apiVersion: metering.openshift.io/v1 kind: MeteringConfig metadata: name: "operator-metering" spec: reporting-operator: spec: config: prometheus: metricsImporter: config: # reporting-operator does the work of importing Metrics in chunks # of 5 minutes (by default), every 5 minutes. # This only needs to be adjusted if your cluster is really large, # and 5 minutes of data is more than a few hundred metrics per # time series. This comes up when you have hundreds of # namespaces and pods. chunkSize: "5m" pollInterval: "5m" # This is the resolution of the metrics. Setting this higher # reduces granularity of the data we import, but also reduces the # number of metrics returned per query. stepSize: "60s" # Increasing memory to 500Mi allows reporting-operator to keep more # metrics in memory at once and helps when the reporting-operator is # backlogged. # More CPU is for ensuring it never get's throttled during metrics # importing when backlogged. resources: requests: memory: 250Mi cpu: 500m limits: memory: 500Mi cpu: 1 presto: spec: # for Presto, more memory and more CPUs is better and can speed things # up, and becomes necessary when dealing with larger amounts of # metrics. coordinator: resources: requests: memory: 4Gi cpu: 4 limits: memory: 8Gi cpu: 8 worker: # Change this from 0 to increase parallelism when generating larger # reports. # Adjusting replicas doesn't improve ReportDataSource import # performance which must go through the coordinator. replicas: 0 resources: requests: memory: 8Gi cpu: 4 limits: memory: 16Gi cpu: 8 hive: spec: metastore: # Hive Metastore often requires more memory, and is heavily utilized # by Presto. # It tracks a lot of things like table statistics, and is # communicated with by both presto, and hive-server. # # Increasing CPU improves GC performance, as less than a core of CPU # is generally not enough for most Java applications. resources: requests: memory: 2Gi cpu: 1 limits: memory: 2Gi cpu: 4 storage: # class defaults to null, which means using the default storage # class. # If you have a storageClass which provides SSDs, uncomment and # specify it here: # class: "fast-ssd" # Generally the default metastore size of 5Gi is sufficient, but # with a large amount of ReportDataSources, you may wish to # increase it. size: "10Gi" server: # Hive server is generally mostly idle and currently doesn't require # many resources. resources: requests: memory: 500Mi cpu: 500m limits: memory: 1Gi cpu: 1