//variables placed here are shared by all nodes var storage = require('node-persist'); //this should be a number that does not round nicely when convert to 0-100 range const bri_default = 126; const bri_step = 25; module.exports = function(RED) { 'use strict'; //NodeRED node constructor function AlexaLocalNode(config) { RED.nodes.createNode(this, config); var thisNode = this; //Initialize persist storage storage.initSync({dir: `${RED.settings.userDir}/alexa-local/persist`}); //Restore saved port number, if any //port == 0 when not available -> any available port (first time) // var lightId = formatUUID(config.id); // var port = getPortForLightId(lightId); // Use of port 80 required by Amazon Echo Dot (3rd Generation) port = 80; //HTTP Server to host the Hue API //We use stoppable to kill the server completely upon a deploy const graceMilliseconds = 500; var stoppable = require('stoppable'); var http = require('http'); var httpServer = stoppable(http.createServer(function(request, response){ handleHueApiRequestFunction(request, response, thisNode, config); }), graceMilliseconds); //handle httpServer error (eg. listen EACCES • a.k.a port in use) httpServer.on('error', function(error) { if (!error) { thisNode.status({fill:"red", shape:"ring", text:"unable to start [0] (p:" + port + ")"}); return; } var errorCode = null; if (error.code) errorCode = error.code; else if (error.errno) errorCode = error.errno; var errorText = ""; if (errorCode) errorText += errorCode; else errorText += "unable to start [1]"; errorText += " (p:" + port + ")"; thisNode.status({fill:"red", shape:"ring", text:errorText}); thisNode.error(error); }); //Start server httpServer.listen(port, function(error) { if (error) { thisNode.status({fill:"red", shape:"ring", text:"unable to start [2] (p:" + port + ")"}); RED.log.error(error); return; } //Extract the actual port number that was used var actualPort = httpServer.address().port; //Persist the port number attached to this NodeID setPortForLightId(lightId, actualPort); config.port = actualPort; thisNode.status({fill:"green", shape:"dot", text:"online (p:" + actualPort + ")"}); //Start discovery service after we know the port number startSSDP(thisNode, actualPort, config); }); //Input to update 'bri' value thisNode.on('input', function(msg) { handleInputMessage(thisNode, config, msg); }); //Clean up procedure before re-deploy thisNode.on('close', function(removed, doneFunction) { if (removed) { clearPortForLightId(lightId); clearLightBriForLightId(lightId); clearLightStateForLightId(lightId); } httpServer.stop(function(){ if (typeof doneFunction === 'function') doneFunction(); RED.log.info("AlexaLocalNode closing done..."); }); setImmediate(function(){ httpServer.emit('close'); }); }); } //NodeRED registration RED.nodes.registerType("alexa-local", AlexaLocalNode, { }); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SSDP Discovery service // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Start SSDP discovery service with the port discovered by HTTP server function startSSDP(thisNode, port, config) { //Sanity check if (port === null || port === undefined || port <= 0 || port >= 65536) { var errorMsg = "port is in valid (" + port + ")"; thisNode.status({fill:"red", shape:"ring", text:errorMsg}); RED.log.error(errorMsg); return; } var ssdp = require("peer-ssdp"); var peer = ssdp.createPeer(); peer.on("ready", function(){ }); peer.on("notify", function(headers, address){ }); peer.on("search", function(headers, address){ var isValid = headers.ST && headers.MAN == '"ssdp:discover"'; if (!isValid) return; var uuid = formatUUID(config.id); var hueuUuid = formatHueBridgeUUID(config.id); // {{networkInterfaceAddress}} will be replaced with the actual IP Address of // the corresponding network interface. var xmlLocation = "http://{{networkInterfaceAddress}}:" + port + "/upnp/amazon-ha-bridge/setup.xml"; // Response with 3 different templates // https://github.com/bwssytems/ha-bridge/blob/master/src/main/java/com/bwssystems/HABridge/upnp/UpnpListener.java var responseObj1 = { HOST: "", "CACHE-CONTROL": "max-age=100", EXT: "", LOCATION: xmlLocation, SERVER: "Linux/3.14.