-Roman SF 11992 XM (and)SH /Times-Italic SF 13717 XM (lisp)SH /Times-Roman SF 15443 XM (under Ultrix, and)31 W /Times-Italic SF 22646 XM (egrep)SH /Times-Roman SF 25204 XM (and)SH /Times-Italic SF 26929 XM (liv)SH /Times-Roman SF 28210 XM (for)SH 31788 50004 MT (formance. One is) 36 W( false. Several are sensitive to the operat-)35 W 5760 50385 MT (both systems. In) 226 W( these cases the deterministic strategy)227 W 31788 51201 MT (ing system architecture. Specifically:)SH 5760 51582 MT (leads to good behavior, and the random strategy can) 100 W( per-)99 W /Symbol SF 33578 52654 MT (\267)SH /Times-Bold SF 34288 XM (System and user locality.)61 W /Times-Roman SF 45704 XM (System locality is)62 W 5760 52779 MT (form significantly worse. Our results, though,) 11 W( suggest that)12 W 34288 53652 MT (measurably worse than user locality,) 142 W( and the)141 W 5760 53976 MT (such cases are infrequent in the absence of) 85 W( program reor-)84 W 34288 54650 MT (performance impact can) 169 W( be significant. The)170 W 5760 55173 MT (dering.)SH 34288 55648 MT (Mach microkernel-based system has poorer)303 W 34288 56646 MT (system locality than Ultrix.)SH 6760 56869 MT (Overall, these observations) 163 W( confirm the seventh asser-)164 W 5760 58066 MT (tion:)SH /Times-Italic SF 7970 XM (virtual to physical page mapping strategy) 126 W( can have)125 W /Symbol SF 33578 58143 MT (\267)SH /Times-Bold SF 34288 XM (System instruction locality.)48 W /Times-Roman SF 46565 XM (Relative to user)49 W 34288 59141 MT (behavior, system) 68 W( text shows less locality than)67 W /Times-Italic SF 5760 59263 MT (significant impact on cache performance.)227 W /Times-Roman SF 24261 XM (Moreover, a)228 W 34288 60139 MT (system data. However, user) 146 W( workloads such)147 W 5760 60460 MT (deterministic strategy can have a) 99 W( negative impact on per-)98 W 34288 61137 MT (as)SH /Times-Italic SF 35636 XM (gcc)SH /Times-Roman SF 37539 XM (with large text can have instruction)264 W 5760 61657 MT (formance for a direct-mapped cache when program reor-)133 W 34288 62135 MT (cache penalties that rival that of the operating)58 W 5760 62854 MT (dering tools are not used.) 9 W( In) 267 W( such cases, a random strategy)8 W 34288 63133 MT (system.)SH 5760 64051 MT (is less likely to induce consistently poor behavior.)SH /Symbol SF 33578 64630 MT (\267)SH /Times-Bold SF 34288 XM (User/system competition.)46 W /Times-Roman SF 45646 XM (User/system com-)45 W 34288 65628 MT (petition is a measurable component) 146 W( of cache)147 W 34288 66626 MT (and TLB) 332 W( miss rates. For these workloads,)331 W 34288 67624 MT (though, system performance is not) 21 W( affected by)22 W 34288 68622 MT (user/system competition.) 509 W( The) 1267 W( impact of)508 W 34288 69620 MT (Mach's microkernel structure on competition)136 W 34288 70618 MT (is not significant.)SH 30100 75600 MT (12)SH ES %%Page: 13 13 BS 0 SI 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 7817 MT (2.)SH /Times-Roman SF 32913 XM (Anant Agarwal, Richard L. Sites, and Mark Horowitz.)SH 10 /Symbol AF 7550 8000 MT (\267)SH /Times-Bold SF 8260 XM (System self-interference.)313 W /Times-Roman SF 20193 XM (Self-interference)SH 9 SS 31788 8831 MT (ATUM: A New Technique for Capturing Address Traces Using)SH 10 SS 8260 8998 MT (accounts for a significant) 192 W( number of system)193 W 9 SS 31788 9845 MT (Microcode. The) 225 W( Proceedings of the 13th International Sym-)SH 10 SS 8260 9996 MT (misses, particularly in) 68 W( system