#+TITLE: Supoprted Syntax #+DATE: [2018-12-23 Sun] * Emphasis (can be in _headline_ too) [[https://github.com/orgapp/orgajs][Here's]] to the *crazy* ones, the /misfits/, the _rebels_, the ~troublemakers~, the round pegs in the +round+ square holes... * Horizontal Rule ------ * Footnote This[fn:1] is a footnote. * Blocks Code Blocks. Using ~:exports code~ #+BEGIN_SRC js :exports code console.log(`Only the code should be exported, not the results`) #+END_SRC #+RESULTS: : Hello Org : undefined Using ~:exports none~ #+BEGIN_SRC js :exports none console.log(`This shouldn't be exported`) #+END_SRC Block Quote. #+BEGIN_QUOTE I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. Just figure out what’s next. #+END_QUOTE Example Block. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE npm install orga #+END_EXAMPLE Comments (you are not expected to see anything here). #+BEGIN_COMMENT You are not suppose to see this. #+END_COMMENT Center. #+BEGIN_CENTER This line should be centered. #+END_CENTER Verse. #+BEGIN_VERSE Great clouds overhead Tiny black birds rise and fall Snow covers Emacs -- AlexSchroeder #+END_VERSE * List ** Ordered List 1. Apple 2. Orange 3. Banana ** Unordered List - Apple - Orange - Banana ** Nested List - Apple 1) iPhone 2) Mac 1) MacBook Pro 2) iMac 3) iMac Pro 4) Mac Pro 5) +MacBook Air+ - Banana - Orange ** With Checkbox - [X] Design - [x] Write Code - [-] Test - [ ] Ship ** Multi-line List Items - *Apple* is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. - Orange - Banana * Table | Name | Species | Gender | Role | |----------------+--------------+--------+--------------| | *Bruce Wayne* | +Bat+ Human | M | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman][Batman]] | | _Clark Kent_ | =Kryptonian= | M | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superman][Superman]] | | /Diana Prince/ | ~Amazonian~ | F | [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wonder_Woman][Wonder Woman]] | * Export #+HTML: small text #+BEGIN_EXPORT html

A Headline

And a Paragraph.

#+END_EXPORT * Links [[https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a6/Org-mode-unicorn.svg][image from URL]] [[file:logo.svg][image from local file]] [[./logo.svg][image with relative path]] [[./syntax.pdf][pdf file from local path]] [[file:another_org_file.org][link to another org file]] * Footnotes [fn:1] And this is the content of the footnote. And this is another line. #+BEGIN_SRC swift console.log(`code block works too`) #+END_SRC