package org.openmole.plugin.task.udocker import org.openmole.plugin.task.udocker.DockerMetadata._ import org.openmole.tool.file._ import import io.circe.jawn.{ decode, decodeFile } import io.circe.syntax._ import io.circe.{ Decoder, Encoder } import org.scalatest._ class DockerMetadataSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers { /** * Round trip comparison of JSON serialized docker metadata * * @param tmpDir Directory where to generate the temporary files * @param sourceFile Source JSON file containing some docker metadata * @tparam T Docker Metadata type * @return A pair of DockerMetadata to compare */ def roundTrip[T: Decoder: Encoder](tmpDir: File, sourceFile: File) = { val sourceString = sourceFile.content val source = decode[T](sourceString) val roundTripFile = tmpDir.newFile("dockermetadataspec", ".json") roundTripFile.withWriter() { writer ⇒ for { src ← source } { writer.write(src.asJson.toString) } } val roundTrip = decodeFile[T](roundTripFile) roundTripFile.delete() (source, roundTrip) match { case (Right(s), Right(r)) ⇒ (s, r) // make sure test failed in case parsing failed case (e1, e2) ⇒ (source, (e1, e2)) } } val tmpDir = File("/tmp") val registryManifests = Seq("debian_jessie--image_manifest", "ubuntu_16.04--image_manifest") registryManifests.foreach { manifest ⇒ "DockerMetadata" should s"correctly extract an Image Manifest V2 Schema 1 from $manifest" in { val sourceFile = File(getClass.getResource(s"/registry_image_manifests/$manifest.json").getFile) val (source, result) = roundTrip[ImageManifestV2Schema1](tmpDir, sourceFile) source should equal(result) } } it should "correctly extract a top level image manifest " in { val topLevelImageManifestFile = File(getClass.getResource("/saved_image_manifests/top_level_image_manifest--ubuntu_16.04.json").getFile) val (source, result) = roundTrip[List[TopLevelImageManifest]](tmpDir, topLevelImageManifestFile) source should equal(result) } it should "correctly extract an Image JSON" in { val imageJSONFile = File(getClass.getResource("/saved_image_manifests/104bec311bcdfc882ea08fdd4f5417ecfb1976adea5a0c237e129c728cb7eada.json").getFile) val (source, result) = roundTrip[ImageJSON](tmpDir, imageJSONFile) source should equal(result) } // TODO test against JSON schema (see coursera.autoschema) }