text. However,)67 W 9 SS 31788 10859 MT (posium on Computer Architecture, June, 1986, pp. 119-127.)SH 10 SS 8260 10994 MT (the cases with the) 121 W( worst overall behavior are)122 W 8260 11992 MT (also those that benefit least from associativity.)21 W 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 12490 MT (3.)SH /Times-Roman SF 32913 XM (Anant Agarwal, John Hennessy, and Mark Horowitz.)SH 10 SS 8260 12990 MT (Compared to) 52 W( Ultrix, associativity eliminates a)53 W 9 SS 31788 13504 MT ("Cache Performance of Operating System and Multiprogram-)SH 10 SS 8260 13988 MT (lower percentage of Mach's cache misses be-)82 W 9 SS 31788 14518 MT (ming Workloads".)SH /Times-Italic SF 38855 XM (ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 6)SH /Times-Roman SF (,)SH 10 SS 8260 14986 MT (cause of its greater demand for) 628 W( cache)629 W 9 SS 31788 15532 MT (4 \050November 1988\051, pp 393-431.)SH 10 SS 8260 15984 MT (resources.)SH 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 17163 MT (4.)SH /Times-Roman SF 32913 XM (Anant Agarwal.)SH /Times-Italic SF 39113 XM (Analysis of Cache Performance for)SH 10 /Symbol AF 7550 17481 MT (\267)SH /Times-Bold SF 8260 XM (Block operations.)179 W /Times-Roman SF 16741 XM (Block operations can be)178 W 9 /Times-Italic AF 31788 18177 MT (Operating Systems and Multiprogramming.)SH /Times-Roman SF 47938 XM (Kluwer Academic)SH 10 SS 8260 18479 MT (responsible for a) 155 W( large component of overall)156 W 9 SS 31788 19191 MT (Publishers, Boston, MA, 1989.)SH 10 /Times-Italic AF 8260 19477 MT (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF (, particularly for applications that) 198 W( per-)197 W 8260 20475 MT (form I/O. Mach moves) 64 W( more data with block)65 W 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 20822 MT (5.)SH /Times-Roman SF 32913 XM (Thomas E. Anderson, Henry M. Levy, Brian N. Bershad,)SH 10 SS 8260 21473 MT (operations and has a larger)6 W /Times-Italic SF 19259 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 21958 XM (due to block)5 W 9 SS 31788 21836 MT (and Edward D. Lazowska. The Interaction of Architecture and)SH 10 SS 8260 22471 MT (operations than Ultrix.)SH 9 SS 31788 22850 MT (Operating System Design. The Proceedings of the Fourth)SH 31788 23864 MT (International Conference on Architectural Support for Pro-)SH 10 /Symbol AF 7550 23968 MT (\267)SH /Times-Bold SF 8260 XM (Streaming writes.)308 W /Times-Roman SF 16681 XM (System code presents a)309 W 9 SS 31788 24878 MT (gramming Languages and Operating Systems, April, 1991, pp.)SH 10 SS 8260 24966 MT (higher load to the write buffer than user) 44 W( code.)43 W 9 SS 31788 25892 MT (108-120.)SH 10 SS 8260 25964 MT (Mach's increased cache)304 W /Times-Italic SF 18973 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Roman SF 21971 XM (results in a)304 W 8260 26962 MT (larger number of) 273 W( write buffer stalls due to)272 W 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 27523 MT (6.)SH /Times-Roman SF 32913 XM (Ozalp Babaoglu and William Joy. Converting a Swap-)SH 10 SS 8260 27960 MT (competition between) 663 W( memory reads and)664 W 9 SS 31788 28537 MT (Based System to do Paging in an Architecture Lacking Page-)SH 10 SS 8260 28958 MT (writes.)SH 9 SS 31788 29551 MT (Referenced Bits. The Proceedings of the 8th ACM Inter-)SH 10 /Symbol AF 7550 30455 MT (\267)SH /Times-Bold SF 8260 XM (Page mapping) 487 W( strategy.)486 W /Times-Roman SF 20732 XM (Page mapping)486 W 9 SS 31788 30565 MT (national Symposium on