Making the future based on HTML

By Anne van Kesteren

The W3C recently renewed its HTML activity. Opera joined the new HTML Working Group to help shape the future of the web and so can you. The HTML Working Group allows virtually everyone to participate. A set of simple steps on how to join is outlined on the WHATWG blog: W3C restarts HTML effort . If you have any questions or want to discuss HTML with members of the Working Group you can join the public IRC channel #html-wg on (port 80 or 6665). As a starting point for the new Working Group Opera, together with Mozilla and Apple, submitted the WHATWG HTML5 proposal as initial input to base future work on. We hope that it proves to be a good starting point for the future of HTML.

Anne van Kesteren works for Opera Software from his home in the Netherlands. He also travels a fair bit to talk about standards. His goal is to keep the Web an open place and fix all the bugs in Web standards.


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