%global sname keystoneauth1 Name: {{ py2name('keystoneauth1') }} Version: 3.1.1 Release: 0 Summary: OpenStack authenticating tools License: {{ license('Apache-2.0') }} Group: Development/Languages/Python Url: https://launchpad.net/keystoneauth Source0: https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/k/%{sname}/%{sname}-%{version}.tar.gz # Merged in https://review.opendev.org/#/c/724774/ Patch0: 0001-Make-tests-pass-in-2020.patch BuildRequires: openstack-macros BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('PyYAML') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('betamax') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('fixtures') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('iso8601') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('lxml') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('mock') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('oauthlib') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('oslo.config') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('oslo.utils') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('oslotest') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('pbr') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('pep8') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('positional') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('pycrypto') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('reno') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('requests-kerberos') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('requests-mock') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('testrepository') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('testresources') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('testtools') }} Requires: {{ py2pkg('PyYAML') }} Requires: {{ py2pkg('iso8601') }} Requires: {{ py2pkg('lxml') }} Requires: {{ py2pkg('oauthlib') }} Requires: {{ py2pkg('positional') }} Requires: {{ py2pkg('requests') }} Requires: {{ py2pkg('requests-kerberos') }} Requires: {{ py2pkg('six') }} Requires: {{ py2pkg('stevedore') }} BuildArch: noarch %description Tools for authenticating to an OpenStack-based cloud. These tools include: * Authentication plugins (password, token, and federation based) * Discovery mechanisms to determine API version support * A session that is used to maintain client settings across requests (based on the requests Python library) %package doc Summary: Documentation for OpenStack authenticating tools BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('Sphinx') }} BuildRequires: {{ py2pkg('openstackdocstheme') }} %description doc Documentation for OpenStack authenticating tools. %prep %autosetup -p1 -n %{sname}-%{version} %py_req_cleanup sed -i 's/^warning-is-error.*/warning-is-error = 0/g' setup.cfg # cleanup intersphinx (we have no network during build) echo "intersphinx_mapping = {}" >> doc/source/conf.py %build %{py2_build} %install %{py2_install} # generate html docs %{__python2} setup.py build_sphinx # remove the sphinx-build leftovers rm -rf doc/build/html/.{doctrees,buildinfo} %check %{__python2} setup.py testr %files %license LICENSE %doc ChangeLog README.rst %{python2_sitelib}/%{sname} %{python2_sitelib}/*.egg-info %files doc %doc doc/build/html %license LICENSE %changelog