Operating System Principles, Decem-)SH 10 SS 8260 31453 MT (strategies can) 264 W( have a large effect on cache)265 W 9 SS 31788 31579 MT (ber, 1981, pp. 76-86.)SH 10 SS 8260 32451 MT (performance. The) 608 W( page mapping strategy) 179 W( is)178 W 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 33210 MT (7.)SH /Times-Roman SF 32913 XM (Brian N. Bershad. The Increasing Irrelevance of IPC Per-)SH 10 SS 8260 33449 MT (independent of operating system architecture.)SH 9 SS 31788 34224 MT (formance for Microkernel-Based Operating Systems. The)SH 10 SS 6760 35145 MT (The performance) 561 W( of the operating system, either)562 W 9 SS 31788 35238 MT (Proceedings of the First USENIX Microkernels and Other Ker-)SH 31788 36252 MT (nels Workshop, April, 1992, pp. 204-211.)SH 10 SS 5760 36342 MT (monolithic or) 377 W( microkernel-based, is more sensitive to)376 W 5760 37539 MT (memory system latency than that) 240 W( of applications. The)241 W 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 37883 MT (8.)SH /Times-Roman SF 32913 XM (Brian N. Bershad, Thomas E. Anderson, Edward)SH 10 SS 5760 38736 MT (locality of system code and data) 168 W( is inherently poor, and)167 W 9 SS 31788 38897 MT (D. Lazowska and Henry M. Levy. "Lightweight Remote Pro-)SH 31788 39911 MT (cedure Call".)SH /Times-Italic SF 36955 XM (ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 8)SH /Times-Roman SF (, 1)SH 10 SS 5760 39933 MT (changes to memory systems that help application) 132 W( perfor-)133 W 9 SS 31788 40925 MT (\050February 1990\051, pp. 37-55.)SH 10 SS 5760 41130 MT (mance by taking advantage of locality are) 293 W( unlikely to)292 W 5760 42327 MT (bring proportional improvements to the system.)SH 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 42556 MT (9.)SH /Times-Roman SF 32913 XM (Brian N. Bershad, Richard P. Draves, and Alessandro Forin.)SH 31788 43570 MT (Using Microbenchmarks to Evaluate System Performance. The)SH 31788 44584 MT (Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Workstation Operating)SH 31788 45598 MT (Systems, April, 1992, pp. 148-153.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 5760 46011 MT (6. Acknowledgements)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 6760 47208 MT (Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai, Alan Eustace,) 313 W( Jay Lepreau,)314 W 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 47229 MT (10.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (Anita Borg, R.E. Kessler, Georgia Lazana, and David)SH 31788 48243 MT (Wall. Long) 225 W( Address Traces from RISC Machines: Generation)SH 10 SS 5760 48405 MT (Kai Li, Stefan) 93 W( Savage, Daniel Stodolsky, Mark Swanson,)92 W 9 SS 31788 49257 MT (and Analysis. WRL Research Report 89/14, Digital Equipment)SH 10 SS 5760 49602 MT (Doug Tygar,) 215 W( and Terri Watson provided valuable feed-)216 W 9 SS 31788 50271 MT (Corporation Western Research Laboratory, 1989.)SH 10 SS 5760 50799 MT (back on earlier drafts of this paper. Alessandro) 54 W( Forin and)53 W 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 51902 MT (11.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (J. Bradley Chen. Software Methods for System Address)SH 10 SS 5760 51996 MT (Mary Thompson helped with our instrumentation of Mach.)1 W 9 SS 31788 52916 MT (Tracing. The) 225 W( Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on)SH 10 SS 5760 53193 MT (Bob Wheeler helped us understand) 106 W( the differences in I/O)105 W 9 SS 31788 53930 MT (Workstation Operating Systems, October, 1993.)SH 10 SS 5760 54390 MT (behavior between Mach and Ultrix. David) 60 W( Wall provided)61 W 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 55561 MT (12.