#!/bin/bash if [ "$(docker ps | grep openvswitch)" ]; then OVS_OFCTL="docker exec openvswitch ovs-ofctl" OVS_APPCTL="docker exec openvswitch ovs-appctl" else OVS_OFCTL="ovs-ofctl" OVS_APPCTL="ovs-appctl" fi # echoes args to stderr and exits die () { echo "$*" 1>&2 exit 1 } # echoes the command provided as $@ and then runs it echo_and_eval () { echo "> $*" echo "" eval "$@" } # runs the command provided as $@, and either returns silently with # status 0 or else logs an error message with the command's output try_eval () { tmpfile=`mktemp` if ! eval "$@" >& $tmpfile; then status=1 echo "ERROR: Could not run '$*':" sed -e 's/^/ /' $tmpfile echo "" else status=0 fi rm -f $tmpfile return $status } # The environment may contain sensitive information like passwords or private keys filter_env () { awk '/ env:$/ { indent = index($0, "e"); skipping = 1; next } !skipping { print; } skipping { ch = substr($0, indent, 1); if (ch != " " && ch != "-") { skipping = 0; print } }' } log_service () { logpath=$1 service=$2 start_args=$3 echo_and_eval journalctl -u $service &> $logpath/journal-$service echo_and_eval systemctl show $service &> $logpath/systemctl-show-$service config_file=$(get_config_path_from_service "$start_args" "$service") if [ -f "$config_file" ]; then echo_and_eval cat $config_file &> $logpath/CONFIG-$service fi } log_system () { logpath=$1 echo_and_eval journalctl --boot &> $logpath/journal-full echo_and_eval nmcli --nocheck -f all dev show &> $logpath/nmcli-dev echo_and_eval nmcli --nocheck -f all con show &> $logpath/nmcli-con echo_and_eval head -1000 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* &> $logpath/ifcfg echo_and_eval ip addr show &> $logpath/addresses echo_and_eval ip route show &> $logpath/routes echo_and_eval ip -s neighbor show &> $logpath/arp echo_and_eval iptables-save &> $logpath/iptables echo_and_eval cat /etc/hosts &> $logpath/hosts echo_and_eval cat /etc/resolv.conf &> $logpath/resolv.conf echo_and_eval lsmod &> $logpath/modules echo_and_eval sysctl -a &> $logpath/sysctl echo_and_eval oc version &> $logpath/version echo &>> $logpath/version echo_and_eval docker version &>> $logpath/version echo &>> $logpath/version echo_and_eval cat /etc/system-release-cpe &>> $logpath/version } do_master () { kubelet_port=10250 if ! nodes=$(oc get nodes --template '{{range .items}}{{.spec.externalID}} {{end}}'); then if [ -z "$KUBECONFIG" -o ! -f "$KUBECONFIG" ]; then die "KUBECONFIG is unset or incorrect" else die "Could not get list of nodes" fi fi logmaster=$logdir/master mkdir -p $logmaster # Grab master service logs and config files if [ -n "$aos_master_service" ]; then log_service $logmaster $aos_master_service "master" fi if [ -n "$aos_master_controllers_service" ]; then log_service $logmaster $aos_master_controllers_service "master controllers" fi if [ -n "$aos_master_api_service" ]; then log_service $logmaster $aos_master_api_service "master api" fi # Log the generic system stuff log_system $logmaster # And the master specific stuff echo_and_eval oc get nodes -o yaml &> $logmaster/nodes echo_and_eval oc get pods --all-namespaces -o yaml | filter_env &> $logmaster/pods echo_and_eval oc get services --all-namespaces -o yaml &> $logmaster/services echo_and_eval oc get endpoints --all-namespaces -o yaml &> $logmaster/endpoints echo_and_eval oc get routes --all-namespaces -o yaml &> $logmaster/aos_routes echo_and_eval oc get clusternetwork -o yaml &> $logmaster/clusternetwork echo_and_eval oc get hostsubnets -o yaml &> $logmaster/hostsubnets echo_and_eval oc get