======= Flavors ======= In OpenStack, flavors define the compute, memory, and storage capacity of nova computing instances. To put it simply, a flavor is an available hardware configuration for a server. It defines the *size* of a virtual server that can be launched. .. note:: Flavors can also determine on which compute host a flavor can be used to launch an instance. For information about customizing flavors, refer to :doc:`/admin/flavors`. Overview -------- A flavor consists of the following parameters: Flavor ID Unique ID (integer or UUID) for the new flavor. This property is required. If specifying 'auto', a UUID will be automatically generated. Name Name for the new flavor. This property is required. Historically, names were given a format ``XX.SIZE_NAME``. These are typically not required, though some third party tools may rely on it. VCPUs Number of virtual CPUs to use. This property is required. Memory MB Amount of RAM to use (in megabytes). This property is required. Root Disk GB Amount of disk space (in gigabytes) to use for the root (``/``) partition. This property is required. The root disk is an ephemeral disk that the base image is copied into. When booting from a persistent volume it is not used. The ``0`` size is a special case which uses the native base image size as the size of the ephemeral root volume. However, in this case the scheduler cannot select the compute host based on the virtual image size. As a result, ``0`` should only be used for volume booted instances or for testing purposes. Volume-backed instances can be enforced for flavors with zero root disk via the ``os_compute_api:servers:create:zero_disk_flavor`` policy rule. Ephemeral Disk GB Amount of disk space (in gigabytes) to use for the ephemeral partition. This property is optional. If unspecified, the value is ``0`` by default. Ephemeral disks offer machine local disk storage linked to the lifecycle of a VM instance. When a VM is terminated, all data on the ephemeral disk is lost. Ephemeral disks are not included in any snapshots. Swap Amount of swap space (in megabytes) to use. This property is optional. If unspecified, the value is ``0`` by default. RXTX Factor (DEPRECATED) This value was only applicable when using the ``xen`` compute driver with the ``nova-network`` network driver. Since ``nova-network`` has been removed, this no longer applies and should not be specified. It will likely be removed in a future release. ``neutron`` users should refer to the :neutron-doc:`neutron QoS documentation ` Is Public Boolean value that defines whether the flavor is available to all users or private to the project it was created in. This property is optional. In unspecified, the value is ``True`` by default. By default, a flavor is public and available to all projects. Private flavors are only accessible to those on the access list for a given project and are invisible to other projects. Extra Specs Key and value pairs that define on which compute nodes a flavor can run. These are optional. Extra specs are generally used as scheduler hints for more advanced instance configuration. The key-value pairs used must correspond to well-known options. For more information on the standardized extra specs available, :ref:`see below ` Description A free form description of the flavor. Limited to 65535 characters in length. Only printable characters are allowed. Available starting in microversion 2.55. .. _flavors-extra-specs: Extra Specs ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. todo:: This is now documented in :doc:`/configuration/extra-specs`, so this should be removed and the documentation moved to those specs. .. _extra-specs-hardware-video-ram: Hardware video RAM Specify ``hw_video:ram_max_mb`` to control the maximum RAM for the video image. Used in conjunction with the ``hw_video_ram`` image property. ``hw_video_ram`` must be less than or equal to ``hw_video:ram_max_mb``. This is currently supported by the libvirt and the vmware drivers. See https://libvirt.org/formatdomain.html#elementsVideo for more information on how this is used to set the ``vram`` attribute with the libvirt driver. See https://pubs.vmware.com/vi-sdk/visdk250/ReferenceGuide/vim.vm.device.VirtualVideoCard.html for more information on how this is used to set the ``videoRamSizeInKB`` attribute with the vmware driver. .. _extra-specs-secure-boot: Secure Boot :doc:`Secure Boot ` can help ensure the bootloader used for your instances is trusted, preventing a possible attack vector. .. code:: console $ openstack flavor set FLAVOR-NAME \ --property os:secure_boot=SECURE_BOOT_OPTION