2.1.1: ------ * Fix 2.1.0 for PostgreSQL 2.1.0: ------ * Fix 1.6 for differently used UNIX timestamp commands by db layers 2.0.0: ------ * Change default values for 'timeout' and 'timeout_sticky' options to 0 (disabled) * Fix 'timeout' option reset issue, not changing being marked as readout by member(s) only, see https://board.s9y.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=20456 * Improve and extend constants (and for the mentioned timeout reset issue. READ IT!) * Changed requirements 1.8: ----- * Fix missing constant for PHP 8 * Translate for [de] 1.7: ----- * Consistency CleanUP 1.6: --- Custom entry property field date fix: Use UNIX_TIMESTAMP() to allow date formate like YYYY-MM-DD, like documented in the plugin. Previously it worked only with unix timestamps, which was not a good user experience. ;)