# Multiple accounts for Github Github doesn't allow you to use the same SSH key for multiple accounts, because in this case server wouldn't detect by your key which account you want to use. Fortunately, Github makes correct redirects from subdomains. Let's use it. Add new ssh key: ```bash ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "newuser@yourteam.com" -f .ssh/id_rsa_newuser ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_newuser ``` Create `~/.ssh/config` with following rule to say ssh use new key for new domain: ``` Host github.com-newuser HostName yourteam.github.com User git IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_ewuser ``` Add this line in your `/etc/hosts`: ``` yourteam.github.com ``` That's all! Now use `yourteam.github.com` instead of `github.com` in your remote URL.