#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2016, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This script will install the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI into a directory and create an executable # at a specified file path that is the entry point into the CLI. # from __future__ import print_function import argparse import os import os.path import sys import platform import stat import tarfile import tempfile import shutil import subprocess import hashlib import glob import ssl import traceback try: # Attempt to load python 3 module from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import URLError except ImportError: # Import python 2 version from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError try: # Rename raw_input to input to support Python 2 input = raw_input except NameError: # Python 3 doesn't have raw_input pass def is_windows(): return sys.platform == 'win32' def is_ubuntu_or_debian(): curr_platform = platform.platform().lower() return any(x in curr_platform for x in ['ubuntu', 'debian']) optional_feature_list = ['db (will install cx_Oracle)'] ACCEPT_ALL_DEFAULTS = False VIRTUALENV_VERSION = '15.0.0' VIRTUALENV_ARCHIVE = VIRTUALENV_VERSION + '.tar.gz' VIRTUALENV_DOWNLOAD_URL = 'https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/archive/' + VIRTUALENV_ARCHIVE VIRTUALENV_ARCHIVE_SHA256 = 'a9759798e8bf7398084ef08c5ba98d4fb38bf2d2d9897deb01ee5412af8804b8' DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'lib', 'oracle-cli')) DEFAULT_EXEC_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'bin')) DEFAULT_SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', 'bin', 'oci-cli-scripts')) OCI_EXECUTABLE_NAME = 'oci.exe' if is_windows() else 'oci' DBAAS_SCRIPT_NAME = 'create_backup_from_onprem.exe' if is_windows() else 'create_backup_from_onprem' USER_BASH_RC = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.bashrc')) USER_BASH_PROFILE = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.bash_profile')) SOURCE_AUTOCOMPLETE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE = '[[ -e "{completion_file_path}" ]] && source "{completion_file_path}"' RELATIVE_PATH_TO_AUTOCOMPLETE_SCRIPT = os.path.join('oci_cli', 'bin', 'oci_autocomplete.sh') RELATIVE_PATH_TO_POWERSHELL_AUTOCOMPLETE_SCRIPT = os.path.join('oci_cli', 'bin', 'OciTabExpansion.ps1') DEFAULT_OPTIONAL_FEATURES = '' # Default is to not install any optional features during OCI CLI installation class CLIInstallError(Exception): pass def print_status(msg=''): print('-- ' + msg) def prompt_input(msg): return input('\n===> ' + msg) def prompt_input_with_default(msg, default): if ACCEPT_ALL_DEFAULTS: return default if default: return prompt_input("{} (leave blank to use '{}'): ".format(msg, default)) or default else: return prompt_input('{}: '.format(msg)) def prompt_y_n(msg, default=None): if default not in [None, 'y', 'n']: raise ValueError("Valid values for default are 'y', 'n' or None") y = 'Y' if default == 'y' else 'y' n = 'N' if default == 'n' else 'n' if ACCEPT_ALL_DEFAULTS: return default == y.lower() while True: ans = prompt_input('{} ({}/{}): '.format(msg, y, n)) if ans.lower() == n.lower(): return False if ans.lower() == y.lower(): return True if default and not ans: return default == y.lower() def exec_command(command_list, cwd=None, env=None): print_status('Executing: ' + str(command_list)) subprocess.check_call(command_list, cwd=cwd, env=env) def create_tmp_dir(): tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() return tmp_dir def create_dir(dir): if not os.path.isdir(dir): print_status("Creating directory '{}'.".format(dir)) os.makedirs(dir) def is_valid_sha256sum(a_file, expected_sum): sha256 = hashlib.sha256() with open(a_file, 'rb') as f: sha256.update(f.read()) computed_hash = sha256.hexdigest() return expected_sum == computed_hash def download_and_create_virtualenv(tmp_dir, install_dir): download_location = os.path.join(tmp_dir, VIRTUALENV_ARCHIVE) print_status('Downloading virtualenv package from {}.'