2.05: ----- * Prepare for Serendipity Styx 4.4.0 - expandable hooked sidebar links 2.04: ----- * Improve backend markup indents for Serendipity Styx 4.3 2.03: ----- * Improve backend main content markup indents for Styx 4.3 * Remove Pragma header 2.02: ----- * Fix 2.00 script default details for fresh installs 2.01: ----- * Change cookieconsent company owner name change: "Insite" to "Osano" 2.00: ----- * Mayor Upgrade to cookieconsent 3.1.1 / 4.0 * Changes the javascript initialization call per option for using constants and both the securing and domain strings for current browser changes for SameSite requirements. Please update your CookieConsent Code setting (option), adding the constant init and "cookie" property and change its items to your SITE needs. (the domain likewise in Styx Settings "URL to Blog", without the protocol part) EXAMPLE: ----------------------- ---------------------------- 1.84: ----- * Add sameSite: 'lax' to cookieconsent.min.js files Cookie “cookieconsent_status” for upcoming Browser revisions. 1.83: ----- * Secure some external target _blank links 1.82: ----- * Fix an uninitialized variable check for PHP 7.4 1.81: ----- * Correct a minor markup indent including footer assets 1.80: ----- * Fix a wrong slash in cookieconsent CSS URL 1.79: ----- * Remove totally outdated "Engine: Yes" theme info stack check. Engines are checked by name since 2014. 1.78: ----- * Check an uninitialized variable 1.77: ----- * Prepare [de] for Serendipity Styx 2.7.0 wording change 1.76: ----- * Better name for the first group toggle box 1.75: ----- * Assign some Smarty entries initial default values if the dsgvo subpage 'dsgvo_gdpr_privacy' isActive for 'clean_page' case via the 'entry_display' hook. 1.74: ----- * We don't need a dsgvo_gdpr_footer if logged-in by admin userlevel 1.73: ----- * Fix cookie consent "Dismiss" button text, which is nothing to have to accept or not, than just to have been informed and get rid of that banner. 1.72: ----- * Fix commentform_checkbox for 1.65. Sorry. 1.71: ----- * Modify title and lang constant text for GDPR statement menu and URL description to better describe these manifests as informational, for individual use only. 1.70: ----- * Do not check a themes legal.txt file, if it was already described in $static_info[$theme]. The legal.txt file in these themes, is only for copy theme purposes. 1.69: ----- * Fix another undefined var when logged-in as a simple permissive author 1.68: ----- * Improve hint for automatic generated theme manifests 1.67: ----- * Check undefined vars (Styx 2.6-alpha debug session) 1.66: ----- * Added missing legend constant 1.65: ----- * We don't need a commentform_checkbox if logged-in admin userlevel 1.64: ----- * Improve confusing checkbox required option constants text 1.63: ----- * Set default cookie_consent option value to false * Improve description for the rough auto information, which is NOT meant to be a copy & paste prototype near to be ready for GDPR. 1.62: ----- * Move backend sidebar link to activity section 1.61: ----- * Add text description reference for translated text strings 1.60: ----- * Fix CSV data and file generation * Use plugin properties as separator for GDPR statement selection * Some lang corrections * Change frontend fieldset to div, since not has a legend 1.52: ----- * Set default anonymizeIp option value to false 1.51: ----- * Think about how to verify the inquirer.. 1.50: ----- * Added ability to export and/or remove comments made by users to comply with the request for information 1.41: ----- * Fix case subpage load message output when having an URL set 1.40: ----- * Added ability to make themes provide a "legal.txt" with information, and a hard-coded internal array that yields information. 1.33: ----- * Extend notes 1.32: ----- * Remove self exclusion of v.1.23 * Add self legal bag notes 1.31: ----- * Translate [de] "Anonymize IP" option 1.30: ----- * Add "Anonymize IP" option 1.26: ----- * Work on plugins objects for the bag needs to load instance if "cached" array 1.25: ----- * Minor convenience fixes 1.24: ----- * Manifest properties translations 1.23: ----- * Fix append data exclude self for $out 1.22: ----- * Fix inspect_gdpr class_data 1.21: ----- * Fix minor spellings and translation 1.20: ----- * Fix spelling * Fix tags * translate to [de] 1.10: ----- * Fix some minor internals 1.00: ----- * Add first commit