function Start-UDP-Server { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The UDP port to listen on. Default 10000 [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Port = 10000, # Should the test server echo back the bytes sent [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Echo = $false ) $Echo = "${Echo}" -eq "${true}" $udpListener = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.Udpclient($Port) $udpListener.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 100 $encoding = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding Try { "Starting UDP Listener on port {0}:" -f $Port do { $remoteInterface = New-Object[]::Any,0) Try { $receivebytes = $udpListener.Receive([ref]$remoteInterface) } Catch { #Write-Warning "$($Error[0])" } If ($receivebytes) { [string]$msg = $encoding.GetString($receivebytes) $from = "{0}:{1}" -f $remoteInterface.Address,$remoteInterface.Port $out = "{0}{1}" -f $from.PadRight(20),$msg if($Echo) { $udpListener.Connect($remoteInterface.Address, $remoteInterface.Port) $msg="message received and returned: {0}" -f $msg $receivebytes=$encoding.GetBytes($msg) [void]$udpListener.Send($receivebytes, $receivebytes.length) } $receivebytes = "" Write-Host -NoNewline $out } Else { #"No data received ... } } while (1) } Catch { #Write-Warning "$($Error[0])" } Finally { Write-Host "Stopping UDP listener on ${Port}..." $udpListener.Close() $responder.Close() } } function Test-UDP-Client { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The IP address to send UDP traffic to. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Server, # The UDP port to listen on. Default 10000 [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] $Port = 10000 ) $udpClient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.Udpclient $udpClient.Connect($Server, $Port) $encoding = New-Object System.Text.ASCIIEncoding Try { do { $msg = Read-Host $receivebytes=$encoding.GetBytes($msg+"`n") [void]$udpClient.Send($receivebytes, $receivebytes.length) } while(1) } Catch { Write-Warning "$($Error[0])" } Finally { Write-Host "stopping..." $udpClient.Close() } }