# STF API ## Overview STF API is a RESTful API which allows you to reserve and release any STF device. Internally STF uses [Swagger](http://swagger.io/) interface for its API implementation. For those who don't know about Swagger, Swagger provides specifications for RESTful apis. By using it you can generate documentation and client SDKs in various language automatically for Swagger-enabled apps. This gives you power to use STF APIs in any language of your favorite. You can read more about Swagger [here](http://swagger.io/getting-started/). ## Swagger documentation Swagger documentation for the API is available [here](https://vbanthia.github.io/angular-swagger-ui). ## APIs - [Authentication](#authentication) - [Devices](#devices) - [User](#user) A few [examples](#examples) are also provided. We also have a more advanced example showing [how to use the API with Appium](https://github.com/openstf/stf-appium-example). ### Authentication STF uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. In order to use the API, you will first need to generate an access token. Access tokens can be easily generated from the STF UI. Just go to the **Settings** tab and generate a new access token in **Keys** section. Don't forget to save this token somewhere, you will not be able to see it again. The access token must be included in every request. Using cURL: ```bash curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE" https://stf.example.org/api/v1/user ``` Using Node.js: ```js var Swagger = require('swagger-client'); var SWAGGER_URL = 'https://stf.example.org/api/v1/swagger.json'; var AUTH_TOKEN = 'xx-xxxx-xx'; // Without Promise var client = new Swagger({ url: SWAGGER_URL , authorizations: { accessTokenAuth: new Swagger.ApiKeyAuthorization('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + AUTH_TOKEN, 'header') } , success: function() { client.user.getUser(function(user) { console.log(user.obj) }) } }); // Using Promise var clientWithPromise = new Swagger({ url: SWAGGER_URL , usePromise: true , authorizations: { accessTokenAuth: new Swagger.ApiKeyAuthorization('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + AUTH_TOKEN, 'header') } }) clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { api.user.getUser() .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj.user.email) // vishal@example.com }) }) ``` ### Pretty printing output Please use [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/) for pretty printing. It's very easy to use: ```sh curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE" https://stf.example.org/api/v1/devices | jq . ``` It also provides much more complex patterns for retrieving and/or filtering data. ### Devices #### GET /devices List **all** STF devices (including disconnected or otherwise inaccessible devices). ```bash GET /api/v1/devices ``` Using cURL: ```bash curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE" https://stf.example.org/api/v1/devices ``` Using Node.js: ```js clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { api.devices.getDevices() .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj.devices.length) // 50 }) }) // OR clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { api.devices.getDevices({fields: 'serial,using,ready'}) .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj.devices) // [ { serial: 'xxxx', using: false, ready: true }, // { serial: 'yyyy', using: false, ready: true }] }) }) ``` #### GET /devices/{serial} Returns information about a specific device. ```bash GET /api/v1/devices/{serial} ``` Using cURL: ```bash curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE" https://stf.example.org/api/v1/devices/xxxxxxxxx ``` Using Node.js: ```js clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { api.devices.getDeviceBySerial({serial: 'xxxx'}) .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj.device.serial) // xxxx }) }) // OR clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { api.devices.getDeviceBySerial({serial: 'xxxx', fields: 'serial,using,ready'}) .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj.device) // { serial: 'xxxx', using: false, ready: true } }) }) ``` ### User #### GET /user Returns information about yourself (the authenticated user). ```bash GET /api/v1/user ``` Using cURL: ```bash curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE" https://stf.example.org/api/v1/user ``` Using Node.js: ```js clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { api.user.getUser() .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj.user.email) // vishal@example.com }) }) ``` #### GET /user/devices Returns a list of devices currently being used by the authenticated user. ```bash GET /api/v1/user/devices ``` Using cURL: ```bash curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE" https://stf.example.org/api/v1/user/devices ``` Using Node.js: ```js clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { api.user.getUserDevices() .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj.devices.length) // 1 }) }) // OR clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { api.user.getUserDevices({fields: 'serial,using,ready'}) .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj.devices) // [ { serial: 'xxxx', using: true, ready: true } ] }) }) ``` #### POST /user/devices Attempts to add a device under the authenticated user's control. This is analogous to pressing "Use" in the UI. ```bash POST /api/v1/user/devices ``` Using cURL: ```bash curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"serial":"EP7351U3WQ"}' -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE" https://stf.example.org/api/v1/user/devices ``` Using Node.js: ```js var device = {serial: 'yyyy', timeout: 900000 } clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { return api.user.addUserDevice({device: device}) .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj) // { success: true, description: 'Device successfully added' } }) }) .catch(function(err) { console.log(err) }) ``` #### DELETE /user/devices/{serial} Removes a device from the authenticated user's device list. This is analogous to pressing "Stop using" in the UI. ```bash DELETE /api/v1/user/devices/{serial} ``` Using cURL: ```bash curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE" https://stf.example.org/api/v1/user/devices/{serial} ``` Using Node.js: ```js clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { return api.user.deleteUserDeviceBySerial({serial: 'yyyy'}) .