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (J. Bradley Chen. Memory Behavior for an X11 Window)SH 10 SS 5760 55587 MT (us with) 335 W( an initial version)334 W /Times-Italic SF 17570 XM (epoxie)SH /Times-Roman SF (, and was helpful in)334 W 9 SS 31788 56575 MT (System. The) 225 W( Proceedings of the Winter 1994 USENIX Con-)SH 10 SS 5760 56784 MT (making it) 25 W( work. The design of the tracing system is based)26 W 9 SS 31788 57589 MT (ference, January, 1994.)SH 10 SS 5760 57981 MT (on prior work by) 125 W( Anita Borg, and her contributions con-)124 W 5760 59178 MT (tinued throughout this project.)SH 9 /Times-Bold AF 31788 59220 MT (13.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (J. Bradley Chen, Anita Borg, and Norman P. Jouppi. A)SH 31788 60234 MT (Simulation Based Study of TLB Performance. The Proceed-)SH 31788 61248 MT (ings of the 19th Annual International Symposium on Computer)SH 31788 62262 MT (Architecture, May, 1992, pp. 114-123.)SH 12 /Times-Bold AF 5760 62862 MT (References)SH 9 SS 31788 63893 MT (14.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (Douglas W. Clark. "Cache Performance in the)SH 31788 64907 MT (VAX-11/780".)SH /Times-Italic SF 37580 XM (ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 1)SH /Times-Roman SF (, 1)SH 31788 65921 MT (\050February 1983\051, pp. 24-37.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 66162 MT (1.)SH /Times-Roman SF 6885 XM (Michael J. Accetta, Robert V. Baron, William Bolosky,)SH 5760 67176 MT (David B. Golub, Richard F. Rashid, Avadis Tevanian, Jr., and)SH /Times-Bold SF 31788 67552 MT (15.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (Douglas W. Clark and Joel S. Emer. "Performance of the)SH 5760 68190 MT (Michael W. Young. Mach: A New Kernel Foundation for Unix)SH 31788 68566 MT (VAX 11/780 Translation Buffer: Simulation and Measure-)SH 5760 69204 MT (Development. Proceedings) 225 W( of the Summer 1986 USENIX)SH 31788 69580 MT (ment".)SH /Times-Italic SF 34630 XM (ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 3)SH /Times-Roman SF (, 1)SH 5760 70218 MT (Conference, July, 1986, pp. 93-113.)SH 31788 70594 MT (\050February 1985\051, 270-301.)SH 10 SS 30100 75600 MT (13)SH ES %%Page: 14 14 BS 0 SI 9 /Times-Bold AF 5760 7817 MT (16.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (M. DeMoney, J. Moore, and J. Mashey. Operating System)SH /Times-Bold SF 31788 XM (31.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (John K. Ousterhout. Why Operating Systems Aren't Get-)SH 5760 8831 MT (Support on a RISC. Proceedings of the 31st Computer Society)SH 31788 XM (ting Faster As Fast As Hardware. Proceedings of the Summer)SH 5760 9845 MT (International Conference \050Spring Compcon '86\051, March, 1986,)SH 31788 XM (1991 USENIX Conference, June, 1991, pp. 247-256.)SH 5760 10859 MT (pp. 138-143.)SH /Times-Bold SF 31788 11476 MT (32.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (Steven A. Przybylski.)SH /Times-Italic SF 41663 XM (Cache Design: A Performance-)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 12490 MT (17.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (Digital Equipment Corporation.)SH /Times-Italic SF 19260 XM (cord)SH /Times-Roman SF (. Ultrix) 225 W( manual page.)SH /Times-Italic SF 31788 XM (Directed Approach.)SH /Times-Roman SF 39388 XM (Morgan-Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA,)SH 31788 13504 MT (1990.