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.17.0", "hue-bridgeid": uuid, ST: "upnp:rootdevice", USN: "uuid:" + hueuUuid }; var responseObj2 = { HOST: "", "CACHE-CONTROL": "max-age=100", EXT: "", LOCATION: xmlLocation, SERVER: "Linux/3.14.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.17.0", "hue-bridgeid": uuid, ST: "uuid:" + hueuUuid, USN: "uuid:" + hueuUuid }; var responseObj3 = { HOST: "", "CACHE-CONTROL": "max-age=100", EXT: "", LOCATION: xmlLocation, SERVER: "Linux/3.14.0 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.17.0", "hue-bridgeid": uuid, ST: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:basic:1", USN: "uuid:" + hueuUuid }; //Delay: timing fix for Echo Dot Gen 2 //https://github.com/bwssytems/ha-bridge/issues/860 setTimeout(function() { peer.reply(responseObj1, address); }, 1500 + 100*1); setTimeout(function() { peer.reply(responseObj2, address); }, 1500 + 100*2); setTimeout(function() { peer.reply(responseObj3, address); }, 1500 + 100*3); }); peer.on("found",function(headers, address){ }); peer.on("close",function(){ }); peer.start(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // XML // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function constructAllLightsConfig(uuid, deviceName, httpPort) { return '{ "' + uuid + '": ' + constructOneLightConfig(uuid, deviceName, httpPort) + '}'; } function constructOneLightConfig(uuid, deviceName, httpPort) { var state = getLightStateForLightId(uuid); if (state === undefined || state === null) state = "true"; else state = state ? "true" : "false"; var fullResponseString = '{"state": {"on": ' + state + ', "bri": ' + bri_default + ', "hue": 15823, "sat": 88, "effect": "none", "ct": 313, "alert": "none", "colormode": "ct", "ct": 365, "reachable": true, "xy": [0.4255, 0.3998]}, "type": "Extended color light", "name": "' + deviceName + '", "modelid": "LCT004", "manufacturername": "Philips", "uniqueid": "' + uuid + '", "swversion": "65003148", "pointsymbol": {"1": "none", "2": "none", "3": "none", "4": "none", "5": "none", "6": "none", "7": "none", "8": "none"}}'; RED.log.debug(fullResponseString); return fullResponseString; } function constructBridgeSetupXml(lightId, deviceName, httpPort) { //IP Address of this local machine var ip = require("ip").address(); //Unique UUID for each bridge device var uuid = formatUUID(lightId); var bridgeUUID = formatHueBridgeUUID(lightId); //Load setup.xml & replace dynamic values var fs = require('fs'); var setupXml = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/setup.xml'); setupXml = setupXml.toString(); setupXml = setupXml.replace("IP_ADDRESS_WITH_PORT", ip + ":" + httpPort); setupXml = setupXml.replace("UUID_UUID_UUID", bridgeUUID); return setupXml; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle HTTP Request / Hue API // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Hue API emulation */ function handleHueApiRequestFunction(request, response, thisNode, config) { //Node parameters var lightId = formatUUID(config.id); var deviceName = ""; if (config.devicename) deviceName = config.devicename; var httpPort = 8082; if (config.port && config.port > 0) httpPort = config.port; var url = request.url; var lightMatch = /^\/api\/(\w*)\/lights\/([\w\-]*)/.exec(request.url); var authMatch = /^\/api/.exec(request.url) && (request.method == 'POST'); //Debug RED.log.debug(lightId + ' ' + deviceName + ' ' + request.method + ' ' + request.url + ' ' + request.connection.remoteAddress) //Control 1 single light if (lightMatch) { var token = lightMatch[1]; var uuid = lightMatch[2]; uuid = uuid.replace("/", ""); //Receiving PUT request if (request.method == 'PUT') { request.on('data', function(chunk) { RED.log.debug("Receiving PUT data " + chunk.toString()); request.data = JSON.parse(chunk); }); request.on('end', function() { handleAlexaDeviceRequestFunction(request, response, thisNode, config, uuid); }); } //GET 1 single light info else { RED.log.debug("Sending light " + uuid + " to " + request.connection.remoteAddress); var lightJson = constructOneLightConfig(uuid, deviceName, httpPort); response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}); response.end(lightJson); } } //Authorization step (press button on Hue Bridge) else if (authMatch) { const HUE_USERNAME = "1028d66426293e821ecfd9ef1a0731df"; var