2.9.1: ----- * Remove an outdated backend selector usage 2.9.0: ----- * Prepare for Serendipity Styx 4.4.0 - expandable hooked sidebar links 2.8.2: ------ * Fix $legal property bag * Raise PHP requirement 2.8.1: ------ * Fix the "b8_wordlist" database table rename 2.8.0: ------ * Fix DB table creation to happen before requesting tables * Fix DB table creation key length on different (utf8mb4) dbType systems * Fix wrong written serendipityBaseURL Smarty variable (error) * Fix for PHP 8.2 dynamicProperties * Rename the "b8_wordlist" database table to have the Serendipity dbPrefix * Style [de] documentation file for Styx consistency 2.7.2: ------ * Better check displayRecycler() -> $comments = $this->getAllRecyclerComments() return to avoid warnings on bool 2.7.1: ------ * Better check b8 is initialized for startup with PHP 8 2.7.0: ------ [Sync S9y 1.1.5] * Update b8, to prevent a debug error when commenting 2.6.0: ------ [Sync S9y 1.1.3] * PHP 8 compatibility fix: Set b8 class variable properly 2.06: ----- * PHP 8 preparation fix 2.05: ------ * More Styx fixes & cleanup 2.04: ------ [Sync S9y 1.1.1] * Set required PHP version to 7.2, b8 requires it * Mention the 80% default barrier 2.03: ------ * Fix version string 2.02: ------ * Fix missing table 2.01: ------ [Sync S9y 1.0/1.1] * Update from the forked old b8 version to a current version of that library * Code cleanup * Remove seldom used functions and legacy code, including most of the backend UI * Rewrite javascript used in the backend (for marking spam and ham comments) to be a minimal block of jQuery code * [ including follow-up fixes ] * Styx fixes & cleanup 1.08: ------ * By consistency, take PostgreSQL table creation into consideration 1.07: ------ * Secure admin/bayesRecyclermenu.tpl target="_blank" link article_link URL. If you have your own theme template file please add the default rel="noopener" attribute. 1.06: ------ * Sync Fix German language constant. 1.05: ------ * Temporary disable 2 [de] only constants with usage (yet?) 1.04: ------ * Cleanup legal property bag information for gdpr/dsgvo * Fix some lang constant typos * Consistency fixes 1.03: ------ * Added legal property bag information for gdpr/dsgvo 1.02: ------ * Raise to Serendipity 2.1.2 + requirement for the token email approach 1.01: ------ * Fix approve comment method properties call * Apply token generation to Styx Standard * Fix default token for non-useCommentTokens option 1.00: ------ * Remove Series 1.7 switches and set to Serendipity 2.0 up requirement * Use Serendipity bundled jQuery if needed * Consistency cleanups 0.5.1: ------ * Sync - Fixed token generation for delete/approve comment. 0.5.0: ------ * Sync - Use tokens to classificate comments via E-Mail if the option is activated in your Blog Caution: This feature is only available if you use Serendipity 2.1.2 or higher. 0.4.31: ----- * Fix 'sqlite3oo' case check again 0.4.30: ------- * Fix 'pdo-sqliteoo' case check 0.4.29: ------- * Fix to use mysql/mysqli specfic errors 0.4.28: ------- * Since build lineless by JS, add margin between multiform toggle buttons 0.4.27: ------- * Iconfont accessibility fixes 0.4.26: ------- * Fix template fetch with wrong variable 0.4.25: ------- * Add "IF NOT EXISTS" to sqlite-upgrade function, preventing a php error 0.4.24: ------- * better S9y version compat check 0.4.23: * remove old Smarty2 security settings * set requirement versions 0.4.22: * set plugin consistencies * missing db types for mysqli cases and sqlite(+) cases * use load language API - extends required Serendipity version to v.1.6 * remove UTF-8/lang_ file, since the fallback is always the ANSI lang_en file in plugins root directory 0.4.21: * Fix mal-written case-statemens in setupdb, blocking sqlite 0.4.20: * Fix: Errornous setupDB() call deleted recycler * Fix: Restoring comments from recycler deleted comment without restoring them 0.4.19: * Fix creation of recycler when using sqlite 0.4.18: * Fix mark all buttons in 2.0 backend * Show database backend also when the database was deleted 0.4.14: * Proper $s9ybackend referencing * Adapt markup for 2.0 backend (yellowled) * Move to the correct nav section for 2.0 backend (yellowled) * Fetch jQuery without protocol * Fetch jquery via https * Changed menu-order to have the recycler first 0.4.9: * Security: Escaped comments in backend * Fixed error when selecting no comments in analyse-menu 0.4.8: * Added option to delete all comments when emptying recycler 0.4.7: * Added non-js-buttons in commentlist 0.4.6: * Smartified backend-menu * Added pagination to database-table * Added pagination to recycler * Fixed "race-condition" in recycler, will now only delete displayed comments * Recycler will now show rating of comments * Added missing label for approval email link 0.4.5: * Fixed analysis-menu * Fixed error in classification, ignored some commentcomponents 0.4.4: * Added menu options in import menu for troja * Recycler will only delete selected comments (all if none selected) * prevented external parties to fetch spamblock-database (ddos-attackvector) 0.4.3: * Fixed error when using safari 0.4.2: * Added documentation (german) * Minor CSS-changes in extended menu * Not saving a config won't prevent javascript from loading 0.4.1: * Comments marked manually as spam will be moved to the recycler instead of being deleted instantly 0.4: * jQuery now may be part of s9y * Changed counting of comments when importing * Deleting and recreating the database will now create the table with the key * Fixed php-error when requesting all comments from an empty database * Database-performance-upgrade for making import possible on big databases * Reduced memory-usage of export * Improved support for sqlite 0.3.9: * Added Import/Export of the database * Protected the database-deletion with a confirm-dialog 0.3.8: * Added option to ignore commentfields * Used Limit to reduce resourceusage of Analysismenu * Changed sortorder to "newest comment first" in Analysismenu * Fixed: Recycler got emptied when analysing a comment * Linked Analysis from rating in commentlist 0.3.7: * Restored wanted order of the recycler-table * Mitigated the effect of one spamfield if there are other clearly valid fields in the comment (e.g. commenter's name looks like spam but everything else is valid) * Learn restored comments directly as ham * Added a button to learn comments in the recycler again as spam when emptying it. * Added menu for analysing the ratings of a comment, showing the the rating of each part * Fixing restore of recyclercontent 0.3.6: * Upon Request: Added date to recycler * Added a "Mark all as ham"-button to the commentpage, using fieldsets to separate plugin-buttons from the normal ones 0.3.5: * Fixed possible infinite-loop when marking as spam * Made the "mark selected as spam"-function more robust * Upgrade: Fixed saving of old counter into the new system * Named treatment "custom" better 0.3.4: * Added workaround for "empty" pingbacks 0.3.3: * Fixed gathering of comment-information when rating a just-entered one (name, referrer, ip) * Fixed confusion with names of the categories (they are different in database than in the commentsave-event) * Fixed styling-errors in adminarea: * Used fixed table-layout for recycler-table * Added missing translations * Fixed CSS-errors regarding the controls 0.3.2: * Rate each element of the comment, like text and e-mail, separately * Use UTF-8 in the database and for tokenizing * Added button to mark all selected comments as spam * Added menu for: * Learn a custom comment as spam or ham * Get an overview of and control the database-table * Restore comments prior blocked as spam 0.2.2: * Added custom-mode for setting the barrier for moderation and rejection * Mark-workflow: marking as ham approves, marking as spam deletes. 0.2.1: * Improved 'getComment'-SQL-Statement 0.2: * Added display of comment-rating on commentpage * Added control-links to comment-email-notification (relying on a change in s9y 1.6) * Bugfix: Some comments were unrateable 0.1.9: * Merged controls with existing commentpage * Improved fetching of comments when learning * Added next/previous to bottom of the menu * Removed further unnecessary items * Tried to clean up html 0.1.8: * removed unnecessary interface-items from frontend * added loadinidicator to frontend * Bugfix: Use of the form at the admin-frontend no longer switches to the comment-frontend * Bugfix: php-end from lang-file removed