.format(VIRTUALENV_DOWNLOAD_URL)) try: response = urlopen(VIRTUALENV_DOWNLOAD_URL) except URLError as e: if e.reason and isinstance(e.reason, ssl.SSLError): traceback.print_exc() sys.exit('ERROR: Failed to download virtualenv package. Please check that your trusted certificates are up to date and include the certificates necessary to verify github.com') else: raise e with open(download_location, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.read()) print_status("Downloaded virtualenv package to {}.".format(download_location)) if is_valid_sha256sum(download_location, VIRTUALENV_ARCHIVE_SHA256): print_status("Checksum of {} OK.".format(download_location)) else: raise CLIInstallError("The checksum of the downloaded virtualenv package does not match.") print_status("Extracting '{}' to '{}'.".format(download_location, tmp_dir)) package_tar = tarfile.open(download_location) package_tar.extractall(path=tmp_dir) package_tar.close() virtualenv_dir_name = 'virtualenv-' + VIRTUALENV_VERSION working_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, virtualenv_dir_name) # due to an issue with virtualenv on windows, we need to explicitly copy some dlls into the virtual environment # or the python executable in the virtualenv will crash upon invocation # for python 3 one possible alternative is to use venv instead of virtualenv if is_windows(): print_status('Copying DLLs into virtualenv.') dest_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, 'Scripts') os.makedirs(dest_dir) src_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) for dll in glob.glob(os.path.join(src_dir, '*.dll')): print_status('Copying {} to {}'.format(dll, dest_dir)) shutil.copy(dll, dest_dir) cmd = [sys.executable, 'virtualenv.py', '--python', sys.executable, install_dir] exec_command(cmd, cwd=working_dir) def install_python3_venv(): cmd = ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'update'] if DRY_RUN: print_status('dry-run: Skipping apt-get update, cmd=' + str(cmd)) else: exec_command(cmd) print_status('Installing python3-venv.') cmd = ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', 'python3-venv', '-y'] if DRY_RUN: print_status('dry-run: Skipping apt-get install python3-venv, cmd=' + str(cmd)) else: exec_command(cmd) def upgrade_pip_wheel(tmp_dir, install_dir): if is_windows(): path_to_pip = os.path.join(install_dir, 'Scripts', 'pip') else: path_to_pip = os.path.join(install_dir, 'bin', 'pip') cmd = [path_to_pip, 'install', '--upgrade', 'pip'] if DRY_RUN: print_status('dry-run: Skipping pip upgrade, cmd=' + str(cmd)) else: exec_command(cmd) cmd = [path_to_pip, 'install', '--cache-dir', tmp_dir, 'wheel', '--upgrade'] if DRY_RUN: print_status('dry-run: Skipping wheel upgrade, cmd=' + str(cmd)) else: exec_command(cmd) def create_virtualenv(tmp_dir, install_dir): # Try to create virtaulenv using python3 venv, if venv is not installed or is having any issue, call download_and_create_virtualenv if DRY_RUN: print_status('dry-run: Skipping virtualenv setup') return try: # Since Ubuntu and Debian are having issues with python3 venv (mising ensurepip module), install python3-venv # package if is_ubuntu_or_debian(): install_python3_venv() print_status('Trying to use python3 venv.') cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'venv', install_dir] exec_command(cmd) if not is_windows(): upgrade_pip_wheel(tmp_dir, install_dir) except Exception: print_status('System was unable to use venv, is going to download and create virtualenv.') download_and_create_virtualenv(tmp_dir, install_dir) def install_cli(install_dir, tmp_dir, version, optional_features): if is_windows(): path_to_pip = os.path.join(install_dir, 'Scripts', 'pip') else: path_to_pip = os.path.join(install_dir, 'bin', 'pip') # known issue on python 3 where shebang for scripts install using subprocess.call will not reference python executable from venv # fix is to unset this environment variable # https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/845 env = dict(os.environ) if '__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__' in os.environ: env.pop('__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__') # The python installer handles 2 cases: # 1) full install zip bundles -- originally for distributing preview builds # --oci-cli-version can be used to pick the version of the local whl package # 2) installation from pypi # --oci-cli-version can be used to pick the version of oci-cli from pypi match_wheel = "oci_cli*.whl" cli_package_name = 'oci_cli' if version: cli_package_name += '==' + version match_wheel = "oci_cli*" + version + "*.whl" if (optional_features): cli_package_name += '[' + optional_features + ']' # Check if we should install a local full-install bundle. oci_cli_whl_files = glob.glob(match_wheel) if os.path.exists('./cli-deps') and