webhook: preconfigured: ##Ansibel AWX###### - label: "Ansible AWX - Create Instance Group" type: AnsibleAWXCreateInstanceGroup enabled: true description: Stage to create an instance group in ansible awx method: POST url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/instance_groups/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: |- { "credential": "${parameterValues['credentialid']}", "name": "${parameterValues['name']}", "pod_spec_override": "${parameterValues['podspecoverride']}", "policy_instance_list": [${parameterValues['policyinstancelist']}], "is_container_group": ${parameterValues['iscontainergroup']}, "policy_instance_minimum": ${parameterValues['policyinstanceminimum']}, "policy_instance_percentage": ${parameterValues['policyinstancepercentage']} } parameters: - label: Name name: name description: Name of this instance group. (string, required) type: string - label: Credential Id name: credentialid description: Credential id. Leave it blank if not needed type: string - label: Policy Instance Percentage name: policyinstancepercentage description: Minimum percentage of all instances that will be automatically assigned to this group when new instances come online. (integer, default=0) type: string - label: Policy Instance Minimum name: policyinstanceminimum description: Static minimum number of Instances that will be automatically assign to this group when new instances come online. (integer, default=0) type: string - label: Policy Instance List name: policyinstancelist description: List of exact-match Instances that will be assigned to this group (json, default=``). Provide value in "" and multiple values by coma seperated type: string - label: Pod Spec Override name: podspecoverride description: (string, default="") type: string - label: Is Container Group name: iscontainergroup description: true or false type: string - label: "Ansible AWX - Update Credential of Instance Group" type: AnsibleAWXUpdatecredentialofInstanceGroup enabled: true description: Stage to update credential of an instance group in ansible awx method: PATCH url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/instance_groups/${parameterValues['name']}/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: |- { "credential": "${parameterValues['credentialid']}", "name": "${parameterValues['name']}" "is_container_group": true } parameters: - label: Name name: name description: Name of this instance group. (string, required) type: string - label: Credential Id name: credentialid description: Id of credential to which you want to change type: string - label: "Ansible AWX - Update Instance List of Instance Group" type: AnsibleAWXUpdateInstanceListofInstanceGroup enabled: true description: Stage to update instance list an instance group in ansible awx method: PATCH url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/instance_groups/${parameterValues['name']}/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: |- { "name": "${parameterValues['name']}", "policy_instance_list": [${parameterValues['policyinstancelist']}] } parameters: - label: Name name: name description: Name of this instance group. (string, required) type: string - label: Policy Instance List name: policyinstancelist description: List of exact-match Instances that will be assigned to this group (json, default=``). Provide value in "" and multiple values by coma seperated type: string - label: "Ansible AWX - Update Policy Instance Minimum of Instance Group" type: AnsibleAWXUpdatePolicyInstanceMinimumofInstanceGroup enabled: true description: Stage to update policy instance minimum an instance group in ansible awx method: PATCH url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/instance_groups/${parameterValues['name']}/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: |- { "name": "${parameterValues['name']}", "policy_instance_minimum": ${parameterValues['policyinstanceminimum']} } parameters: - label: Name name: name description: Name of this instance group. (string, required) type: string - label: Policy Instance Minimum name: policyinstanceminimum description: Static minimum number of Instances that will be automatically assign to this group when new instances come online. (integer, default=0) type: string - label: "Ansible AWX - Update Policy Instance Percentage of Instance Group" type: AnsibleAWXUpdatePolicyInstancePercentageofInstanceGroup enabled: true description: Stage to update policy instance percentage of an instance group in ansible awx method: PATCH url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/instance_groups/${parameterValues['name']}/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: |- { "name": "${parameterValues['name']}", "policy_instance_percentage": ${parameterValues['policyinstancepercentage']} } parameters: - label: Name name: name description: Name of this instance group. (string, required) type: string - label: Policy Instance Percentage name: policyinstancepercentage description: Minimum percentage of all instances that will be automatically assigned to this group when new instances come online. (integer, default=0) type: string - label: "Ansible AWX - Update Pod Spec Override of Instance Group" type: AnsibleAWXUpdatePodSpecOverrideofInstanceGroup enabled: true description: Stage to update pod spec override of an instance group in ansible awx method: PATCH url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/instance_groups/${parameterValues['name']}/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: |- { "name": "${parameterValues['name']}", "pod_spec_override": "${parameterValues['podspecoverride']}" } parameters: - label: Name name: name description: Name of this instance group. (string, required) type: string - label: Pod Spec Override