# Lodash modules snippets (for sublime text) Import easily only the modules you need from [lodash](https://lodash.com/). Supports [lodash 4.5.0v](https://lodash.com/). ## Examples - CommonJS: typing `r_map` will resolve to `var map = require('lodash/map');` - ES2015: typing `i_map` will resolve to `import map from 'lodash/map';` ## Installation The recommended way is by using [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/): - open the command palette by typing `⌘+shift+p` on OS X or `ctrl+shift+p` on Windows/Linux - select `Package Control: Install Package` - type `Lodash modules snippets` The other way is: - open the terminal on sublime's packages folder - type `git clone https://github.com/oriSomething/lodash-modules-sublime.git`