len(oci_cli_whl_files) > 0: print_status("Installing {} from local resources.".format(oci_cli_whl_files[0])) cmd = [path_to_pip, 'install', '--cache-dir', tmp_dir, oci_cli_whl_files[0], '--upgrade', '--find-links', 'cli-deps'] else: cmd = [path_to_pip, 'install', '--cache-dir', tmp_dir, cli_package_name, '--upgrade'] if DRY_RUN: print_status('dry-run: Skipping CLI install, cmd=' + str(cmd)) return exec_command(cmd, env=env) def get_install_dir(allow_spaces): install_dir = None while not install_dir: prompt_message = 'In what directory would you like to place the install?' install_dir = prompt_input_with_default(prompt_message, DEFAULT_INSTALL_DIR) install_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(install_dir)) if ' ' in install_dir and not allow_spaces: print_status("The install directory '{}' cannot contain spaces.".format(install_dir)) install_dir = None else: create_dir(install_dir) if os.listdir(install_dir): print_status("Install directory '{}' is not empty and may contain a previous installation.".format(install_dir)) if ACCEPT_ALL_DEFAULTS: # default behavior is to NOT delete an existing directory and re-prompt for install_dir, but we can't re-prompt if ACCEPT_ALL_DEFAULTS is set sys.exit("Refusing to remove existing directory {}. Please remove directory manually and re-run installation script.".format(install_dir)) ans_yes = prompt_y_n('Remove this directory?', 'n') if ans_yes: try: shutil.rmtree(install_dir) except Exception: sys.exit("Failed to remove directory: {}. Please remove directory manually and re-run installation script.".format(install_dir)) print_status("Deleted '{}'.".format(install_dir)) create_dir(install_dir) else: # User opted to not delete the directory so ask for install directory again install_dir = None print_status("We will install at '{}'.".format(install_dir)) return install_dir def get_exec_dir(install_dir, allow_spaces): exec_dir = None while not exec_dir: prompt_message = "In what directory would you like to place the '{}' executable?".format(OCI_EXECUTABLE_NAME) exec_dir = prompt_input_with_default(prompt_message, DEFAULT_EXEC_DIR) exec_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(exec_dir)) if ' ' in exec_dir and not allow_spaces: print_status("The executable directory '{}' cannot contain spaces.".format(exec_dir)) exec_dir = None continue install_dir_bin_folder = 'Scripts' if is_windows() else 'bin' install_bin_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, install_dir_bin_folder) if exec_dir == install_bin_dir: print_status("The executable directory cannot be the same as the {} directory of the virtualenv. Adding this directory to your PATH could interfere with your system python installation.".format(install_dir_bin_folder)) exec_dir = None create_dir(exec_dir) print_status("The executable will be in '{}'.".format(exec_dir)) return exec_dir def get_script_dir(install_dir, allow_spaces): script_dir = None while not script_dir: prompt_message = "In what directory would you like to place the OCI scripts?" script_dir = prompt_input_with_default(prompt_message, DEFAULT_SCRIPT_DIR) script_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(script_dir)) if ' ' in script_dir and not allow_spaces: print_status("The script directory '{}' cannot contain spaces.".format(script_dir)) script_dir = None continue install_dir_bin_folder = 'Scripts' if is_windows() else 'bin' install_bin_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, install_dir_bin_folder) if script_dir == install_bin_dir: print_status("The script directory cannot be the same as the {} directory of the virtualenv. Adding this directory to your PATH could interfere with your system python installation.".format(install_dir_bin_folder)) script_dir = None create_dir(script_dir) print_status("The scripts will be in '{}'.".format(script_dir)) return script_dir def get_optional_features(): prompt_message = "Currently supported optional packages are: {}\n" \ "What optional CLI packages would you like to be installed (comma separated names; press enter if " \ "you don't need any optional packages)?".format(optional_feature_list) optional_features = prompt_input_with_default(prompt_message, DEFAULT_OPTIONAL_FEATURES) print_status("The optional packages installed will be '{}'.".format(optional_features)) return optional_features def _backup_rc(rc_file): try: shutil.copyfile(rc_file, rc_file + '.backup') print_status("Backed up '{}' to '{}'".format(rc_file, rc_file + '.backup')) except (OSError, IOError): pass def _get_default_rc_file(): bashrc_exists = os.path.isfile(USER_BASH_RC) bash_profile_exists = os.path.isfile(USER_BASH_PROFILE) if not bashrc_exists and bash_profile_exists: return USER_BASH_PROFILE if bashrc_exists and bash_profile_exists and platform.system().lower() == 'darwin': return USER_BASH_PROFILE return USER_BASH_RC if bashrc_exists else None def _default_rc_file_creation_step(): rcfile = USER_BASH_PROFILE if platform.system().lower() == 'darwin' else USER_BASH_RC ans_yes = prompt_y_n('Could not automatically find a suitable file to use. Create {} now?'.format(rcfile), default='y') if ans_yes: open(rcfile, 'a').close() return rcfile return None def _find_line_in_file(file_path, search_pattern): try: with open(file_path, 'r') as search_file: for line in search_file: if search_pattern in line: return True except (OSError, IOError): pass return False def _modify_rc(rc_file_path, line_to_add): if not _find_line_in_file(rc_file_path, line_to_add): with open(rc_file_path, 'a') as rc_file: rc_file.write('\n' + line_to_add + '\n') def get_rc_file_path(): rc_file = None default_rc_file = _get_default_rc_file() if not default_rc_file: rc_file = _default_rc_file_creation_step() rc_file = rc_file or prompt_input_with_default('Enter a path to an rc file to update', default_rc_file) if rc_file: rc_file_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(rc_file)) if os.path.isfile(rc_file_path): return rc_file_path print_status("The file '{}' could not be found.".format(rc_file_path)) return None def warn_other_oci_on_path(exec_dir, exec_filepath): env_path = os.environ.get('PATH') conflicting_paths = [] if env_path: for p in env_path.split(':'): p_to_oci = os.path.join(p, OCI_EXECUTABLE_NAME) if p != exec_dir: if os.path.isfile(p_to_oci): conflicting_paths.append(p_to_oci) if conflicting_paths: print_status() print_status("** WARNING: Other '{}' executables are on your $PATH. **".format(OCI_EXECUTABLE_NAME)) print_status("Conflicting paths: {}".format(', '.join(conflicting_paths))) print_status("You can run this installation of the CLI with '{}'.".format(exec_filepath)) def handle_path_and_tab_completion(completion_file_path, exec_filepath, exec_dir, update_path_and_enable_tab_completion, rc_file_path): if DRY_RUN: print_status("dry-run: Skipping handle_path_and_tab_completion") print_status("dry-run: update_path_and_enable_tab_completion=" + str(update_path_and_enable_tab_completion)) print_status("dry-run: rc_file_path=" + str(rc_file_path)) return if is_windows(): if update_path_and_enable_tab_completion: ans_yes = True else: ans_yes = prompt_y_n('Modify PATH to include the CLI and enable tab completion in PowerShell now?', 'y') if ans_yes: # Add autocomplete to the user's profile. Assume that powershell is on the path profile_file_path = subprocess.check_output(['powershell', '-NoProfile', 'echo $profile']).decode(sys.stdout.encoding).strip() if not os.path.exists(profile_file_path): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(profile_file_path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(profile_file_path)) with open(profile_file_path, 'w') as f: f.write('. "{}"'.format(completion_file_path)) else: with open(profile_file_path, 'a+') as f: current_file_contents = f.read() if current_file_contents.find(completion_file_path) >= 0: # They have the tab completion script in the place we thought already. No action needed pass elif current_file_contents.find('OciTabExpansion.ps1') >= 0: # They have the tab completion script, but not in the place we thought. Print out a warning # but otherwise take no action on the profile print_status() format_str = "It looks like tab completion for oci is already configured in {profile_file_path}. If you wish to replace this with the tab completion script included in this version of the CLI, please remove any lines containing 'OciTabExpansion.ps1' from {profile_file_path} and then run 'oci setup autocomplete'" print_status(format_str.format(profile_file_path=profile_file_path)) else: # They don't have the tab completion script in their profile. Add it f.write('\n. "{}"\n'.format(completion_file_path)) # powershell one-liner to append the exec_dir to the USER path permanently # makes the assumption that powershell is on the PATH already command = "powershell -Command \"[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(\\\"PATH\\\", \\\"{};\\\" + (Get-ItemProperty -Path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment' -Name PATH).Path, \\\"User\\\")".format(exec_dir) # noqa: W605 subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) print_status() print_status('** Close and re-open PowerShell to reload changes to your PATH **') print_status('In order to run the autocomplete script, you may also need to set your PowerShell execution policy to allow for running local scripts (as an Administrator run Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned in a PowerShell prompt)') print_status() else: print_status("If you change your mind, dot source {} in your PowerShell profile and restart your shell to enable tab completion.".format(completion_file_path)) print_status("You can run the CLI with '{}'.".format(exec_filepath)) else: if update_path_and_enable_tab_completion: ans_yes = True else: ans_yes = prompt_y_n('Modify profile to update your $PATH and enable shell/tab completion now?', 'y') if ans_yes: if rc_file_path is None: rc_file_path = get_rc_file_path() if not rc_file_path: raise CLIInstallError('No suitable profile file found.') _backup_rc(rc_file_path) line_to_add = "export PATH={}:$PATH".format(exec_dir) _modify_rc(rc_file_path, line_to_add) line_to_add = SOURCE_AUTOCOMPLETE_COMMAND_TEMPLATE.format(completion_file_path=completion_file_path) _modify_rc(rc_file_path, line_to_add) print_status('Tab completion set up complete.') print_status("If tab completion is not activated, verify that '{}' is sourced by your shell.".format(rc_file_path)) warn_other_oci_on_path(exec_dir, exec_filepath) print_status() print_status('** Run `exec -l $SHELL` to restart your shell. **') print_status() else: print_status("If you change your mind, add 'source {}' to your rc file and restart your shell to enable tab completion.".format(completion_file_path)) print_status("You can run the CLI with '{}'.".format(exec_filepath)) def verify_python_version(): print_status('Verifying Python version.') v = sys.version_info valid_version = v >= (2, 7, 5) if v.major == 2 else v >= (3, 5, 0) if not valid_version: raise CLIInstallError('The CLI does not support Python 2 versions less than 2.7.5 or Python 3 versions less than 3.5.0.') if 'conda' in sys.version: raise CLIInstallError("This script does not support the Python Anaconda environment. " "Create an Anaconda virtual environment and install with 'pip'") print_status('Python version {}.{}.{} okay.'.format(v.major, v.minor, v.micro)) # This code is being deprecated. See verify_native_dependencies() below. def _native_dependencies_for_dist(verify_cmd_args, update_cmd_args, install_cmd_args, dep_list): try: print_status("Executing: '{} {}'".format(' '.join(verify_cmd_args), ' '.join(dep_list))) subprocess.check_output(verify_cmd_args + dep_list, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) print_status('Native dependencies okay.') except subprocess.CalledProcessError: err_msg = 'One or more of the following native dependencies are not currently installed and may be required.\n' err_msg += '"{}"'.format(' '.join(install_cmd_args + dep_list)) print_status(err_msg) prompt = 'Missing native dependencies. Continue and install the following dependencies: {}?'.format(', '.join(dep_list)) ans_yes = prompt_y_n(prompt, 'y') if not ans_yes: raise CLIInstallError('Please install the native dependencies and try again.') # run command to update packages for this OS (e.g. apt-get update) subprocess.call(update_cmd_args) # run command to install packages using native package manager (e.g. apt-get install {deps}) subprocess.call(install_cmd_args + dep_list) # This code is being deprecated. # Also the name is a little goofy as it does more than just verify your system, it actually can modify your system. # Installing native dependencies on ubuntu 18, may cause the system to restart which is disruptive to this installer. # By removing this code we are removing the dependency for needing elevated sudo privs to run this script. # We also no longer need to compile the crypto python package, so it will also speed things up. # # We already have OS specific front end scripts, install.sh and install.ps1. # Any OS native dependencies should be done in one of those front end scripts. # They will already require elevated sudo privs in order to install python, if it is not present. # # This will give flexibility to organizations to have sysadmins install system requirements whereas this # python CLI installer can be run by average users without elevated sudo permissions. def verify_native_dependencies(): distname, version, _ = platform.linux_distribution() if not distname: # There's no distribution name so can't determine native dependencies required / or they may not be needed like on OS X return print_status('Verifying native dependencies.') is_python3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 distname = distname.lower().strip() verify_cmd_args = None install_cmd_args = None dep_list = None if any(x in distname for x in ['ubuntu', 'debian']): verify_cmd_args = ['dpkg', '-s'] update_cmd_args = ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'update'] install_cmd_args = ['sudo', 'apt-get', 'install', '-y'] python_dep = 'python3-dev' if is_python3 else 'python-dev' if distname == 'ubuntu' and version in ['12.04', '14.04'] or distname == 'debian' and version.startswith('7'): dep_list = ['libssl-dev', 'libffi-dev', python_dep] elif distname == 'ubuntu' and version in ['15.10', '16.04', '18.04'] or distname == 'debian' and (version.startswith('8') or version.startswith('10')): dep_list = ['libssl-dev', 'libffi-dev', python_dep, 'build-essential'] elif any(x in distname for x in ['centos', 'rhel', 'red hat']): verify_cmd_args = ['rpm', '-q'] update_cmd_args = ['sudo', 'yum', 'check-update'] install_cmd_args = ['sudo', 'yum', 'install', '-y'] # python3-devel not available on yum but python3Xu-devel versions available. python_dep = 'python3{}u-devel'.format(sys.version_info[1]) if is_python3 else 'python-devel' dep_list = ['gcc', 'libffi-devel', python_dep, 'openssl-devel'] if verify_cmd_args and install_cmd_args and dep_list: if DRY_RUN: print_status("dry-run: Skipping native_dependencies execution.") print_status("dry-run: verify_cmd_args=" + str(verify_cmd_args)) print_status("dry-run: update_cmd_args=" + str(update_cmd_args)) print_status("dry-run: install_cmd_args=" + str(install_cmd_args)) print_status("dry-run: dep_list=" + str(dep_list)) _native_dependencies_for_dist(verify_cmd_args, update_cmd_args, install_cmd_args, dep_list) else: print_status("Unable to verify native dependencies. dist={}, version={}. Continuing...".format(distname, version)) def verify_install_dir_exec_path_conflict(install_dir, exec_path): if install_dir == exec_path: raise CLIInstallError("The executable file '{}' would clash with the install directory of '{}'. Choose either a different install directory or directory to place the executable.".format(exec_path, install_dir)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Install Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI.') parser.add_argument('--accept-all-defaults', action='store_true', help='If this flag is specified, no user prompts will be displayed and all default prompt ' 'responses will be used. This flag can be used in combination with other input ' 'parameters/flags. When used with other parameters/flags, other parameter values ' 'mentioned on command line take precedence over default values.') parser.add_argument('--optional-features', help="""This input param is used to specify any optional features that need to be installed as part of OCI CLI install .e.g. to run dbaas script 'create_backup_from_onprem', users need to install optional "db" feature which will install dependent cxOracle package. Use this optional input param as follows: --optional-features feature1,feature2""") parser.add_argument('--install-dir', help='This input parameter allows the user to specify the directory where ' 'CLI installation is done.') parser.add_argument('--exec-dir', help='This input parameter allows the user to specify the directory where CLI ' 'executable is stored.') parser.add_argument('--update-path-and-enable-tab-completion', action='store_true', help='If this flag is specified, the PATH environment variable is updated to include CLI ' 'executable and tab auto completion of CLI commands is enabled. It does require rc ' 'file path in *NIX systems which can be either given interactively or using the ' '--rc-file-path option') parser.add_argument('--rc-file-path', help='This input param is used in *NIX systems to update the corresponding ' 'shell rc file with command auto completion and modification to ' 'PATH environment variable with CLI executable path. It requires ' 'shell\'s rc file path. e.g. ~/.bashrc. Ideally, should