Valid ``SECURE_BOOT_OPTION`` values are: - ``required``: Enable Secure Boot for instances running with this flavor. - ``disabled`` or ``optional``: (default) Disable Secure Boot for instances running with this flavor. .. note:: Supported by the libvirt driver. .. versionchanged:: 23.0.0 (Wallaby) Added support for secure boot to the libvirt driver. .. _extra-specs-required-resources: Custom resource classes and standard resource classes to override Specify custom resource classes to require or override quantity values of standard resource classes. The syntax of the extra spec is ``resources:=VALUE`` (``VALUE`` is integer). The name of custom resource classes must start with ``CUSTOM_``. Standard resource classes to override are ``VCPU``, ``MEMORY_MB`` or ``DISK_GB``. In this case, you can disable scheduling based on standard resource classes by setting the value to ``0``. For example: - ``resources:CUSTOM_BAREMETAL_SMALL=1`` - ``resources:VCPU=0`` See :ironic-doc:`Create flavors for use with the Bare Metal service ` for more examples. .. versionadded:: 16.0.0 (Pike) .. _extra-specs-required-traits: Required traits Required traits allow specifying a server to build on a compute node with the set of traits specified in the flavor. The traits are associated with the resource provider that represents the compute node in the Placement API. See the resource provider traits API reference for more details: https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/placement/#resource-provider-traits The syntax of the extra spec is ``trait:=required``, for example: - ``trait:HW_CPU_X86_AVX2=required`` - ``trait:STORAGE_DISK_SSD=required`` The scheduler will pass required traits to the ``GET /allocation_candidates`` endpoint in the Placement API to include only resource providers that can satisfy the required traits. In 17.0.0 the only valid value is ``required``. In 18.0.0 ``forbidden`` is added (see below). Any other value will be considered invalid. Traits can be managed using the `osc-placement plugin`__. __ https://docs.openstack.org/osc-placement/latest/index.html .. versionadded:: 17.0.0 (Queens) .. _extra-specs-forbidden-traits: Forbidden traits Forbidden traits are similar to required traits, described above, but instead of specifying the set of traits that must be satisfied by a compute node, forbidden traits must **not** be present. The syntax of the extra spec is ``trait:=forbidden``, for example: - ``trait:HW_CPU_X86_AVX2=forbidden`` - ``trait:STORAGE_DISK_SSD=forbidden`` Traits can be managed using the `osc-placement plugin`__. __ https://docs.openstack.org/osc-placement/latest/index.html .. versionadded:: 18.0.0 (Rocky) .. _extra-specs-numbered-resource-groupings: Numbered groupings of resource classes and traits Specify numbered groupings of resource classes and traits. The syntax is as follows (``N`` and ``VALUE`` are integers): .. parsed-literal:: resources\ *N*:**\ =\ *VALUE* trait\ *N*:**\ =required A given numbered ``resources`` or ``trait`` key may be repeated to specify multiple resources/traits in the same grouping, just as with the un-numbered syntax. Specify inter-group affinity policy via the ``group_policy`` key, which may have the following values: * ``isolate``: Different numbered request groups will be satisfied by *different* providers. * ``none``: Different numbered request groups may be satisfied by different providers *or* common providers. .. note:: If more than one group is specified then the ``group_policy`` is mandatory in the request. However such groups might come from other sources than flavor extra_spec (e.g. from Neutron ports with QoS minimum bandwidth policy). If the flavor does not specify any groups and ``group_policy`` but more than one group is coming from other sources then nova will default the ``group_policy`` to ``none`` to avoid scheduler failure. For example, to create a server with the following VFs: * One SR-IOV virtual function (VF) on NET1 with bandwidth 10000 bytes/sec * One SR-IOV virtual function (VF) on NET2 with bandwidth 20000 bytes/sec on a *different* NIC with SSL acceleration It is specified in the extra specs as follows:: resources1:SRIOV_NET_VF=1 resources1:NET_EGRESS_BYTES_SEC=10000 trait1:CUSTOM_PHYSNET_NET1=required resources2:SRIOV_NET_VF=1 resources2:NET_EGRESS_BYTES_SEC:20000 trait2:CUSTOM_PHYSNET_NET2=required trait2:HW_NIC_ACCEL_SSL=required group_policy=isolate See `Granular Resource Request Syntax`__ for more details. __ https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/rocky/implemented/granular-resource-requests.html .. versionadded:: 18.0.0 (Rocky)