netnamespaces -o yaml &> $logmaster/netnamespaces for node in $nodes; do reg_ip=$(oc get node $node --template '{{range .status.addresses}}{{if eq .type "InternalIP"}}{{.address}}{{end}}{{end}}') if [ -z "$reg_ip" ]; then echo "Node $node: no IP address in OpenShift" continue fi resolv_ip=$(getent ahostsv4 $node | awk '/STREAM/ { print $1; exit; }') if [ "$reg_ip" != "$resolv_ip" ]; then echo "Node $node: the IP in OpenShift ($reg_ip) does not match DNS/hosts ($resolv_ip)" fi try_eval curl $node:$kubelet_port done # Outputs a list of nodes in the form "nodename IP" oc get nodes --template '{{range .items}}{{$name := .metadata.name}}{{range .status.addresses}}{{if eq .type "InternalIP"}}{{$name}} {{.address}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' > $logdir/meta/nodeinfo # Outputs a list of pods in the form "minion-1 mypod namespace e4f1d61b" oc get pods --all-namespaces --template '{{range .items}}{{if .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (index .status.containerStatuses 0).ready}}{{if not .spec.hostNetwork}}{{.spec.nodeName}} {{.status.hostIP}} {{.metadata.name}} {{.metadata.namespace}} {{.status.podIP}} {{printf "%.21s" (index .status.containerStatuses 0).containerID}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' | sed -e 's|docker://||' > $logdir/meta/podinfo # Outputs a list of services in the form "myservice namespace tcp 5454" oc get services --all-namespaces --template '{{range .items}}{{if ne .spec.clusterIP "None"}}{{.metadata.name}} {{.metadata.namespace}} {{.spec.clusterIP}} {{(index .spec.ports 0).protocol}} {{(index .spec.ports 0).port}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | sed -e 's/ TCP / tcp /g' -e 's/ UDP / udp /g' > $logdir/meta/serviceinfo } get_port_for_addr () { addr=$1 # The nw_src line works with all current installs. The nw_dst line is needed for # older installs using the original single-tenant rules. sed -n -e "s/.*in_port=\([0-9]*\).*nw_src=${addr}.*/\1/p" \ -e "s/.*nw_dst=${addr}.*output://p" \ $lognode/flows | head -1 } get_vnid_for_addr () { addr=$1 # On multitenant, the sed will match, and output something like "xd1", which we prefix # with "0" to get "0xd1". On non-multitenant, the sed won't match, and outputs nothing, # which we prefix with "0" to get "0". So either way, $base_pod_vnid is correct. echo 0$(sed -ne "s/.*reg0=0\(x[^,]*\),.*nw_dst=${addr}.*/\1/p" $lognode/flows | head -1) } do_pod_to_pod_connectivity_check () { where=$1 namespace=$2 base_pod_name=$3 base_pod_addr=$4 base_pod_pid=$5 base_pod_port=$6 base_pod_vnid=$7 base_pod_ether=$8 other_pod_name=$9 other_pod_addr=${10} other_pod_nodeaddr=${11} echo $where pod, $namespace namespace: | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' echo "" other_pod_port=$(get_port_for_addr $other_pod_addr) if [ -n "$other_pod_port" ]; then other_pod_vnid=$(get_vnid_for_addr $other_pod_addr) in_spec="in_port=${other_pod_port}" else case $namespace in default) other_pod_vnid=0 ;; same) other_pod_vnid=$base_pod_vnid ;; different) # VNIDs 1-10 are currently unused, so this is always different from $base_pod_vnid other_pod_vnid=6 ;; esac in_spec="in_port=1,tun_src=${other_pod_nodeaddr},tun_id=${other_pod_vnid}" fi echo "$base_pod_name -> $other_pod_name" echo_and_eval $OVS_APPCTL ofproto/trace br0 "in_port=${base_pod_port},reg0=${base_pod_vnid},ip,nw_src=${base_pod_addr},nw_dst=${other_pod_addr}" echo "" echo "$other_pod_name -> $base_pod_name" echo_and_eval $OVS_APPCTL ofproto/trace br0 "${in_spec},ip,nw_src=${other_pod_addr},nw_dst=${base_pod_addr},dl_dst=${base_pod_ether}" echo "" if nsenter -n -t $base_pod_pid -- ping -c 1 -W 2 $other_pod_addr &> /dev/null; then echo "ping $other_pod_addr -> success" else echo "ping $other_pod_addr -> failed" fi echo "" echo "" } do_pod_external_connectivity_check () { base_pod_name=$1 base_pod_addr=$2 base_pod_pid=$3 base_pod_port=$4 base_pod_vnid=$5 base_pod_ether=$6 echo "EXTERNAL TRAFFIC:" echo "" echo "$base_pod_name -> example.com" # This address is from a range which is reserved for documentation examples # (RFC 5737) and not allowed to be used in private networks, so it should be # guaranteed to only match the default route. echo_and_eval $OVS_APPCTL ofproto/trace br0 "in_port=${base_pod_port},reg0=${base_pod_vnid},ip,nw_src=${base_pod_addr},nw_dst=" echo "" echo "example.com -> $base_pod_name" echo_and_eval $OVS_APPCTL ofproto/trace br0 "in_port=2,ip,nw_src=,nw_dst=${base_pod_addr},dl_dst=${base_pod_ether}" echo "" if nsenter -n -t $base_pod_pid -- ping -c 1 -W 2 www.redhat.com &> /dev/null; then echo "ping www.redhat.com -> success" else echo "ping www.redhat.com -> failed" fi } do_pod_service_connectivity_check () { namespace=$1 base_pod_name=$2 base_pod_addr=$3 base_pod_pid=$4 base_pod_port=$5 base_pod_vnid=$6 base_pod_ether=$7 service_name=$8 service_addr=$9 service_proto=${10} service_port=${11} echo service, $namespace namespace: | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' echo "" echo "$base_pod_name -> $service_name" echo_and_eval $OVS_APPCTL ofproto/trace br0 "in_port=${base_pod_port},reg0=${base_pod_vnid},${service_proto},nw_src=${base_pod_addr},nw_dst=${service_addr},${service_proto}_dst=${service_port}" echo "" echo "$service_name -> $base_pod_name" echo_and_eval $OVS_APPCTL ofproto/trace br0 "in_port=2,${service_proto},nw_src=${service_addr},nw_dst=${base_pod_addr},dl_dst=${base_pod_ether}" echo "" # In bash, redirecting to /dev/tcp/HOST/PORT or /dev/udp/HOST/PORT opens a connection # to that HOST:PORT. Use this to test connectivity to the service; we can't use ping # like in the pod connectivity check because only connections to the correct port # get redirected by the iptables rules. if nsenter -n -t $base_pod_pid -- timeout 1 bash -c "echo -n '' > /dev/${service_proto}/${service_addr}/${service_port} 2>/dev/null"; then echo "connect ${service_addr}:${service_port} -> success" else echo "connect ${service_addr}:${service_port} -> failed" fi echo "" echo "" } get_config_path_from_service() { # 'node', 'master', 'master api', 'master controllers' service_type=$1 # 'atomic-openshift-node.service', 'atomic-openshift-master-controllers.service', etc service_name=$2 config=$(ps wwaux | grep -v grep | sed -ne "s/.*openshift start ${service_type} --.*config=\([^ ]*\.yaml\).*/\1/p") if [ -z "$config" ]; then config=$(systemctl show -p ExecStart $service_name | sed -ne 's/.*--config=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p') if [ "$config" == "\${CONFIG_FILE}" ]; then varfile=$(systemctl show $service_name | grep EnvironmentFile | sed -ne 's/EnvironmentFile=\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p') if [ -f "$varfile" ]; then config=$(cat $varfile | sed -ne 's/CONFIG_FILE=//p') fi fi fi echo "$config" } do_node () { config_file=$(get_config_path_from_service "node" ${aos_node_service}) if [ -z "$config_file" ]; then die "Could not find node-config.yaml from 'ps' or 'systemctl show'" fi node=$(sed -ne 's/^nodeName: //p' $config_file) if [ -z "$node" ]; then die "Could not find node name in $config_file" fi lognode=$logdir/nodes/$node mkdir -p $lognode # Grab