4.2.0: ----- * Prepare for Serendipity Styx 4.4.0 - expandable hooked sidebar links 4.1.6: ----- * Improve Smarty backend markup indents for Serendipity Styx 4.3.0 4.1.5: ----- * Improve backend markup indents for Serendipity Styx 4.3.0 4.1.4: ----- * Improve backend markup indents for Serendipity Styx 4.3.0 4.1.3: ----- * Fix for PHP 8.2 explicit type of string in/for trim() 4.1.2: ----- * Better check for $serendipity['GET']['subpage'] on entry preview 4.1.1: ----- * Always indicate source of where frontend_display is called (as Standard since 07/2007) 4.1.0: ----- * Remove Serendipity Series < 2 conditions 4.0.1: ----- * Cleanup 4.0.0: ----- * Upgrade requirements * Improve backend entries navigation * Changed backend entry action GIFs to SVG * Improved backend styles 3.90: ----- * Fix an uninitialized variable check * Improved frontend styles * Added [ pure ] theme frontend dark mode styles 3.89: ----- * Fix an uninitialized variable check 3.88: ----- * Fix parameter order for PHP 8.1 and @silence deprecated strftime() usage until PHP 9 3.87: ----- * Improve preg_match(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($subject) of type string is deprecated with PHP 8.1 3.86: ----- * Improve check for custom theme stylesheets for PHP 8 3.85: ----- * Add cursor pointer style to "details" label 3.84: ----- * Fix an uninitialized variable check for PHP 8 3.83: ----- * Rename tabs class selector to avoid issues with backends jquery.tabs lib 3.82: ----- * Improve DARK MODE styles for tabs consistency 3.81: ----- * Improve DARK MODE styles for tabs 3.80: ----- * Fix some more uninitialized variable checks for PHP 8 * Add DARK MODE styles for Serendipity Styx 3.5 3.79: ----- * Fix some uninitialized variable checks for PHP 8 * Fix a use of missing URL constant in plugin_guestbook_backend_form.tpl for PHP 8 3.78: ----- * PHP 8 preparation fix 3.77: ---- * Secure plugin_guestbook_entries.tpl and plugin_guestbook_backend_entries.tpl target="_blank" link homepage URL. If you have your own theme template file(s) please add the default rel="noopener" attribute. 3.76: ---- * Unset wordwrap body text in case of using serendipity_event_emoticate plugin 1.27 (sidebar): ---- * Fix wrong [de] lang constant 3.75: ---- * Use the defined constant for the compile dir 3.74: ---- * Fix 'allow_comments' pre set 'true' string in fake call to spamblock and other comment plugins 3.73: ---- * [Security] Add .htaccess with denied direct access to stored db log files directory It is still recommended to not let them live long! * Fixed debug leftover preventing filed download * Fix wrong counter db check 3.72: ---- * Fix variable name typo 3.71: ---- * PHP 7.3 fix * Use Smarty3 syntax in some remaining template files 3.70: ---- * Added some more uninitialized variable checks for backend and frontend form 3.69: ---- * Added some more uninitialized variable checks for frontend form 3.68: ---- * Added some more uninitialized variable checks 3.67: ---- * Added some uninitialized variable checks 3.66: ---- * Do not allow frontend_comment hook in in backend form, since that breaks with emoticonchooser plugin and makes no sense with others. 3.65: ---- * Fix guestbook fullentries view to stay independent from nl2br plugin usage, since the (new) p-tag option badly interprets the guestbook markup for admin comments! This changes 2 files, adding a |nl2br modifier to the $entry.body output - plugin_guestbook_backend_entries.tpl for v.3.65 - 2018-04-11 - plugin_guestbook_entries.tpl for v.3.65 - 2018-04-11 If you use a copy template in your theme, please make sure to apply these changes! 3.64: ---- * Colorize unapproved entries header different 3.63: ---- * Remove minor backend leftover 3.62: ---- * Iconfont accessibility fixes 3.61: ---- * Optimize URI args load 3.60 && 1.26 (sidebar): ----------------------- * Fix wrong template name for path replacements * Grant access to admin group only * Some styles use CSS images ... PLEASE NOTE: if you provide your own template guestbook stylesheets remember to include the images to your img/ directory. * Requirement and consistence changes * Now uses lang API - extends required Serendipity version to 1.6 3.59: ----- * Switch {call feedback} function to show success or error box * Indent backend sidebar menu links markup * Cleanup returning booleans where case expects break 3.58: & 1.25: ------------- * Added mysqli and check for supporting mysql and mysqli only for some guestbook backend tasks. * Disabled sidebar plugin using the 'frontend_display' hook, since that could throw certain errors in the nl2br plugin. If really in need, use $_POST['properties']['disable_markups'] = array(false); only. * Fixed JS BBC button function, which changed with S9y 2.0 * Allow email now obfuscates the email link with a simple "at dot" behaviour. 3.57: ----- * fix missing $ for var 1.23: sidebar plugin ----- * fix wrong default value note 3.56: ----- * fix IE9 list view CSS in Backend 3.55: ----- * correct missing label in guestbook form 3.54: ----- * make PHP 5.5/6 compat 3.53: ----- * Added collapsible entry preview in backend entry list * Fix admincomment and some double encode issues * fix some more minor template and css issues 3.52: ----- * PHP 5.4+ fix to properly call entity functions by charset 3.51: ----- * Backported to Serendipity 1.7.0 plus * Minor change for quotes and markup in frontend entries 3.50: ----- * Smartified the backend even more * Rewritten (tpl/css) for Serendipity 2.0 in backend * Extends Serendipity >= 1.9.0 * Changed some lang constants * Long time users may need to backup their guestbook database again in S9y Guestbook DB Administration panel! Since this version checks the TABLE COLUMN order to prevent a possible backup/upload issue. 