name: podspecoverride description: (string, default="") type: string - label: "Ansible AWX - Name of Instance Group" type: AnsibleAWXUpdateNameofInstanceGroup enabled: true description: Stage to update name of an instance group in ansible awx method: PATCH url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/instance_groups/${parameterValues['currentname']}/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: |- { "name": "${parameterValues['changename']}" } parameters: - label: Current Name name: currentname description: Name of the instance group which exists type: string - label: Change Name name: changename description: To what you need to change type: string - label: "Ansible AWX - Create Job Template" type: AnsibleAWXCreateJobTemplate enabled: true description: Stage to create job template in ansible awx method: POST url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/job_templates/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: |- { "allow_callbacks": "${parameterValues['allowcallbacks']}", "allow_simultaneous": "${parameterValues['allowsimultaneous']}", "ask_credential_on_launch": "${parameterValues['askcredentialonlaunch']}", "ask_diff_mode_on_launch": "${parameterValues['askdiffmodeonlaunch']}", "ask_inventory_on_launch": "${parameterValues['askinventoryonlaunch']}", "ask_job_type_on_launch": "${parameterValues['askjobtypeonlaunch']}", "ask_limit_on_launch": "${parameterValues['asklimitonlaunch']}", "ask_scm_branch_on_launch": "${parameterValues['askscmbranchonlaunch']}", "ask_skip_tags_on_launch": "${parameterValues['askskiptagsonlaunch']}", "ask_tags_on_launch": "${parameterValues['asktagsonlaunch']}", "ask_variables_on_launch": "${parameterValues['askvariablesonlaunch']}", "ask_verbosity_on_launch": "${parameterValues['askverbosityonlaunch']}", "become_enabled": "${parameterValues['becomeenabled']}", "description": "${parameterValues['description']}", "diff_mode": "${parameterValues['diffmode']}", "extra_vars": "${parameterValues['extravars']}", "forks": "${parameterValues['forks']}", "host_config_key": "${parameterValues['hostconfigkey']}", "job_slice_count": "${parameterValues['jobslicecount']}", "job_tags": "${parameterValues['jobtags']}", "job_type": "${parameterValues['jobtype']}", "limit": "${parameterValues['limit']}", "name": "${parameterValues['name']}", "playbook": "${parameterValues['playbook']}", "scm_branch": "${parameterValues['scmbranch']}", "skip_tags": "${parameterValues['skiptags']}", "timeout": "${parameterValues['timeout']}", "use_fact_cache": "${parameterValues['usefactcache']}", "verbosity": "${parameterValues['verbosity']}", "webhook_service": "${parameterValues['webhookservice']}", "project": "${parameterValues['project']}", "webhook_credential": "${parameterValues['webhook_credential']}", "inventory": "${parameterValues['inventory']}", "execution_environment": "${parameterValues['executionenvironment']}" } parameters: - label: Allow Callbacks name: allowcallbacks description: true or false type: string - label: Allow Simultaneous name: allowsimultaneous description: true or false type: string - label: Ask Credential on Launch name: askcredentialonlaunch description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Ask Diff Mode on Launch name: askdiffmodeonlaunch description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Ask Inventory On Launch name: askinventoryonlaunch description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Ask Job Type on Launch name: askjobtypeonlaunch description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Ask Limit on Launch name: asklimitonlaunch description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Ask Scm Branch on Launch name: askscmbranchonlaunch description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Ask Skip Tags On Launch name: askskiptagsonlaunch description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Ask Tags on Launch name: asktagsonlaunch description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Ask Variables on Launch name: askvariablesonlaunch description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Ask Verbosity on Launch name: askverbosityonlaunch description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Become Enabled name: becomeenabled description: true or false type: string defaultValue: false - label: Description name: description description: Description about job template type: string - label: Diff Mode name: diffmode description: true or false. If enabled, textual changes made to any templated files on the host are shown in the standard output. type: string defaultValue: false - label: Extra Vars name: extravars description: (json, default=``) type: string - label: Forks name: forks description: (integer, default=0) type: string defaultValue: 0 - label: Host Config Key name: hostconfigkey description: (string, default="") type: string - label: Job Slice Count name: jobslicecount description: The number of jobs to slice into at runtime. Will cause the Job Template to launch a workflow if value is greater than 1. (integer, default=1) type: string defaultValue: 1 - label: Job Tags name: jobtags description: (string, default="") type: string - label: Job Type name: jobtype description: Run(default) or Check type: string defaultValue: Run - label: Limit name: limit description: (string, default="") type: string - label: Name name: name description: name type: string - label: playbook name: playbook description: (string, default="") Eg:- hello_world.yml type: string - label: Scm Branch name: scmbranch description: Branch to use in job run. Project default used if blank. Only allowed if project allow_override field is set to true. (string, default="") type: string - label: Skip Tags name: skiptags