/* * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 makr@makr.zone * * This 3D printed feeder is inteded to be used together with the "BlindsFeeder" feeder in OpenPNP. * * This file is part of OpenPnP. * * OpenPnP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * OpenPnP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenPnP. If not, see * . * * For more information about OpenPnP visit http://openpnp.org */ debug_view = true; label_view = false; // Include the BlindsFeeder Library. // To learn the details about available parameters, please read the extensive comments in the library file. // The library also defines some 3D printing constants that you might want to tune along with some advice // how to setup your slicer. include // All dimensions in Millimeters. // Let's create some tape definitions // Again, please read the extensive comments in the library file to learn what // parameters are avaialable and what exactly they mean and do. tape0402 = TapeDefinition( tape_width=8, tape_thickness=0.5, pocket_pitch=2, pocket_width=2.25, tape_play=-0.03, cover_play=0.08); tape0603 = TapeDefinition( tape_width=8, tape_thickness=1.1, pocket_pitch=4, pocket_width=2.5, tape_play=-0.0, cover_play=0.05); tapeSOT3 = TapeDefinition( tape_width=8, tape_thickness=0.4, pocket_portrusion=1.6, pocket_pitch=4, pocket_width=4, tape_play=0.05, cover_play=0.05, blinds=false); tape12mm = TapeDefinition( tape_width=12, tape_thickness=0.4, pocket_portrusion=1.2, pocket_pitch=8, pocket_width=5, tape_play=0.1, cover_play=0.05, sprocket_thorns=2); trayQLPF64 = TapeDefinition( tape_width=16, tape_thickness=1.6, pocket_pitch=16, pocket_width=12.1, pocket_length=12.1, tape_play=0.1, cover_play=0.05, blinds=false, sprocket_thorns=0); // Create the feeder array with these tape definitions. // Note the BlindsFeeder has a myriad of parameters you can tweak, the ones used here are just the most important. // See the Library file to learn more. rotate([0, 0, 180]) BlindsFeeder( // Tape length from feeder edge to edge (not including the margin), usually multiples of 4mm. // Other values are supported if you manually adjust the default 2mm edge distance in the OpenPNP feeder. tape_length=100, // For OCR, add a margin at the begin of the tape. margin_length_begin=20, // Define the lanes with number, tape definitinon, part label (String array with multiple lines). arrayed_tape_lanes= [ LaneDefinition(1, tape0402, ["R0402-1K"]), LaneDefinition(1, tape0402, ["R0402-100K"]), LaneDefinition(1, tape0603, ["C0603-10uF"]), LaneDefinition(1, tapeSOT3, ["SOT23_HV-\\","DMN24H3D5L"]), LaneDefinition(1, tape12mm, ["CSD16340Q3"]), LaneDefinition(1, trayQLPF64, ["C1810_HV-\\", "4.7nF"]), ], label=label_view, tray=(! label_view), cover=(! label_view), debug=debug_view );