1.60: ----- * Add a style rule to the frontent for consistent search result displays 1.59: ----- * Fix issue with added space when building textarea(s) 1.58: ----- * Remove an outdated backend selector usage 1.57: ----- * Prepare for Serendipity Styx 4.4.0 - expandable hooked sidebar links 1.56: ----- * Improve backend markup indents for Serendipity Styx 4.3.0 1.55: ----- * PHP 8+: Fix next and prev array item on false 1.54: ----- * Flag and deny mixing of PLAIN TEXT editor default buttons in the FAQ entry forms when used with markup editors like markdown or textile plugins. * Use Styx media and gallery insert PLAIN EDITOR image buttons since Styx 2.3 which also raises some requirements. 1.53: ----- * Fix for mysqli search-term SQL queries in FULLTEXT IN BOOLEAN MODE 1.52: ----- * Always indicate source of where frontend_display is called (as Standard since 07/2007) 1.51: ----- * Declare title for plugins accessing objects title, eg. entryproperties disable_markups in entry option 1.50: ----- * As long as not implemented, restrict to administrator group (rights) only * Improve frontend faq icon for [dark mode] (pure-theme) usage 1.49: ----- * Remove Series 1 related backend styles 1.48: ----- * Move into backend sidebar entries section for consistency, since being an entry related plugin 1.47: ----- * Fix FAQ searchresult template header 1.46: ----- * Fix Spawnnuggets init 1.45: ----- * Fix some uninitialized variables for PHP 8 * Prepare for Styx 3.5 DARK MODE 1.44: ----- * Add some missing backend styles 1.43: ----- * Fix an uninitialized variable check for PHP 8 1.42: ----- * Fixup some more S9y Series 1 leftover variable conditioning for 1.40 1.41: ----- * Fixup some S9y Series 1 leftover variable conditioning for 1.40 1.40: ----- * Raises Requirement to min Serendipity 2.0 for JS scope issues. 1.33: ----- * Style fixes for form toolbars * Fix issue with WYSIWYG Editor to keep the regular display: block for the .form_field (width) * Add some other uninitialized variable checks 1.32: ----- * Fixes form description styles * Precise FAQ_CATEGORY_DESC for [en, de] * Fixup some previous init checks 1.31: ----- * Add some other uninitialized variable checks 1.30: ----- * Add some uninitialized variable checks 1.29: ----- * In absence of constructor parameters - remove parentheses for consistency 1.28: ----- * Make abstract class PHP 7.1.x ++ ready 1.27: ----- * Allow unicode searches for Chinese / Japanese like languages, see: https://board.s9y.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15112 This also helps when using the full unicode approach described in the Serendipity Styx 2.1-beta1 NEWS changelog file. 1.26: ----- * Iconfont accessibility fixes 1.25: ----- * Optimize some backend stylings 1.24: ----- * Give a bottom margin for longer category faq enties * Do not wide the faqs table to full 100% width to prevent sidebar issues with some themes. 1.23: ----- * Fix pagination to not show other category entries 1.22: ----- * Fix bug with hidden config items default fallback even more, since the category id 'cid' was not cached properly and so every new Q/A wasn't set right by faqorder. * Fixes some more 2.0 issues with CSS and or missing CSS classes. * Convert frontend templates p tag usage to div * Allow custom CSS file copies in themes - by copy to the themes root, or included to the style or user.css files as before. 1.21: ----- * Fix some more markup and stylings * Touched templates in the 'alternatives' directory for Smarty3, but not for the other new changes to the default used template files. Make your own in comparisson. Recommended default copies for custom themes are found in the root of this plugin. * Remove bash file * Added S9y 1.7 plain editor js file forgotten in v.1.20 * Changed to Serendipity CONST Smarty wrapper usage 1.20: ----- * Set some more plugin consistencies * Fix bug with hidden config items default fallback * Refactor inspectConfig item preparation * Serendipity 2.0+ ready markup changes 1.13: ----- * Set plugin consistencies * Use load language API - extends required Serendipity version to v.1.6 * Removed old Smarty2 security settings - extends required Serendipity version to v.1.7 * Use native API method parseTemplate() * Convert plugin template for Smarty3 usage * Append, not prepend CSS data into eventData stream latest: Smarty3 forward compatibility 1.4 ============================== * BUGFIX: Postgre-SQL-Error 1.3 ============================== * BUGFIX: show categories from a language 1.2 ============================== * NEW: multilingual support 1.1 ============================== * NEW: using quicksearch in faqs 1.0 ============================== * UPDATE: GUI, Templates * NEW: reorder of FAQs and categories * NEW: category tree Thanks to robert from the s9y forum for the alpha/beta testing 0.10 ============================== * UPDATE: Show FAQ-Headline and Subcategory-Headline on Template 0.9 ============================== * NEW: Message if you don't have FAQ categories created * NEW: sidebar plugin 0.8 ============================== * FIX: URL without modrewrite 0.7 ============================== * UPDATE: Templates now have a menu structure 0.6 ============================== * NEW: new/update status 0.5 ============================== * first release