description: (string, default="") type: string - label: Timeout name: timeout description: The amount of time (in seconds) to run before the task is canceled. (integer, default=0) type: string defaultValue: 0 - label: Use Fact Cache name: usefactcache description: If enabled, Tower will act as an Ansible Fact Cache Plugin; persisting facts at the end of a playbook run to the database and caching facts for use by Ansible. (boolean, default=False) type: string defaultValue: false - label: Verbosity name: verbosity description: 0(Normal)(default) - 1(Verbose) - 2(More Verbose) - 3(Debug) - 4(Connection Debug) - 5(WinRM Debug) type: string defaultValue: 0 - label: webhook_service name: webhook_service description: Service that webhook requests will be accepted from (choice) Eg:- github gitlab type: string - label: Project name: project description: (id, default=``) type: string - label: Webhook Credential name: webhookcredential description: Personal Access Token for posting back the status to the service API (id, default=null) type: string defaultValue: null - label: Inventory name: inventory description: (id, default=``) type: string - label: Execution Environment name: executionenvironment description: (id, default=null) type: string defaultValue: null - label: "Ansible AWX - Create Project" type: AnsibleAWXCreateProject enabled: true description: Stage to create a project in ansible awx method: POST url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/projects/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: |- { "name": "${parameterValues['name']}", "description": "${parameterValues['description']}", "local_path": "${parameterValues['localpath']}", "scm_type": "${parameterValues['scmtype']}", "scm_url": "${parameterValues['scmurl']}", "scm_branch": "${parameterValues['scmbranch']}", "scm_refspec": "${parameterValues['scmrefspec']}", "scm_clean": "${parameterValues['scmclean']}", "scm_delete_on_update": "${parameterValues['scmdeleteonupdate']}", "credential": "${parameterValues['credential']}", "timeout": "${parameterValues['timeout']}", "organization": "${parameterValues['organization']}", "scm_update_on_launch": "${parameterValues['scmupdateonlaunch']}", "scm_update_cache_timeout": "${parameterValues['scmupdatecachetimeout']}", "allow_override": "${parameterValues['allow_override']}", "custom_virtualenv": "${parameterValues['customvirtualenv']}" } parameters: - label: Name name: name description: Name of the project type: string - label: Description name: description description: Description for the project type: string - label: Local Path name: localpath description: Local path (relative to PROJECTS_ROOT) containing playbooks and related files for this project. (string, default="") type: string - label: Scm Type name: scmtype description: Specifies the source control system used to store the project. (choice). "" (Manual)(default) - git (Git) - hg (Mercurial) - svn (Subversion) - insights (Red Hat Insights) - archive (Remote Archive) type: string - label: Scm Url name: scmurl description: The location where the project is stored. (string, default="") Eg:- https://github.com/ansible/test-playbooks.git type: string - label: Scm Branch name: scmbranch description: Specific branch, tag or commit to checkout. (string, default="") type: string - label: Scm Refspec name: scmrefspec description: For git projects, an additional refspec to fetch. (string, default="") type: string - label: Scm Clean name: scmclean description: true or false. Discard any local changes before syncing the project. (boolean, default=False) type: string defaultValue: false - label: Scm Delete on Update name: scmdeleteonupdate description: true or false. Delete the project before syncing. (boolean, default=False) type: string defaultValue: false - label: Credential name: credential description: (id, default=``) type: string - label: Timeout name: timeout description: The amount of time (in seconds) to run before the task is canceled. (integer, default=0) type: string defaultValue: 0 - label: Organization name: organization description: The organization used to determine access to this template. (id, default=``) type: string - label: Scm Update on Launch name: scmupdateonlaunch description: Update the project when a job is launched that uses the project. (boolean, default=False) type: string defaultValue: false - label: Scm Update Cache Timeout name: scmupdatecachetimeout description: The number of seconds after the last project update ran that a new project update will be launched as a job dependency. (integer, default=0) type: string defaultValue: 0 - label: Allow Override name: allowoverride description: Allow changing the SCM branch or revision in a job template that uses this project. (boolean, default=False) type: string defaultValue: false - label: Custom Virtualenv name: customvirtualenv description: Local absolute file path containing a custom Python virtualenv to use (string, default="") type: string - label: "Ansible AWX - Get List of Job Templates" type: AnsibleAWXUGetListofJobTemplates enabled: true description: Stage to list the job templates available method: GET url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/job_templates/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: "" parameters: "" - label: "Ansible AWX - Invoke a Job Template" type: AnsibleAWXInvokeJobTemplate enabled: true description: Stage to invoke job template in ansible awx. method: POST url: http://awx.wurm.opsmx.net/api/v2/job_templates/${parameterValues['jobtemplateid']}/launch/ customHeaders: Authorization: Basic cHJhc2FkOmFkbWluQDEyMw== Content-Type: application/json payload: "" parameters: - label: Job Template Id name: jobtemplateid description: Job template id type: string ##Ansibel END##