posts.html then open posts.html by going */ header( 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' ); header( 'X-Accel-Buffering: no' ); // In case this is run as a page. set_time_limit(3600); ob_implicit_flush(true); @ini_set('zlib.output_compression',0); @ini_set('implicit_flush',1); $php_cli = php_sapi_name() == 'cli'; $browser_job = ! $php_cli; $prefix = $browser_job ? dirname( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) : ''; $nl = "\n"; if ( $browser_job ) { $nl .= "
"; // Put something so the webservers don't buffer echo '' . "$nl"; } echo "Locating wp-cli ...$nl"; // paths to wp-cli $wp_paths = [ 'wp', '/usr/local/bin/wp', '/usr/bin/wp', __DIR__ . '/../bin/wp', ]; $found = 0; $wp_test = ''; foreach ($wp_paths as $wp) { $wp_test = trim(`$wp --info`); if (stripos($wp_test, 'WP-CLI root') !== false) { $found = 1; break; } } if (!$found) { die("wp-cli is missing. Can't continue."); } // echo "wp cli found.$nl"; if ( $browser_job ) { echo "

echo $wp_test;

if ( $browser_job ) {
    echo "
"; } echo $nl; echo "Getting all pages & posts ...$nl"; // will return a list all post IDs separated by spaces $ids_str = `$wp post list --post_type=post --format=ids`; //,page // Cleanup $ids_arr = preg_split('#\s+#si', $ids_str); $ids_arr = array_unique($ids_arr); $ids_arr = array_filter($ids_arr); sort($ids_arr); $cnt = count($ids_arr); echo "Found " . $cnt . " posts.$nl"; foreach ($ids_arr as $idx => $id) { $id = (int) $id; echo "Checking ID: $id [" . ( $idx + 1 ) . " of $cnt]$nl"; // $featured_img_id = `$wp post meta get $id _thumbnail_id`; $featured_img_id = trim($featured_img_id); $featured_img_id = (int) $featured_img_id; if (!empty($featured_img_id)) { // $guid_esc = escapeshellarg( "guid" ); $featured_img_url = `$wp post get $featured_img_id --field=$guid_esc`; $featured_img_url = trim($featured_img_url); if ( !empty($featured_img_url) && preg_match('#(/wp-content/uploads/.*)#si', $featured_img_url, $matches)) { if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . $matches[1])) { if ( $browser_job ) { echo "
"; } echo "Error:$nl"; echo "Missing thumbnail post [$id]$nl"; echo "Edt URL: /wp-admin/post.php?post=$id&action=edit$nl"; echo "File is missing: " . $matches[1] . "$nl"; echo "URL: " . $featured_img_url . "$nl"; if ( $browser_job ) { echo "
"; } } } } if ($idx % 5 == 0) { @ob_flush(); flush(); } } echo "Done$nl"; exit(0);