# Helidon CLI The Helidon CLI lets you easily create a Helidon project by picking from a set of archetypes. It also supports a developer loop that performs continuous compilation and application restart, so you can easily iterate over source code changes. ## Prerequisites Helidon requires Java 21 (or newer) and Maven 3.6.1 or newer. * [Java SE](https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads) * [Maven](https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi) You should make sure `java` and `mvn` are in your path. ```bash java -version mvn --version ``` ## Install MacOS: ```bash curl -O https://helidon.io/cli/latest/darwin/helidon chmod +x ./helidon sudo mv ./helidon /usr/local/bin/ ``` Linux: ```bash curl -O https://helidon.io/cli/latest/linux/helidon chmod +x ./helidon sudo mv ./helidon /usr/local/bin/ ``` Windows: ```bat PowerShell -Command Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://helidon.io/cli/latest/windows/helidon.exe" -OutFile "C:\Windows\system32\helidon.exe" ``` ## Create a New Project ``` helidon init ``` Then answer the questions. ## Developer Loop ``` cd myproject helidon dev ``` As you make source code changes the project will automatically recompile and restart your application. ## Demo