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj) // { success: true, description: 'Device successfully removed' } }) }) .catch(function(err) { console.log(err) }) ``` #### POST /user/devices/{serial}/remoteConnect Allows you to retrieve the remote debug URL (i.e. an `adb connect`able address) for a device the authenticated user controls. _Note that if you haven't added your ADB key to STF yet, the device may be in unauthorized state after connecting to it for the first time. We recommend you make sure your ADB key has already been set up properly before you start using this API. You can add your ADB key from the settings page, or by connecting to a device you're actively using in the UI and responding to the dialog that appears._ ```bash POST /api/v1/user/devices/{serial}/remoteConnect ``` Using cURL: ```bash curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE" https://stf.example.org/api/v1/user/devices/{serial}/remoteConnect ``` Using Node.js: ```js clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { return api.user.remoteConnectUserDeviceBySerial({serial: 'CB5125LBYM'}) .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj.remoteConnectUrl) // $PROVIDER_IP:16829 }) }) .catch(function(err) { console.log(err) // {"success":false, // "description":"Device is not owned by you or is not available"}' } }) ``` #### DELETE /api/v1/user/devices/{serial}/remoteConnect Disconnect a remote debugging session. ```bash DELETE /api/v1/user/devices/{serial}/remoteConnect ``` Using cURL: ```bash curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE" https://stf.example.org/api/v1/user/devices/{serial}/remoteConnect ``` Using Node.js: ```js clientWithPromise.then(function(api) { return api.user.remoteDisconnectUserDeviceBySerial({serial: 'CB5125LBYM'}) .then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj) // { success: true, // description: 'Device remote disconnected successfully' } }) }) .catch(function(err) { console.log(err) // {"success":false,"description":"Device is not owned by you or is not available"} }) ``` ## Examples ### Using Shell #### Dependencies - [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) ```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euxo pipefail if [ "$DEVICE_SERIAL" == "" ]; then echo "Please specify device serial using ENV['DEVICE_SERIAL']" exit 1 fi if [ "$STF_URL" == "" ]; then echo "Please specify stf url using ENV['STF_URL']" exit 1 fi if [ "$STF_TOKEN" == "" ]; then echo "Please specify stf token using using ENV['STF_TOKEN']" exit 1 fi function add_device { response=$(curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $STF_TOKEN" \ --data "{\"serial\": \"$DEVICE_SERIAL\"}" $STF_URL/api/v1/user/devices) success=$(echo "$response" | jq .success | tr -d '"') description=$(echo "$response" | jq .description | tr -d '"') if [ "$success" != "true" ]; then echo "Failed because $description" exit 1 fi echo "Device $DEVICE_SERIAL added successfully" } function remote_connect { response=$(curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $STF_TOKEN" \ $STF_URL/api/v1/user/devices/$DEVICE_SERIAL/remoteConnect) success=$(echo "$response" | jq .success | tr -d '"') description=$(echo "$response" | jq .description | tr -d '"') if [ "$success" != "true" ]; then echo "Failed because $description" exit 1 fi remote_connect_url=$(echo "$response" | jq .remoteConnectUrl | tr -d '"') adb connect $remote_connect_url echo "Device $DEVICE_SERIAL remote connected successfully" } function remove_device { response=$(curl -X DELETE \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $STF_TOKEN" \ $STF_URL/api/v1/user/devices/$DEVICE_SERIAL) success=$(echo "$response" | jq .success | tr -d '"') description=$(echo "$response" | jq .description | tr -d '"') if [ "$success" != "true" ]; then echo "Failed because $description" exit 1 fi echo "Device $DEVICE_SERIAL removed successfully" } ``` ### Using NodeJs #### Connect to a device and retrieve its remote debug URL ```js // stf-connect.js var Swagger = require('swagger-client'); var SWAGGER_URL = 'https://stf.example.org/api/v1/swagger.json'; var AUTH_TOKEN = 'xx-xxxx-xx'; // Using Promise var client = new Swagger({ url: SWAGGER_URL , usePromise: true , authorizations: { accessTokenAuth: new Swagger.ApiKeyAuthorization('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + AUTH_TOKEN, 'header') } }) var serial = process.argv.slice(2)[0] client.then(function(api) { return api.devices.getDeviceBySerial({ serial: serial , fields: 'serial,present,ready,using,owner' }).then(function(res) { // check if device can be added or not var device = res.obj.device if (!device.present || !device.ready || device.using || device.owner) { console.log('Device is not available') return } // add device to user return api.user.addUserDevice({ device: { serial: device.serial , timeout: 900000 } }).then(function(res) { if (!res.obj.success) { console.log('Could not add device') return } // get remote connect url return api.user.remoteConnectUserDeviceBySerial({ serial: device.serial }).then(function(res) { console.log(res.obj.remoteConnectUrl) }) }) }) }) ``` ```bash node stf-connect.js xxxx # $PROVIDR_IP:16829 ``` #### Disconnect a device once you no longer need it ```js var Swagger = require('swagger-client'); var SWAGGER_URL = 'https://stf.example.org/api/v1/swagger.json'; var AUTH_TOKEN = 'xx-xxxx-xx'; var client = new Swagger({ url: SWAGGER_URL , usePromise: true , authorizations: { accessTokenAuth: new Swagger.ApiKeyAuthorization('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + AUTH_TOKEN, 'header') } }) var serial = process.argv.slice(2)[0] client.then(function(api) { return api.user.getUserDevices({ serial: serial , fields: 'serial,present,ready,using,owner' }).then(function(res) { // check if user has that device or not var devices = res.obj.devices var hasDevice = false devices.forEach(function(device) { if(device.serial === serial) { hasDevice = true; } }) if (!hasDevice) { console.log('You do not own that device') return } return api.user.deleteUserDeviceBySerial({ serial: serial }).then(function(res) { if (!res.obj.success) { console.log('Could not disconnect') return } console.log('Device disconnected successfully!') }) }) }) ``` ```bash node stf-disconnect.js xxxx # Device disconnected successfully! ```