node service logs and config file log_service $lognode $aos_node_service "node" # Log the generic system stuff log_system $lognode # Log some node-only information echo_and_eval brctl show &> $lognode/bridges echo_and_eval docker ps -a &> $lognode/docker-ps echo_and_eval $OVS_OFCTL -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br0 &> $lognode/flows echo_and_eval $OVS_OFCTL -O OpenFlow13 show br0 &> $lognode/ovs-show echo_and_eval tc qdisc show &> $lognode/tc-qdisc echo_and_eval tc class show &> $lognode/tc-class echo_and_eval tc filter show &> $lognode/tc-filter echo_and_eval systemctl cat docker.service &> $lognode/docker-unit-file # Work out the docker env file we install (if we do) and log its contents envfile=`systemctl cat docker.service | grep EnvironmentFile.\*openshift-sdn | awk -F=- '\ {print $2}'` if [ -n "$envfile" ]; then echo_and_eval cat "$envfile" &> $lognode/docker-network-file fi # Iterate over all pods on this node, and log some data about them. # Remember the name, address, namespace, and pid of the first pod we find on # this node which is not in the default namespace base_pod_addr= while read pod_node pod_nodeaddr pod_name pod_ns pod_addr pod_id; do if [ "$pod_node" != "$node" ]; then continue fi logpod=$lognode/pods/$pod_name mkdir -p $logpod pid=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' $pod_id) if [ -z "$pid" ]; then echo "$node:$pod_name: could not find pid of $pod" continue fi echo_and_eval nsenter -n -t $pid -- ip addr show &> $logpod/addresses echo_and_eval nsenter -n -t $pid -- ip route show &> $logpod/routes # If we haven't found a local pod yet, or if we have, but it's # in the default namespace, then make this the new base pod. if [ -z "$base_pod_addr" -o "$base_pod_ns" = "default" ]; then base_pod_addr=$pod_addr base_pod_ns=$pod_ns base_pod_name=$pod_name base_pod_pid=$pid fi done < $logdir/meta/podinfo if [ -z "$base_pod_addr" ]; then echo "No pods on $node, so no connectivity tests" return fi base_pod_port=$(get_port_for_addr $base_pod_addr) if [ -z "$base_pod_port" ]; then echo "Could not find port for ${base_pod_addr}!" return fi base_pod_vnid=$(get_vnid_for_addr $base_pod_addr) if [ -z "$base_pod_vnid" ]; then echo "Could not find VNID for ${base_pod_addr}!" return fi base_pod_ether=$(nsenter -n -t $base_pod_pid -- ip a | sed -ne "s/.*link.ether \([^ ]*\) .*/\1/p") if [ -z "$base_pod_ether" ]; then echo "Could not find MAC address for ${base_pod_addr}!" return fi unset did_local_default did_local_same did_local_different unset did_remote_default did_remote_same did_remote_different unset did_service_default did_service_same did_service_different if [ "$base_pod_ns" = "default" ]; then # These would be redundant with the "default" tests did_local_same=1 did_remote_same=1 did_service_same=1 fi # Now find other pods of various types to test connectivity against touch $lognode/pod-connectivity while read pod_node pod_nodeaddr pod_name pod_ns pod_addr pod_id; do if [ "$pod_addr" = "$base_pod_addr" ]; then continue fi if [ "$pod_node" = "$node" ]; then where=local else where=remote fi if [ "$pod_ns" = "default" ]; then namespace=default elif [ "$pod_ns" = "$base_pod_ns" ]; then namespace=same else namespace=different fi if [ "$(eval echo \$did_${where}_${namespace})" = 1 ]; then continue fi do_pod_to_pod_connectivity_check $where $namespace \ $base_pod_name $base_pod_addr \ $base_pod_pid $base_pod_port \ $base_pod_vnid $base_pod_ether \ $pod_name $pod_addr $pod_nodeaddr \ &>> $lognode/pod-connectivity eval did_${where}_${namespace}=1 