{"id": 108035, "hip": "108380", "hd": null, "hr": null, "gl": "NN 4241", "bf": null, "proper": null, "ra": 21.957288, "dec": 8.137209, "dist": 20.4918, "pmra": 380.83, "pmdec": 103.22, "rv": 0.0, "mag": 11.02, "absmag": 9.462, "spect": "M1V:", "ci": 1.439, "x": 17.453237, "y": -10.338546, "z": 2.900494, "vx": 1.803e-05, "vy": 3.329e-05, "vz": 1.015e-05, "rarad": 5.7484044883, "decrad": 0.1420210817, "pmrarad": 1.8463e-06, "pmdecrad": 5.004e-07, "bayer": null, "flam": null, "con": "Peg", "comp": 1, "comp_primary": 108035, "base": null, "lum": 0.0142955214, "var": null, "var_min": 11.091, "var_max": 10.941, "spectral_type": "M", "token_id": 923, "temperature": 3731.4510874091, "radius": 0.2893695834, "name": "HIP108380", "description": "HIP108380 belongs to the Peg constellation. For more information, visit https://explorer.openstars.org/#view/hip-108380", "image": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openstars-org/stars-database/main/images/hip108380.png", "external_url": "https://explorer.openstars.org/#view/hip-108380", "animation_url": "https://explorer.openstars.org/#/preview/hip-108380", "attributes": [{"trait_type": "Absolute Magnitude", "value": 9.462}, {"trait_type": "Constellation", "value": "Peg"}, {"trait_type": "Distance to the Sun", "value": 20.4918}]}