service: port: 5000 appPort: 8080 image: repository: orkesio/orkes-conductor-server pullPolicy: IfNotPresent livenessPort: 5000 workerImage: repository: orkesio/orkes-conductor-workers pullPolicy: IfNotPresent app: replicaCount: 3 env: aws s3Region: "us-east-1" springProfilesActive: "logrotate,postgres" sweepBatchSize: "20" schedulerPollingInterval: "50" lockTimeToTry: "75" documentStoreUploaderThreadCount: "15" dbIndexerThreadCount: "5" dbIndexerPollingInterval: "1" swaggerUrl: "/" sweeperThreadCount: "20" schedulerPollBatchSize: "10" dbIndexerPollBatchSize: "30" sweepFrequencyMillis: "1" # The max memory should be at least 300M less than pod resource limit jvmSettings: "-Xms1500M -Xmx2500M" systemTaskMaxPollCount: "20" workflowExecutionLockEnabled: "true" limits: maxWorkflowSizeInMiB: "20" maxTaskSizeInKiB: "200" maxTaskInWorkflowExecution: "1000" maxTaskInWorkflowDefinition: "1000" apiRateLimiterEnabled: "true" humanTasksEnabled: "false" # documentStoreS3BucketName: Required if archiveStoreType = s3 documentStoreS3BucketName: # documentStoreAzureBlobContainerName, documentStoreAzureBlobEndpoint: Required if archiveStoreType = azureblob documentStoreAzureBlobContainerName: documentStoreAzureBlobEndpoint: documentStoreAzureUseSASToken: "false" customLogoUrl: # postgres, s3, azureblob, gcp archiveStoreType: "postgres" resources: cpuLimit: "3" memoryLimit: "3Gi" cpuRequests: "2" memoryRequests: "2Gi" # Provide the name of the key vault if you are using key vault for secret management # Pre-requisite - the Azure SDK used by Conductor expects the host (i.e. pod/container) to be able to access this vault # by credentials from the environment. Typically, you would use something like Azure Workload Identity # Read more here: azureKeyVaultName: secrets: type: memory ssmPath: workers: replicaCount: 2 accessKeyId: # Key ID (random value) accessKeySecret: # Secret (secret value) springProfilesActive: "logrotate" blockIps: "" # The max memory should be at least 300M less than pod resource limit jvmSettings: "-Xms750M -Xmx1500M" resources: cpuLimit: "2" memoryLimit: "2Gi" cpuRequests: "1" memoryRequests: "1Gi" redis: port: 6379 ssl: false host: password: dbIndex: 0 clusterMode: false postgres: username: password: url: conductor: persistence: type: postgres imageCredentials: registry: username: orkesdocker email: password: enableCustomTrustStore: false # If you are using a custom trust store, provide the following variables # jksFileName: # jksFilePassword: security: allowedOrigins: "*" enabled: false overwriteDefault: true createUserOnAuthentication: false # Please note that the admin user has to login first and create this group defaultUserGroupsOnCreate: all_users defaultUserEmail: defaultUserName: # Secret used to sign JWTs. How to generate it? openssl rand -base64 172 | tr -d '\n' jwt: secret: "" # Create an account in Auth0, Create a SPA - get the following info. # clientSecret is only needed if useIdToken: false # auth0: # useIdToken: true # clientSecret: # clientId: # domain: # Get this config from your OIDC Provider # oidc: # clientId: # audience: # metadataUrl: # emailClaim: # okta: # clientId: # audience: # issuer: # useInteractionCodeFlow: # idpConf: