############################################################################### # WeBWorK Online Homework Delivery System # Copyright © 2000-2016 The WeBWorK Project, http://openwebwork.sf.net/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of either: (a) the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later # version, or (b) the "Artistic License" which comes with this package. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the GNU General Public License or the # Artistic License for more details. ################################################################################ package WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced::SubmitGrade; use base qw/WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced/; =head1 NAME WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced::SubmitGrade - pass back grades to an enabled LMS =cut use strict; use warnings; use WeBWorK::Debug; use WeBWorK::CGI; use Carp; use WeBWorK::Utils qw(grade_set grade_gateway grade_all_sets wwRound); use Net::OAuth; use HTTP::Request; use LWP::UserAgent; use UUID::Tiny ':std'; use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_base64); # This package contains utilities for submitting grades to the LMS sub new { my ($invocant, $r) = @_; my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant; my $self = { r => $r, }; # sanity check my $ce = $r->{ce}; my $db = $self->{r}->{db}; unless (ref($ce//'') and ref($db)//'') { warn("course environment is not defined") unless ref($ce//''); warn("database reference is not defined") unless ref($db//''); croak("Could not create WeBWorK::Authen::LTIAdvanced::SubmitGrade object, missing items from request"); } bless $self, $class; return $self; } # This updates the sourcedid for the object we are looking at. Its either # the sourcedid for the user for course grades or the sourcedid for the # userset for homework grades. sub update_sourcedid { my $self = shift; my $userID = shift; my $r = $self->{r}; my $ce = $r->{ce}; my $db = $self->{r}->{db}; # These parameters are used to build the passback request # warn if no outcome service url if (!defined($r->param('lis_outcome_service_url'))) { carp "The parameter lis_outcome_service_url is not defined. Unable to report grades to the LMS.". " Are external grades enabled in the LMS?" if $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; } else { # otherwise keep it up to date my $lis_outcome_service_url = $db->getSettingValue('lis_outcome_service_url'); if (!defined($lis_outcome_service_url) || $lis_outcome_service_url ne $r->param('lis_outcome_service_url')) { $db->setSettingValue('lis_outcome_service_url', $r->param('lis_outcome_service_url')); } } # these parameters have to be here or we couldn't have gotten this far my $consumer_key = $db->getSettingValue('consumer_key'); if (!defined($consumer_key) || $consumer_key ne $r->param('oauth_consumer_key')) { $db->setSettingValue('consumer_key', $r->param('oauth_consumer_key')); } my $signature_method = $db->getSettingValue('signature_method'); if (!defined($signature_method) || $signature_method ne $r->param('oauth_signature_method')) { $db->setSettingValue('signature_method', $r->param('oauth_signature_method')); } # The $sourcedid is what identifies the user and assignment # to the LMS. It is either a course grade or a set grade # depending on the request and the mode we are in. my $sourcedid = $r->param('lis_result_sourcedid'); if (!defined($sourcedid)) { warn "No LISSourceID! Some LMS's do not give grades to instructors, but this ". "could also be a sign that external grades are not enabled in your LMS." if $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; } elsif ($ce->{LTIGradeMode} eq 'course') { # Update the SourceDID for the user if we are in course mode my $User = $db->getUser($userID); if (!defined($User->lis_source_did) || $User->lis_source_did ne $sourcedid) { $User->lis_source_did($sourcedid); $db->putUser($User); } } elsif ($ce->{LTIGradeMode} eq 'homework') { my $urlpath = $r->urlpath; my $setID = $urlpath->arg("setID"); if (!defined($setID)) { warn "Not a link to a Problem Set and in homework grade mode.". " Links to WeBWorK should point to specific problem sets."; } else { my $set = $db->getUserSet($userID,$setID); # if set is not defined and we are going to a page with # is set dependent then there are problems that will be caught # later if (defined($set) && (!defined($set->lis_source_did) || $set->lis_source_did ne $sourcedid)) { $set->lis_source_did($sourcedid); $db->putUserSet($set); } } } } # end update_sourcedid # computes and submits the course grade for userID to the LMS # the course grade is the average of all sets assigned to the user. sub submit_course_grade { my $self = shift; my $userID = shift; my $r = $self->{r}; my $ce = $r->{ce}; my $db = $self->{r}->{db}; my $score = grade_all_sets($db,$userID); my $user = $db->getUser($userID); die("$userID does not exist") unless $user; warn "submitting all grades for user: $userID \n" if $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; warn "lis_source_did is not available for user: $userID \n" if !($user->lis_source_did) and $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; return $self->submit_grade($user->lis_source_did,$score); } # computes and submits the set grade for $userID and $setID to the # LMS. For gateways the best score is used. sub submit_set_grade { my $self = shift; my $userID = shift; my $setID = shift; my $r = $self->{r}; my $ce = $r->{ce}; my $db = $self->{r}->{db}; my $user = $db->getUser($userID); die("$userID does not exist") unless $user; my $userSet = $db->getMergedSet($userID,$setID); my $score = 0; if ($userSet->assignment_type() =~ /gateway/) { $score = grade_gateway($db,$userSet,$userSet->set_id,$userID); } else { $score = grade_set($db,$userSet,$userSet->set_id,$userID,0); } # make debug prettier my $message_string = ''; $message_string .= "\nmass_update: " if $self->{post_processing_mode}; $message_string .= "submitting grade for user: $userID set $setID "; $message_string .= "-- lis_source_did is not available " unless ($userSet->lis_source_did); warn($message_string."\n") if $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; return $self->submit_grade($userSet->lis_source_did,$score); } # error in reporting michael.gage@rochester.edu, Demo, Global $r object is not available. Set: # PerlOptions +GlobalRequest # in httpd.conf at /opt/rh/perl516/root/usr/local/share/perl5/CGI.pm line 346, line 76. # so we don't use CGI::escapeHTML in post processing mode but use this local version instead. sub local_escape_html { # a local version of escapeHTML that works for post processing my $self = shift; # a grading object my @message = @_; if ($self->{post_processing_mode}) { return join('', @message); # this goes to log files in post processing to escapeHTML is not essential } else { return CGI::escapeHTML(@message); #FIXME -- why won't this work in post_processing_mode (missing $r ??) } } # submits a score of $score to the lms with $sourcedid as the # identifier. sub submit_grade { my $self = shift; my $sourcedid = shift; my $score = shift; my $r = $self->{r}; my $ce = $r->{ce}; my $db = $self->{r}->{db}; $score = wwRound(2,$score); # We have to fail gracefully here because some users, like instructors, # may not actually have a sourcedid if (!$sourcedid) { # debug("No sourcedid for this user/assignment. Some LMS's do not provide ". # "sourcedid for instructors so this may not be a problem, or it might ". # "mean your settings are not correct.") if $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; return 0; } # Needed in both phases my $bodyhash; my $requestGen; my $gradeRequest; my $HTTPRequest; my $response; my $request_url = $db->getSettingValue('lis_outcome_service_url'); if ( !defined($request_url) || $request_url eq "" ) { warn("Cannot send/retrieve grades to/from the LMS, no lis_outcome_service_url"); return 0; } my $consumer_key = $db->getSettingValue('consumer_key'); if ( !defined($consumer_key) || $consumer_key eq "" ) { warn("Cannot send/retrieve grades to/from the LMS, no consumer_key"); return 0; } my $signature_method = $db->getSettingValue('signature_method'); if ( !defined($signature_method) || $signature_method eq "" ) { warn("Cannot send/retrieve grades to/from the LMS, no signature_method"); return 0; } debug("found data required for submitting grades to LMS"); # Generate a better nonce, first a portion unique for the sourcedid # which should be dependent on the student + the assignment if a # "homework" level sourcedid. This part can be used twice my $uuid_p1 = create_uuid_as_string(UUID_SHA1, UUID_NS_URL, $sourcedid); # Second part is a time dependent portion my $uuid_p2 = create_uuid_as_string(UUID_TIME); my $lti_check_prior = $ce->{lti_check_prior} // 0; # Should we first poll the LMS for the current grade my $lti_do_send = 1; # Default to yes if ( $lti_check_prior ) { # Poll the LMS for prior grade $lti_do_send = 0; # Change default to no, and change below if needed # This is boilerplate XML used to retrieve the currently recorded score for $sourcedid (which will later be tested) my $readResultXML = < V1.0 999999123 $sourcedid EOS chomp($readResultXML); $bodyhash = sha1_base64($readResultXML); # since sha1_base64 doesn't pad we have to do so manually while (length($bodyhash) % 4) { $bodyhash .