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 14121 MT (18.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (Richard P. Draves, Brian N. Bershad, Richard F. Rashid)SH 5760 15135 MT (and Randall W. Dean. Using Continuations to Implement)SH /Times-Bold SF 31788 XM (33.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (Richard Rashid, Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Young,)SH 5760 16149 MT (Thread Management and Communications in Operating Sys-)SH 31788 XM (David Golub, Robert Baron, David Black, William Bolosky)SH 5760 17163 MT (tems. Proceedings) 225 W( of the 13th ACM Symposium on Operating)SH 31788 XM (and Jonathan Chew. Machine-Independent Virtual Memory)SH 5760 18177 MT (Systems Principles, October, 1991, pp. 122-136.)SH 31788 XM (Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Ar-)SH 31788 19191 MT (chitectures. Proceedings) 225 W( of the Second International Con-)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 19808 MT (19.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (Richard P. Draves. A Revised IPC Interface. Proceedings)SH 31788 20205 MT (ference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages)SH 5760 20822 MT (of the First Mach USENIX Workshop, October, 1990, pp.)SH 31788 21219 MT (and Operating Systems, April, 1987, pp. 31-39.)SH 5760 21836 MT (101-121.)SH /Times-Bold SF 31788 22850 MT (34.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (M. Rozier, V. Abrossimov, F. Armand, I. Boule, M. Giend,)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 23467 MT (20.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (Peter Druschel, Larry L. Peterson, and Norman)SH 31788 23864 MT (M. Guillemont, F. Herrmann, P. Leonard, S. Langlois, and)SH 5760 24481 MT (C. Hutchinson. Beyond Microkernel Design: Decoupling)SH 31788 24878 MT (W. Neuhauser. "Chorus Distributed Operating Systems".)SH 5760 25495 MT (Modularity and Protection in Lipto. The Proceedings of the)SH /Times-Italic SF 31788 25892 MT (Computing Systems 1)SH /Times-Roman SF (, 4 \0501988\051, pp. 305-370.)SH 5760 26509 MT (12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Sys-)SH 5760 27523 MT (tems, June, 1992.)SH /Times-Bold SF 31788 XM (35.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (Josep Torellas, Anoop Gupta, and John Hennessy. Charac-)SH 31788 28537 MT (terizing the Caching and Synchronization Performance of a)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 29154 MT (21.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (David Golub, Randall Dean, Alessandro Forin and Richard)SH 31788 29551 MT (Multiprocessor Operating System. The Proceedings of the)SH 5760 30168 MT (Rashid. UNIX) 225 W( as an Application Program. Proceedings of the)SH 31788 30565 MT (Fifth International Conference on Architectural Support for)SH 5760 31182 MT (Summer 1990 USENIX Conference, June, 1990, pp. 87-95.)SH 31788 31579 MT (Programming Languages and Operating Systems, October,)SH 31788 32593 MT (1992, pp. 162-174.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 32813 MT (22.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson.)SH /Times-Italic SF 23060 XM (Computer)SH 5760 33827 MT (Architecture: A Quantitative Approach.)SH /Times-Roman SF 20510 XM (Morgan Kaufmann,)SH /Times-Bold SF 31788 34224 MT (36.