window.onload = () => { resize(12) document.querySelector("#initialGrid").classList.add("btnToggle"); btnMngr('colorBtn'); //Run the INITIAL gridsize function } let brushColor = "var(--grid-hover-color)"; let activeBrush; colorPicker(); function gridSize(sizeSquared){ for (let i = sizeSquared; i > 0; i--){ const div = document.createElement("div"); div.classList.add('gridBlock', 'gridBlockOutline'); div.setAttribute('draggable', 'false'); grid.append(div); // Add a mousedown event listener to the div div.addEventListener('mousedown', function() { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = brushColor; }); // Add a mouseenter event listener to the div div.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { // Check if the mouse is being clicked if (event.buttons === 1) { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = brushColor; } }); div.addEventListener('dragenter', function() { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = brushColor; }); } } //Create a div cell for the grid, //Add the class .gridBlock, append to the grid, apply mouseover events //loops x times based on resize(func) function removeAllChildNodes(parent) { grid.innerHTML = ''; } //this used to use a for.each to remove the gridblocks, hence the name //but now it's much simpler and just destroys the inner HTML function resize(num){ /*This removes the outline from all resize btns, then adds to the active/clicked button*/ document.querySelectorAll(".sizeBtn").forEach(item => { item.classList.remove("btnToggle"); }) document.activeElement.classList.add("btnToggle"); /*This removes the outline from all resize btns, then adds to the active/clicked button*/ /*Code below runs grid resizing*/ document.querySelector("#toggleGrid").classList.add("btnToggle"); removeAllChildNodes(grid); gridSize(num * num); = "repeat(" + num + ", 1fr)"; = "repeat(" + num + ", 1fr)"; //Takes the resize btn value as param. //Also runs the gridBlock element remover FIRST. //the ORDER of this function is vital else grid won't render properly. //Code below checks active brush and runs btnMnger function //add any future brush buttons here, and in button manager function switch (activeBrush){ case "eraser": btnMngr('eraser'); break; case "colorBtn": btnMngr('colorBtn'); break; case "kekw": btnMngr('kekw'); break; case "psychoKek": btnMngr('psychoKek'); break; } } ////----Options Buttons Functions-----//// function toggleGrid(){ document.activeElement.classList.toggle("btnToggle"); document.querySelectorAll(".gridBlock").forEach(item => { item.classList.toggle("gridBlockOutline"); }) } //Toggles grid lines - in the form of css outline class toggle function clearGraffiti(){ document.querySelectorAll(".gridBlock").forEach(item => { = "var(--grid-base-color)"; = "none"; }) } //resets grid colors to base canvas color function colorPicker(){ let colorPicker = document.querySelector("#colorPicker"); colorPicker.addEventListener("input", function(){ brushColor = colorPicker.value; brush(); }) } ///////////////////////////////////// //Eraser and Brush Color Toggle Functions function eraserColor(){ document.querySelectorAll(".gridBlock").forEach(item => { // Add a mousedown event listener to the div item.addEventListener('mousedown', function() { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = "var(--grid-base-color)"; = "none"; }); // Add a mouseenter event listener to the div item.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { // Check if the mouse is being clicked if (event.buttons === 1) { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = "var(--grid-base-color)"; = "none"; } }); item.addEventListener('dragenter', function() { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = "var(--grid-base-color)"; = "none"; }); }) } function brush(){ document.querySelectorAll(".gridBlock").forEach(item => { // Add a mousedown event listener to the div item.addEventListener('mousedown', function() { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = brushColor; = "none"; }); // Add a mouseenter event listener to the div item.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { // Check if the mouse is being clicked if (event.buttons === 1) { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = brushColor; = "none"; } }); item.addEventListener('dragenter', function() { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = brushColor; = "none"; }); })} //this 'brush()' function is what physically applies the color, however it is //dependant on colorPicker() to get the color - which gets called at page load /////////////////////////////////////////////////// function kekw(){ document.querySelectorAll(".gridBlock").forEach(item => { // Add a mousedown event listener to the div item.addEventListener('mousedown', function() { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = "url('kekw.jpg')"; = "cover"; }); // Add a mouseenter event listener to the div item.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { // Check if the mouse is being clicked if (event.buttons === 1) { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = "url('kekw.jpg')"; = "cover"; } }); item.addEventListener('dragenter', function() { // Change the color of the div to the hover color = "url('kekw.jpg')"; = "cover"; }); })}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////reusable random color generator (var)//////////////// let randColor = () => { let hex = Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16).padStart(6, '0').toUpperCase(); let opacity = 80; //80 is a hex value for 50% opacity return "(#" + hex + opacity + ", #" + hex + opacity + ")" } //generates a random HEX color value; (note: function, even though looks like a var) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function psychoKek(){ document.querySelectorAll(".gridBlock").forEach(item => { // Add a mousedown event listener to the div item.addEventListener('mousedown', function() { // Change the color of the div to the hover color // = "rgba(50, 70, 80, 0.1)"; = "linear-gradient" + randColor() + ", url('kekw.jpg')"; = "cover"; }); // Add a mouseenter event listener to the div item.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { // Check if the mouse is being clicked if (event.buttons === 1) { // Change the color of the div to the hover color // = "rgba(50, 70, 80, 0.1)"; = "linear-gradient" + randColor() + ", url('kekw.jpg')"; = "cover"; } }); item.addEventListener('dragenter', function() { // Change the color of the div to the hover color // = "rgba(50, 70, 80, 0.1)"; = "linear-gradient" + randColor() + ", url('kekw.jpg')"; = "cover"; }); })} /////////central function for setting active button states///// function btnMngr(brushtype){ document.querySelector("#colorBtn").classList.remove("btnToggle"); document.querySelector("#toggleEraser").classList.remove("btnToggle"); document.querySelector("#kekw").classList.remove("btnToggle"); document.querySelector("#psychoKek").classList.remove("btnToggle"); switch (brushtype){ case "eraser": document.querySelector("#toggleEraser").classList.add("btnToggle"); eraserColor(); activeBrush = "eraser"; break; case "colorBtn": //call this from the colorPicker eventlistener(????) document.querySelector("#colorBtn").classList.add("btnToggle"); brush(); activeBrush = "colorBtn"; break; case "kekw": document.querySelector("#kekw").classList.add("btnToggle"); kekw(); activeBrush = "kekw"; break; case "psychoKek": document.querySelector("#psychoKek").classList.add("btnToggle"); psychoKek(); activeBrush = "psychoKek"; } } // any future buttons must be added here, and in 'activeBrush' near top of file