3.12: ----- * Convert single tag (asset) elements to HTML5 3.11: ----- * Follow consistency for selected::subpage checkup 3.10: ----- * Fix some [de] lang typos 3.09: ----- * Fix an unattended check in entry preview, failing with PHP 8.1 3.08: ----- * Improve preg_match(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($subject) of type string is deprecated with PHP 8.1 3.07: ----- * Fix a deprecated use for PHP 8.1 3.06: ----- * Fix a fallthrough directory case setting a wrong full_filecounter for pagination showup 3.05: ----- * Another cased initialization check for PHP 8 * Fixup some template markup for readability * Fixup some template Smarty variable strictness for PHP 8 3.04: ----- * Fix a missing global * Fix generating exifdata string and check isset array POST exifdata * Init missing $extended_data_out assignment 3.03: ----- * Better initialization checks for PHP 8 * Fix using strict option $hideSubdirFiles in upcoming Styx 3.3.0 * Remove $plugin_usergallery_limit_directory header in plugin_usergallery_imagedisplay.tpl template file. Please regard having made and used copy templates in your themes. 3.02: ----- * When using lightbox2-jquery better load the minified css file 3.01: ----- * Improve for jquery load by new config option (default: false) * Micro-optimizations on global load 3.00: ----- * Major up for Serendipity Styx 3.2 Galleries - raising requirements * Improved plugin templates for the gallery output UPGRADERS NOTE: If you have user customized templates in your theme "plugin_usergallery.tpl" and "plugin_usergallery_imagedisplay.tpl" they now DO need a major upgrade too! * Improved assets placement regarding lightbox and jquery appearance * Improved styles * Dependency to newest lightbox plugin * Improved lang constants 2.78: ----- * Fixup template for wrong versioned jquery lib link pointer to the lightbox event plugin base directory, which changed since 2015, Aug 31st. Better use a custom, theme based plugin_usergallery.tpl file. * Changed Smarty assigned 'plugin_usergallery_gallery_breadcrumb' variable to 'plugin_usergallery_gallery_bcrumb'. This is used in both template files. NOTE: Change your custom copy templates! 2.77: ----- * Fixup traversing media uploads directory for Serendipity Styx 3.0 + 2.76: ----- * Fix some PHP 7.4 deprecation errors 2.75: ----- * Fix Smarty2 leftover in plugin_usergallery_imagedisplay.tpl 2.74: ----- * Fix PHP7 issues within JPEG_TOOLKIT/EXIF and JPEG_TOOLKIT/IPTC 2.73: ----- * Add config groups * Convert templates to Smarty3 syntax * Fix some typos * Initiate variable 2.72: ----- * Minor PHP7.2 fix for "implements Countable" 2.71: ----- * Fix some more uninitialized variables and style the serendipity_gallery_directory list 2.70: ----- * Fix some uninitialized variables 2.69: ---- * Replace PHP 7.2 set deprecated each() usage where possible 2.68: ---- * Optimize URI args load 2.67: ----- * Add an option description for lightbox type 2.66: ----- * Requirement and consistent changes * Use load language API * Added suboption types, to get where options have hidden suboptions 2.65: ----- * Use native API method parseTemplate() for the tpl files * fix missing table tag * fix mktime() error * fix PHP short tags delivering unparsed code * Removed old code 2.64: ----- * htmlentities compat fixes 2.63: ----- * Added options for lightbox path and lightbox scripts. This needs to have the lightbox plugin >= v.2.0 installed. To use the lightbox plugin for usergalleries only, move it into the hidden event field of your pluginlist! * The file plugin_usergallery.tpl has changed. Please update your template copy file, if have. * Required Serendipity and PHP version have changed. 2.62: ----- * Since being stackable, avoid loading multiple css into stream 2.61: ----- * Added option to exclude Non-Image object files. (Defaults to images only) The file plugin_usergallery.tpl has changed. Please update your template copy file, if have. 2.60: ----- * Added option for using lightboxes This needs an installed and configured serendipity_event_lightbox plugin The file plugin_usergallery.tpl has changed. Please update your template copy file, if have. 2.58: ----- Removed obsolete language attribute. (yellowled) Propagate $smarty.env.staticpage_pagetitle (and the others) so that it can be used in entries.tpl 2.55: ----- Template and translation improvements 2.54: ----- Smarty3 forward compatibility 2.52: ---- Stricter array check to suppress warning message 2.45: ----- Allow to put linked image's original blog entry inside the RSS feed.