# # Vagrantfile for Oracle Cloud Native Environment # # Copyright (c) 2019, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at # https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl. # # Description: Deploys an Oracle Cloud Native Environment # # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. # # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # This Vagrantfile creates an Oracle Cloud Native Environment and # deploys the Kubernetes module to the master and worker nodes. # VMs communicate via a private network using subnet 192.168.99.* (by default): # - HA Master IP: (Virtual IP, when in HA mode) # - Operator : (Optional, none by default) # - Master i : 192.168.99.(100+i) (1 by default, 3 in HA mode) # - Worker i : 192.168.99.(110+i) (2 by default) # - MetalLB Pool: - # # Optional plugins: # vagrant-hosts (maintains /etc/hosts for the VMs) # vagrant-env (use .env files for configuration) # vagrant-proxyconf (if you don't have direct access to the Internet) # see https://github.com/tmatilai/vagrant-proxyconf for configuration # # Required for the Disks feature Vagrant.require_version ">= 2.2.8" ENV['VAGRANT_EXPERIMENTAL'] = 'disks' # Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing! VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" ENV['VAGRANT_NO_PARALLEL'] = 'yes' # Box metadata location and box name BOX_URL = "https://oracle.github.io/vagrant-projects/boxes" BOX_NAME = "oraclelinux/8" # Define constants Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| # Use vagrant-env plugin if available if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-env") config.env.load(".env.local", ".env") # enable the plugin end # Default Private Network Subnet SUBNET = default_s('SUBNET', '192.168.99') # vCPUS and Memory for the VMs OPERATOR_CPUS = default_i('OPERATOR_CPUS', 1) OPERATOR_MEMORY = default_i("OPERATOR_MEMORY", 1024) MASTER_CPUS = default_i('MASTER_CPUS', 2) MASTER_MEMORY = default_i("MASTER_MEMORY", 2048) WORKER_CPUS = default_i('WORKER_CPUS', 1) WORKER_MEMORY = default_i("WORKER_MEMORY", 1024) # Group VirtualBox containers VB_GROUP = default_s("VB_GROUP", "OCNE") # Multi-master setup. Deploy 3 masters in HA mode. MULTI_MASTER = default_b('MULTI_MASTER', false) # Separate operator node for the Oracle Cloud Native Environment # Platform API Server and Platform Agent (default is to install the # components on the (first) master node # # If multi-master is enabled, the standalone operator is automatically # enabled for routing purposes if MULTI_MASTER STANDALONE_OPERATOR = true else STANDALONE_OPERATOR = default_b('STANDALONE_OPERATOR', false) end # Creates an extra disk (/dev/sdb) so it can be used as a # Gluster Storage for Kubernetes Persistent Volumes EXTRA_DISK = default_b('EXTRA_DISK', false) # Override number of masters to deploy # This should not be changed -- for development purpose NB_MASTERS = default_i('NB_MASTERS', MULTI_MASTER ? 3 : 1) # Number of worker nodes to provision NB_WORKERS = default_i('NB_WORKERS', 2) # Bind the kubectl proxy from the (first) master to the vagrant host BIND_PROXY = default_b('BIND_PROXY', false) # Additional yum channel to consider (e.g. local repo) YUM_REPO = default_s('YUM_REPO', '') # Add Oracle Cloud Native Environment developer channel OCNE_DEV = default_b('OCNE_DEV', false) # Set the default OCNE_ENV_NAME and OCNE_CLUSTER_NAMEs OCNE_ENV_NAME = default_s('OCNE_ENV_NAME', 'ocne-env') OCNE_CLUSTER_NAME = default_s('OCNE_CLUSTER_NAME', 'ocne-cluster') # Container registry for Oracle Cloud Native Environment images # You can use registry mirrors in a region close to you. # Check the README.md file for more details. REGISTRY_OCNE = default_s('REGISTRY_OCNE', 'container-registry.oracle.com/olcne') # Deploy Istio? DEPLOY_ISTIO = default_b('DEPLOY_ISTIO', false) # Deploy MetalLB? DEPLOY_METALLB = default_b('DEPLOY_METALLB', false) # Deploy Gluster? DEPLOY_GLUSTER = default_b('DEPLOY_GLUSTER', false) # Helm is required to deploy Istio, MetalLB or Gluster. Otherwise it's optional if DEPLOY_ISTIO or DEPLOY_METALLB or DEPLOY_GLUSTER DEPLOY_HELM = true else DEPLOY_HELM = default_b('DEPLOY_HELM', false) end HELM_MODULE_NAME = default_s('HELM_MODULE_NAME', 'ocne-helm') ISTIO_MODULE_NAME = default_s('ISTIO_MODULE_NAME', 'ocne-istio') METALLB_MODULE_NAME = default_s('METALLB_MODULE_NAME', 'ocne-metallb') GLUSTER_MODULE_NAME = default_s('GLUSTER_MODULE_NAME', 'ocne-gluster') # Use specific component version (mainly used for development) NGINX_IMAGE = default_s('NGINX_IMAGE', 'nginx:1.17.7') # Update Base OS UPDATE_OS = default_b('UPDATE_OS', false) # Verbose console VERBOSE = default_b('VERBOSE', false) end # Convenience methods def default_s(key, default) ENV[key] && ! ENV[key].empty? ? ENV[key] : default end def default_i(key, default) default_s(key, default).to_i end def default_b(key, default) default_s(key, default).to_s.downcase == "true" end def ensure_scheme(url) (url =~ /.