= '='; } warn("Retrieving prior grade using sourcedid: $sourcedid") if $ce->{debug_lti_parameters}; $requestGen = Net::OAuth->request("consumer"); $requestGen->add_required_message_params('body_hash'); $gradeRequest = $requestGen->new( request_url => $request_url, request_method => "POST", consumer_secret => $ce->{LTIBasicConsumerSecret}, consumer_key => $consumer_key, signature_method => $signature_method, nonce => "${uuid_p1}__${uuid_p2}", timestamp => time(), body_hash => $bodyhash ); $gradeRequest->sign(); $HTTPRequest = HTTP::Request->new( $gradeRequest->request_method, $gradeRequest->request_url, [ 'Authorization' => $gradeRequest->to_authorization_header, 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml', ], $readResultXML, ); $response = LWP::UserAgent->new->request($HTTPRequest); # debug section if ($ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback} and $ce->{debug_lti_parameters}){ warn "The request was:\n ". ($self->local_escape_html(join(" ",%$HTTPRequest))); warn "The nonce used is ${uuid_p1}__${uuid_p2}\n"; warn "The response is:\n ". ($self->local_escape_html(join(" ", %$response ))); warn "The request was:\n ". ($self->local_escape_html(join(" ",%$HTTPRequest))); debug( "The request was:\n ". ($self->local_escape_html(join(" ",%$HTTPRequest))) ); debug( "The nonce used is ${uuid_p1}__${uuid_p2}\n" ); debug( "The response is:\n ". ($self->local_escape_html(join(" ", %$response ))) ); } if ($response->is_success) { $response->content =~ /\s*(\w+)\s*<\/imsx_codeMajor>/; my $message = $1; if ($message ne 'success') { warn("Unable to retrieve prior grade from LMS. Note that if your server time is not correct, this may fail for reasons which are less than obvious from the error messages. Error: ".$message); debug("Unable to retrieve prior grade from LMS. Note that if your server time is not correct, this may fail for reasons which are less than obvious from the error messages. Error: ".$message); #debug(CGI::escapeHTML($response->content)); return 0; } else { my $oldScore; # Possibly no score yet. if ($response->content =~ //) { $oldScore = "" } else { $response->content =~ /\s*(\S+)\s*<\/textString>/; $oldScore = $1; } # Do not update the score if no change. if ( $oldScore eq "success" ) { # Blackboard seems to return this when there is no prior grade. # See: https://webwork.maa.org/moodle/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=5002 debug("LMS grade will be updated. sourcedid: ".$sourcedid." Old score: ".$oldScore." New score: ".$score) if ($ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}); $lti_do_send = 1; # Change back to sending the update } elsif ( $oldScore ne "" && abs($score-$oldScore) < 0.001 ) { # LMS has essentially the same score, no reason to update it debug("LMS grade will NOT be updated - grade unchanges. Old score: ".$oldScore." New score: ".$score) if ($ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}); warn("LMS grade will NOT be updated - grade unchanges. Old score: ".$oldScore." New score: ".$score) if ($ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}); $lti_do_send = 0; # Do not send return 1; } else { $lti_do_send = 1; # Change back to sending the update debug("LMS grade will be updated. sourcedid: ".$sourcedid." Old score: ".$oldScore." New score: ".$score) if ($ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}); } } } else { warn("Unable to retrieve prior grade from LMS. Note that if your server time is not correct, this may fail for reasons which are less than obvious from the error messages. Error: " . $response->message) if ($ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}); debug("Unable to retrieve prior grade from LMS. Note that if your server time is not correct, this may fail for reasons which are less than obvious from the error messages. Error: " . $response->message); debug(CGI::escapeHTML($response->content)); return 0; } } if ( $lti_do_send ) { # Send the LMS the new grade # This is boilerplate XML used to submit the $score for $sourcedid my $replaceResultXML = < V1.0 999999123 $sourcedid en $score EOS chomp($replaceResultXML); $bodyhash = sha1_base64($replaceResultXML); # since sha1_base64 doesn't pad we have to do so manually while (length($bodyhash) % 4) { $bodyhash .