responseStr = '[{"success":{"username":"' + HUE_USERNAME + '"}}]'; //Response to Hue app RED.log.debug("Sending response to " + request.connection.remoteAddress, responseStr); thisNode.status({fill:"blue", shape:"dot", text:"auth" + " (p:" + httpPort + ")"}); response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}); response.end(responseStr); } //List all lights else if (/^\/api/.exec(request.url)) { RED.log.debug("Sending all lights json to " + request.connection.remoteAddress); thisNode.status({fill:"yellow", shape:"dot", text:"/lights (p:" + httpPort + ")"}); var allLightsConfig = constructAllLightsConfig(lightId, deviceName, httpPort); response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}); response.end(allLightsConfig); } //Discovery XML else if (request.url == '/upnp/amazon-ha-bridge/setup.xml') { RED.log.debug("Sending setup.xml to " + request.connection.remoteAddress); thisNode.status({fill:"yellow", shape:"dot", text:"discovery (p:" + httpPort + ")"}); var rawXml = constructBridgeSetupXml(lightId, deviceName, httpPort); response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/xml', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}); response.end(rawXml); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handle HTTP Request / Alexa // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Handle actual valid request to turn on/off device */ function handleAlexaDeviceRequestFunction(request, response, thisNode, config, uuid) { //Sanity check if (request === null || request === undefined || request.data === null || request.data === undefined) { thisNode.status({fill:"red", shape:"dot", text:"Invalid request (p:" + httpPort + ")"}); return; } //Use the json from Alexa as the base for our msg var msg = request.data; msg.from = request.connection.remoteAddress; //Differentiate between on/off and dimming command. Issue #24 var isOnOffCommand = (msg.on !== undefined && msg.on !== null) && (msg.bri === undefined || msg.bri === null); msg.on_off_command = isOnOffCommand; //Add extra 'payload' parameter which if either "on" or "off" var onoff = "off"; if (request.data.on) //true/false onoff = "on"; msg.payload = onoff; justDoIt(thisNode, config, uuid, msg); //Retrieve the last known state var state = getLightStateForLightId(uuid); RED.log.debug("State: " + state); if (state === undefined || state === null) state = "true"; else state = state ? "true" : "false"; //Response to Alexa var responseStr = '[{"success":{"/lights/' + uuid + '/state/on":' + state + '}}]'; RED.log.debug("Sending response to " + request.connection.remoteAddress, responseStr); response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}); response.end(responseStr); } function justDoIt(thisNode, config, uuid, msg) { //Node parameters var deviceName = ""; if (config.devicename) deviceName = config.devicename; var httpPort = 8082; if (config.port && config.port > 0) httpPort = config.port; //Detect increase/decrease command msg.change_direction = 0; if (msg.bri && msg.bri == bri_default - 64) //magic number msg.change_direction = -1; if (msg.bri && msg.bri == bri_default + 63) //magic number msg.change_direction = 1; //Toggle command if (msg.payload === "toggle") { var state = getLightStateForLightId(uuid); var isOn = !state; msg.payload = isOn ? "on" : "off"; } //Dimming or Temperature command if (msg.bri) { //Save the last value (raw value) setLightBriForLightId(uuid, msg.bri); msg.bri = Math.round(msg.bri / 255.0 * 100.0); msg.bri_normalized = msg.bri / 100.0; msg.on = msg.bri > 0; msg.payload = msg.on ? "on" : "off"; //Save the last state value setLightStateForLightId(uuid, msg.on); //Node status thisNode.status({fill:"blue", shape:"dot", text:"bri:" + msg.bri + " (p:" + httpPort + ")"}); } //On/off command else { var isOn = (msg.payload == "on") msg.bri = isOn ? 100 : 0; msg.bri_normalized = isOn ? 