be used with ' 'the --update-path-and-enable-tab-completion option') parser.add_argument('--oci-cli-version', help='The pip version of CLI to install.') parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Do not install virtualenv or CLI but go through the motions.') parser.add_argument('--verify-native-dependencies', action='store_true', help='Check whether linux native dependencies are available to compile modules like cryptography.') args = parser.parse_args() global ACCEPT_ALL_DEFAULTS ACCEPT_ALL_DEFAULTS = args.accept_all_defaults global DRY_RUN DRY_RUN = args.dry_run OPTIONAL_FEATURES = args.optional_features install_dir = args.install_dir exec_dir = args.exec_dir verify_python_version() if args.verify_native_dependencies: verify_native_dependencies() tmp_dir = create_tmp_dir() allow_spaces = False # on *nix systems, virtualenv pip does not work properly when there are spaces in the dir. if is_windows(): allow_spaces = True if install_dir is None: install_dir = get_install_dir(allow_spaces) else: # Create the install directory provided by the user if it does not exist create_dir(install_dir) if exec_dir is None: exec_dir = get_exec_dir(install_dir, allow_spaces) else: # Create the executable directory provided by the user if it does not exist create_dir(exec_dir) script_dir = get_script_dir(install_dir, allow_spaces) if OPTIONAL_FEATURES is None: OPTIONAL_FEATURES = get_optional_features() oci_exec_path = os.path.join(exec_dir, OCI_EXECUTABLE_NAME) dbaas_exec_path = os.path.join(script_dir, DBAAS_SCRIPT_NAME) verify_install_dir_exec_path_conflict(install_dir, oci_exec_path) create_virtualenv(tmp_dir, install_dir) install_cli(install_dir, tmp_dir, args.oci_cli_version, OPTIONAL_FEATURES) if DRY_RUN: print_status("dry-run: Skipping copying files to Scripts/bin directories.") print_status("dry-run: exec_dir=" + exec_dir) completion_file_path = None elif is_windows(): venv_python_executable = os.path.join(install_dir, 'Scripts', 'python') venv_site_packages_directory = subprocess.check_output([venv_python_executable, '-c', 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())']).strip() completion_file_path = os.path.join(venv_site_packages_directory.decode(sys.stdout.encoding), RELATIVE_PATH_TO_POWERSHELL_AUTOCOMPLETE_SCRIPT) # copy the executable created from the pip install to the bin directory specified by the user shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(install_dir, 'Scripts', OCI_EXECUTABLE_NAME), oci_exec_path) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(install_dir, 'Scripts', DBAAS_SCRIPT_NAME), dbaas_exec_path) else: # copy the executable created from the pip install to the bin directory specified by the user shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(install_dir, 'bin', OCI_EXECUTABLE_NAME), oci_exec_path) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(install_dir, 'bin', DBAAS_SCRIPT_NAME), dbaas_exec_path) oci_exec_cur_stat = os.stat(oci_exec_path) dbaas_exec_cur_stat = os.stat(dbaas_exec_path) os.chmod(oci_exec_path, oci_exec_cur_stat.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH) os.chmod(dbaas_exec_path, dbaas_exec_cur_stat.st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH) # find the site-packages directory in the virtual environment where we installed oci # and use the autocomplete script contained in the bin/ directory venv_python_executable = os.path.join(install_dir, 'bin', 'python') venv_site_packages_directory = subprocess.check_output([venv_python_executable, '-c', 'from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())']).strip() completion_file_path = os.path.join(venv_site_packages_directory.decode(sys.stdout.encoding), RELATIVE_PATH_TO_AUTOCOMPLETE_SCRIPT) try: # this function prints out the executable location so we only want to point users to 'oci' handle_path_and_tab_completion(completion_file_path, oci_exec_path, exec_dir, args.update_path_and_enable_tab_completion, args.rc_file_path) except Exception as e: print_status("Unable to set up tab completion. ERROR: {}".format(str(e))) shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) print_status("Installation successful.") print_status("Run the CLI with {} --help".format(oci_exec_path)) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except CLIInstallError as cie: print('ERROR: ' + str(cie), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n\nExiting...') sys.exit(1)