Opera Mobile 11 MeeGo ARM developer preview

By Phillip

Opera Software continues our support of the MeeGo open source initiative ( http://labs.opera.com/news/2011/03/22/ ) with the release of a developer preview of Opera Mobile 11 for ARM-based devices.

The ARM developer preview release arrives just in time for the MeeGo conference 2011 in San Francisco, currently in full swing.

To catch the Opera Mobile 11 MeeGo ARM edition running at the MeeGo conference, be sure to check out the MeeGo 1.2 Developer Edition for Nokia N900 session on Day 3, 9:50am, in Ballroom A.

Download Opera Mobile 11 MeeGo ARM edition

Opera Mobile 11 MeeGo ARM is a generic MeeGo 1.2 build supporting ARM-based devices. Developers of MeeGo ARM devices are encouraged to download and try Opera Mobile today.

The preview build has been developed and tested using MeeGo 1.2 DE for Nokia N900, and a Nokia N900 device. The Opera Mobile ARM developer preview is also confirmed to be working on MeeGo 1.2 for N900 "vanilla" edition.

It is recommended to install the downloaded RPM package by running "rpm -i " as root in a terminal window.


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    Mark Gill

    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    We, WINDOWS MOBILE users are waiting for the update of Opera Mini Version 6.5 & Opera Mini version 11. cab version..

    hope it may be GRANTED... thanks a lot Opera Mini..
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    Chris Mills

    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    I believe the team is working on it; I will check with them.
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    Casey Jones

    Saturday, April 7, 2012

    Hi, thanks for this.

    Will Opera 12 also be released for MeeGo/Maemo? I'd love to be able to use extensions.
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