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (Bart C. Vashaw.)SH /Times-Italic SF 39763 XM (Address Trace Collection and Trace)SH /Times-Roman SF 5760 34841 MT (Palo Alto, CA, 1990.)SH /Times-Italic SF 31788 35238 MT (Driven Simulation of Bus Based, Shared Memory)SH 31788 36252 MT (Multiprocessors)SH /Times-Roman SF (. Ph.D.) 225 W( Th., Carnegie Mellon University,)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 36472 MT (23.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (Mark D. Hill.)SH /Times-Italic SF 12685 XM (Aspects of Cache Memory and Instruction)SH /Times-Roman SF 31788 37266 MT (1992. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.)SH /Times-Italic SF 5760 37486 MT (Buffer Performance)SH /Times-Roman SF (. Ph.D.) 225 W( Th., University of California at)SH 5760 38500 MT (Berkeley, Computer Sciences Division, November 1987. Num-)SH /Times-Bold SF 31788 38897 MT (37.)SH /Times-Roman SF 33363 XM (David W. Wall. Systems for Late Code Modification. In)SH 5760 39514 MT (ber UCB/CSD 87/381.)SH /Times-Italic SF 31788 39911 MT (Code Generation --- Concepts, Tools, Techniques)SH /Times-Roman SF (, Springer-)SH 31788 40925 MT (Verlag, 1992, pp. 275-293.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 41145 MT (24.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (Gerry Kane.)SH /Times-Italic SF 12235 XM (MIPS RISC Architecture.)SH /Times-Roman SF 21810 XM (Prentice Hall,)SH 5760 42159 MT (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 43790 MT (25.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (R.E. Kessler and Mark D. Hill. "Page Placement Al-)SH 5760 44804 MT (gorithms for Large Real-Indexed Caches".)SH /Times-Italic SF 21502 XM (ACM Transactions)SH 5760 45818 MT (on Computer Systems 10)SH /Times-Roman SF (, 4 \050November 1992\051.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 47449 MT (26.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (Jay Lepreau, Mike Hibler, Bryan Ford, Jeffrey Law, and)SH 5760 48463 MT (Douglas Orr. In-Kernel Servers on Mach 3.0: Implementation)SH 5760 49477 MT (and Performance. Proceedings of the Third USENIX Mach)SH 5760 50491 MT (Symposium, April, 1993, pp. 39-56.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 52122 MT (27.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (Scott McFarling. Program Optimization for Instruction)SH 5760 53136 MT (Caches. The) 225 W( Proceedings of the Third International Conference)SH 5760 54150 MT (on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and)SH 5760 55164 MT (Operating Systems, April, 1989, pp. 183-191.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 56795 MT (28.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (Jeffrey C. Mogul and Anita Borg. The Effect of Context)SH 5760 57809 MT (Switches on Cache Performance. The Proceedings of the)SH 5760 58823 MT (Fourth International Conference on Architectural Support for)SH 5760 59837 MT (Programming Languages and Operating Systems, April, 1991,)SH 5760 60851 MT (pp. 75-84.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 62482 MT (29.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (David Nagle, Richard Uhlig, and Trevor Mudge. Monster:)SH 5760 63496 MT (A Tool for Analyzing the Interaction Between Operating Sys-)SH 5760 64510 MT (tems and Computer Architectures. University of Michigan,)SH 5760 65524 MT (November, 1992. CSE-TR-147-92.)SH /Times-Bold SF 5760 67155 MT (30.)SH /Times-Roman SF 7335 XM (David Nagle, Richard Uhlig, Tim Stanley, Stuart Sechrest,)SH 5760 68169 MT (Trevor Mudge and Richard Brown. Design Tradeoffs for)SH 5760 69183 MT (Software-Managed TLBs. Proceedings of the 20th Annual)SH 5760 70197 MT (International Symposium on Computer Architecture, May,)SH 5760 71211 MT (1993, pp. 27-38.)SH 10 SS 30100 75600 MT (14)SH ES %%Page: i 15 BS 0 SI 12 /Times-Bold AF 26033 8004 MT (Table of Contents)SH 11 SS 7410 9172 MT (1. Introduction)SH 54890 XM (1)SH 7410 10340 MT (2. Trace overview)SH 54890 XM (1)SH 10 SS 9260 11420 MT (2.1. Sources of distortion)SH 54940 XM (3)SH 9260 12500 MT (2.2. Workloads and summary of results)SH 54940 XM (4)SH 11 SS 7410 13668 MT (3. Comparative system behavior)SH 54890 XM (5)SH 7410 14836 MT (4. Seven assertions)SH 54890 XM (6)SH 10 SS 9260 15916 MT (4.1. System and user locality)SH 54940 XM (6)SH 9260 16996 MT (4.2. System instruction locality)SH 54940 XM (7)SH 9260 18076 MT (4.3. Competition between the user and system)SH 54940 XM (8)SH 9260 19156 MT (4.4. System self-interference)SH 54940 XM (9)SH 9260 20236 MT (4.5. Block operations)SH 54440 XM (10)SH 9260 21316 MT (4.6. Streaming writes)SH 54440 XM (11)SH 9260 22396 MT (4.7. Page mapping strategy)SH 54440 XM (11)SH 11 SS 7410 23564 MT (5. Conclusions)SH 54340 XM (12)SH 7410 24732 MT (6. Acknowledgements)SH 54340 XM (13)SH 7410 25900 MT (References)SH 54340 XM (13)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 30461 75600 MT (i)SH ES %%Page: ii 16 BS 0 SI 12 /Times-Bold AF 26866 8004 MT (List of Figures)SH 11 SS 7410 9172 MT (Figure 2-1:) SH( Baseline)550 W /Times-BoldItalic SF 17645 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Bold SF 20732 XM (for Ultrix and Mach.)SH 54890 XM (5)SH 7410 10340 MT (Figure 3-1:) SH( Relative) 550 W( system overheads for programs running on Ultrix and Mach.)SH 54890 XM (7)SH 7410 11508 MT (Figure 4-1:) SH( User/system) 550 W( interference.)SH 54890 XM (8)SH 7410 12676 MT (Figure 4-2:) SH( System) 550 W( self-interference.)SH 54340 XM (10)SH 7410 13844 MT (Figure 4-3:)SH /Times-BoldItalic SF 13458 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Bold SF 16545 XM (for random page mapping.)SH 54340 XM (12)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 30322 75600 MT (ii)SH ES %%Page: iii 17 BS 0 SI 12 /Times-Bold AF 27099 8004 MT (List of Tables)SH 11 SS 7410 9172 MT (Table 1-1:) SH( Seven) 550 W( assertions about the memory behavior of operating systems.)SH 54890 XM (2)SH 7410 10340 MT (Table 2-1:) SH( Memory) 550 W( system simulation parameters.)SH 54890 XM (3)SH 7410 11508 MT (Table 2-2:) SH( Experimental) 550 W( workloads with execution times for a DECStation 5000/200.)SH 54890 XM (3)SH 7410 12676 MT (Table 2-3:) SH( Summary) 550 W( of trace results.)SH 54890 XM (5)SH 7410 13844 MT (Table 2-4:) SH( Summary) 550 W( penalty cycles \050per instruction\051.)SH 54890 XM (6)SH 7410 15012 MT (Table 4-1:)SH /Times-BoldItalic SF 13032 XM (MCPI)SH /Times-Bold SF 16119 XM (contributions from the cache.)SH 54890 XM (8)SH 7410 16180 MT (Table 4-2:) SH( MCPI) 550 W( contributions from cache competition.)SH 54890 XM (9)SH 7410 17348 MT (Table 4-3:) SH( TLB) 550 W( activity.)SH 54340 XM (10)SH 7410 18516 MT (Table 4-4:) SH( MCPI) 550 W( from block memory operations.)SH 54340 XM (10)SH 7410 19684 MT (Table 4-5:) SH( Block) 550 W( memory operations and memory reads.)SH 54340 XM (11)SH 7410 20852 MT (Table 4-6:) SH( Write) 550 W( buffer stall cycles per instruction.)SH 54340 XM (11)SH 10 /Times-Roman AF 30183 75600 MT (iii)SH ES %%Trailer %%Pages: 17 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman Times-Italic Times-Bold Courier Symbol Times-BoldItalic