3.44: ----- * Propagate $smarty.env.staticpage_pagetitle (and the others) so that it can be used in entries.tpl 3.43: ----- * Properly use the example() API method by returning, not echo'ing. Unimportant update. 3.42: ----- * fixed db table guestbook, ip column to IPv6 length 3.41: ----- * Be more strict in types for automoderate messages * Removed trim() in strip_security() * Removed bbc_reverse() pattern \! part * Filter guestbook comment checks, if not in admin group * Added constant bypass guestbook comment checks 3.40: ----- * Added some powered by guestbook note to email in body and headers * Added entry set auto-moderate state into email body * Use nativ API parseTemplate() method, extends Serendipity >= 1.3 * Improved security overall * Added bottom paginator to entry pages (both front- & backend) * Added new option to resize backend pagination amounts * Fixed multiple issues, eg entries homepage not showing up, while not inserted * Lang files cleanup and added some new constants 3.32: ----- * Bump version to propagate new .htaccess access by Spartacus 3.31: ----- * The Frontend missed its stylesheets - sorry! 3.30: ----- * PHP 5.4 compat fixes 3.29: ----- * bump version to support spartacus update for guestbooks sidebar plugin update * fixed sidebar showed unapproved entries 3.28: ----- * update to latest css, now uses PIE in older IE * changed internal path to var * added some docs 3.27: ----- * changed backend/frontend templates including changes to the backend.css from table to list style and be some more up to date * changed config option markup internally to also set the {$plugin_guestbook_articleformat} as default(true) in frontend plugin_guestbook_entries.tpl * changed sidebar plugin linebreak * fixed sql alter update and remove procedure * changed backend display to admin group instead admin only 3.26: ----- * fixed spamblock call entry timestamp to be -8 day in past, while captchas_ttl checks normally set captchas true beyond 7 days. * fixed backend admin entry; POST vars to form got lost in some error cases. * changed ERROR_DATANOTAGS lang constant in <en>, <de> and <de-utf8> to support new wordfilter option. * added new pre-filled config option to disallow plugin only filter words in entry body, which was done internally before. * added internal var to function to support an incomplete error message properly. * changed lang constant in <en>, <de> and <de-utf8> to better explain auto-moderation issues. * changed documentation_en.html to explain differs in captchas check in contrast to spamblocks auto-moderation pass-through and new option 'entrychecks'. 3.25: ----- * moved some internal vars to a better place. * changed plugin_guestbook_backend_entries.tpl to support a moderate hidden var. * erased moderate option in sidebar plugin, which came with v.3.21, while sidebar now extends event plugin option setting. * rebuild sidebar <serendipity_plugin_guestbook> to support event plugins 'auto-moderation' and 'showapp option' changes. * added lang constant in <en>, <de> and <de-utf8>. * added new config option to allow entry set auto-moderate via spamblock plugin, if its wordfilter option is active and set to 'moderate'. * corrected small typo in german lang files. * tweaked some small issues in guestbook CSS file. * added spamblock return 'moderate_comments' value, to support adding entries to non-approved; this extends guestbooks config setting. 3.24: ----- * added tag and link checks to prevent SPAM bots reading Captchas. * tweaked some small issues in guestbook CSS file. * changed some PAGINATOR_* and added new ERROR_DATANOTAGS lang constant in <de>, <en> and <de-utf8>. * removed old paginator by new one. * changed plugin_guestbook_entries.tpl to support removed administration. * removed adminstration features from frontend, since they are better done in backend. 3.23: ----- * latest: Smarty3 forward compatibility. 3.22: ---- * Changed smarty->fetch method call to be less strict to support smarty 2 to smarty3 parameter order change - removed param 4. * Added restriction of backend functionality and administration sidebar link to admin only. 3.21: ---- * fixed send entry to email did not show entry body properly. * backported fake call to spamblock and other comment plugins again, which was removed in 3.20 to prevent bots capturing Captchas. * fixed serendipity_plugin_guestbook.php to truly show approved events only if set in config. * Fixed some minor typos and made the documentation helppage W3C XHTML conform. 3.20: ---- * This edition adds backend administration and now supports admin moderation to guestbook entries. * Therefore it adds a new database table field 'approve' and a new config variable 'showapp' to true or false (default is false). * Changes will affect old entries to be set as approved. * Updated Serendipity guestbook sidebar plugin to select these entries only to v.1.12. * Changed and added lang constants. The lang files <en>, <de> and <de-utf8> are now up to date. * Some small tweaks to both of the frontend tpls and some more to the stylesheet. * Some small tweaks to frontend paginator and url building to be more friendly to mod_rewrite setting via permalink or subpage. * This upgrade may effect individual design settings. Please make sure to have a look to your frontend tpls and the stylesheet! 3.11: ---- * Prefix possibly missing http://, thanks to WMK 3.08: ---- * Use headline to put into the blog title, just like static pages do 3.07: ---- * Only hide email address for non-logged in users 3.06: ----- * Fix bad variable usage leading to not being able to delete guestbook entries in special cases 3.05: ----- * Fixed proper recognition to not display email addresses if configured.