*:\/\// ? "" : "http://") + url end def update_os(vm) if UPDATE_OS vm.provision :shell, inline: "dnf -y update", privileged: true, reboot: true end end def provision_vm(vm, vm_args) args = vm_args.clone args.push("--ocne-environment-name", OCNE_ENV_NAME) args.push("--ocne-cluster-name", OCNE_CLUSTER_NAME) args.push("--multi-master") if MULTI_MASTER args.push("--repo", YUM_REPO) unless YUM_REPO == "" args.push("--ocne-dev") if OCNE_DEV args.push("--with-helm") if DEPLOY_HELM args.push("--helm-module-name", HELM_MODULE_NAME) if DEPLOY_HELM args.push("--with-istio") if DEPLOY_ISTIO args.push("--istio-module-name", ISTIO_MODULE_NAME) if DEPLOY_ISTIO args.push("--with-metallb") if DEPLOY_METALLB args.push("--metallb-module-name", METALLB_MODULE_NAME) if DEPLOY_METALLB args.push("--with-gluster") if DEPLOY_GLUSTER args.push("--gluster-module-name", GLUSTER_MODULE_NAME) if DEPLOY_GLUSTER args.push("--registry-ocne", REGISTRY_OCNE) if REGISTRY_OCNE args.push("--verbose") if VERBOSE vm.provision "shell", path: "scripts/provision.sh", args: args, privileged: false end Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| config.vm.box = BOX_NAME config.vm.box_url = "#{BOX_URL}/#{BOX_NAME}.json" # If we use the vagrant-proxyconf plugin, we should not proxy k8s/local IPs # Unfortunately we can't use CIDR with no_proxy, so we have to enumerate and # 'blacklist' *all* IPs if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-proxyconf") has_proxy = false ["http_proxy", "HTTP_PROXY"].each do |proxy_var| if proxy = ENV[proxy_var] puts "HTTP proxy: " + proxy config.proxy.http = ensure_scheme(proxy) has_proxy = true break end end ["https_proxy", "HTTPS_PROXY"].each do |proxy_var| if proxy = ENV[proxy_var] puts "HTTPS proxy: " + proxy config.proxy.https = ensure_scheme(proxy) has_proxy = true break end end if has_proxy # Only consider no_proxy if we have proxies defined. no_proxy = "" ["no_proxy", "NO_PROXY"].each do |proxy_var| if ENV[proxy_var] no_proxy = ENV[proxy_var] puts "No proxy: " + no_proxy no_proxy += "," break end end config.proxy.no_proxy = no_proxy + "localhost,.vagrant.vm," + (".0"..".255").to_a.join(",") end end # Provider-specific configuration -- VirtualBox config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.linked_clone = false vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--groups", "/" + VB_GROUP] vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nested-hw-virt", "on"] end config.vm.provider :libvirt do |lv| lv.nested = true end # Workers provisioning workers = "" (1..NB_WORKERS).each do |i| config.vm.define "worker#{i}" do |worker| worker.vm.hostname = "worker#{i}.vagrant.vm" ip = 110 + i ip_addr = "#{SUBNET}.#{ip}" workers += "#{ip_addr}," worker.vm.network :private_network, nic_type: "virtio", ip: ip_addr if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-hosts") worker.vm.provision :hosts, :sync_hosts => true, :add_localhost_hostnames => false end worker.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb, override| vb.name = "worker#{i}" vb.memory = WORKER_MEMORY vb.cpus = WORKER_CPUS if EXTRA_DISK override.vm.disk :disk, size: '16GB', name: 'extra_disk' end end config.vm.provider :libvirt do |lv| lv.memory = WORKER_MEMORY lv.cpus = WORKER_CPUS if EXTRA_DISK lv.storage :file, :size => '16G', :type => 'qcow2' end end # Update OS if UPDATE_OS=true update_os(worker.vm) # Provisioning: Worker Node provision_vm(worker.vm, ["--worker"]) end end # Masters provisioning masters = "" NB_MASTERS.downto(1) do |i| config.vm.define "master#{i}" do |master| master.vm.hostname = "master#{i}.vagrant.vm" ip = 100 + i ip_addr = "#{SUBNET}.#{ip}" masters += "#{ip_addr}," master.vm.network :private_network, nic_type: "virtio", ip: ip_addr if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-hosts") master.vm.provision :hosts, :sync_hosts => true, :add_localhost_hostnames => false end master.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.name = "master#{i}" vb.memory = MASTER_MEMORY vb.cpus = MASTER_CPUS end config.vm.provider :libvirt do |lv| lv.memory = MASTER_MEMORY lv.cpus = MASTER_CPUS end if BIND_PROXY && i == 1 # Bind kubectl proxy port master.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 8001, host: 8001 end # Update OS if UPDATE_OS=true update_os(master.vm) # Provisioning: Master Node args = ["--master", "--nginx-image", NGINX_IMAGE] if !STANDALONE_OPERATOR && i == 1 args.push("--operator") args.push("--subnet", SUBNET) args.push("--workers", workers.chop) args.push("--masters", masters.chop) end provision_vm(master.vm, args) end end # Operator node, if STANDALONE_OPERATOR=true if STANDALONE_OPERATOR config.vm.define "operator" do |operator| operator.vm.hostname = "operator.vagrant.vm" operator.vm.network :private_network, nic_type: "virtio", ip: "#{SUBNET}.100" if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-hosts") operator.vm.provision :hosts, :sync_hosts => true, :add_localhost_hostnames => false end operator.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| vb.name = "operator" vb.memory = OPERATOR_MEMORY vb.cpus = OPERATOR_CPUS end config.vm.provider :libvirt do |lv| lv.memory = OPERATOR_MEMORY lv.cpus = OPERATOR_CPUS end # Update OS if UPDATE_OS=true update_os(operator.vm) # Provisioning: Operator Node args = ["--operator"] args.push("--subnet", SUBNET) args.push("--workers", workers.chop) args.push("--masters", masters.chop) args.push("--nginx-image", NGINX_IMAGE) provision_vm(operator.vm, args) end end end