// Copyright © 2023 Ory Corp // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package main import ( "context" "github.com/ory/kratos/examples/go/pkg" ory "github.com/ory/client-go" ) // If you use Open Source this would be: // // var client = pkg.NewSDKForSelfHosted("") var client = pkg.NewSDK("playground") func performLogin() *ory.SuccessfulNativeLogin { ctx := context.Background() // Create a temporary user email, password := pkg.RandomCredentials() _, _ = pkg.CreateIdentityWithSession(client, email, password) // Initialize the flow flow, res, err := client.FrontendApi.CreateNativeLoginFlow(ctx).Execute() pkg.SDKExitOnError(err, res) // If you want, print the flow here: // // pkg.PrintJSONPretty(flow) // Submit the form result, res, err := client.FrontendApi.UpdateLoginFlow(ctx).Flow(flow.Id).UpdateLoginFlowBody( ory.UpdateLoginFlowWithPasswordMethodAsUpdateLoginFlowBody(&ory.UpdateLoginFlowWithPasswordMethod{ Method: "password", Password: password, PasswordIdentifier: &email, }), ).Execute() pkg.SDKExitOnError(err, res) return result } func main() { pkg.PrintJSONPretty( performLogin(), ) }