import { UpdateVerificationFlowBody, VerificationFlow } from "@ory/client" import { useFocusEffect } from "@react-navigation/native" import { StackScreenProps } from "@react-navigation/stack" import React, { useCallback, useContext, useState } from "react" import { getNodeId, handleFormSubmitError } from "../../helpers/form" import AuthLayout from "../Layout/AuthLayout" import ProjectPicker from "../Layout/ProjectPicker" import { RootStackParamList } from "../Navigation" import { SelfServiceFlow } from "../Ory/Ui" import { ProjectContext } from "../ProjectProvider" import AuthSubTitle from "../Styled/AuthSubTitle" import NavigationCard from "../Styled/NavigationCard" import StyledButton from "../Styled/StyledButton" import StyledCard from "../Styled/StyledCard" import { logSDKError } from "../../helpers/axios" type Props = StackScreenProps export default function Verification({ navigation, route }: Props) { const [flow, setFlow] = useState(undefined) const { sdk } = useContext(ProjectContext) const initializeFlow = () => sdk .createNativeVerificationFlow() // The flow was initialized successfully, let's set the form data: .then(({ data: flow }) => { setFlow(flow) }) .catch(logSDKError) const fetchFlow = (id: string) => sdk .getVerificationFlow({ id }) .then(({ data }) => { setFlow(data) }) .catch(logSDKError) // When the component is mounted, we initialize a new verification flow // or use the id provided by the route params to fetch that flow: useFocusEffect( useCallback(() => { if (route.params.flowId) { fetchFlow(route.params.flowId) } else { initializeFlow() } return () => { setFlow(undefined) } }, [sdk, route.params.flowId]), ) // This will update the verification flow with the user provided input: const onSubmit = async ( payload: UpdateVerificationFlowBody, ): Promise => { if (!flow) { return } sdk .updateVerificationFlow({ flow:, updateVerificationFlowBody: payload, }) .then(({ data }) => { setFlow(data) }) .catch( handleFormSubmitError( flow, setFlow, initializeFlow, () => {}, async () => {}, ), ) } return ( Verify your account { switch (getNodeId(field)) { case "": return { autoCapitalize: "none", autoCompleteType: "email", textContentType: "username", autoCorrect: false, } } return props }} flow={flow} onSubmit={onSubmit} /> {flow?.state === "passed_challenge" && ( navigation.navigate("Home")} title="Continue" /> )} navigation.navigate({ key: "Login" })} /> ) }