1.0 : 0.0; //Save the last state value setLightStateForLightId(uuid, isOn); //Restore the previous value before off command var savedBri = getLightBriForLightId(uuid); if (isOn) { if (savedBri && savedBri > 0) { msg.bri = Math.round(savedBri / 255.0 * 100.0); msg.bri_normalized = msg.bri / 100.0; } } //Output the saved bri value for troubleshooting else { if (savedBri) { msg.saved_bri = Math.round(savedBri / 255.0 * 100.0); msg.save_bri_normalized = msg.saved_bri / 100.0; } } //Node status thisNode.status({fill:"blue", shape:"dot", text:"" + msg.payload + " (p:" + httpPort + ")"}); } //Add extra device parameters msg.device_name = deviceName; msg.light_id = uuid; msg.port = httpPort; //Send the message to next node thisNode.send(msg); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Input Hanlding // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function handleInputMessage(thisNode, config, msg) { if (msg == null || msg.payload === null || msg.payload === undefined) { thisNode.status({fill:"red", shape:"dot", text:"invalid payload received"}); return; } var lightId = formatUUID(config.id); //Differentiate between on/off and dimming command. Issue #24 var isOnOffCommand = false; var briInput = 0; msg.payload = "" + msg.payload; msg.payload = msg.payload.trim().toLowerCase(); if (msg.payload === "toggle") { isOnOffCommand = true; } else if (msg.payload === "on") { msg.payload = "on"; briInput = 100; isOnOffCommand = true; } else if (msg.payload === "off") { msg.payload = "off"; briInput = 0; isOnOffCommand = true; } else if (msg.payload.startsWith("+") || msg.payload.startsWith("-")) { var delta100 = Math.round(parseFloat(msg.payload)); //given by user in 0-100 range var delta255 = Math.round(delta100 / 100.0 * 255.0) var currentBri = getLightBriForLightId(lightId); briInput = Math.round((currentBri + delta255) / 255.0 * 100.0); briInput = Math.min(100, Math.max(briInput, 0)); //limit 0-100 range msg.bri = Math.round(parseFloat(briInput) / 100.0 * 255.0); //mapping 0-100 to 0-255 scale msg.payload = (msg.bri > 0) ? "on" : "off"; isOnOffCommand = false; } else if (msg.payload === "increase" || msg.payload === "brighter") { var currentBri = getLightBriForLightId(lightId); briInput = Math.round((currentBri + 63) / 255.0 * 100.0); briInput = Math.min(100, Math.max(briInput, 0)); //limit 0-100 range msg.bri = Math.round(parseFloat(briInput) / 100.0 * 255.0); //mapping 0-100 to 0-255 scale msg.payload = (msg.bri > 0) ? "on" : "off"; isOnOffCommand = false; } else if (msg.payload === "decrease" || msg.payload === "dimmer") { var currentBri = getLightBriForLightId(lightId); briInput = Math.round((currentBri - 64) / 255.0 * 100.0); //mapping 0-255 to 0-100 scale briInput = Math.min(100, Math.max(briInput, 0)); //limit 0-100 range msg.bri = Math.round(parseFloat(briInput) / 100.0 * 255.0); //mapping 0-100 to 0-255 scale msg.payload = (msg.bri > 0) ? "on" : "off"; isOnOffCommand = false; } else { briInput = Math.round(parseFloat(msg.payload)); briInput = Math.min(100, Math.max(briInput, 0)); //limit 0-100 range msg.bri = Math.round(parseFloat(msg.payload) / 100.0 * 255.0); //mapping 0-100 to 0-255 scale msg.payload = (msg.bri > 0) ? "on" : "off"; isOnOffCommand = false; } msg.on_off_command = isOnOffCommand; //Check if we want to trigger the node var inputTrigger = false; if (config.inputtrigger) inputTrigger = config.inputtrigger; if (inputTrigger) { justDoIt(thisNode, config, lightId, msg); return; } //No trigger, simply update the internal 'bri' value var bri = Math.round(briInput / 100.0 * 255.0); setLightBriForLightId(lightId, bri); thisNode.status({fill:"blue", shape:"dot", text:"updated bri:" + briInput}); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Persistent helper // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * We use NodeRED's Node ID as the UUID for Alexa device, with some tweaking */ function formatUUID(lightId) { if (lightId === null || lightId === undefined) return ""; var string = ("" + lightId); return string.replace(".", "").trim(); } function formatHueBridgeUUID(lightId) { if (lightId === null || lightId === undefined) return ""; var uuid = "f6543a06-da50-11ba-8d8f-"; uuid += formatUUID(lightId); return uuid; // f6543a06-da50-11ba-8d8f-5ccf7f139f3d } /* * Retrieve the port number used by a given NodeId from persistent storage */ function getPortForLightId(lightId) { if (storage === null || storage === undefined) return 0; if (lightId === null || lightId === undefined) return 0; var key = formatUUID(lightId); var value = storage.getItemSync(key); if (value === null || value === undefined || value <= 0 || value >= 65536) return 0; return value; } /* * Save the port number used by a given NodeId to persistent storage */ function setPortForLightId(lightId, value) { var key = formatUUID(lightId); if (storage) storage.setItemSync(key, value); } /* * Remove the port number used by a given NodeId in persistent storage */ function clearPortForLightId(lightId) { var key = formatUUID(lightId); if (storage) storage.removeItemSync(key); } /* * Retrieve the 'bri' value used by a given NodeId from persistent storage */ function getLightBriForLightId(lightId) { if (storage === null || storage === undefined) { RED.log.warn("storage is null in getLightBriForLightId"); return null; } if (lightId === null || lightId === undefined) { RED.log.warn("lightId is null"); return null; } var key = formatUUID(lightId) + "_bri"; var value = storage.getItemSync(key); if (value === null || value === undefined || value < 0 || value >= 65536) { //RED.log.warn("light bri is null in storage"); return null; } return value; } /* * Save the 'bri' value used by a given NodeId to persistent storage */ function setLightBriForLightId(lightId, value) { if (storage === null || storage === undefined) { RED.log.warn("storage is null in setLightBriForLightId"); return null; } if (lightId === null || lightId === undefined) { RED.log.warn("lightId is null"); return null; } var key = formatUUID(lightId) + "_bri"; storage.setItemSync(key, value); } /* * Remove the 'bri' value used by a given NodeId in persistent storage */ function clearLightBriForLightId(lightId) { if (storage === null || storage === undefined) { RED.log.warn("storage is null in clearLightBriForLightId"); return null; } if (lightId === null || lightId === undefined) { RED.log.warn("lightId is null"); return null; } var key = formatUUID(lightId) + "_bri"; storage.removeItemSync(key); } /* * Retrieve the 'bri' value used by a given NodeId from persistent storage */ function getLightBriForLightId(lightId) { if (storage === null || storage === undefined) { RED.log.warn("storage is null in getLightBriForLightId"); return null; } if (lightId === null || lightId === undefined) { RED.log.warn("lightId is null"); return null; } var key = formatUUID(lightId) + "_bri"; var value = storage.getItemSync(key); if (value === null || value === undefined || value < 0 || value >= 65536) { //RED.log.warn("light bri is null in storage"); return null; } return value; } /* * Save the 'bri' value used by a given NodeId to persistent storage */ function setLightBriForLightId(lightId, value) { var key = formatUUID(lightId) + "_bri"; if (storage) storage.setItemSync(key, value); } /* * Remove the 'bri' value used by a given NodeId in persistent storage */ function clearLightBriForLightId(lightId) { var key = formatUUID(lightId) + "_bri"; if (storage) storage.removeItemSync(key); } /* * Retrieve the 'bri' value used by a given NodeId from persistent storage */ function getLightStateForLightId(lightId) { if (storage === null || storage === undefined) { RED.log.warn("storage is null in getLightStateForLightId"); return null; } if (lightId === null || lightId === undefined) { RED.log.warn("lightId is null"); return null; } var key = formatUUID(lightId) + "_state"; var value = storage.getItemSync(key); if (value === null || value === undefined || value < 0 || value >= 65536) { //RED.log.warn("light state is null in storage"); return null; } return value; } /* * Save the 'bri' value used by a given NodeId to persistent storage */ function setLightStateForLightId(lightId, value) { if (storage === null || storage === undefined) { RED.log.warn("storage is null in setLightStateForLightId"); return; } if (lightId === null || lightId === undefined) { RED.log.warn("lightId is null"); return null; } var key = formatUUID(lightId) + "_state"; storage.setItemSync(key, value); } /* * Remove the 'bri' value used by a given NodeId in persistent storage */ function clearLightStateForLightId(lightId) { if (storage === null || storage === undefined) { RED.log.warn("storage is null in clearLightStateForLightId"); return; } if (lightId === null || lightId === undefined) { RED.log.warn("lightId is null"); return null; } var key = formatUUID(lightId) + "_state"; storage.removeItemSync(key); } }