done < $logdir/meta/podinfo do_pod_external_connectivity_check $base_pod_name $base_pod_addr \ $base_pod_pid $base_pod_port \ $base_pod_vnid $base_pod_ether \ &>> $lognode/pod-connectivity # And now for services touch $lognode/service-connectivity while read service_name service_ns service_addr service_proto service_port; do if [ "$service_ns" = "default" ]; then namespace=default elif [ "$service_ns" = "$base_pod_ns" ]; then namespace=same else namespace=different fi if [ "$(eval echo \$did_service_${namespace})" = 1 ]; then continue fi do_pod_service_connectivity_check $namespace \ $base_pod_name $base_pod_addr \ $base_pod_pid $base_pod_port \ $base_pod_vnid $base_pod_ether \ $service_name $service_addr $service_proto $service_port \ &>> $lognode/service-connectivity eval did_service_${namespace}=1 done < $logdir/meta/serviceinfo } run_self_via_ssh () { args=$1 host=$2 SSH_OPTS='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no' if ! try_eval ssh $SSH_OPTS root@$host /bin/true; then return 1 fi if ! try_eval ssh $SSH_OPTS root@$host mkdir -m 0700 -p $logdir; then return 1 fi if ! try_eval scp -pr $SSH_OPTS $logdir/meta root@$host:$logdir; then return 1 fi ssh $SSH_OPTS root@$host $extra_env /bin/bash $logdir/meta/debug.sh $args } do_master_and_nodes () { master="$1" echo "Analyzing master" if [ -z "$master" ]; then do_master else if run_self_via_ssh --master $master < /dev/null; then try_eval scp $SSH_OPTS -pr root@$master:$logdir/master $logdir try_eval scp $SSH_OPTS -pr root@$master:$logdir/meta $logdir else return 1 fi fi while read name addr; do echo "" echo "Analyzing $name ($addr)" if ip addr show | grep -q "inet $addr/"; then # Running on master which is also a node cp $self $logdir/debug.sh /bin/bash $logdir/debug.sh --node else run_self_via_ssh --node $addr < /dev/null && \ try_eval scp $SSH_OPTS -pr root@$addr:$logdir/nodes $logdir fi done < $logdir/meta/nodeinfo } ######## Main program starts here for systemd_dir in /etc/systemd/system /usr/lib/systemd/system; do for name in openshift origin atomic-openshift; do if [ -f $systemd_dir/$name-master.service ]; then aos_master_service=$name-master.service fi if [ -f $systemd_dir/$name-master-controllers.service ]; then aos_master_controllers_service=$name-master-controllers.service fi if [ -f $systemd_dir/$name-master-api.service ]; then aos_master_api_service=$name-master-api.service fi if [ -f $systemd_dir/$name-node.service ]; then aos_node_service=$name-node.service fi done done case "$1" in --node) logdir=$(dirname $0 | sed -e 's|/meta$||') do_node exit 0 ;; --master) logdir=$(dirname $0 | sed -e 's|/meta$||') do_master exit 0 ;; "") if [ -z "$aos_master_service" ] && [ -z "$aos_master_controllers_service" ]; then echo "Usage:" echo " [from master]" echo " $0" echo " Gathers data on the master and then connects to each node via ssh" echo "" echo " [from any other machine]" echo " $0 MASTER-NAME" echo " Connects to MASTER-NAME via ssh and then connects to each node via ssh" echo "" echo " The machine you run from must be able to ssh to each other machine" echo " via ssh with no password." exit 1 fi ;; esac case "$0" in /*) self=$0 ;; *) self=$(pwd)/$0 ;; esac logdir=$(mktemp --tmpdir -d openshift-sdn-debug-XXXXXXXXX) mkdir $logdir/meta cp $self $logdir/meta/debug.sh mkdir $logdir/master mkdir $logdir/nodes do_master_and_nodes "$1" |& tee $logdir/log dumpname=openshift-sdn-debug-$(date --iso-8601).tgz (cd $logdir; tar -cf - --transform='s/^\./openshift-sdn-debug/' .) | gzip -c > $dumpname echo "" echo "Output is in $dumpname"