Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Manuel Kasper All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ require_once(""); require_once(""); /** * build array with interface options for this form */ function formInterfaces() { global $config; $interfaces = array(); foreach ( get_configured_interface_with_descr(false, true) as $if => $ifdesc) { $interfaces[$if] = $ifdesc; } if (!empty($config['ifgroups']['ifgroupentry']) && is_array($config['ifgroups']['ifgroupentry'])) { foreach ($config['ifgroups']['ifgroupentry'] as $ifgrp) { $interfaces[$ifgrp['ifname']] = $ifgrp['descr']; } } if (isset($config['l2tp']['mode']) && $config['l2tp']['mode'] == "server") { $interfaces['l2tp'] = "L2TP VPN"; } if (isset($config['pptpd']['mode']) && $config['pptpd']['mode'] == "server") { $interfaces['pptp'] = "PPTP VPN"; } if (is_pppoe_server_enabled()) { $interfaces['pppoe'] = "PPPoE VPN"; } /* add ipsec interfaces */ if (isset($config['ipsec']['enable']) || isset($config['ipsec']['client']['enable'])) { $interfaces["enc0"] = "IPsec"; } /* add openvpn/tun interfaces */ if (isset($config['openvpn']['openvpn-server']) || isset($config['openvpn']['openvpn-client'])) { $interfaces['openvpn'] = 'OpenVPN'; } return $interfaces; } /** * fetch list of selectable networks to use in form */ function formNetworks() { $networks = array(); $networks["any"] = gettext("any"); $networks["pptp"] = gettext("PPTP clients"); $networks["pppoe"] = gettext("PPPoE clients"); $networks["l2tp"] = gettext("L2TP clients"); foreach (get_configured_interface_with_descr() as $ifent => $ifdesc) { $networks[$ifent] = htmlspecialchars($ifdesc) . " " . gettext("net"); $networks[$ifent."ip"] = htmlspecialchars($ifdesc). " ". gettext("address"); } return $networks; } /** * obscured by clouds, is_specialnet uses this.. so let's hide it in here. * let's kill this another day. */ $specialsrcdst = explode(" ", "any (self) pptp pppoe l2tp openvpn"); $ifdisp = get_configured_interface_with_descr(); foreach ($ifdisp as $kif => $kdescr) { $specialsrcdst[] = "{$kif}"; $specialsrcdst[] = "{$kif}ip"; } // init config and get reference if (!isset($config['nat']['rule']) || !is_array($config['nat']['rule'])) { $config['nat']['rule'] = array(); } $a_nat = &$config['nat']['rule']; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') { // load form data from config if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numericint($_GET['id']) && isset($a_nat[$_GET['id']])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $configId = $id; // load form data from id } else if (isset($_GET['dup']) && isset($a_nat[$_GET['dup']])){ $after = $_GET['dup']; $configId = $_GET['dup']; // load form data from id } if (isset($_GET['after']) && isset($a_nat[$_GET['after']])) { $after = $_GET['after']; } // initialize form and set defaults $pconfig = array(); $pconfig['protocol'] = "tcp"; $pconfig['srcbeginport'] = "any"; $pconfig['srcendport'] = "any"; $pconfig['interface'] = "wan"; $pconfig['dstbeginport'] = 80 ; $pconfig['dstendport'] = 80 ; $pconfig['local-port'] = 80; if (isset($configId)) { // copy 1-on-1 foreach (array('protocol','target','local-port','descr','interface','associated-rule-id','nosync' ,'natreflection','created','updated') as $fieldname) { if (isset($a_nat[$configId][$fieldname])) { $pconfig[$fieldname] = $a_nat[$configId][$fieldname]; } } // fields with some kind of logic. $pconfig['disabled'] = isset($a_nat[$configId]['disabled']); $pconfig['nordr'] = isset($a_nat[$configId]['nordr']); address_to_pconfig($a_nat[$configId]['source'], $pconfig['src'], $pconfig['srcmask'], $pconfig['srcnot'], $pconfig['srcbeginport'], $pconfig['srcendport']); address_to_pconfig($a_nat[$configId]['destination'], $pconfig['dst'], $pconfig['dstmask'], $pconfig['dstnot'], $pconfig['dstbeginport'], $pconfig['dstendport']); } else if (isset($_GET['template']) && $_GET['template'] == 'transparant_proxy') { // new rule for transparant proxy reflection, to use as sample $pconfig['interface'] = "lan"; $pconfig['src'] = "lan"; $pconfig['dst'] = "any"; $pconfig['dstbeginport'] = 80 ; $pconfig['dstendport'] = 80 ; $pconfig['target'] = ''; // try to read the proxy configuration to determine the current port // this has some disadvantages in case of dependencies, but there isn't // a much better solution available at the moment. if (isset($config['OPNsense']['proxy']['forward']['port'])) { $pconfig['local-port'] = $config['OPNsense']['proxy']['forward']['port']; } else { $pconfig['local-port'] = 3128; } $pconfig['natreflection'] = 'enable'; $pconfig['descr'] = "redirect traffic to proxy"; } else { $pconfig['src'] = "any"; } // init empty fields foreach (array("dst","dstmask","srcmask","dstbeginport","dstendport","target","local-port","natreflection","descr","disabled","nosync") as $fieldname) { if (!isset($pconfig[$fieldname])) { $pconfig[$fieldname] = null; } } } elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') { $pconfig = $_POST; $input_errors = array(); // validate id and store if usable if (isset($pconfig['id']) && is_numericint($pconfig['id']) && isset($a_nat[$pconfig['id']])) { $id = $_POST['id']; } if (isset($pconfig['after']) && isset($a_nat[$pconfig['after']])) { // place record after provided sequence number $after = $pconfig['after']; } /* Validate input data */ if( $pconfig['protocol'] == "tcp" || $pconfig['protocol'] == "udp" || $pconfig['protocol'] == "tcp/udp") { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "interface protocol dstbeginport dstendport"); $reqdfieldsn = array(gettext("Interface"),gettext("Protocol"),gettext("Destination port from"),gettext("Destination port to")); } else { $reqdfields = explode(" ", "interface protocol"); $reqdfieldsn = array(gettext("Interface"),gettext("Protocol")); } $reqdfields[] = "src"; $reqdfieldsn[] = gettext("Source address"); $reqdfields[] = "dst"; $reqdfieldsn[] = gettext("Destination address"); if (!empty($pconfig['nordr'])) { $reqdfields[] = "target"; $reqdfieldsn[] = gettext("Redirect target IP"); } do_input_validation($pconfig, $reqdfields, $reqdfieldsn, $input_errors); if (!isset($pconfig['nordr']) && ($pconfig['target'] && !is_ipaddroralias($pconfig['target']))) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("\"%s\" is not a valid redirect target IP address or host alias."), $pconfig['target']); } if (!empty($pconfig['srcbeginport']) && $pconfig['srcbeginport'] != 'any' && !is_portoralias($pconfig['srcbeginport'])) $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid start source port. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."), $pconfig['srcbeginport']); if (!empty($pconfig['srcendport']) && $pconfig['srcendport'] != 'any' && !is_portoralias($pconfig['srcendport'])) $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid end source port. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."), $pconfig['srcendport']); if (!empty($pconfig['dstbeginport']) && $pconfig['dstbeginport'] != 'any' && !is_portoralias($pconfig['dstbeginport'])) $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid start destination port. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."), $pconfig['dstbeginport']); if (!empty($pconfig['dstendport']) && $pconfig['dstendport'] != 'any' && !is_portoralias($pconfig['dstendport'])) $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid end destination port. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."), $pconfig['dstendport']); if (($pconfig['protocol'] == "tcp" || $pconfig['protocol'] == "udp" || $_POST['protocol'] == "tcp/udp") && (!isset($pconfig['nordr']) && !is_portoralias($pconfig['local-port']))) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("A valid redirect target port must be specified. It must be a port alias or integer between 1 and 65535."), $pconfig['local-port']); } if (!is_specialnet($pconfig['src']) && !is_ipaddroralias($pconfig['src'])) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid source IP address or alias."), $pconfig['src']); } if (!empty($pconfig['srcmask']) && !is_numericint($pconfig['srcmask'])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid source bit count must be specified."); } if (!is_specialnet($pconfig['dst']) && !is_ipaddroralias($pconfig['dst'])) { $input_errors[] = sprintf(gettext("%s is not a valid destination IP address or alias."), $pconfig['dst']); } if (!empty($pconfig['dstmask']) && !is_numericint($pconfig['dstmask'])) { $input_errors[] = gettext("A valid destination bit count must be specified."); } if (!isset($_POST['nordr']) && is_numericint($pconfig['dstbeginport']) && is_numericint($pconfig['dstendport']) && is_numericint($pconfig['local-port']) && (max($pconfig['dstendport'],$pconfig['dstbeginport']) - min($pconfig['dstendport'],$pconfig['dstbeginport']) + $pconfig['local-port']) > 65535) { $input_errors[] = gettext("The target port range must be an integer between 1 and 65535."); } // save data if valid if (count($input_errors) == 0) { $natent = array(); // 1-on-1 copy $natent['protocol'] = $pconfig['protocol']; $natent['interface'] = $pconfig['interface']; $natent['descr'] = $pconfig['descr']; if (!empty($pconfig['associated-rule-id'])) { $natent['associated-rule-id'] = $pconfig['associated-rule-id']; } else { $natent['associated-rule-id'] = null; } // form processing logic $natent['disabled'] = !empty($pconfig['disabled']) ? true:false; $natent['nordr'] = !empty($pconfig['nordr']) ? true:false; $natent['nosync'] = !empty($pconfig['nosync']) ? true:false; if ($natent['nordr']) { $natent['associated-rule-id'] = ''; } else { $natent['target'] = $pconfig['target']; $natent['local-port'] = $pconfig['local-port']; } pconfig_to_address($natent['source'], $pconfig['src'], $pconfig['srcmask'], !empty($pconfig['srcnot']), $pconfig['srcbeginport'], $pconfig['srcendport']); pconfig_to_address($natent['destination'], $pconfig['dst'], $pconfig['dstmask'], !empty($pconfig['dstnot']), $pconfig['dstbeginport'], $pconfig['dstendport']); if(!empty($pconfig['filter-rule-association']) && $pconfig['filter-rule-association'] == "pass") { $natent['associated-rule-id'] = "pass"; } if ($pconfig['natreflection'] == "enable" || $pconfig['natreflection'] == "purenat" || $pconfig['natreflection'] == "disable") { $natent['natreflection'] = $pconfig['natreflection']; } // If we used to have an associated filter rule, but no-longer should have one if (isset($id) && !empty($a_nat[$id]['associated-rule-id']) && ( empty($natent['associated-rule-id']) || $natent['associated-rule-id'] != $a_nat[$id]['associated-rule-id'] ) ) { // Delete the previous rule foreach ($config['filter']['rule'] as $key => $item){ if(isset($item['associated-rule-id']) && $item['associated-rule-id']==$a_nat[$id]['associated-rule-id'] ){ unset($config['filter']['rule'][$key]); break; } } mark_subsystem_dirty('filter'); } $need_filter_rule = false; // Updating a rule with a filter rule associated if (!empty($natent['associated-rule-id'])) $need_filter_rule = true; // Create a rule or if we want to create a new one if( $natent['associated-rule-id']=='new' ) { $need_filter_rule = true; unset($natent['associated-rule-id']); $pconfig['filter-rule-association']='add-associated'; } // If creating a new rule, where we want to add the filter rule, associated or not else if (isset($pconfig['filter-rule-association']) && ($pconfig['filter-rule-association']=='add-associated' || $pconfig['filter-rule-association']=='add-unassociated') ) $need_filter_rule = true; if ($need_filter_rule) { /* auto-generate a matching firewall rule */ $filterent = array(); // If a rule already exists, load it if (!empty($natent['associated-rule-id'])) { // search rule by associated-rule-id $filterentid = false; foreach ($config['filter']['rule'] as $key => $item){ if (isset($item['associated-rule-id']) && $item['associated-rule-id']==$natent['associated-rule-id']) { $filterentid = $key; break; } } if ($filterentid === false) { $filterent['associated-rule-id'] = $natent['associated-rule-id']; } else { $filterent =& $config['filter']['rule'][$filterentid]; } } pconfig_to_address($filterent['source'], $pconfig['src'], $pconfig['srcmask'], !empty($pconfig['srcnot']), $pconfig['srcbeginport'], $pconfig['srcendport']); // Update interface, protocol and destination $filterent['interface'] = $pconfig['interface']; $filterent['protocol'] = $pconfig['protocol']; if (!isset($filterent['destination'])) { $filterent['destination'] = array(); } $filterent['destination']['address'] = $pconfig['target']; if (is_numericint($pconfig['local-port']) && is_numericint($pconfig['dstendport']) && is_numericint($pconfig['dstbeginport'])) { $dstpfrom = $pconfig['local-port']; $dstpto = $dstpfrom + max($pconfig['dstendport'], $pconfig['dstbeginport']) - min($pconfig['dstbeginport'],$pconfig['dstendport']) ; if ($dstpfrom == $dstpto) { $filterent['destination']['port'] = $dstpfrom; } else { $filterent['destination']['port'] = $dstpfrom . "-" . $dstpto; } } else { // if any of the ports is an alias, copy contents of local-port $filterent['destination']['port'] = $pconfig['local-port']; } /* * Our firewall filter description may be no longer than * 63 characters, so don't let it be. */ $filterent['descr'] = substr("NAT " . $pconfig['descr'], 0, 62); // If this is a new rule, create an ID and add the rule if( isset($pconfig['filter-rule-association']) && $pconfig['filter-rule-association']=='add-associated' ) { $filterent['associated-rule-id'] = $natent['associated-rule-id'] = uniqid("nat_", true); $filterent['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(); $config['filter']['rule'][] = $filterent; } mark_subsystem_dirty('filter'); } // Update the NAT entry now $natent['updated'] = make_config_revision_entry(); if (isset($id)) { if (isset($a_nat[$id]['created'])) { $natent['created'] = $a_nat[$id]['created']; } $a_nat[$id] = $natent; } else { $natent['created'] = make_config_revision_entry(); if (isset($after)) { array_splice($a_nat, $after+1, 0, array($natent)); } else { $a_nat[] = $natent; } } if (write_config()) { mark_subsystem_dirty('natconf'); } header("Location: firewall_nat.php"); exit; } } legacy_html_escape_form_data($pconfig); include(""); ?>
0) print_input_errors($input_errors); ?>
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