Opera Mobile Labs 11.5 for MeeGo netbooks and tablets

By Mostyn Bramley-Moore

Update 2012-02-21: This post has been edited with information about an updated build available from our download server as well as from the Intel AppUp store. For a Nokia N9 build, check our A treat for Nokia N9 users Opera Labs post.

Since releasing Opera Mobile 11.5 for Android earlier this month, we have been working on an updated Labs release for MeeGo netbooks and tablets running Intel Atom processors.

Aside from the changes you may have seen on our Android release, this build contains a nifty hybrid mouse/touch input method which adds support for mouseover events while still working on touchscreens. To try it out, use the -usehybridinput command line argument when launching.

As with other Labs releases, this build has not gone through full release testing, but it should work well enough to have some fun with. To install, download this package, and run the following command in a root terminal on your device:

rpm -i Opera_Mobile-Labs-MeeGo-11.50-42.i386.rpm

Or, if you have a previous version of Opera Mobile installed:

rpm -e Opera_Mobile-MeeGo
rpm -U Opera_Mobile-Labs-MeeGo-11.50-42.i386.rpm

Alternatively, if your MeeGo install has the Intel's AppUp store, you should be able to find Opera Mobile there as a free download as well.

Release notes:

  • Added data usage view: see how much bandwidth you have saved with Opera Turbo.
  • Updated Presto engine to 2.9.201.
  • Hybrid mouse/touch input events support for touchscreen netbooks.

Known issues:

  • Portrait orientation on tablets is not supported.
  • HTML5 video is not supported.
  • Flash is not supported.

Additional notes for the release of 2012-02-21:

  • Italian, French, German and Spanish speaking users will be pleased to know that the user interface should appear in your system's default language.
  • The compromised DigiNotar Root Certificate Authority has been removed from the list of trusted certificate authorities. Some background details are available over at the Opera Rootstore blog.

This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.


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    Stefan Comanescu

    Friday, November 25, 2011

    great ! please continue supporting meego, we love it :)
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    Thursday, December 8, 2011

    Please when are you going to release the Opera Mobile for Nokia N9 running MeeGo Harmattan?
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    Sunday, December 11, 2011

    Yes Harmattan really needs Opera.. my N9 needs it too..
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    Moisés Estrada Guerra

    Wednesday, December 28, 2011

    My N9 does not execute the rpm command What do I have to do?
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    Olivier Barthelemy

    Friday, December 30, 2011

    any chance of a debian-armel (or Fedora / ARM, the jury's still out on which distro will be the official one) port for the Raspberry Pi ? Actually, Opera Mini would probably be even better ?
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    Tiago Joao Silva

    Saturday, January 14, 2012

    C'mon, Opera needs the N9! Just recompile to ARM and if you don't want to repackage as .DEB, someone will! That's what happened to the 11.0 version! And this 11.0-hacked version is so much faster than the native browser it's almost ridiculous.
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    Mark Gill

    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    We, WINDOWS MOBILE users are waiting for the update of Opera Mini Version 6.5 & Opera Mini version 11.

    hope it may be GRANTED... thanks a lot Opera Mini..
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    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    +1 to Mark Gill
    I have my Lumia 800 and miss Opera
    When will you come?
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    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

    Great news! Installing on my X101 right now. I hope it'll get flash support soon.
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    Wednesday, February 22, 2012

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    Tuesday, February 28, 2012

    may i use opera to open skype? thanks for answer
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    Chris Mills

    Tuesday, February 28, 2012

    @dedesusi123 I've thought about this, and asked my team for input, and our conclusion is "not in any reliable, consistent way that would always work across browsers."

    If you were talking Safari Mac specific, you could probably do this using AppleScript.

    Skype has its own custom protocol hander, at least on desktop, so you could do

    Call username

    If Skype were installed, on any desktop browser at least. But I am not sure if that works on Mobile phones with Skype installed, and if skype isn't installed, you'll get an error. And I don't think it's really possible to feature detect this inside a browser.

    It's a good really for the sake of security that it is not easy for web apps to invoke desktop apps without the user's prior say so.

    Web Intents (http://webintents.org/) might handle this in the future, but this is very nascent right now.
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    Giuseppe Bilotta

    Tuesday, February 28, 2012

    I _so_ wish there were updates for the N900 (Fremantle) ...
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    Wednesday, January 2, 2013

    Tablet version / N9 is really great ; the fastest Internet browser and very easy to use.
    Just missing a solution to view Flash videos, this is very frustating.
    Could it be possible to call another program via a long press ?
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