= '='; } my $message2=''; $message2 .= "mass_update: " if $self->{post_processing_mode}; $message2 .= "Submitting grade using sourcedid: $sourcedid and score: $score\n"; warn($message2) if $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; $requestGen = Net::OAuth->request("consumer"); debug( "obtained requestGen $requestGen"); $requestGen->add_required_message_params('body_hash'); debug("add required message params"); # Change the time dependent portion of the nonce for the second stage $uuid_p2 .= "-step2"; $gradeRequest = $requestGen->new( request_url => $request_url, request_method => "POST", consumer_secret => $ce->{LTIBasicConsumerSecret}, consumer_key => $consumer_key, signature_method => $signature_method, nonce => "${uuid_p1}__${uuid_p2}", timestamp => time(), body_hash => $bodyhash ); debug("created grade request ". $gradeRequest); $gradeRequest->sign(); debug("signed grade request"); $HTTPRequest = HTTP::Request->new( $gradeRequest->request_method, $gradeRequest->request_url, [ 'Authorization' => $gradeRequest->to_authorization_header, 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml', ], $replaceResultXML, ); debug ("posting grade request: $HTTPRequest"); $response = eval { LWP::UserAgent->new->request($HTTPRequest); }; if ($@) { warn "error sending HTTP request to LMS, $@"; } # debug section if ($ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback} and $ce->{debug_lti_parameters}){ warn "The request was:\n ". ($self->local_escape_html(join(" ",%$HTTPRequest))); warn "The nonce used is ${uuid_p1}__${uuid_p2}\n"; warn "The response is:\n ". ($self->local_escape_html(join(" ", %$response ))); warn "The request was:\n ". ($self->local_escape_html(join(" ",%$HTTPRequest))); debug( "The request was:\n ". ($self->local_escape_html(join(" ",%$HTTPRequest))) ); debug( "The nonce used is ${uuid_p1}__${uuid_p2}\n" ); debug( "The response is:\n ". ($self->local_escape_html(join(" ", %$response ))) ); } if ($response->is_success) { $response->content =~ /\s*(\w+)\s*<\/imsx_codeMajor>/; my $message = $1; warn ("result is: $message\n") if $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; if ($message ne 'success') { debug("Unable to update LMS grade $sourcedid . LMS responded with message: ". $message) ; return 0; } else { # if we got here we got successes from both the post and the lms debug("Successfully updated LMS grade $sourcedid. LMS responded with message: ".$message ); } } else { debug("Unable to update LMS grade $sourcedid. Error: ".($response->message) ); debug($self->local_escape_html($response->content)); return 0; } debug("Success submitting grade using sourcedid: $sourcedid and score: $score\n") ; return 1; # success } return 0; # failure as a fallback value } # does a mass update of all grades. This is all user grades for # course grade mode and all user set grades for homework grade mode. sub mass_update { my $self = shift; my $r = $self->{r}; my $ce = $r->{ce}; my $db = $self->{r}->{db}; $self->{post_processing_mode}=1; # sanity check warn("course environment is not defined") unless ref($ce//''); warn("database reference is not defined") unless ref($db//''); my $lastUpdate = $db->getSettingValue('LTILastUpdate') // 0; my $updateInterval = $ce->{LTIMassUpdateInterval} // -1; # -1 suppresses update if ($updateInterval != -1 && time - $lastUpdate > $updateInterval) { warn "\nperforming mass_update via LTI" if $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; $db->setSettingValue('LTILastUpdate',time()); if ($ce->{LTIGradeMode} eq 'course') { my @users = $db->listUsers(); foreach my $user (@users) { $self->submit_course_grade($user); } } elsif ($ce->{LTIGradeMode} eq 'homework') { my @users = $db->listUsers(); foreach my $user (@users) { my @sets = $db->listUserSets($user); warn "\nmass_update: all sets assigned to user $user :\n".join(" ", @sets)."\n" if $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; foreach my $set (@sets) { eval { #$self->update_sourcedid($user); #CHECK is this the right user id -- this doesn't update properly $self->submit_set_grade($user,$set); }; if ($@) { warn "error in reporting $user, $set, $@" if $ce->{debug_lti_grade_passback}; } } } } } $self->{post_processing_mode}=0; } 1;